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理性广告和情感广告对消费者品牌态度的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
理性诉求和情感诉求是两种基本的广告诉求形式,根据诉求重点的不同,广告可分为理性广告、情感广告和混合型广告。有关研究表明,和理性广告相比消费者更乐意接受情感广告,但是,消费者最关心的是产品特性的信息。精细加工可能性模型揭示了不同条件下消费者加工广告信息时所使用的不同策略。进一步的研究将揭示出不同的诉求形式对消费者的品牌态度产生影响的条件。  相似文献   

品牌熟悉对广告过程中品牌态度改变的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄劲松  赵平  陆奇斌 《心理科学》2006,29(4):970-972
文章通过分析广告前后被试者品牌态度的变化,研究了在不同的广告态度和信息相关度条件下被试者品牌熟悉程度对品牌态度变化的影响。结果显示品牌熟悉程度对品牌态度变化的调节作用并非单向的,而是与广告态度和信息相关度交互产生作用的。当被试者不熟悉品牌且有正面的广告态度时或当被试者不熟悉品牌且信息相关度较低时广告才能产生说服效果,进而使被试者的品牌态度发生改变。  相似文献   

Studies about attitude formation have pointed out the importance of sampling behavior. When thinking about actual social interaction scenes, it may be better to consider them as attitude-updating processes between those who have already formed attitudes based on some experience. Sixty-five participants took part in the experiment, in which the other's positive attitude and the participant's own prior experience were manipulated. After participants had been presented five types of puzzles (experience: direct vs. indirect), which had been made to improve analytic ability, their attitudes towards the puzzles were measured (“pre attitude”). They were shown the other's positive attitude (inconsistent vs. consistent), and they were given 10 min of free time before “testing on their analytic ability.” The amount of time spent on each puzzle was recorded to index sampling behavior and the attitudes towards the puzzles were measured after the free time (“post attitude”). The results of analyses showed that the other's positive attitude increased sampling behavior when the participant's attitude was positive (first-ranked) and negative (fifth-ranked), and that prior experience and sampling contributed to attitude change for the first-ranked puzzle. Those who had had direct experience and those who had spent more time sampling this puzzle tended to maintain their previous positive attitude. The potential boundary conditions of social influence on sampling behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

樊春雷  张爱玲 《心理学报》2007,39(2):355-361
运用态度量表和反应时实验比较了品牌态度强度与品牌态度可达性的关系性质。研究发现,女性被试对保健品品牌要素的态度评价越肯定,态度通达和提取的时间就越快,两者之间形成有规律的函数关系;但在否定性态度条件下,没有出现类似的规律性;当要求被试把模糊性态度明确为肯定或否定态度时,67%的被试明确为否定态度,但所用时间显著慢于明确为肯定态度所用的时间  相似文献   

通过考察经验水平和线索提示对他人焦虑共情的影响特点,揭示有经验者低共情的原因和提高共情的方法。结果发现:(1)有经验组的焦虑共情得分显著低于正在经验组;(2)详细线索条件下被试的共情得分显著高于概括线索条件下被试的得分;(3)详细线索条件下,经验匹配被试的焦虑共情显著高于经验不匹配被试。研究表明,在一般情境和简单线索条件下有经验被试对他人没有高的焦虑共情,但详细线索提示可以唤醒情绪记忆,显著提高有经验被试的共情水平。  相似文献   

The use of a celebrity endorser who is well recognized and favorably evaluated by the target viewers is a common strategy used by advertisers to increase the persuasiveness of an advertisement. Yet, at the same time, being skeptical of the claim being made by the celebrity endorser is the typical response of the viewers to such persuasion attempts. The present research examines how these effects potentially counterbalance each other as viewers evaluate the advertised brand in a low-involvement setting. The results show that the degree of ad skepticism and the relative allocation of attentional resources to celebrity and brand elements in advertisements determine how preference for a celebrity endorser is transferred to the advertised brand. The findings provide a more complete understanding of the psychological mechanisms by which celebrity preference influences brand attitude change than has previously been available. They indicate that ad skepticism may be the missing link in understanding the effectiveness of celebrity-endorsed advertising.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, virginity pledges have proliferated in the US, despite mixed results regarding their effectiveness. Few studies have examined possible mechanisms that may shed light on why pledges work for some individuals but not others. Using a sample of emerging-adults aged 18–24 years old (n = 1,380), we examine the influence of religiosity on pledge signing and adherence, specifically whether the effectiveness of pledges is moderated by religiosity. Findings show that while religious participation is positively associated with signing a pledge, there is a moderating effect of religious commitment. That is, when religious commitment is high, adherence to the pledge is greater. However, for pledge signers with low religious commitment, there are unintended negative consequences with regard to increased participation in risky sexual behaviors, whether compared to other people who signed the pledge who are equally committed to their religion or to individuals who have never taken such a pledge. Implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

李宏利  张雷 《心理学报》2007,39(3):495-501
本研究分别调查了338名中国父母的严厉教养、抑郁情感与婚姻满意度及其独生子女的情感失调与攻击行为情况。研究结果显示父亲对儿童与自己的类似性判断减弱了父亲严厉教养与儿童的情感失调和攻击行为间的联系,但加强了父亲的严厉教养与抑郁和婚姻不满意度间的关系。这些发现支持了父母教养的进化观点,降低父亲的生殖疑虑可能具有进化适应性,父亲与儿童的类似性判断会提高父亲对儿童的投资  相似文献   

Two experiments qualify the previously observed finding that a moderately incongruent brand extension is evaluated more favorably than a congruent or extremely incongruent brand extension and reconcile this finding with other outcomes that have been reported in the brand extension literature. A congruent brand extension is judged more favorably than either a moderately incongruent extension or an extremely incongruent extension when involvement in the task is low. Apparently, incongruity per se does not always prompt the elaboration required to reconcile a moderately incongruent extension with the parent brand and, thereby, enhance evaluation of the moderately incongruent extension. Further, when involvement is high, a moderately incongruent brand extension may only be judged more favorably than a congruent one if the extension is undifferentiated. If the extension is differentiated, the differentiation may provide a basis for favorable evaluation irrespective of the level of congruity with the brand. Recall of information about the performance of the extension relative to competitive brands and measures of attitude toward the parent brand, fit between the extension and the parent brand, and task satisfaction provide insight into the processes that underlie these effects.  相似文献   

We employed an attributional framework to test the differences between comparative and noncomparative ads when different attribute types were featured. Our experimental findings suggest that noncomparative ads might be more believable than comparative ads for experience attribute claims; however, for search attribute claims, the 2 might elicit similar levels of believability. We also find some support for the attributional underpinnings of lower believability associated with comparative‐experience claims.  相似文献   

Two studies (one field, one experimental) found that the more accurately individuals evaluated their performance, the better they performed on a subsequent task. The first study also found that the more individuals overestimated their previous performance, the lower was their performance on the next task. In contrast, the evaluation accuracy of the underestimators was unrelated to their subsequent performance. The second study found that when participants received feedback from an external authority, the effect of the inaccuracy of self-performance evaluation on subsequent performance was reduced. The results of the 2 studies are explained in motivational and cognitive terms.  相似文献   

品牌延伸中母品牌的作用机制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
品牌延伸研究近年来受到了国外营销学界的普遍关注,母品牌在延伸行为中的作用机制是其中的一个热点问题。文章在查阅有关文献的基础上,对该领域影响比较大的两个延伸评价模型,情感迁移模型和联想需求模型,进行了较为深入的介绍、评述和比较。两个模型都从消费者认知的角度来理解延伸评价的形成,其中涉及到刺激泛化、类化和精细计算加工等认知过程。  相似文献   

以547名4-6年级学生为研究对象,采用网络行为调查问卷、家庭富裕量表和青少年自我控制双系统量表,探讨儿童网络行为与学业成绩之间的关系,以及自我控制在二者之间的调节作用。结果发现:(1)儿童网络信息获取行为能够正向预测语文成绩;(2)自我控制调节网络信息获取行为与语文成绩之间的关系,同时也在儿童网络社交行为与语文成绩之间起调节作用。具体而言,自我控制中延迟满足的能力能够增强网络信息获取对语文成绩的促进作用,并且减缓网络社交行为对儿童的语文成绩的消极影响。  相似文献   

孙瑾  张红霞 《心理学报》2012,44(5):698-710
品牌管理者最首要的决策就是选择一个好记的或有意义的品牌名字。由于任何特征的品牌名字都必须借助消费者的认知差异来实现真正的差异化, 因此, 从消费者认知特点出发研究暗示性品牌名字就显得尤为重要和有意义。本文通过3个实验, 分别验证了消费者认知需要和专业化水平对品牌名称暗示性与决策选择的调节作用。方差分析发现:低专业化水平的消费者更倾向于根据暗示性的品牌名字做出决策, 而高专业化水平的消费者则不受品牌名称暗示程度的影响。此外, 低认知需要的消费者比较喜欢暗示性的品牌名字, 而对于高认知需要的消费者来说, 品牌名字的暗示性程度不会对其决策过程产生影响。最后, 研究结果揭示了专业化水平和认知需要对暗示性品牌名字效果发挥具有交互作用。对于具有高专业化水平的消费者来说, 无论他们处于低认知需要还是高认知需要, 品牌名字的暗示程度都不会影响他们的态度形成。相反地,对于具有低专业化水平的消费者来说, 无论是低认知需要还是高认知需要均倾向于暗示性的品牌名字。而对于专业化程度中等的消费者而言, 暗示性品牌名字效用的发挥则取决于其处理信息的动机—认知需要水平。  相似文献   

旨在探讨大学生的内控自杀动机在认知资源与内隐自杀态度的关系中是否存在调节作用。研究发现,内控自杀动机低自我决定的大学生内隐层面对自杀的赞同程度在有认知资源时要显著低于无认知资源时,而高自我决定的大学生在有或无认知资源时内隐层面对自杀的赞同程度无差异显著。说明内控自杀动机在认知资源与内隐自杀态度的关系中具有显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

Attitude change in women's and gender studies (WGS) students has been a central goal of the WGS movement since its inception. Attitude change theory stresses the crucial roles of prior attitudes and attitude importance in the effectiveness of a persuasive message. This study examined attitude change dynamics in 548 WGS students drawn from 32 United States college campuses. Results provided partial support for the following hypotheses: (a) Students with attitudes discrepant from the WGS message demonstrate more resistance to attitude change when they deem these attitudes to be more important, and (b) WGS class impact is greater among students who rate class‐relevant attitudes as more important.  相似文献   


Within-person studies of emotional disclosure have found evidence of a disclosure-discordance effect of depression, whereby the positive association between the intensity of one’s emotional experience and verbal disclosure of that experience weakens with increasing depression symptoms. Because these previous studies have exclusively been naturalistic ones, we examined the disclosure-discordance effect of depression in the lab. Participants (N?=?115) completed a measure of depression symptoms and viewed a series of emotionally evocative photographs. Emotion-expressive behavior while viewing each photograph was rated by judges, subjective emotional experience was assessed via self-report, and emotional disclosure just after the photograph was viewed was rated by different judges. Multilevel analyses indicated that depression symptoms moderated the association between the behavioral (i.e., facial) expression of emotion intensity and disclosure of emotion. Moderation was not supported in analyses with self-reported emotional intensity as a predictor. These findings partly supported the disclosure-discordance effect, and they inform methods of empirically examining the effect of depression symptoms on the verbal disclosure of emotion.


Studies on the relation between negative affect and later alcohol use have provided mixed results. Because definitions of negative affect often include diverse emotions, researchers have begun to dismantle this higher-order construct in an attempt to explain these inconsistent findings. More recent evidence also indicates that good inhibitory control may moderate the relation between negative emotions and alcohol use. The current longitudinal investigation examined the independent relation between three components of negative affect (i.e., depressed mood, fear, and anger) and alcohol use initiation in a sample of aggressive boys. The moderating effect of good inhibitory control was also examined. Results indicated that increased anger and decreased fearfulness are associated with an increased risk for alcohol use initiation only for boys with moderate to low levels of inhibitory control. However, depressed mood predicted alcohol use initiation for boys with good inhibitory control. The potential implications for substance use prevention efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

自我不确定感是指个体怀疑“自我”,并且对其看法不稳定而产生的内隐与外显的主观感受及反应.其研究方法主要有自我报告法与情境实验法.自DeCremer和Sedikides首先通过实证研究验证了自我不确定感对程序公正效应的调节作用后,研究者们通过将自我不确定感分解为情绪自我不确定、地位不确定和归属不确定以及探讨程序公正认知机制,不断扩展了此领域的研究成果.未来可以通过自我不确定感调节效应的本土化研究,自我不确定感特质与情境成分交互作用的探讨,自我不确定感与自我肯定、信息不确定感等相关变量的关系研究,进一步深化此领域的研究.  相似文献   

容琰  隋杨  杨百寅 《心理学报》2015,47(9):1152-1161
本研究共收集了74个工作团队的数据, 探讨了领导情绪智力对团队层面绩效(任务绩效、利他行为)和态度(满意度、团队承诺)的影响、公平氛围的中介作用以及团队权力距离的调节作用。研究结果表明:领导的情绪智力对团队绩效和态度均有显著的正向影响; 程序公平氛围中介了领导情绪智力对团队任务绩效和利他行为的影响, 交互公平氛围中介了领导情绪智力对团队任务绩效、满意度和团队承诺的影响; 团队权力距离调节了领导情绪智力和交互公平氛围的关系, 该调节关系通过交互公平氛围的中介作用影响团队任务绩效、满意度和团队承诺。  相似文献   

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