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语篇中指代词的分布规律与心理机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
语篇理解加工过程的一个重要环节就是对不同类型的指代词进行解释。首先介绍了指代词在语篇中的分布规律和对局部语篇连贯性的影响;其次,分析了话语信息结构和韵律特征在指代词加工中的作用;然后,揭示了语篇当中不同类型的指代词分布规律的心理机制;最后。对以前指代词研究的贡献和有待解决的问题进行了评述,并指出了几个可行的研究方法。  相似文献   

Three reading-time experiments in Chinese are reported that test contrasting views of how pronominal coreference is achieved. On the one hand, studies of reading time and eye tracking suggest that reduced expressions, such as the pronoun he, serve as critical links to integrate separate utterances into a coherent model of discourse. On the other hand, probe-word recognition studies indicate that full anaphoric expressions, such as a repeated name, are more readily interpreted than reduced expressions due to their rich lexical information, which provides effective cues to match the representation of the appropriate referent in memory. The results indicate that the ease of integrating the critical referent into a model of discourse is a function of the congruence of lexical, semantic, and discourse features conveyed by a syntactically prominent reduced expression within linguistic input. This pattern supports the view that a reduced expression is interpreted on-line and indeed plays a critical role in promoting discourse coherence by facilitating the semantic integration of separate utterances.  相似文献   

为了在语篇的层面上从浅层的语词加工和深层的情境加工两个角度考察时间参照加工的特点,采用单因素4水平重复测量实验设计,使用EyelinkⅡ型眼动仪比较了时间参照与时间转换的眼动指标。结果显示,时间词区:远参照与短时转换的眼动指标接近,近参照与长时转换的指标接近;关键事件区:远参照与长时转换的指标接近,近参照与短时转换的指标接近。结果表明时间参照表现出类似时间转换的特点,其特点与能否维系语篇的因果连贯性相关。  相似文献   

研究区分了两种不同的“话语”定义,它们各自引申出一类“话语分析”。最为常见的是话语的描述性定义——“话语是建构某个对象的意义、表征或陈述系统”;另一种是功能性定义——“话语即做事”;“话语即行动”;“话语即实践”。话语分析在心理学中首先是一种研究立场,其次是一类研究方法。作为研究立场,话语分析悬置了心理、人格等传统心理学构念;解构了实证研究的客观性原则;重新调整了心理学的研究目标。作为研究方法,心理学中的话语分析有修辞研究、隐喻研究、叙事研究等多种形式  相似文献   

N400作为语义违反的特异性ERP组分,其波幅反映了语义整合加工过程的难度,因此可将其作为研究语篇语境意义建构过程的一项重要指标。语篇语境可分为语言语境和非语言语境。前人一系列基于语篇水平的N400研究表明,从语义的角度上看,语言语境对句子理解具有制约和协调作用,其机制涉及词汇语义启动、场景适宜性、文字内容信息以及因果推理等方面;非语言语境对句子理解具有制约和补充作用,但其机制尚不明确。两种不同来源的语义信息在实时理解中是同时得到加工的  相似文献   

重读在口语语篇理解加工中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨玉芳  李晓庆 《心理学报》2004,36(4):393-399
用三个实验探索了重读在口语语篇理解加工中的作用。其中实验1利用以句子为单位的口语动窗法,考察了重读如何影响语篇的临场加工速度。实验2和实验3利用词汇再认任务,考察了重读对语篇临场加工效果(即信息在语篇表征中的激活水平)的影响。结果表明:与控制条件相比,一致性重读加快语篇的临场加工,不一致性重读减慢语篇的理解加工;与控制条件相比,一致性重读提高了新信息在语篇表征中的激活水平;不一致性重读虽然促进了所标示的旧信息的激活,但是对于相对重要的新信息的激活具有抑制作用。从而说明一致性重读对语篇理解具有促进作用,而不一致性重读阻碍语篇理解。这一促进和抑制作用不仅体现于语篇的临场加工过程中,而且表现在即时的语篇加工效果中。  相似文献   

张璇  杨玉芳 《心理学报》2010,42(7):727-734
本文探索了工作记忆容量对语篇理解中重读效应的影响。采用阅读广度测验对工作记忆容量进行测量, 筛选出高、低广度两组被试。并采用听觉动窗实验范式, 比较两组被试在语篇理解中即时加工时间的差异。研究结果表明, 重读效应受到工作记忆广度的显著影响。对于低工作记忆广度被试, 一致性重读促进语篇理解, 不一致性重读阻碍语篇理解; 但对于高工作记忆广度被试, 一致性重读的促进效应和不一致性重读的阻碍效应都不显著。另外, 只有在不一致性重读条件下, 低广度者语篇理解的即时加工时间显著多于高广度者, 而在一致性重读和无重读条件下则没有显著差异。最后用工作记忆的控制性注意理论对研究结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Intercultural discourse (especially via a lingua franca when interlocutors have a false impression that they are speaking one and the same language) adds a new dimension – facework (the establishment of culture-sensitive politeness strategies) – to the theory and practice of argumentation from a number of perspectives: its specificity as compared to ordinary argumentational discourse, the interpretation of the concept of incommensurability, and the conduct of international negotiations. Politeness systems relevant for different cultures are not unpredictable, but represent linguistically and cognitively a highly generalised universal system which can be adopted by interlocutors and used in practical discourse. Politeness expressions are governed by linguistic components – by language forms of a certain type and by specific discourse patterns. The proper choice of language forms and discourse patterns adds a special dimension to argumentative schemata. The politeness-relevant packaging of discourse adds a zero-step to the normative stages of an argumentative discussion (establishing hierarchical relations as such), and needs permanent alignment of these relations, by using correct language forms and discourse patterns.  相似文献   

汉语词汇产生中词汇选择和音韵编码之间的交互作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张清芳  杨玉芳 《心理学报》2006,38(4):480-488
采取图画-词汇干扰实验范式,探索汉语单音节词汇产生中词汇选择和音韵编码之间的交互作用。实验一探测目标图画语义相关项的语音激活,观察到了非目标项的语音激活。实验二探测目标图画语义相关项的字形激活,未发现非目标项的字形激活。在改进实验条件的基础上,实验三验证实验一和二,并探测目标图画字形相关项的语音激活以及语音相关项的字形激活,结果未探测到语义相关项的字形或语音激活、语音相关项的字形激活,只发现了字形相关项的语音激活。实验一至三的结果表明汉语词汇产生中存在目标字字形相关项的语音激活,但不存在从音韵编码阶段至词汇选择阶段的激活反馈。综合上述结果,从是否存在多重的字形或语音激活,以及是否存在从音韵编码至词汇选择的反馈两个方面进行了讨论。研究结果倾向于支持词汇产生中层叠式理论的观点  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported that examined whether stem complexity plays a role in inflecting polymorphemic words in language production. Experiment 1 showed that preparation effects for words with polymorphemic stems are larger when they are produced among words with constant inflectional structures compared to words with variable inflectional structures and simple stems. This replicates earlier findings for words with monomorphemic stems (Janssen et al., 2002). Experiments 2 and 3 showed that when inflectional structure is held constant, the preparation effects are equally large with simple and compound stems, and with compound and complex adjectival stems. These results indicate that inflectional encoding is blind to the complexity of the stem, which suggests that specific inflectional rather than generic morphological frames guide the generation of inflected forms in speaking words.  相似文献   

This review article argues that Wouter Hanegraaff's Esotericism and the Academy is deeply influenced by a methodological cluster usually referred to as ‘discourse theory.’ That the author is not willing to classify his own approach as such is explained with recourse to his dispute with Kocku von Stuckrad, who, according to Hanegraaff, would embody discourse theory, whereas Hanegraaff would embody history. A comparison of Hanegraaff's Esotericism and the Academy: Rejected Knowledge in Western Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) and von Stuckrad's Locations of Knowledge in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Esoteric Discourse and Western Identities (Leiden: Brill, 2010) reveals that this is a misleading classification and that Hanegraaff's study comes closer to what discourse theory is all about. As a consequence, Esotericism and the Academy is the very first study on ‘Western esotericism’ that offers a convincing justification of this particular label as an overarching discursive category.  相似文献   

选取了两个标志性医疗传媒事件“八毛门事件”和“徐文被砍事件”为研究样本,以传播学的视角,透视网络空间医患话语权失衡现状,并从医疗报道的话语特征、医患双方的身份特征、网络话语的传播特征等方面剖析了成因,对构建以尊重差异,沟通各种意见表达为目标的医患对话空间具有现实指导意义.  相似文献   


This paper takes issue with Heidegger’s claim that discourse and understanding are equally basic in the constitution of our making sense of the world. I argue that Heidegger cannot consistently establish this claim, and that discourse can be thought of as being more basic than understanding. The proposed line of thinking has the advantage of shedding light on both the finitude and the normativity of our making sense of the world. Thus, by setting up an exchange with the later Wittgenstein’s discussion of rule‐following makes it possible to develop an approach to the normativity of meaning which was not readily available on Heidegger’s account. Further, the paper offers an inquiry into a certain aspect of our finite sense of the world which, in spite of Heidegger’s marked attention to finitude, was obscured by his approach to discourse. The implications of the argument might be far‐reaching. The view of a basic role of discourse can put into question Heidegger’s guiding vision according to which time alone is ultimately the fundamental constituent of our sense of what there is. The engagement with Wittgenstein indicates, in conjunction with other themes of the paper, that there are certain perspectives and issues in phenomenology which are much closer to aspects of the analytic tradition than is usually granted.  相似文献   

First, third, and fifth graders (7.1, 8.8, 11.1 years old) performed semantic, acoustic, and orthographic orienting activities to different words in a list. Without forewarning, their free recall of the words was tested after the orienting activity. The semantic task yielded better recall than the acoustic or orthographic tasks, but the latter two did not differ. Age differences in recall were absent, and the effect of the three orienting tasks did not vary as a function of the child's age. The results support a direct extension of levels of processing theory (Craik, F. I. M., & Lockhart, R. S. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1972, 11, 671–684) to children's memory. An obligatory-optional encoding distinction was suggested as a developmentally relevant addition to the levels of processing framework.  相似文献   

The present experiments demonstrate that picture-word stimuli are differentially encoded in anticipation of a recognition test than in anticipation of a free-recall test. Subjects perform better on the retention test of which they have been informed, and different information from the stimuli is used to pass each test. These findings cannot be attributed to stimulus selection nor to pure pictorial encoding in anticipation of recognition and pure verbal encoding in anticipation of recall. Recognition is enhanced by encoding which integrates the details within each item while recall is enhanced by encoding which interrelates the items of a list.  相似文献   

语义整合是把当前阅读中新出现的词语与之前的语境进行语义联结以形成连贯表征的过程。在语篇理解中, 很多理论都确定了整合这一过程的重要性, 语义整合是达成语篇连贯的一个关键步骤, 探究其神经机制及影响因素对理解语篇有重要意义。已有的ERP研究表明语篇理解中的语义整合是即时发生的; 已有的fMRI研究和神经震荡的分析提供了参与这一过程的具体脑区和神经网络的证据。其影响因素主要包括语篇内因素、非言语因素和个体差异。  相似文献   

Measures of category clustering and subjective organization are well-established predictors of performance in free recall tasks. The present studies demonstrate that a measure of encoding variability affords equally powerful and independent prediction of free recall performance. They also illustrate an interaction between encoding processes and organizational activity. In Experiments 1 and 2, the independent contributions of organization and encoding variability are demonstrated in categorizable and uncategorizable lists and in subjects whose recall is expected to increase (adults) or decrease (children) as a function of more varied encodings across trials. In Experiment 3, a category labeling procedure is used to demonstrate that the negative relationship between encoding variability and recall can be reversed by inducing adult-like organizational activity in children.  相似文献   

The social construction of human-environment relations is a central concern of an emerging tradition of research on place, which extends the so-called “discursive turn” in social psychology. This research highlights the primary role of everyday linguistic practices in the production of place meanings, challenging the prevailing tendency among environmental psychologists to treat place meanings mainly as an expression of individual cognitions. By the same token, in this article we argue that research on human-environment relations also has the potential to enrich the field of discursive psychology, tempting discursive researchers to move beyond their customary focus on verbal and written texts. Specifically, we propose an analytic framework that transcends the dualism between the material and discursive dimensions of human-environment relations. In order to develop this argument, we outline the novel concept of place-assemblage and illustrate its utility by conducting an analysis of a recent conflict over a public space in Barcelona. This analysis shows how discursive constructions of the development of this public space over time were inextricably entwined with other kinds of material and embodied practices—practices through which place meanings were actively performed, reproduced and contested.  相似文献   

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