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Todd Jackson 《Sex roles》2007,56(1-2):55-62
This study was designed to assess how interpersonal transactions affect responses to painful stimulation among Australian women and men. Participants were 69 women and 49 men, randomly assigned to a No Transaction (NT) condition (coping alone) or one of three experimenter-initiated transactions (Distraction, Pain-Monitoring, Re-interpretation). Significant sex × transaction interactions for pain tolerance and reported pain revealed that pain responses of men did not differ as a function of transaction. However, women who coped alone had significantly less tolerance and more pain than men and women in other groups. In contrast, women engaged in re-interpretation transactions fared better on measures of pain perception than women engaged in distraction transactions, and they reported significantly less catastrophizing than did men in the re-interpretation condition. Together, findings replicate and extend recent evidence that suggests that women’s responses to noxious stimuli vary considerably as a result of interpersonal context.  相似文献   

Social‐evaluative threat has been theorized to elicit coordinated psychological and physiological responses, including increases in self‐conscious emotions as well as increases in cortisol and proinflammatory cytokine activity. Acute laboratory stressors with social‐evaluative threat have triggered robust increases in cortisol, whereas equivalent laboratory stressors without this explicit social‐evaluative component have not elicited changes in this physiological parameter. Participants who have reported the greatest increases in self‐conscious emotions have also shown the greatest increases in cortisol activity, suggesting that these physiological changes may occur in concert with self‐conscious states. Other work has shown that social‐evaluative threat and accompanying self‐conscious emotions can influence immune parameters associated with inflammation. These findings have implications for a number of areas of research within social and personality psychology.  相似文献   

The present study testcd the hypotheses that crowded subjects would evidence higher levels of arousal than uncrowded subjects and that the arousal of crowded subjects would not habituate with the passage of time. In a laboratory setting, subjects were exposed three tinies over a 3-week period to either crowding with physical contact or an uncrowded environment. A high degree of convergence in support of the experimental hypotheses was provided by behavioral, physiological, and self-report measures. Crowded subjects were more physiologically aroused; rated by confederates to be more tense, uncomfortable, and annoyed; and reported more negative affect than uncrowded subjects. No evidence for habituation of. response to crowding was found.  相似文献   

This study sought to evaluate the contribution of perceived physical fitness beyond the contributions of gender, body mass index (BMI), defensiveness, and estimated aerobic fitness on both physiological and self-reported stress responsivity to laboratory-induced stress. Ninety healthy individuals (45 males, 45 females) participated in the experiment. Participants completed a laboratory procedure measuring cardiovascular responses (i.e. pulse rate and blood pressure) and self-reported rating of anxiety (i.e. the anxiety scale from the Multiple Affective Checklist–Revised—MAACL–R) while performing stressful laboratory tasks (i.e. the Stroop Color Naming Test and Serial 7's). Estimated aerobic fitness (i.e. VO2max using the Bruce protocol) as well as perceived fitness (using a 10-point Likert scale) were also determined. Multiple regression and effect size results revealed that perceived fitness significantly contributed to the variance associated with both physiological and self-reported responses to laboratory stress. Specifically, perceived fitness significantly added to the variance beyond that attributed to gender, BMI, defensiveness, and estimated aerobic physical fitness while assessing pulse rate and MAACL–R anxiety scores. Overall results support the view that perception of fitness may be an important factor above and beyond aerobic fitness in its association with physiological and self-reported responses to stress.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the strategic uses of paradoxical communication in therapy. Eight more or less distinct uses of paradoxical communication are described, and the proposition is put forward that the paradoxical interventions associated with the Milan group differ from those described by Haley and the Palo Alto group only in that they appear to be designed to influence simultaneously the behavior of several family members. The currently popular idea that such interventions should, or even can, be based on a systemic hypothesis, if “hypothesis” is understood in its usual sense as a statement amenable to empirical testing, is explicitly questioned.  相似文献   

This research examined the proposal that ineffective responses to common interpersonal problems disrupt youths’ relationships, which, in turn, contributes to depression during adolescence. Youth (86 girls, 81 boys; M age = 12.41, SD = 1.19) and their primary female caregivers participated in a three-wave longitudinal study. Youth completed a measure assessing interpersonal stress responses; youth and caregivers completed semi-structured interviews assessing youths’ life stress and psychopathology. Consistent with the hypothesized model, ineffective stress responses (low levels of effortful engagement, high levels of involuntary engagement and disengagement) predicted the generation of subsequent interpersonal stress, which partially accounted for the association between stress responses and depression over time. Moreover, results revealed that self-generated interpersonal, but not noninterpersonal stress, predicted depression, and that this explanatory model was specific to the prediction of depression but not anxiety. This research builds on interpersonal stress generation models of depression, and highlights the importance of implementing depression-focused intervention programs that promote effective stress responses and adaptive interpersonal relationships during adolescence.  相似文献   

陈朝阳 《心理科学》2006,29(4):1019-1021,1002
网络对于人际交往的影响研究存在两大理论分野,形成横向研究和纵向研究相结合的交叉性研究策略,并初步建构了网络影响人际交往的心理机制。  相似文献   

互联网的崛起带来了一种新型的人际关系。它的形成和发展正在从根本上改变人类的生产和生活方式,同时也对现代的人际关系产生了重大影响。本文从互联网的交往动机,互联网的人际关系特点,互联网对人际关系的影响,提高互联网人际关系的健康性的角度入手,探讨了互联网是如何影响人际关系的。并提出建立健康的网络人际关系的方法:正确运用网络、保证网络的健康与安全、树立正确的网络交往态度。  相似文献   

The long-term negative psychological consequences associated with interpersonal victimization are significant; however a history of interpersonal victimization alone does not necessarily lead to greater long-term psychological distress. The current study examined the relationship between cognitive flexibility, experiential avoidance, and psychological distress among 92 women who reported a history of interpersonal victimization. The findings indicate that both cognitive flexibility and experiential avoidance are significantly related to posttraumatic stress symptomology and depression in this sample. Preliminary evidence is also presented suggesting experiential avoidance maybe a potential mediator between cognitive flexibility and psychological distress in this sample. The current findings suggest that treatments targeting greater emotional acceptance and mindfulness might be useful approaches in working with survivors of interpersonal victimization.  相似文献   

Combining and extending previous conceptions of the construct of perceived control, a self-report measure based on a proposed multidimensional model was developed and validated. The Belief in Personal Control Scale (BPCS), measures of locus of control, depression, mania, anxiety, self-esteem, and social desirability were administered to several samples. A factor analysis revealed three interpretable components of the control construct: a general External Control factor, an Exaggerated Internal Control factor, and a God-Mediated Control factor. The results of this article provide preliminary support for the model and for the BPCS as a multidimensional measure of perceived control with reliable and valid subscales. Consistent with the proposed model of control, the three factors correlated differentially with the various measures of psychological adjustment. Of particular interest is the positive correlation between the Exaggerated Internal Control factor and a measure of mania.  相似文献   

This study examines the experience of being ignored when social interaction is chronically at high or low levels. Subjects in these studies resided in either traditional corridor dormitories or in suite-type apartments. Previous research has shown that the corridor arrangement leads to an excess of unwanted contacts with other residents. Hence, corridor residents should desire less interaction with strangers than suite residents. It was hypothesized that corridor residents would be less adversely affected if they were ignored during a group discussion. The results of two experiments reported here support this hypothesis. They also demonstrate the generally negative effects of being ignored. Results are discussed in terms of Altman's (1975) model of contact regulation.  相似文献   

采用记忆再认范式,通过词组再认任务(实验一)和图形偏好选择任务(实验二)操纵同伴赞同率,诱发对不同赞同率下人际关系的感知,探索感知到的人际关系对个体记忆从众的影响。两个实验一致发现,被试对高赞同率的同伴更为信任、与他们的关系也更为亲密;更重要的是,被试的回忆也与高赞同率同伴的记忆更为一致(即回忆更为从众),具体表现为,同伴判断正确时,被试的词组再认正确率更高,同伴判断错误时,被试的词组再认正确率更低。实验二还发现,被试与同伴一起回忆时的正确率要低于被试单独回忆的正确率,从众倾向降低了被试的记忆准确度。本研究表明,情境诱发的短期人际关系的变化会影响记忆从众;回忆不单纯是一个基本认知过程,它可以受到社会关系、社会认知的调节。  相似文献   

Emotions are experienced differently by individuals, and thus, it is important to account for individuals’ experienced emotions to understand their physiological responses to emotional stimuli. The present study investigated the physiological responses to a fear-inducing stimulus and examined whether these responses can predict experienced fear. A total of 230 participants were presented with neutral and fear-inducing film clips, after which they self-rated their experienced emotions. Physiological measures (skin conductance level and response: SCL, SCR, heart rate: HR, pulse transit time: PTT, fingertip temperature: FT, and respiratory rate: RR) were recorded during the stimuli presentation. We examined the correlations between the physiological measures and the participants’ experienced emotional intensity, and performed a multiple linear regression to predict fear intensity based on the physiological responses. Of the participants, 92.5% experienced the fear emotion, and the average intensity was 5.95 on a 7-point Likert scale. Compared to the neutral condition, the SCL, SCR, HR, and RR increased significantly during the fear-inducing stimulus presentation whereas FT and PTT decreased significantly. Fear intensity correlated positively with SCR and HR and negatively with SCL, FT, PTT, and RR. The multiple linear regression demonstrated that fear intensity was predicted by a combination of SCL, SCR, HR, FT, and RR. Our findings indicate that the physiological responses to experiencing fear are associated with cholinergic, sympathetic, and α-adrenergic vascular activation as well as myocardial β-sympathetic excitation, and support the use of multimodal physiological signals for quantifying emotions.  相似文献   

Evidence from 85 adult medical outpatients supported psychometric comparability of the 2 halves of the Washington University Sentence Completion Test (SCT) Form 81 and of the female and male forms of the SCT. There was slightly stronger internal consistency for the first versus the second half of the SCT. Each half correlated highly with the ogive total protocol rating and 36-item-sum rating. Intercorrelations of the 2 halves with external measures also suggested essentially equivalent relations. For the 30 identical items across gender, the median correlation between individual item ratings with the item-sum ratings was nearly equal for women and men. When the 6 nonidentical items were considered with the identical items, the median item-total correlation was slightly higher for men (45) than women (41). This difference was accounted for by the slightly larger variability in the mate subsample. Practically speaking, the 2 halves and the female and male forms may be used with minimal concern regarding psychometric comparability in similar medical outpatient settings.  相似文献   

In response to a paucity of research examining the phenomenology of psychopathy among nonforensic samples, the present study explored the relations among psychopathic traits, self-reported anxiety, and physiological reactivity to experimental stimuli. Undergraduate students with no history of criminal behavior listened to four audiotaped vignettes designed to elicit affective responses. Imagery and anxiety ratings, as well as physiological indices supported the utility of the experimental manipulation. Consistent with data obtained among forensic samples, participants with greater psychopathic characteristics exhibited electrodermal hyporeactivity in response to guided imagery. However, inconsistent with previous findings, hyporeactivity was primarily related to high emotional detachment rather than elevated levels of deviant behavior. Results also suggested certain psychopathic qualities (emotional detachment) may be more associated with somatic and trait anxiety than other characteristics (deviant behavior), although anxiety did not moderate the effects of psychopathic characteristics on physiological responding. Theoretical implications are addressed, including the possible generalizability of psychophysiological models of diagnosed psychopaths to individuals with more benign psychopathic characteristics.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined how expectations about the affective valence of an event influence immediate neurocognitive responses to the event. Both neutral images and negative images displaying war photos were shown to active duty military personnel undergoing predeployment training. Expectations regarding the affective content of upcoming images were manipulated by means of abstract visual cues that were valid only 75% of the time. Besides providing greater ecological validity, inclusion of invalid cues enabled us to examine separately, effects of the expected and actual valence of the images. Neurocognitive responses within the first second after image presentation were examined using the late positive potential (LPP), a noninvasive measure of brain electrical activity known to index affective processes. Negative images evoked an enhanced LPP relative to neutral images over central-parietal and right anterior electrode sites. Both the central-parietal and anterior LPP were found, likewise, to be modulated by expected valence. Expectation of negative versus neutral images led to an enhanced central-parietal LPP and an attenuated anterior LPP over both hemispheres independent of image valence. These findings are interpreted in terms of the allocation of attention to motivationally salient events, affective interpretation of those events, and induced affective/motivational states. By helping to characterize affective responses to acute stress and the regulation of those responses by psychological context, our study contributes to a basic understanding of how such regulation may become disordered and may aid in the development of targets for therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Mass and interpersonal communication are rapidly converging as people integrate an assortment of Internet‐based tools into their communication repertoires. This convergence prompts dramatic changes in the conditions that once were presumed to distinguish mass from interpersonal communication, most notably differences in communication directionality and scale, audience size and identification, and a host of cues that signal source credibility. This article proposes a number of features of technological convergence in this context—including shifts in message control, audience scale, and source, receiver, and temporal ambiguity—and describes illustrative implications for social influence processes. These features highlight areas that traditional mass and interpersonal communication perspectives cannot fully describe alone, and suggest new methods and directions for the examination of online social influence.  相似文献   

A community junior college made humanistic concepts and experiential methods the bases for a personal development course which was staffed by professional counselors. The course was designed to permit flexibility in content and class activities which were directed toward the personal growth and intellectual development of individual students, each with unique needs. Small, unstructured discussion groups and individual papers and projects were deliberately placed outside the grading context to encourage active student involvement. The experimental course was evaluated in regard to such questions as the following: Can humanistic and value-oriented course content stimulate intellectual development and personal growth on the part of junior college students? Are didactic and experiential methods compatible in a classroom setting? Can counselors teach and maintain effectiveness as student personnel workers?  相似文献   

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