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This article presents the results of a study among 273 supervisors regarding the early retirement of older subordinates. The assumption is that attitudes of supervisors will stimulate early retirement in downsizing organizations and organizations where the employees are exposed to physical pressures. Next, the performance of older employees and supervisors' expectations regarding future performance are deemed important. The results show that supervisors are not in favor of encouraging large numbers of older employees to continue working until official retirement age (65 years). The results suggest that supervisors' attitudes are only weakly influenced by overall corporate goals, such as achieving a younger work force and decreasing employment, and that expectations regarding the loss of human capital and health and sickness absenteeism are important in retirement/retention recommendations.  相似文献   

基于心理控制源视角的女公务员婚姻质量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究女公务员心理控制源和婚姻质量的关系。方法:采用《Olson婚姻质量问卷》和《控制圈量表》对551名女公务员进行调查。结果:不同职级的女公务员心理控制源差异显著,其婚姻质量差异不显著;不同年龄的女公务员心理控制源和婚姻质量差异不显著;影响女公务员婚姻满意度的主要因素是性生活、与亲友的关系、子女和婚姻、业余活动、信仰一致性、经济安排、夫妻交流、人际控制。结论:不同职级的女公务员心理控制源差异显著,其婚姻质量差异不显著;影响女公务员婚姻满意感的主要因素是婚际因素和外界因素,个人因素贡献不显著;基于控制源的视角,人际控制对女公务员婚姻满意度贡献显著,个人实力和社会政治控制对其婚姻满意度贡献不显著。  相似文献   

以工作分析为基础,对我国行政执法类公务员的绩效考核指标体系进行了研究.通过对云南省工商、药监、质检三个部门执法职能处室公务员的访谈和问卷调查,编制了行政执法类公务员绩效考核评价问卷.运用项目分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析等方法,构建了行政执法类公务员绩效考核的指标体系,共包括9个二级指标和27个三级指标.问卷的内部一致性系数达到0.859,表明一致性信度良好;各维度与问卷总分的相关在0.543 ~0.782之间,且达到显著水平,说明各分问卷与总问卷的整体概念较为一致;验证性因素分析结果显示,修正后的二阶模型拟合指标中,绝对拟和指数x2/df、近似误差均方根RMSEA和相对拟合指数NNFI、CFI和IFI都达到了理想水平,说明问卷的结构效度良好.再以层次分析法对该绩效考核指标体系赋权重,使其更加合理且易于操作,具有应用价值.  相似文献   

作为公务员职业行为准则、价值取向和职业伦理规范总和的公务员职业伦理精神为公务员“依法、廉洁、高效、公正”行政提供精神动力和制度保障。在经济转型、文化冲突、矛盾突显和机遇与挑战并存的行政生态环境下,公务员职业伦理精神面临制度伦理价值沦丧、制度困境、制度界定模糊、制度伪适应症等制度化缺失问题,我们要从“职业化”、“法制化”、“政治化”、“组织化”和“现代化”等五方面提出公务员职业伦理精制度化建构方略。  相似文献   

对吉林省516名公务员的血压及心血管疾病危险因素进行描述性分析,用二分类Logistic回归法筛选危险因素。公务员正常高值血压现患率为34.9%。正常高值血压人群体重指数、腰围、空腹血糖、总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、甘油三酯、血清肌酐、血尿酸、心一踝血管指数水平以及代谢综合征患病率均高于正常血压组低于高血压组,高密度...  相似文献   

对吉林省516名公务员的血压及心血管疾病危险因素进行描述性分析,用二分类Logistic回归法筛选危险因素.公务员正常高值血压现患率为34.9%.正常高值血压人群体重指数、腰围、空腹血糖、总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、甘油三酯、血清肌酐、血尿酸、心-踝血管指数水平以及代谢综合征患病率均高于正常血压组低于高血压组,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平低于正常血压组高于高血压组.男性、血脂紊乱会显著增加正常高值血压的患病风险.应加强正常高值血压人群的监测及干预,降低心脑血管疾病发病风险.  相似文献   

This study examines why individuals elect to take the early retirement package offered by their employer, as well as factors affecting their appraisal of that decision. Content analysis, t tests, and regression analysis were used to examine the data. Results suggest that all early retirement decisions are not voluntary. Individuals who did not desire to retire and who had lower self-esteem, fewer financial resources, and plans to continue working were more likely to appraise the early retirement as harmful. Employment counselors can assist individuals with preparing for early retirement by providing resources such as financial counseling and outplacement services just as they do for individuals who involuntarily lose their jobs.  相似文献   

Overcontrol, a personal propensity to control or dominate others, is examined as found in large retirement communities. Aspects of personality theory related to control issues are examined and utilized, particularly social cognitive and cognitive-affective personality system theories. Aspects of social psychological theory, particularly interactional role theory and reference group theory, are also employed. Overcontrol, which is asserted to flourish particularly in large retirement communities, is viewed as a coping device designed to ensure protection against anxiety, and as an intensification of a healthy control trait in the elderly. Three patterns are presented and some approaches to their mitigation are discussed.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - As the occupational group that delivers public services, civil servants confront a particular working property and environment. Previous studies indicate that...  相似文献   


The effect of religiosity on drinking patterns of retirement community residents is examined. Based on a systematic random sample, residents of seven West Coast retirement communities were interviewed. Data on religiosity were categorized into social religious activity, and personal religious behavior. It was found that retirement community residents drink more than senior Americans living in other locations; conservative Protestants, identified as those claiming affiliation with denominations that prohibit alcohol consumption, drink less than Roman Catholics or liberal Protestants; and those who score low on religiosity drink more than those who score high on religiosity regardless of denominational affiliation. It was also shown that for conservative Protestants private religiosity predicts drinking behavior, and for liberal Protestants social religious behavior is a predictor variable. The influence of religiosity on drinking behavior was found to be significant.  相似文献   

Conditions for philosophy of science in the Netherlands are not optimal. The climate of opinion in Dutch philosophy is unsympathetic to the sciences, partly because of the influence of theology. Dutch universities offer no taught graduate programmes in philosophy of science, which would provide an entry route for science graduates. A great deal of Dutch research in philosophy of science is affected by an exegetical attitude, which fosters the interpretation and evaluation of other writers rather than the development of original theories. Doctoral candidates in particular should be trained to greater originality and assertiveness. Nonetheless, much good research in philosophy of science is conducted in the Netherlands, both in philosophy faculties and in institutes dedicated to the foundations of the special sciences. Distinguished work is done also in the neighbouring disciplines of logic, history of science, and social studies of science.  相似文献   

This report explores the relationship between philosophy and medicine in the Netherlands. In Section 1 we outline the ups and downs of medico-philosophical research in our country: pre-war flourishing, post-war decline, and modern renaissance. In Section 2 we review recent Dutch literature in the philosophy of medicine. The topics dealt with include methodology of medical science, alternative medicine, the basic concepts of medicine, anthropological medicine, medicalization, medicine and culture, and health care ethics.  相似文献   

Vincent Duindam  Ed Spruijt 《Sex roles》1997,36(3-4):149-170
Data from two studies on heterosexual men and their care work at home are discussed. Five groups of fathers are distinguished. They range from the traditional father (hardly any care work within the home) to the very caring father (who does at least as much as his wife). What makes the difference between these five groups of men? Measures at three levels have been studied: present social context, value orientation, and family of origin of the fathers. Measures at the first and second levels seem to be the most important. The role of the female partner is also discussed. Caring men do not report a lesser degree of well-being, including the quality of their relationship.  相似文献   

Increasing participation of Muslims and Hindus in church-state relations in the Netherlands is bringing about a slow change in the different cultural and historical backgrounds of non-indigenous religious traditions and in their self-esteem and religious attitudes. We may call this participation, and especially the changes it causes, a good example of Systemzwang, the systematic power of the dominant but historically grown social and cultural order in which newcomers are expected to fit. This process of external influence will be demonstrated by the example of the development of the traditional Hindu priest, the pandit, to a modern professional pastoral or Hindu-spiritual counsellor and by the mutual-learning process of the religiously different pastoral professionals in the semi-governmental service organizations.  相似文献   

Attachment to one's former occupation and met expectations regarding retirement were proposed as predictors of the adjustment of military retirees. While results suggested that occupational attachment had a minimal impact, the extent to which expectations of civilian work, financial, and family aspects of life were met emerged as significant predictors of satisfaction and adjustment after military retirement. These findings suggest that the characteristics of the post‐retirement environment, and expectations regarding this environment, outweigh the importance of occupational attachment in determining post‐retirement adjustment in this setting.  相似文献   

Berkovitch  Nitza  Manor  Shlomit 《Sex roles》2019,80(3-4):200-217
Sex Roles - In the present study, we analyze how older Israeli women narrate, make sense of, and negotiate their lives after retirement. By center-staging women in their life periods of after-care...  相似文献   

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