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Bengtson  Andreas 《Res Publica》2022,28(1):69-84
Res Publica - In this paper, I set out to defend the claim that a central principle in democratic theory, the all-subjected principle, applies not only when one is subject to a rule by a state but...  相似文献   

Hoijtink, Kooten, and Hulsker (2016 Hoijtink, H., van Kooten, P., &; Hulsker, K. (2016). Why Bayesian psychologists should change the way they use the Bayes factor. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51, 1--9. doi: 10.1080/00273171.2014.969364.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) present a method for choosing the prior distribution for an analysis with Bayes factor that is based on controlling error rates, which they advocate as an alternative to our more subjective methods (Morey &; Rouder, 2014 Morey, R.D., &; Rouder, J.N. (2014). Bayesfactor: Computation of Bayes factors for common designs. R package version 0.9.9. Retrieved from http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=BayesFactor [Google Scholar]; Rouder, Speckman, Sun, Morey, &; Iverson, 2009 Rouder, J.N., Speckman, P.L., Sun, D., Morey, R.D., &; Iverson, G. (2009). Bayesian t-tests for accepting and rejecting the null hypothesis. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 16, 225237. doi: 10.3758/PBR.16.2.225[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Wagenmakers, Wetzels, Borsboom, &; van der Maas, 2011 Wagenmakers, E.-J., Wetzels, R., Borsboom, D., &; van der Maas, H. (2011). Why psychologists must change the way they analyze their data: The case of psi. A comment on Bem (2011). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100, 426432. doi: 10.1037/a0022790[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We show that the method they advocate amounts to a simple significance test, and that the resulting Bayes factors are not interpretable. Additionally, their method fails in common circumstances, and has the potential to yield arbitrarily high Type II error rates. After critiquing their method, we outline the position on subjectivity that underlies our advocacy of Bayes factors.  相似文献   

In studies of postural control, a control task is often used to understand significant effects obtained with experimental manipulations. This task should be the easiest task and (therefore) engage the lowest behavioral variability and cognitive workload. Since 1983, the stationary-gaze task is considered as the most relevant control task. Instead, the authors expected that free looking at small targets (white paper or images; visual angle: 12°) could be an easier task. To verify this assumption, 16 young individuals performed stationary-gaze, white-panel, and free-viewing 12° tasks in steady and relaxed stances. The stationary-gaze task led to significantly higher cognitive workload (mean score in the National Aeronotics and Space Administration Task Load Index questionnaire), higher interindividual body (head, neck, and lower back) linear variability, and higher interindividual body angular variability—not systematically yet—than both other tasks. There was more cognitive workload in steady than relaxed stances. The authors also tested if a free-viewing 24° task could lead to greater angular displacement, and hence greater body sway, than could the other tasks in relaxed stance. Unexpectedly, the participants mostly moved their eyes and not their body in this task. In the discussion, the authors explain why the stationary-gaze task may not be an ideal control task and how to choose this neutral task.  相似文献   

在首届中国五台山国际旅游文化节闭幕仪式上,为了达到旅游淡季不淡的目的,五台山向海内外游客隆重推出"891"秋冬旅游项目(即八项特色旅游活动、九大佛事活动、一个佛俗民情年).在秋季来临之际,五台山旅游将高潮迭起,好戏连台. 此次推出的"891"旅游项目,将进一步彰显世界遗产地特有的风采.  相似文献   

如今学术已卷入了利益的漩涡,论文、著作、课题、成果等等都与地位和利益相挂钩,为了地位和利益,论文、著作、课题、成果等领域的造假也就屡屡发生了.何以如此呢?原因一定很多,也可能很深,但是缺少责任追究一定是重要原因之一.鉴于此,为了遏制学术腐败,维护学术的清洁和神圣,在科研立项和评奖方面应该实行问责制.  相似文献   

The debate over free will has pittedlibertarian insistence on open alternativesagainst the compatibilist view that authenticcommitments can preserve free will in adetermined world. A second schism in the freewill debate sets rationalist belief in thecentrality of reason against nonrationalistswho regard reason as inessential or even animpediment to free will. By looking deeperinto what motivates each of these perspectivesit is possible to find common ground thataccommodates insights from all those competingviews. The resulting metacompatibilist view offree will bridges some of the differencesbetween compatibilists and incompatibilists aswell as between rationalists andnonrationalists, and results in a free willtheory that is both more philosophicallyinclusive and more firmly connected tocontemporary research in psychology andbiology.  相似文献   

很多家庭常用冰箱贮存水果、蔬菜,虽很方便,但在贮存过程中,由于对贮温的要求不一样,有的水果和蔬菜就会变质、变味。尤其是黄瓜和青椒,在冰箱里贮存过久,就会出现冻“伤”,变黑、变软、变味。黄瓜还会长毛发黏。因为冰箱里菜盒的温度一般为4℃~6℃左右。而黄瓜贮存适宜温度  相似文献   

Chaos and complexity theory can help counselors to assist clients in new and unique ways. Chaos and complexity theory do not need to replace other counseling theories but can provide an alternative view. Using chaos theory in counseling requires, however, a revaluation of counselors' assumptions about the world, particularly about linearity, prediction, and control. This article uses a case study to illustrate how counselors can use chaos and complexity theory in their work with clients. This theory can offer an alternative framework to assist counselors in conceptualizing their clients and their practice.  相似文献   

Books reviewed: Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski, ‘Recent Work on Divine Foreknowledge and Free Will’ in Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will Millard J. Erickson, What Does God Know and When Does He Know It?  相似文献   

In contemporary society,the number of students who major in philosophy at universities has decreased.Furthermore,as Richard Mervyn Hare said many years ago,"Most of my pupils are going to be,not professional philosophers,but businessmen,politicians,schoolmasters,clergymen,lawyers,journalists,civil servants,and,indeed,almost anything but philosophers;and a substantial number of these may be expected to reach the highest ranks of their professions" (Hare 1971,39).  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - Worker well-being is a hot topic in organizations, consultancy and academia. However, too often, the buzz about worker well-being, enthusiasm for new programs...  相似文献   

Simone de Beauvoir offers one of the most interesting philosophical accounts of childhood, and, as numerous scholars have argued, it is one of the most important contributions that she made to existentialism. Beauvoir stressed the importance of childhood on one's ability to assume one's freedom. This radically changed how freedom was construed for existentialism. Rather than positing an adult subjectivity that tries to flee freedom through bad faith, Beauvoir's account forces a recognition of a situated freedom that itself is also developmentally achieved. In this article, I explore the influence of Jean‐Jacques Rousseau on Beauvoir's discussion of childhood. By reading Beauvoir through Rousseau—who was one of her favorite authors—we see not just one but two accounts of childhood in Beauvoir's philosophical work. On the one hand is the idealistic childhood wherein the child is an apprentice to freedom. On the other is the constrained childhood whose product is apprenticed to the serious. I begin with a brief summary of Rousseau's Emile. Next, I offer some justification for reading Beauvoir alongside Rousseau before offering an account of Beauvoir's discussion of childhood. I end by exploring some of the implications of my reading for freedom.  相似文献   

面对人类无法改变与疾病共存的命运,本文从健康与疾病的关系、疾病的原因、疾病的话语、对待疾病的态度和利用疾病的契机五个方面来进行哲学追问和反思.以期使我们通过倾听身体的语言,来坦然、自然和平静地对待疾病;利用疾病的契机,获得身心的成长,使人类的生命在亘古的绵延中永远充盈着盎然的生机.  相似文献   

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