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Although several authors have suggested that youths' identification with their parents plays an important role in how they come to evaluate themselves, this hypothesis has not been explored empirically in longitudinal research. Using prospective data from a representative community sample, we tested whether the association between adolescents' identification with mother and father and subsequent gains in global self-esteem would hinge on the parent's acceptance or rejection of the adolescent. Results showed that male adolescents' self-esteem consistently improved the more they identified with their parents. Among female adolescents, the change in self-esteem associated with parental identification depended on the parent's evaluation of them, suggesting that identifying with a rejecting parent presents a particular vulnerability for low self-esteem in young women.  相似文献   

Using data from a 2007 survey in Northern Ireland (representative sample, N = 1036), we replicate and extend the US-based findings of Lacey et al. (Journal of Happiness Studies 7:167–182, 2006). Consistent with Lacey et al., we find that young people mispredict happiness levels in old age, believing—wrongly—that happiness declines with age. We explore the possible implications of this under-estimation of happiness in old age for the risky health behaviours of young people. We find that young male binge drinkers are particularly prone to thinking that happiness declines with age.  相似文献   

This qualitative dissertation study used grounded theory methods to explore the experience of boredom in recovery from substance use disorder with eight adults who also have HIV/AIDS. Boredom is the pervasive perception of nothingness that gives time to reflect. Boredom was revealed to be more than a seemingly harmless phenomenon that persists decades into recovery, even when meaningful occupation outside of substance use is achieved. Boredom becomes less harmful with the achievement of meaningful occupation, but it is still tenacious and deleterious. Boredom can be useful to an adult with HIV/AIDS, however. Implications for the profession's core value of meaningfulness are discussed.  相似文献   

Young adults have been dramatically underrepresented in cancer survivorship research. One contributing factor is the difficulty recruiting this population. To identify effective recruitment strategies, the current study assessed the yield of strategies used to recruit young survivors for an exercise intervention including: clinic-based recruitment, recruitment at cancer-related events, mailings, telephone-based recruitment, advertising on the internet, radio, television and social networking media, distributing brochures and word-of-mouth referrals. When taking into account the strategies for which we could track the number of survivors approached, recruitment at an oncology clinic was the most productive: 38 % of those approached were screened and 8 % enrolled. When evaluating which strategy yielded the greatest percentage of the sample, however, mailings were the most productive. Given widespread use of the internet and social networking by young adults, investigators should also consider these low-cost recruitment strategies.  相似文献   

The authors examined adult learner persistence in higher education by exploring student perspectives regarding the obstacles that blocked their attendance and the motivators that contributed to their tenacity in pursuing their academic goals over a period of time. Results suggest implications for counselors who work with adult learners in colleges and universities.  相似文献   

This study used a consensual qualitative research method to explore the implications of transnational adoption in the lives of 12 adult Korean adoptees. From the analysis, 6 domains emerged: (a) adoption history and preadoptive memories, (b) meaning of adoption, (c) adoptive family dynamics, (d) racism, (e) identity formation, and (f) counseling experiences. Results highlight the need for more awareness surrounding transnational adoption throughout the life span. Additional suggestions concerning research and practice are discussed. Este estudio usó un método de investigación cualitativa consensual para explorar las implicaciones de la adopción transnacional en las vidas de 12 adultos coreanos adoptados. A partir del análisis, surgieron 6 parámetros: (a) la historia de adopción y las memorias preadoptivas, (b) el significado de la adopción, (c) la dinámica de la familia adoptiva, (d) racismo, (e) formación de la identidad, y (f) experiencias en consejería. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de prestar mayor atención a la adopción transnacional a lo largo de toda la vida. Se discuten sugerencias adicionales relacionadas con la investigación y la práctica.  相似文献   

Summary: The Air Force Medical Evaluation Test (AFMET) research program utilized the MMPI in a psychological screening battery for basic trainees. T-scores based an the Adult Norms seemed excessively elevated. The norms, for Minnesota Adolescents were tried for the 17-year-old airmen. MMPIs were given to entire squadrons not in the project, and the means and standard deviations were found to differ significantly from both earlier norms. These young adults differed in age, race, and education from the sample population of the Minnesota Adult Norms. T-conversion tobies based on these new means and standard deviations were compiled.  相似文献   

In a program of research assessing the validity of the balloon analogue risk task (BART; C. W. Lejuez et al., 2002) as a measure of risk taking, the BART was administered to a sample of inner-city drug users in residential treatment (n = 76). Construct validity of the BART was evaluated by measuring risk-taking behavior and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) use while controlling for self-reported impulsivity, sensation seeking, polysubstance use, and demographic variables. Supporting the construct validity of the BART, while controlling for interrelated variables in the context of logistic regression analyses, (BART) risk-taking propensity accounted for significant incremental variance in differentiating MDMA users from non-users. BART scores, polysubstance use, and younger age were most associated with MDMA use, and together these variables were associated with 91% classification accuracy in predicting MDMA use.  相似文献   

Why Young Men Drive Dangerously: Implications for Injury Prevention   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Why is risk consistently underestimated, and why do young men in particular take exceptionally high risks and think of themselves as invulnerable? Two explanatory paths are proposed. The first is that risk taking in young males has been shaped by evolutionary forces to provide a fitness value. The second pathway is through myth and the other narrative forms that affirm the ego's immortality and invulnerability. Because of its evolutionary base, risk taking is emotionally driven: Emotions are preverbal and irrational, which means that persuasive prevention cannot be more than weakly successful. Three prevention challenges emerge from this analysis: to determine what it is that young drivers fear, to attach affectively experienced fears to defined driving behaviors, and to devise injury-prevention programs that acknowledge that young males' risk taking is not "stupid," but driven by adaptive needs that are as significant to today's young adults as they were to our distant ancestors.  相似文献   

Research on midlife transitions in women is reviewed, and implications for theories of women's adult development are discussed. Findings on menopause, the postparental period, and the roles of women at midlife are presented. Research on women at midlife suggests that new theoretical models of women's adult development should continue to emerge to accommodate the diversity of women's experiences at midlife. Several theoretical approaches are discussed in light of the research findings, and recommendations are made for future research on women's adult development. Implications for counselors working with women at midlife also are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors investigated associations between young adults' perceived purposes of emerging adulthood and their attitudes toward and participation in cohabitation. In a sample of 775 never married individuals, ages 18–29 (69% female, 69% white) from the United States, young people's perceptions of this period of life were associated with their acceptance of cohabitation, their reasoning for accepting cohabitation, and the likelihood of cohabiting. Results showed that the perception that emerging adulthood is a time to prepare for future family roles was negatively associated with acceptance of cohabitation whereas the perception that emerging adulthood is a time to take risks was positively associated with acceptance of cohabitation. The perception that emerging adulthood is a time to prepare for future family roles was associated with an increased likelihood of having cohabited while the perception that emerging adulthood is a time of possibilities was associated with a decreased likelihood of having cohabited. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship has conceptualized morality in terms of multidimensional, intuitive traits that influence what people regard as right or wrong. Ample literature shows that religious factors are closely related to moral traits. However, little research has explored links between religious upbringing and adult moral outcomes. This study uses longitudinal data from the National Study of Youth and Religion to examine how diverse forms of religious socialization in adolescence are related to two well-validated social-scientific conceptions of morality in young adulthood: Haidt's moral foundations and Schwartz’ values typology. Using regression analyses and Lindeman, Merenda, and Gold (LMG) decomposition methods, I show that different aspects of religious upbringing are linked to the development of both moral foundations and values. Religious factors play a stronger role than either sociodemographics or parent political ideology in predicting young adult moral characteristics. Results highlight the centrality of religious upbringing to the state and trajectory of the population-level moral structure.  相似文献   

Adolescent ego-development trajectories were related to close-relationship outcomes in young adulthood. An adolescent sample completed annual measures of ego development from ages 14 through 17. The authors theoretically determined and empirically traced five ego-development trajectories reflecting stability or change. At age 25, the sample completed a close-relationship interview and consented for two peers to rate the participants'ego resiliency and hostility. Participants who followed the profound-arrest trajectory in adolescence reported more mundane sharing of experiences, more impulsive or egocentric conflict-resolution tactics, and less mature interpersonal understanding in their young adult relationships, and their young adult peers described these participants as more hostile. Participants who attained or maintained higher levels of ego development in adolescence reported more complex sharing of experiences, more collaborative conflict-resolution strategies, and greater interpersonal understanding, and their young adult peers rated them as less hostile and as more flexible.  相似文献   

We explored the work values of young workers who had been classified according to three degrees of work satisfaction by using two standardized instruments. The results lent support to the idea that job satisfaction is more closely linked to the intrinsic rather than the extrinsic factors of work. Considerable agreement on which factors contribute to work satisfaction was also evident regardless of the level of satisfaction. We suggest that counselors working with youths pay close attention to intrinsic work factors.  相似文献   

A small but concerning percentage of completed suicides are seen as having left no clues. The classical case, albeit a literary one, is Robinson's Richard Cory. These people often dissemble, even about their suicide risk. An even smaller group of these individuals present themselves in therapy without communicating a sign of suicide risk. Utilizing an idiographic approach, the case of a young adult male (Rick) is presented. The narrative reconstruction gives voice behind the man's mask. The autopsy reveals a young man who was in deep pain and unable to adjust to life's demands. Rick lacked ego strength, being overly narcissistic and having deeply troubled, symbiotic attachments to his family in a world of interpersonal isolation. In the end, even the help of his therapist, who tried to reach through the mask, was not enough and Rick killed himself. The pain had become unbearable. A few guiding remarks for such cases are offered, noting that therapists must constantly address the dissembling in some suicidal patients.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of childhood sexual abuse on young adult lesbians' sexual identity and their recovery from chemical dependency. The authors recommend that counselors assess for sexual orientation (past and present), sexual abuse, and possible dual diagnosis. Implications for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

Carretta  Rachel F.  Szymanski  Dawn M. 《Sex roles》2022,86(11-12):667-680

Few studies have explored factors contributing to women’s increasing alcohol consumption and associated consequences. One potential gender-relevant factor is self-objectification or the perspective toward the self where the body is primarily valued for its appearance and sexual appeal (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997). In the current study, we investigated the link between self-objectification and young adult college women’s alcohol use as well as alcohol use prior to casual sexual activity or “hooking up.” In addition, we examined novel explanatory (i.e., sexual self-esteem, body consciousness during sexual activity, alcohol sexual enhancement expectancies) factors in predicting young adult college women’s drinking behaviors via a parallel-serial multiple mediation model. We recruited participants (N?=?518; 85% White, 74% heterosexual) via a psychology department human research pool and Facebook advertisements to complete an online survey. Results revealed that self-objectification was positively correlated with alcohol use and alcohol use prior to hooking up. In addition, self-objectification was indirectly related to alcohol use through sexual self-esteem and alcohol sexual enhancement expectancies, as well as indirectly related to alcohol use prior to hooking up through alcohol sexual enhancement expectancies. None of our theorized three-stage mediation chains linking self-objectification to alcohol use behaviors were significant. These findings highlight the potential negative role of self-objectification in women’s health and the importance of focusing on alcohol sexual enhancement expectancies in intervention strategies.


Little is known about the social cognitive development of young adults. Furthermore, existing studies of young adults tend to rely on college-age participants. A study of social cognition during interpersonal conflict was conducted with 100 young adult women (mean age = 25 years). The relationship of contextual variables to conflict-resolution strategy was examined. Strategy coding was done according to Selman's (1980) four-level model of interpersonal negotiation strategies. Of the features of context studied, the nature of the relationship between the participant and the other person (work-based, personal, or impersonal) was related to strategy use. Most strategies used (46%) were low-level unilateral strategies, e.g., giving in to the demands of the other person. Most participants reported conflicts at work. These data, taken with other research on young adults' perceived lack of ability at handling conflicts at work, suggest that constructive conflict management programs may be important for young adult women in the school-to-work transition.  相似文献   

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