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This article focuses on the creation and growth of a peer counseling program assisting ethnic minority college students. A brief rationale of the program is offered. Problems are described and recommendations are made for subsequent program deuelopment.  相似文献   

The author examined the underlying factors of the Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development's (AMCD) Multicultural Competencies. One hundred fifty‐one professional counselors who are members of the American Counseling Association responded to a survey that included items reflecting AMCD's multicultural competencies and Explanatory Statements. An exploratory factor analysis revealed 5 multicultural competencies factors: Awareness, Knowledge, Definitions of Terms, Racial Identity Development, and Skills.  相似文献   

Postpartum depression is an important mental health problem for women, and women with disabilities are at greater risk than are women without disabilities. This article explores the disability‐specific contextual, environmental, social, and systemic causes of postpartum depression from an ecological perspective. I aim to help counselors develop a nonpathologizing, multicultural counseling–rooted approach and to prepare counselors to work effectively with this unique population. Implications of multicultural counseling tenets and advocacy are also examined for best practices. La depresión posparto es un problema de salud mental importante para las mujeres, y el riesgo es mayor para las mujeres con discapacidades que para las mujeres sin discapacidades. Este artículo explora las causas contextuales, sociales, del entorno y sistémicas de la depresión posparto relacionadas con la discapacidad desde una perspectiva ecológica. Mi objetivo es ayudar a los consejeros a desarrollar un enfoque no patológico basado en la consejería multicultural y preparar a los consejeros para trabajar de forma efectiva con esta población singular. También se examinan las implicaciones de los principios de la consejería multicultural y la defensoría para las prácticas recomendadas.  相似文献   

Although high school dropout rates have declined over the past several years, rates remain high for many segments of our population. Most of the attention devoted to dropout prevention counseling has focused on group counseling or programmatic issues, whereas individual counseling has largely been ignored. This article draws on commonalities between multicultural counseling and dropout prevention to produce a general framework for individual counseling with students who have potential to drop out of high school.  相似文献   

This study investigated the nature and extent of perceived multicultural counseling competence (MCC) of 508 professional counselors in Malaysia using a national survey approach. Differences in counselors' perceived MCC pertaining to gender, ethnicity, highest education, and multicultural training were examined. Results revealed 5 factors as constituents of MCC and significant differences in perceived MCCs due to ethnicity, highest education, and participation in multicultural training. Implications for future research, counselor education, and counseling practice are discussed. Este estudio investigó la naturaleza y la extensión de la competencia en consejería multicultural (MCC, por sus siglas en inglés) percibida de 508 consejeros profesionales en Malasia usando un enfoque de encuesta nacional. Se examinaron las diferencias en la MCC percibida de los consejeros respecto a sexo, etnicidad, nivel máximo de educación y capacitación multicultural. Los resultados revelaron 5 factores constituyentes de MCC y diferencias significativas en las MCC debido a etnicidad, nivel máximo de educación y participación en capacitación multicultural. Se discuten las implicaciones para investigaciones futuras, educación de consejeros y práctica de la consejería.  相似文献   

One of the most useful tools counselors possess is a consistent, effective theoretical orientation. Yet, counselors often experience theory as an academic-only enterprise, rather than a skill-set informed by reason and empiricism. This article presents an alternative approach to learning and harnessing the power of theory to impact clients’ lives.  相似文献   

This personal interview with Dr. Pedersen highlights his contributions to the field of counseling and psychology in general and to the field of multicultural counseling in particular. This interview includes four major sections: personal background and development, professional development, focus on multicultural counseling issues and interests, and future directions in multicultural counseling.  相似文献   

A traditional male gender role reflects an affirmation of masculine identity associated with such qualities as success and self‐reliance. This gender role is examined from a diversity perspective in counseling, because it may affect many men's help‐seeking attitudes and behaviors. Suggestions from the literature are reviewed from the standpoint of the Multicultural Counseling Competencies (P. Arredondo et al., 1996). The counseling profession would benefit from greater sensitivity in aiding men endorsing this role.  相似文献   

Recognition of multicultural competence as an essential component of ethical counseling practice is a growing trend. This article presents a historical perspective of salient events that have contributed to forging a link between multicultural competence and ethical behavior. Multicultural counseling is traced from its beginnings to its emergence at a position of prominence in the profession, along with the development of ethical guidelines over time. This time line depicts the infusion of multicultural considerations into ethical standards and provides a perspective for examining the current status of multicultural competence as an ethical mandate. Implications for the counseling profession are offered.  相似文献   

This article presents an interview with Dr. Janet E. Helms, scholar, researcher, and mentor in the fields of multicultural counseling and psychology. In this interview, Dr. Helms reflects on her educational and professional development and gives her thoughts about multiculturalism as it relates to her own work.  相似文献   

Multicultural counseling has been a major source of diversity. Recently, however, it has been recognized that multicultural counseling is generic in nature, and therefore that all counseling is multicultural. Thus multiculturalism has joined the movement toward a universal system of counseling.  相似文献   

This article addresses multicultural counseling competencies from the perspective of quantitative assessment. A conceptual review of the current measures identifies 4 relevant issues: (a) diverse factor structures, (b) the working definition of multicultural awareness, (c) test takers' frame of reference, and (d) the implications of an inclusive definition of culture for assessment. Este artículo se dirige aconsejar las capacidades multiculturales de la perspectiva de la evaluación cuantitativa. La revisión conceptual de las medidas actuales identifica 4 asuntos pertinentes: (a) factor de estruturas diversas, (b) preparaciones de la definición del conocimiento multiculturales, (c) tomadores de examenes marco de referencia, y (d) las implicaciones de una definición inclusiva de la cultura para la evaluación.  相似文献   

In a random survey of counselors working with socioracial minority clients (N = 256), multicultural ethical dilemmas were rated according to frequency encountered and significance. Comparisons of counselors' ratings of multicultural ethical dilemmas determined specific dilemmas relevant to counselors in various professional settings. En una encuesta hecha al azar de consejeros/as que trabajan con clientes de minorías socioraciales (N = 256), se clasificaron dilemas éticos multiculturales de acuderdo con su frecuencia y significancia. Las comparaciones de las clasificaciones de los dilemas éticos multiculturales subrayaron aquellos dilemas específicamente importantes para consejeros/as en varios escenarios profesionales.  相似文献   

Training multiculturally competent counselors has become a timely topic, but what underlying philosophical assumptions shape this issue? The multicultural movement has indeed contributed to our greater and much needed understanding and appreciation of the real differences among racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. The current focus on the influence of the cultural background of the individual, however, need not be at the expense of the equally important influences of individual differences and human universal tenets. The new decade for multi-culturalism calls for balance. This article attempts to redefine multicultural counseling using an Afrocentric, holistic, optimal theory that views individuals as unique manifestations of spirit, thus sharing a common core. From this perspective, all counseling is multicultural. Multicultural counseling competencies are then reconceptualized as fundamental counseling skills achieved through self-knowledge and a shift in worldview. As the counselor brings into conscious awareness the various aspects of himself or herself, he or she becomes aware of the universal interconnectedness and interdependence of all life. With this new holistic worldview, the differences among people take on a new meaning. This article explores the consequences of an alternate worldview on the way we conceptualize multiculturalism. The implications of this redefinition of multicultural counseling for training, practice, and research are explored. El entrenamiento de consejeros multiculturalmente competentes ha llegado a ser un tema oportuno¿ pero cuáles son las asunciones filosóficas que dan forma a este asunto? El movimiento multicultural sí ha contribuido a nuestro entendimiento y a la apreciación de las diferencias verdaderas entre grupos raciales, étnicos, y culturales. Sin embargo, el enfoque general de la influencia de la historia cultural del individuo no tiene que ser a costa de las influencias igualmente importantes de diferencias indiviudales y credos humanos universales. La nueva decada de multiculturalismo exige un balance. Este articulo intenta redefinir la consejería multicultural utilizando un teoria afrocéntrica, holística, y óptima que ve a los individuos como manifestaciones únicas del espíritu, compartiendo una esencia común. Desde está perspectiva, toda la consejería es multicultural. Se reconceptualizan las competencias de consejería multicultural como talentos fundamentales de consejería adquiridos por un auto-conocimiento y un cambio de visión universal. Mientras el consejero lleva varios aspectos de sí mismo al consciente, él o ella se da cuenta de la interconexión e interdependencia universal de todos los seres. Con esta nueva visión universal holística, las diferencias entre la gente llega a tener un significado nuevo. Este articulo explora las consecuencias de una visión universal alternativa de como conceptualizamos el multiculturalismo. Se investigan las implicaciones de esta redifinición de consejería multicultural en entrenamiento, práctica, e investigación.  相似文献   

This article looks at the current usage of the term multicultural counseling and analyzes the emerging concept by identifying the premises on which it is based. It explores the potential contribution of multiculturalism to the theory and practice of counseling. The current status of training in cross-cultural and multicultural counseling is briefly reviewed, and curricular content is suggested for upgrading the preparation of multicultural counselors in light of the new standards set by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). Some concrete proposals toward implementing CACREP standards are presented.  相似文献   

The authors present a content analysis of syllabi from introductory multicultural counseling training (MCT) courses. Results suggest that these courses focus on knowledge of other cultural groups, emphasize the cultural identity exploration of the student at a lower level of training, and almost completely ignore the development of skills. The study revealed that MCT frequently includes groups beyond racial and ethnic minority groups. A broad range of instructional strategies are used, with a handful being used on a frequent basis. Los autores presentan un análisis del contenido de planes de estudios empleados en cursos introductorios de formación en consejería multicultural (MCT, por sus siglas en inglés). Los resultados sugieren que estos cursos se centran en el conocimiento de otros grupos culturales, enfatizan la exploración de la identidad cultural del alumno en los niveles iniciales de su formación e ignoran casi por completo el desarrollo de habilidades. El estudio reveló que la MCT incluye con frecuencia grupos aparte de las minorías raciales y étnicas. Se utiliza una amplia gama de estrategias didácticas, un puñado de las cuales se emplea frecuentemente.  相似文献   

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