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The position that dreaming occurs exclusively during REM sleep, which has its first onset after sixty to ninety minutes of nonREM sleep, has been effectively refuted in sleep laboratories but remains uncorrected in the psychoanalytic literature. Examples of hallucinatory activity occurring during the sleep onset period and during a brief nap are shown to have all the characteristics of dreams, including latent content related to repressed material from childhood.  相似文献   

眼动仪和眼动实验法的发展历程   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
韩玉昌 《心理科学》2000,23(4):454-457
0 引言  眼睛是心灵的窗口 ,透过这个窗口我们可以探究人的许多心理活动的规律。人类的信息加工在很大程度上依赖于视觉 ,来自外界的信息约有 80 %~ 90 %是通过人的眼睛获得的。因此对于“人是如何看事物”的科学研究一直没有间断过。关于这一点 ,对于眼球运动 (以下称眼动 )的研究被认为是视觉信息加工研究中最有效的手段。研究表明眼动的各种模式一直与人的心理变化相关联。近年来 ,一些精密地测量眼动规律的仪器 (以下称眼动仪 )相继问世 ,为心理学的实验研究提供了新的有效的工具。这使心理实验的客观性、科学性又向前迈进了重要的…  相似文献   

采用眼动记录法探讨面孔识别的加工过程。在实验一中,通过记录被试识别面孔图片和非面孔图片时的即时加工过程,考查被试在知觉面孔与一般物体时的眼动差异。在实验二中,考察被试在知觉熟悉面孔与陌生面孔时的眼动差异与时间进程的差异。结果表明:(1)个体在加工面孔时倾向于首先在双眼间平移而后向嘴巴运动,完成面孔识别,而在识别物体图片时则没有固定的运动轨迹。(2)在知觉熟悉面孔时被试倾向于只注视眼睛,而在知觉陌生面孔图片时则与实验一的面孔图片眼动轨迹相似。  相似文献   

EEG coherent activity is involved in the binding of spatially separated but temporally correlated stimuli into whole events. Cognitive features of rapid eye movement sleep (REM) dreaming resemble frontal lobe dysfunction. Therefore, temporal coupling of EEG activity between frontal and perceptual regions was analyzed from 10 min prior to dream reports (8 adults) from stage-2 and REM sleep. EEG correlation between frontal and perceptual regions decreased and, among perceptual regions increased during REM. The temporal dissociation of EEG activity between executive and perceptual regions supplies an inadequate mechanism for the binding and interpretation of ongoing perceptual activity resulting in dream bizarreness.  相似文献   

黎昂  杨锦绵朱磊 《心理科学》2021,44(6):1282-1289
采用眼动追踪范式,本研究通过两个实验探讨局部注意干扰效应(LAI)的注意分配特点和机制。实验一采用搜索时间有限的范式,目标呈现70毫秒后消失,在行为和眼动指标上均发现LAI效应:当两个目标距离较近时,反应时增加,正确率降低,总注视时长增长、注视点增加和眼跳速度加快。实验二增加目标呈现时间至1500毫秒以鼓励搜索,产生了比实验一更强烈的LAI效应,且眼跳速度的模式也有不同,说明增加搜索时间并不利于减轻LAI,从而推断LAI的竞争发生在判断阶段,而非搜索和识别目标阶段。  相似文献   

聋人读者普遍存在阅读困难,通过眼动技术来探索聋人阅读中的基本问题已成为一种新趋势,聋人读者在阅读过程中存在其独特的眼动模式。在回顾以往聋人阅读眼动研究的基础上,提出了对未来研究的展望:(1)眼动技术的广泛应用是聋人阅读研究的一个新趋势;(2)从跨文化研究视角探究中外聋人阅读加工的异同;(3)考察聋人视觉注意的特点与语言加工之间的关系;(4)通过眼动技术考察聋人读者的手语加工效率。  相似文献   

王雨函  隋雪  刘西瑞 《心理科学》2008,31(3):667-670
论文回顾了以往对阅读中跳读现象的研究.发现与跳读有关的因素主要包括眼动因素、阅读材料因素和语言因素.文章对有关阅读过程中跳读现象的各种解释理论进行了评述.同时,对开展汉字阅读中跳读现象研究进行了展望,提出考查中文与西文阅读中跳读差异性的重要性.  相似文献   

Anomaly Detection: Eye Movement Patterns   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The symptom of a garden path in sentence processing is an apparent anomaly in the input string. This anomaly signals to the parser that an error has occurred, and provides cues for how to repair it. Anomaly detection is thus an important aspect of sentence processing. In the present study, we investigated how the parser responds to unambiguous sentences that contain syntactic anomalies and pragmatic anomalies, examining records of eye movement during reading. While sensitivity to the two kinds of anomaly was very rapid and essentially simultaneous, qualitative differences existed in the patterns of first-pass reading times and eye regressions. The results are compatible with the proposal that syntactic information and pragmatic information are used differently in garden-path recovery.  相似文献   

采用眼动追踪技术探究了在一般决策过程中决策者的眼动规律和结果呈现对决策的影响。结果表明,在决策过程中,收益信息比概率信息更受决策者关注;决策者的注视点在选项内转换多于在选项间转换;决策前的眼动指标对最终的选择有很强的预测作用,决策者会在最终选择的选项上投入更多认知资源;结果的呈现使风险偏好型决策者在决策获益后趋于保守,更关注低风险选项;而风险回避型决策者在决策获益后会变得敢于冒险。  相似文献   

通过两个实验探讨情绪效价对表象扫描时眼动的影响。结果发现,在积极情绪下,表象扫描的注视点个数会减少,注视点平均持续时间会缩短,眼跳距离和眼跳时间却会增大;消极情绪下的眼动则刚好相反。说明不同情绪效价会使表象扫描产生规律性的眼动分化,佐证了眼动在表象扫描中的功能性假设。  相似文献   

Three untested assumptions of the impulse-variability model were examined in two experiments utilizing rapid, uni-planar limb movements. Experiment 1 varied movement distance (A) and movement time (MT) in a rapid-timing paradigm where the subject moved a lever through a certain distance in a certain time. Experiment 2 varied A in a reversal response where the S made a rapid elbow flexion and extension in a given MT. Displacement recordings were made on every trial. KR (knowledge of results) about MT was given after every trial. The results can be summarized as follows: (a) As predicted by the model, variations in impulse size and velocity were directly related to the impulses size; (b) There was no correlation between the accelerative and decelerative impulse durations recorded during the reversal response supporting the notion that the impulses might be independent; (c) Negative correlations (–.20 to –.50) were demonstrated between peak acceleration and impulse duration for both experiments, counter to the predictions of the model; and (d) Counter to the predictions of the model, timing error (VEt) increased as A decreased for rapid-timing responses. When the correlational results are taken into account, the model has the capacity to account for curvilinear relationships between relative timing error and movement speed. Overall, the results suggest that the impulse variability model requires some restructuring before it can be considered a viable model for the control of rapid limb movements.  相似文献   

This paper analyses some aspects of the eye movement behaviour of readers of Thai and Chinese. The main focus is on readers′landing site distributions on words and how these are affected by the lack of clear word boundary information due to the absence of inter-word spaces. Empirical evidence from Thai and Chinese readers suggest that readers can relatively accurately target word centres. We make the case that this accuracy can be accounted for by a default targetting model(effectively, the prior landing site distribution, in Bayesian terms)modulated by statistical cues about word beginnings available from word-initial character frequencies.  相似文献   

结合眼动注视的漂移扩散模型可较好描述个体的决策行为,但尚存两个问题未得解决:注视与决策的因果关系以及决策过程中累积证据的权重问题。本研究采用基于注视的操纵范式考察了基于价值的决策中注视与决策的关系,发现操纵被试对选项的注视时间可影响其选择,注视操纵主要影响决策后期时程,且模型参数估计结果更支持近因模型。研究结果支持了漂移扩散模型的近因假设,为今后的模型发展指明了新方向。  相似文献   

面孔是一种独特的社会性刺激,面孔识别一直以来都是视觉认知领域的研究热点。近年来,眼动追踪技术在面孔识别的研究中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文首先综述了面孔识别眼动模式的文化差异,随后分析了面孔种族、面孔熟悉度对面孔识别眼动模式的影响,最后对不同面部表情识别的眼动模式相关研究进行了总结。未来的研究需要进一步探讨面孔识别眼动模式差异的原因和模式差异背后的功能差异,也需要更多关注动态面孔识别的眼动注视模式研究。  相似文献   

目前, 阅读的眼动研究中常用的实验研究范式包括移动窗口范式、移动掩蔽范式、边界范式、快速启动范式、消失文本范式和视觉—情境范式等。本文详细介绍了这些实验范式的具体实验操作程序、内在的实验逻辑关系及相应的研究成果, 同时总结了在应用各种眼动范式时需要注意的问题。另外, 本文对阅读的眼动研究范式的应用前景进行了展望:(1)眼动研究范式在验证当前阅读的眼动理论模型中的作用; (2)不同眼动研究范式的有效结合及其在场景知觉等研究领域的迁移; (3)眼动研究范式和电生理/脑成像技术的结合; (4)眼动研究范式在中文阅读研究中的应用。  相似文献   

An ongoing assumption made by sleep researchers is that since dreams are more often recalled on awakening from rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, dreams must occur more often during this stage of sleep. An alternative hypothesis is that cognition occurs throughout sleep, but the recall of this mentation differs on awakening. When a dream is not reported on awakening, there is no method of establishing whether it did not happen or was forgotten. The aim of the present study was to investigate this issue using an eye movement (EM) signal verification technique. Participants were instructed to produce an EM signal whenever they heard a tone. Tones were presented at increasing volume during Stage 2 and REM sleep until EM signal verification was observed. Ninety seconds after signal verification, participants were awakened and asked if they remembered hearing the tone or responding with the EM signal. Such recollection of signal verified tone (SVT) presentations was significantly less after Stage 2 sleep (65%) compared to REM sleep (100%) presentations. Furthermore, SVT recall was significantly correlated with reported dream recall frequency, suggesting the same processes involved in recalling SVTs might also underlie dream recall.  相似文献   

对收录在中国期刊网和中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库中的370篇眼动研究文献(1980—2009年)进行计量学分析,结果表明:(1)国内眼动研究从2003年起呈现快速增长趋势;(2)以阅读方面的实证研究为主,主要以大学生为研究对象,以中文阅读材料和图片为研究材料,以Eyelink-Ⅱ和ASL-504眼动仪为研究工具,重点关注眼动指标和阅读指标;(3)天津师范大学是国内眼动研究的重要力量;(4)成果发表以心理学期刊为主,其中《心理科学》发表最多;(5)合作研究已成为眼动研究的主要形式,但核心作者群尚未形成;(6)大多数眼动研究受到各类项目资助。  相似文献   

为探讨装饰图片对多媒体学习效果和认知加工过程的影响,本研究采用眼动仪追踪30名低知识经验大学生在有装饰图片和无装饰图片条件下学习多媒体课件的视觉注意过程.结果发现:(1)有装饰图片组的保持和迁移成绩显著低于无装饰图片组;(2)有装饰图片组被试在认知兴趣图的注视次数、文本与认知兴趣图之间的注意转换次数显著少于无装饰图片组;(3)在装饰图片组内,80% 学习者报告被装饰图片吸引,并回忆出与装饰图片有关的先前知识经验.这些结果表明,装饰图片干扰学习者对主要学习内容的记忆与理解;装饰图片可能主要通过干扰学习者对主要学习内容的一致性理解以及激发不恰当的先前知识经验而阻碍学习.  相似文献   

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