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<正>2010年6月2日至6日,海内外道学研究者、隐修者在美国洛杉矶市罗耀拉大学(Loyola Marymount University)召开第六届道学国际会议。前五届依次在波士顿大学(2003)、四川大学(2004)、慕尼黑大学(2006)、香港教育学院(2007)、武当山(2009)召开,在美国,这是第  相似文献   

A questionnaire was administered to 47 participants attending a workshop on nuclear energy shortly after publication of a report on a proposed nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. Supporters and opponents of the proposed development differed markedly in their estimates of its possible consequences, and of the relative importance of these consequences. They also differed in their endorsement of pro- and anti-nuclear lobbies, and the factors which they felt contributed most to the “quality of life”. Overall, pro-nuclear subjects appear to place emphasis on the economic benefits of nuclear energy, while anti-nuclear subjects appearad more concerned with social and political risks, and regraded alternative energy sources as more viable. It is concluded that an analysis of such attitudinal differences requires a consideration not only of differences in beliefs, but also of differences in belief salience.  相似文献   


The 16th International Conference on Children`s Spirituality ?Questioning the Relationship. Between Children`s Spirituality and Traditions” took place from the 24th to th 27th of July 2018 at the Laval University in Quebec, Canada. The report gives a review of the conference and summarizes some findings.  相似文献   

This paper provides some brief working positions on spirituality and educational management before moving on to its principal focus on globalization. My objective is to arrive at a sufficiently clear understanding of the meanings and effects of globalization; such an understanding could then be used to facilitate a useful exploration of the implications of globalization for spiritual development, and for the role that educational management currently plays in it. Globalization is described as having a variety of faces, some benign, some malign, with most of these having major effects upon both educational management and spirituality. In particular, I argue that there is increasing evidence that different aspects of globalization are leading to a paradoxical increase in both control and fragmentation effects on schools, and that there must therefore be an increased scrutiny of the effects of globalization on education generally.  相似文献   

Death Education, a common component of Religious Education (RE) and Personal and Social Education (PSE) at secondary level, is an issue beginning to raise its head within the field of primary education. Is there justification for death, a topic normally a taboo, to be taught about in the primary school? Is death education beneficial for children and are children aged 9‐11years capable of discussing such an abstract concept as the afterlife?

This article attempts to justify the teaching of death education at primary level. It examines research that proposes death education is of relevance to children and suggests, from examining children's conception of the afterlife, that children at the upper end of the primary school are capable of discussing the afterlife and thus of thinking abstractly.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - The belief-as-benefit hypothesis holds that spirituality and religiosity strengthen resilience and increase personal well-being. This spiritually-based account...  相似文献   

Investigators argue that it is essential to consider why parents select non-parental child care arrangements in studying the effects of that care on a child’s development. Existing investigations explore family economic and demographic characteristics as determinants of child care choice. The present investigation examined a wide array of parents’ beliefs about characteristics of child care arrangements with the goal of determining if these could be reduced to coherent dimensions. The emergent belief sets were examined in relation to maternal and child characteristics as potential correlates. Two hundred and twenty respondents with children in non-parental care completed surveys. These individuals represent diverse ethnic and economic groups. Ratings of the importance of characteristics were factor analyzed resulting in a six factor solution: Practical Concerns, Institutional Structure, Curriculum, Scheduling, Child Centered Orientation and School Readiness. The latter factor, or program components promoting social skills and classroom behaviors associated with succeeding in school, was identified as the most important dimension. Parents describing their children as more difficult temperamentally and as less developmentally advanced tended to describe school readiness and curriculum issues as less important. Child characteristics accounted for unique variance above and beyond mothers’ characteristics in predicting to parental beliefs. Results suggest that parents as consumers possess coherent belief sets and are sensitive to children’s developmental needs in evaluating care arrangements.  相似文献   

This paper argues for an alternative notion of spirituality for education, based on Theo de Boer’s idea of a spirituality of the desert. Rather than depicting an inner, additional region named the spiritual, spirituality here is thought of as a discourse that depicts the everyday world in a particular way. In dialogue with David Purpel’s analysis, the paper argues for a notion of spirituality that is located in an ongoing oscillation between ‘the individual’ and ‘the community.’ This oscillation turns out to be the call of justice. This analysis helps understand classroom dynamics differently, providing a place of critique for current practices.
Clarence W. JoldersmaEmail:

沈榆平 《逻辑学研究》2009,2(4):114-119
由中山大学逻辑与认知研究所主办的逻辑与认知国际研讨会自2001年开始每年举办一次,内容涉及逻辑学、计算机科学、数学、认知科学和哲学,共同的目的在于发展中国的逻辑学研究及促进中国与国外逻辑学家的交流与合作。第八届逻辑与认知国际研讨会于2009年11月2日至4日在广州举行,由中山大学逻辑与认知研究所与澳大利亚墨尔本大学哲学系联合主办。本次会议邀请了来自澳大利亚、新西兰、日本、印度、中国香港、中国台湾和中国大陆的学者。会议录用了13篇论文作为发言稿,其中5篇特邀发言分别来自Edwin Mares、Greg Restall、Hiroakira Ono、Mark Reynoldsand、Mihir Chakraborty。会议内容涵盖了证明论、逻辑与代数、博弈论、语言学和哲学逻辑。例如Greg Restall的论文从确证与否证的角度来理解证明,并且考察这样的观点如何影响对证明结构及证明论的理解。在逻辑与代数的主题上,Hiroakira Ono教授着眼于在保持无穷交并下的代数完全性。哲学逻辑方面的论文有时态逻辑、信念逻辑、动态逻辑、条件句逻辑、模糊逻辑等。博弈论方面有对偏逻辑的博弈语义的考察。另外还有对论证理论的形式模型探讨。会议受到了与会者的高度肯定,为加强亚太地区逻辑学的交流与合作提供了一个很好的平台。会议主委会包括鞠实儿教授、Greg Restall、Hiroakira Ono和Mihir Chakraborty教授一致认为这样的合作与交流应该继续深入下去。期待在不久的将来可以建立起所谓的亚太逻辑研究圈,从而更好地推进逻辑学在亚太地区的发展。  相似文献   

This article presents the case study of an individual with a significant psychiatric disability who identified spirituality as the primary facilitator of her community integration. Recommendations are made for human service practice.  相似文献   

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