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This paper will present a Jewish Spiritual Perspective on clinical work by examining key underlying values and attitudes in Judaism that relate to human behavior, mental health and illness. Common symptom presentations and family issues that have roots in culture will be explored. Contemporary and ancient spiritual coping tools will be suggested for use in clinical work and personal growth.  相似文献   

生态学习观:一种审视学习的新视角   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
郑葳  王大为 《心理科学》2006,29(4):913-915
学习理论作为教育心理学的重要组成部分,百余年来发展繁盛。然而,无论是行为主义、信息加工、建构主义、还是目前流行的社会文化观,每一种学习理论所能描述和解释的不过是学习现象的某些方面或某一层次,都未能反映出人类学习的完整图景。本文尝试提出生态学习的思想,试图展现学习的整体、适应和多元的面孔。  相似文献   

试论内隐学习的多水平动态观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林颖  周颖 《心理科学》2005,28(4):995-998
文章回顾了关于内隐学习意识性的实证研究和理论探讨。在此基础上,借助Karmiloff—Smith的表征重述概念,构建了一个多水平觉察状态、多水平表征机制、多水平能量需求的内隐学习机制动态观。该观点不同于以往对内隐学习的静态分析,揭示了内隐学习和外显学习在机能上的连续性,  相似文献   

实践证明,一个没有法治的社会,基本的人权和自由是得不到保证的。伊斯兰法作为其人权的社会保障制度,以人为终极关怀,为人自身价值的实现进行宏观和微观设计.具有全面性和包容性。本文着重从伊斯兰法对人权的保护与作用的角度阐析了其人权观。  相似文献   

The issue of smoking and Jewish law is explored. After the dangers from smoking are cited, various precedents in Jewish law are presented as the basis for confronting the matter of smoking. Arguments are suggested for strictly prohibiting smoking. The matter of the effects of smoking on the non-smoker is the subject of much research, and the dangers posed to the innocent bystanders are an added dimension pointing to the hazards of smoking and therefore indicating that it should be prohibited.Rabbi Dr. Reuven P. Bulka is editor of theJournal of Psychology and Judaism, published by Human Sciences Press for the Center for the Study of Psychology and Judaism in Ottawa, Canada.  相似文献   

A practicing physician reviews the contribution of Jewish ethics, as it relates to the structure of Jewish law, to the issue of abortion. The topics approached include the status of the fetus, the relationship of fetus to mother, abortion and murder, therapeutic abortion, and the rights of the mother. The discussion describes rabbinic answers to abortion requests and is followed by a summary of the Jewish attitudes toward termination of fetal life. An appendix is provided, dealing with central aspects of Jewish ethics, the structure of Jewish law, their relationship, and a note on abortion legislation in Israel.  相似文献   

如果有人说西方哲学里有一种“基督教哲学” ,那么没人会感到惊讶 ,但是 ,如果说有一种“犹太哲学” ,那么许多人即使不感到惊讶 ,也会觉得很陌生。当《现代犹太哲学》 (傅有德等著 ,人民出版社 ,1 999,1 2 )一书摆在笔者面前时 ,我多少就有这种感觉。犹太民族贡献给西方世界乃至全人类的最伟大财富是以《圣经·旧约》为核心的一神教信仰。作为一种文明看 ,这种一神教信仰与古希腊文明的不同就在于 ,前者强调的是在践行神圣律法这种活生生的信仰实践中去领会上帝存在的真实性 ,去追寻和接受生活与世界的真实意义 ,而后者则要求在思想中 ,在…  相似文献   

人类基因组计划之我见   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人类基因组计划是全人类一项宏伟的生物科学工程,它使人类从分子水平认识自我、认识生命、健康和疾病的本质;它极大地推动了DNA芯片技术、生物信息技术、生命科学工业的兴起与发展;开辟了后基因组时代的新纪元。生命科学研究的模式和层次正经历一场深刻的变革,同时它带给我们的影响也是史无前的,我们面临严峻的挑战。我们要把握历史机遇和民族命运。  相似文献   

We claim that divine command metaethicists have not thought through the nature of the expression of divine love with sufficient rigor. We argue, against prior divine command theories, that the radical difference between God and the natural world means that grounding divine command in divine love can only ground a formal claim of the divine on the human; recipients of revelation must construct particular commands out of this formal claim. While some metaethicists might respond to us by claiming that this account leads to an inability to judge between better and worse constructions of the commanded life, we propose that an analysis of the human response to divine love—theological eros—can be the basis for an articulation of a philosophical theology (in our case, negative theology) that can guide the religious believer toward generating particular principles for ethical action that are grounded in an account of divine action. By linking divine command to imitatio Dei, the believer can have confidence that her imitative acts of God are not inaccurate constructions of the commanded life.  相似文献   

An analysis of traditional Jewish texts yields neither the capitalist notion of medicine nor the socialist one. Neither alternative is sufficient to ground the respect for the sanctity of the human person as a being created in the image of God that is so rationally appealing. That is why the Jewish ethical tradition, which is based on this respect for the sanctity of human personhood, both individual and collective, is so attractive--if only for its insights, rather than its authority; its guidance, rather than its governance.  相似文献   

人类胚胎干细胞的来源与伦理思考   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
人类胚胎干细胞研究的伦理问题较多,因此要思考胚胎干细胞的伦理问题。胚胎干细胞来源有四种:选择性流产的人类胚胎组织;治疗不孕症夫妇不需要的由体外受精产生的人类胚胎;由捐献者专门为研究所捐献的配子由体外受精产生的人类胚胎;由体细胞核移植技术将人体细胞核移植入人或动物的卵泡内产生人类胚胎或嵌合体胚胎。用不同胚胎来源研究干细胞产生的伦理问题不同,伦理的思考和结论也不同。  相似文献   

刘志强 《现代哲学》2011,(2):111-116
尽管罗隆基认为其功用人权观既不是功利主义的延伸,也不是"天赋人权"的翻版,但它是现代中国对人权理论谱系的原创性贡献。功用人权观是西方诸多政治法律思想的汇总和反应,是典型的实用主义理论。罗隆基功用人权观最大的问题,在于他为了建构人权理论,却没有顾及理论来源所针对的问题和语境,导致了理论与实践之间的短路,以及理论上的片面性与互相抵触。  相似文献   

潘光旦提倡的人的科学,既是对西方自然科学过于重视知识与技术、忽视对于人生价值的反思,也是对五四运动以来唯科学主义思潮、科玄论战的回应。在潘光旦看来,科学是一门学问而非技术,强调理性与客观事实。只有用这样的科学研究作为社会基本单位的人,了解并合理地解决人的心理与情感等问题,才能从根本上发挥科学对于人类社会的价值。潘光旦对于优生学与性科学的研究,正是他试图推动人的科学的努力。这一努力在其学术生涯的后期被整合进他的新人文思想理论体系中,这既接续了中国传统儒学思想中的人本主义,又借鉴了西方生物学理论中重视人的文明资源,并在根本上构成了潘光旦反思现代科学发展、重塑科学与人文互动的重要成果。  相似文献   

Traditional flavor aversions form when an organism consumes a flavor prior to an illness-producing unconditioned stimulus (US). Rozin (1986), however, introduced a second type of taste-aversion learning produced by a disgust-eliciting US. In the present work, Rozin's disgust categorization is extended to include other human situations (negative information, forced consumption) in which taste aversions are mediated by cognitive processes. College students completed a self-report questionnaire that addressed their experiences with taste-aversion learning. The results show that cognitive aversions were stronger and longer-lasting than traditional aversions, they formed to foods of animal origin more than to other substances, and they could be produced without nausea. Finally, individuals who reported having a cognitive aversion had significantly more taste aversions than individuals who reported having a traditional aversion. These results provide additional evidence that taste-aversion learning can occur without the direct mediation of an illness-producing US.  相似文献   

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