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A planned strategy of engagement, in order to benefit from, and contribute to Western science and technology, should be the major focus of science and technology policy in the Third World. What is needed is a strategy of vigorous and innovative engagement which will be based on an open approach to Western science and technology, a dynamic model of science development integration and institutional reforms for qualitative improvements in the social structure of science in the Third World. Reprinted from Knowledge and Policy: The International Journal of Knowledge Transfer and Utilization, Spring 1990, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 3–20. His research interests include comparative science and technology policy, organizational behavior, and sociology of change and modernization.  相似文献   

A planned strategy of engagement, in order to benefit from, and contribute to Western science and technology, should be the major focus of science and technology policy in the Third World. What is needed is a strategy of vigorous and innovative engagement which will be based on an open approach to Western science and technology, a dynamic model of science-development integration and institutional reforms for qualitative improvements in the social structure of science in the Third World. Muhammad Shahidullah is a research associate at the University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh. His research interests include comparative science and technology policy, organizational behavior, and sociology of change and modernization.  相似文献   

In this paper a method is outlined for measuring the diversity of the results of applied R&D with the use of IPC (International Patent Classification). The method has been tested in the contexts of the academic physical, engineering, and chemical institutes. The trend of applied research at a given institute increases both at the level of classes and subclasses, and at the IPC level. Inventions developed within specializations at each institute have a greater efficiency than other forms of inventive activity. The objective was to seek the optimal extent of diversification of applied R&D, which would simultaneously ensure the preservation of the scientific specialization of an institute, the high level of scientific research associated with developing innovations, and the high overall efficiency of each institute.  相似文献   

Reviewing the social science literature on the Chicana or Mexican American woman reveals a tenaciously perpetuated stereotype in which she appears almost exclusively as a submissive maternal figure. This may be related to an on-going trend to support studies of interpersonal or cultural characteristics of Chicanas and a resistance to undertake evaluations of systemic discrimination against Mexican American women. Almost all such studies investigated lower class samples, thus confounding ethnicity with socioeconomic status. The size and selection of many of the samples are questionable for purposes of generalizing to the entire population. Because many concepts are not defined in behavioral terms, they are seldom assessed empirically. The main concern is to what extent social scientists and the media are dictating norms to the Chicano family and to what extent are social planners and educators being influenced by these images. Examples from 3 distinct areas of research conclude with interpretations of Mexican American women that differ considerably from those with a heavy emphasis on cultural values: 1) demographic analyses of the 1970 Public Use Samples of the census that acknowledge the disadvantaged economic position of Mexican Americans; 2) studies that are beginning to measure empirically the family dynamics of Mexican Americans; and 3) family planning studies that attempt to examine the interaction between health care delivery systems and Mexican American contraceptive behavior. Trained and experienced Chicana researchers are needed to offset the male orientation and ethnocentrism that have characterized the social sciences.  相似文献   

In this article the perspective shifts to the “upstream” end of the agricultural knowledge and information system (AKIS). Because knowledge policy and strategic decision-making are not the prerogative of the public sector, organizations such as cooperative unions and multinational companies are included. After considering the influence of the changing environment on the nature of the AKIS, the role of knowledge management and policy in the emerging knowledge and information market is examined. Special attention is given to public and private R&D. The article then looks where information technology (IT) fits in and what considerations determine strategic investment in IT projects and sustained services. Some of the European experiences with this strategic investment are evaluated.  相似文献   

In the developing world, applications of the technology and innovation park concept continue to emerge, characterized by sophisticated cutting-edge infrastructure technologies combined with a supportive business environment focused on knowledge-based industries. Three models of park application were identified and illustrated with examples drawn from a study of twenty technology and innovation parks in developing countries. Despite its implicit nature, innovation theory provides the underlying premise — that investments in technology and innovation will lead to economic development. Based on the findings of this study, revisions to innovation theory are proposed. She has worked with local, regional, and national governments to design and implement technology-based economic development programs and policies. She is author of Evaluating Technology-Based Economic Development (2002).  相似文献   

The Society for Computers in Psychology has been at the forefront of disseminating information about advances in computer technology and their applications for psychologists. Although technological advances, as well as clean research designs, are key contributors to progress in psychological research, the justification of methodological rules for interpreting data and making theory choices is at least as important. Historically, methodological beliefs and practices have been justified through intuition and logic, an approach known asfoundationism. However,naturalism, a modern approach in the philosophy of science inspired by the work of Thomas S. Kuhn, indicates that all aspects of scientific practice, including its methodology, should be evaluated empirically. This article examines implications of the naturalistic approach for psychological research methods in general and for the current debate that is often framed as one of qualitative versus quantitative methods.  相似文献   

Research councils have traditionally been used by governments to determine the funding allocations of scientific research. During the 1970s and 1980s the traditional “laissez-faire” science policy characteristics of research councils changed. Government policy on fundamental science was conceived as the active search for, and support of scientific fields considered to be of strategic value to economic development. This article addresses the consequences these changes have had on the objectives and structures of research councils. It will attempt to explain the differential choice of governments in implementing the more active forms of science policy. An analysis is made of the changing roles and activities of research councils in three nations having active policies on (strategic) fundamental science.  相似文献   

The research programme of the philosophy of information (PI) proposed in 2002 made it an independent area or discipline in philosophical research. The scientific concept of ‘information’ is formally accepted in philosophical inquiry. Hence a new and tool-driven philosophical discipline of PI with its interdisciplinary nature has been established. Philosophy of information is an ‘orientative’ rather than ‘cognitive’ philosophy. When PI is under consideration in the history of Western philosophy, it can be regarded as a shift of large tradition. There are three large traditions at large, known as Platonic, Kantian and Leibniz-Russellian. In the discussion of the position of the possible worlds, we have modal Platonism and modal realism, but both of the theories are made in the framework of Western philosophy. In this essay, it is argued that possible worlds could be seen as worlds in information, which is then an interpretation of modal information theory (MIT). Our interpretation is made on the basis of Leibniz’s lifelong connection with China, a fact often overlooked by the Western philosophers. Possible world theory was influenced by the Neo-Confucianism flourishing since the Song Dynasty of China, the foundation of which is Yijing. It could be argued that Leibniz’s possible world theory was formulated in respect to the impact of the thoughts reflected in Yijing, in that one of the prominent features is the model-theoretic construction of theories. There are two approaches to theory construction, i.e., axiom-theoretic and model-theoretic. The origin of the former is from ancient Greece and the latter from ancient China. And they determined the different features of theoretic structures between the oriental and occidental traditions of science and technology. The tendency of the future development of science and technology is changing from the axiom-theoretic to the model-theoretic orientation, at least the two approaches being complementary each other. To some extent, this means the retrospective of tradition in the turning point of history, and some of the China’s cultural traditions might become the starting points in formulating the future Chinese philosophy of science and technology.  相似文献   

Recent views of science and technology have relied heavily on social network approaches. However, even within social network approaches, there are distinctive positions on international science and technology networks, depending on how boundaries and organizational processes are conceptualized. We contrast organizational approaches, exemplified by that of Shrum and Mullins, with geopolitical approaches, exemplified by Thomas Schott’s work. Problems and advantages of each approach are discussed. Finally, we propose that the difference between empirical levels of analysis and the part/whole distinction offers a preferable way of conceptualizing the micro-macro problem.  相似文献   

Assessments of lexical acquisition are often limited to preschool children on forced‐choice comprehension measures. This study assessed the nature of the understandings 30 school‐age children (mean age = 6;7) acquired about the science term eclipse following a naturalistic exposure to a solar eclipse. The knowledge children acquired about eclipses and a control term comet was assessed at three points in time (baseline‐test, 2‐week post‐test and 5‐month post‐test) using a range of assessment tasks (multiple‐choice comprehension, picture‐naming, drawing and a model solar system manipulation task). Children's knowledge at the baseline‐test and 2‐week post‐test was compared with that of 15 adult controls. The analysis focused on the range of knowledge children acquired about eclipses and the relationships between aspects of knowledge they acquired. We found that children acquired extensive knowledge about eclipses, but not comets. At the 2‐week post‐test, the majority of children were able to produce the term eclipse and provided evidence of accurate comprehension and wider conceptual knowledge about solar eclipses, which was retained at the 5‐month post‐test. Further, children's ability to produce the term was related to their acquisition of ‘rich’ semantic and conceptual knowledge.  相似文献   

There are no official data on suicide from Pakistan, a conservative South Asian Islamic country with traditionally low suicide rates. Both suicide and attempted suicide are illegal acts, as well as socially and religiously condemned, making research in this area difficult. Recent reports suggest an increase in suicide rates. In this study, police data from the Sindh province were examined to provide a unique picture of trends of suicide over 15 years (1985-1999). During this period there were 2,568 reported suicides (71% men, 39% women; ratio 1.8). The lowest number was 90 in 1987 and maximum was 360 in 1999. Poisoning by organophosphates was the most common method followed by hanging. This study, although limited in scope, provides evidence of an increase in suicide rates in Pakistan, from one data source. There is urgent need for further research on suicide in Pakistan; interventions for suicide prevention in the country can then be planned.  相似文献   

Science can reinforce the healthy aspects of the politics of the policy process, to identify and further the public interest by discrediting policy options serving only special interests and helping to select among “science-confident” and “hedging” options. To do so, scientists must learn how to manage and communicate the degree of uncertainty in scientific understanding and prediction, lest uncertainty be manipulated to discredit science or to justify inaction. For natural resource and environmental policy, the institutional interests of government agencies, as well as private interests, pose challenges of suppression, over-simplification, or distortion of scientific information. Scientists can combat these maneuvers, but must also look inward to ensure that their own special interests do not undermine the usefulness of science.  相似文献   

This special issue of Journal of Personality, composed of eight original articles, attends to the intersection of intrapersonal and interpersonal processes. Articles adopt a contextual approach to personality with attention to the need to belong (and the lack thereof), self-presentation concerns and styles, sexuality, curiosity, self-regulatory strength and strategies, and dynamic methodologies and analyses to study people within relationships. In this introduction, we offer challenges and aspirational goals for personality science. In particular, we discuss the importance of context when conceptualizing and studying personality, the seduction of innovative methodologies and analytic procedures, and the value of focusing on people and heterogeneity in groups instead of simply variables. We hope that this collection of articles deepens personality science and reminds readers that to truly understand human beings, they cannot be divorced from their social milieu.  相似文献   

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