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本研究采用联结再认范式考察联结记忆中感知觉水平和概念加工程度对图片优势效应的影响。实验1通过呈现清晰或模糊的词语或图片对操纵了感知觉水平,结果发现只有在清晰条件下图片优势效应才会出现;实验2则在模糊条件下通过要求被试想象两个项目之间的关系操纵了概念加工程度,结果发现在有概念加工条件下,出现了图片优势效应。研究结果表明:(1)降低的感知觉水平会导致联结记忆中的图片优势效应消失;(2)对模糊项目对进行概念加工会使联结记忆中出现图片优势效应。  相似文献   

采用快速命名方法探讨不同注意条件下的知觉启动效应及其机制。实验中呈现一系列颜色词,要求被试分别完成集中和分散注意任务,然后进行词命名和再认测验。在词命名任务中.实验1包括旧词、重组颜色词和新词,而在实验2中重组颜色词改为新颜色词。结果表明,在实验1中,只有在集中注意条件下,被试对旧词的命名时间明显短于重组颜色词.即表现出知觉启动效应。而在实验2的两种注意条件下,被试对旧词的命名时间均明显短于新颜色词。这提示,在不同注意条件下的学习会影响其后的颜色知觉启动,并且与词和颜色的联结捆绑有关。  相似文献   

In the study phase of these experiments, subjects were asked to think of an item suggested by the omission in an incomplete sentence, and then look at a picture or word describing an item and say whether it was the same as theirs. In the test phase, they were asked to identify studied and nonstudied items presented briefly in either picture or word form. Subjects were then required to recall the words or pictures shown in the study phase. Experiment 1, with a within-subjects design, revealed that the studied pictures were identified more readily than studied words and nonstudied pictures. This indicates a physical priming effect. In word identification, studied words were identified more readily than nonstudied words; however, there was no difference between studied words and studied pictures, and the performance for studied pictures and nonstudied items were largely the same. The physical priming effect on picture identification was also shown in Experiment 2, with a between-subjects design. Different processing mechanisms in picture and word identification are discussed.  相似文献   

启动效应被严格界定为先前刺激对后续无关情境中的行为反应产生的无意识影响,而且启动对象应是某种认知表征或思维过程。启动研究最早源于认知心理学领域,后被用于社会心理学研究中,并逐渐发展出概念启动、心理定势启动和序列启动三大启动范式及诸多新技术。已有研究存在启动术语混淆和实验者效应等内外部效度问题,其中最大的争议为启动研究结果的可重复性问题。未来研究应致力于解决这些问题,并探讨启动的作用机制。  相似文献   

从知觉符号理论出发对情绪启动效应进行解读,启动刺激与目标刺激涉及的知觉符号相似性、框架相似性及模态激活延续性是情绪启动效应产生的可能机制和影响因素。在此基础上总结归纳出情绪启动的知觉符号匹配假说,并建构情绪启动效应认知加工模型,对现有情绪启动理论进行整合和拓展,以促进情绪启动刺激材料的拓展、提高研究生态效度; 促进情绪启动效应操作的有效性,进而提高其应用价值。情绪启动研究亦能反哺于知觉符号理论,促进其发展。  相似文献   

时-空整合影响图形识别的眼动研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用眼动追踪的方法对在不同方向(上、下、左与右)及距离(2.0°‘和4.0°视角)上先后出现的特征组合不同的图形识别过程进行了研究。结果表明。首先,对由不同颜色和形状构成的图形的识别受到图形特征组合的影响,视觉系统对颜色和形状的加工存在明显差异,与颜色加工相比,视觉系统需要更多的时间才能完成形状识别。此外,虽然图形识别的速度和准确性受运动方向与距离的影响较小,但在不同运动方向和距离上,视觉系统是通过改变眼动的时间和空间特性来完成识别任务的,视觉系统在识别过程中的这种时间与空间的整合特点还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

Two theories of priming were compared: spreading activation theories, in particular ACT* (J. R. Anderson, 1983), and compound-cue theories (R. Ratcliff & G. McKoon, 1988). Whereas ACT* assumes that priming is a result of diffusing activation in long-term memory, compound-cue models suggest that priming results from a formation process of prime and target in short-term memory. Thirty-eight participants took part in a study that combined a digit span task with a double lexical decision task consisting of a prime and a target item. Digit span length (low, medium, and high) and prime type (related or unrelated word or nonword) were both within-subject variables. As expected, results showed significant priming effects. In favor of ACT*, no interaction between digit span length and prime type was found. Additionally, a nonword inhibition effect (unrelated versus nonword prime) was found, which was predicted by compound-cue theories. This finding is discussed in terms of the process interference and response competition hypotheses.  相似文献   

姚艳珠  何先友  洪恬 《心理科学》2011,34(4):775-781
采用重复启动范式探讨语义启动效应减少的机制。结果发现,在SOA为短的167ms条件下,重复/相同和重复/相关的启动效应无差异,且重复/相关启动并未导致语义启动效应的减少;而在SOA为长的1200ms条件下,重复/相同和重复/相关的启动效应差异显著,且重复/相关启动导致了语义启动效应的减少,而重复/相同未导致语义启动效应的减少。在抵消了期望和消退的作用后,在SOA为1200ms条件下所得到的重复/相同和重复/相关启动效应的差异,是由于扩散受到了阻碍而导致的。这一结论支持了激活扩散是有一定条件的观点。  相似文献   

熟练维-汉双语者第二语言的概念表征的特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以母语为维吾尔语,第二语言为汉语的的维吾尔族大学生为被试,使用语言内和语言间启动条件下的真假字判断任务,通过3个实验探讨了熟练的维汉双语者的第二语言的语义表征的特点,即他们的第二语言的语义表征是共同存储的还是独立存储的。结果发现,实验1语言内启动条件下,即启动刺激(维语)和目标刺激(维语)之间具有语义联想关系时,产生了显著的启动效应。实验2(启动刺激为维语,目标刺激为汉语)和实验3(启动刺激为汉语,目标刺激为维语)的跨语言启动条件下,都产生了显著的启动效应,说明被试的第二语言的语义表征是共同存储的。这些结果表明:被试的第二语言的概念表征是同第一语言的概念表征共同存储的,支持了共同存储理论。  相似文献   

黄发杰  孟迎芳  严颖 《心理学报》2020,52(5):572-583
以往研究关于提取阶段的干扰是否会影响内隐记忆存在着异义,其中一个重要因素可能源于所采用的内隐记忆测验类型的差异。本研究采用学习-测验范式,通过4个实验,分别考察了提取干扰对识别式知觉内隐测验、识别式概念内隐测验、产生式知觉内隐测验和产生式概念内隐测验的影响,以期对提取干扰和内隐记忆之间的关系有着更全面的了解。结果表明:(1)词汇判断任务(识别式知觉)和语义分类任务(识别式概念)的启动效应在提取干扰下消失了,(2)而产生式词汇判断任务(产生式知觉)和产生式语义分类任务(产生式概念)在提取干扰下仍发现了明显的启动效应,但与无干扰条件相比,启动效应量也有着明显的减少。由此可见,不同类型的内隐记忆都会受到提取干扰的影响,相比于产生式启动,识别式启动更容易受到提取干扰的破坏。  相似文献   

This study explores implicit memory within the domain of text processing. Three experiments were designed to study cross-modality priming in a word-stem completion test following presentation of target words in the context of a coherent text. Four main results emerged. First, we found a significant priming effect for words previously studied in a text, this priming is higher with low-frequency words than with high-frequency words. Second, subjects demonstrated more repetition priming when study and test modalities matched than when they were different. Third, the magnitude of the priming effect in the visual condition varied with the perceptual processing of the text read. Fourth, priming effects did not depend on subjects' remembering of the words of text read as measured by a yes/no recognition test since no modality effect was found in this latter memory test. These results challenge Levy's (1993) view and are discussed in the framework of the transfer-appropriate processing view proposed by Roediger, Weldon and Challis (1989).  相似文献   

非熟练中—英双语者跨语言长时重复启动效应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
李利  莫雷  王瑞明  罗雪莹 《心理学报》2006,38(5):672-680
采用跨语言长时重复启动研究范式进一步探讨非熟练中-英双语者的记忆表征模型。被试为华南师范大学大一本科生共140名。实验自变量是语言条件(同语言和跨语言)和学习状况(学习过的和未学习过的),实验因变量是单词判断的反应时和正确率。实验1中被试在学习和测验阶段都完成概念任务,结果表明获得了跨语言长时重复启动效应。实验2中被试在学习和测验阶段完成词汇任务,结果表明没有获得跨语言长时重复启动效应。实验3中被试在学习阶段完成概念任务,在测验阶段完成词汇任务,结果表明没有获得跨语言长时重复启动效应。实验4中在学习阶段的概念任务中呈现汉语单字词,在测验阶段的词汇任务中呈现英语翻译对等词,结果表明没有获得跨语言长时重复启动效应。总的实验结果表明,在基于内隐记忆的跨语言重复启动的范式下,非熟练中-英双语者的记忆表征支持概念表征共享、词汇表征分离的观点。更重要的是,非熟练中-英双语者需要经由汉语翻译对等词的词汇表征,才能通达英语单词的概念表征,支持了词汇连接模型的观点  相似文献   

成人依恋背景中图片对安全基模的情感启动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依恋是人类行为的基本现象之一。采用情感启动技术,探讨了不同类型图片对安全基模中积极情感成分的激活作用,并考察了启动过程中成人依恋的不同类型可能存在的调和作用。结果表明:(1)安全基地图片比积极图片、随机几何图形以及空白对积极情感的启动效果更为明显。(2)在阈上、临界和阈下呈现启动图片的不同条件下,相同类型图片对情感的启动效果很稳定。(3)不同类型图片的启动效果不受被试依恋类型的影响。  相似文献   

探讨情绪性面孔的知觉和表象过程中,不同类型线索表情的启动效应,并关注不同类型表情表象难易的差异。选取NimStim数据库中20位演员的愉快、愤怒和中性表情作为启动刺激,随后呈现同一演员不同表情的图片,或通过颜色提示被试对不同表情进行表象,并同时进行表情类型判断。研究发现,情绪性面孔知觉与表象任务中均存在启动效应,之前呈现的线索面孔将会对接下来呈现的相同效价的面孔产生启动效应,对相反效价及中性面孔产生抑制; 在平衡不同类型面孔可能存在的启动效应后,正性、负性及中性表情是同样易于表象的。  相似文献   

启动和探测刺激相同试次低比例时可出现类似负启动的抑制现象。本研究采用不同于以往研究的单一探测范式,并操纵相关项(启动与探测词语义相关)的比例及刺激集的大小研究这一抑制机制的特点。实验一在低比例时发现了显著的负启动效应。实验二在低比例时,发现小的刺激集能诱发负启动,而大的则不能。表明在单一探测范式中启动与探测相关试次的低比例确实能诱发抑制控制,该抑制控制由忽视策略所致,并受刺激集大小的影响,支持了干扰项的凸显能够诱发强抑制的观点。  相似文献   

以插入空白间隔的汉字知觉干扰效应为实验范式, 探讨了不同长短的空白间隔对地震相关字和无关字的影响。结果发现:(1)在实验组中, 与地震无关字相比, 被试对地震相关字有更高的识别率; 而在对照组中, 被试对地震相关字和无关字的识别率差异不显著。(2) 450 ms的间隔能导致地震无关字干扰效应的消失, 却不会对地震相关字的识别造成干扰。本研究支持竞争激活假说, 并为情绪驱动知觉加工的观点提供证据。  相似文献   

该文通过两个实验考察早期双语儿童第二语言的词汇概念组织。实验1运用跨语言重复启动的范式,结果发现了跨语言重复启动效应,说明早期双语儿童可以直接通达概念意义,但是二语词汇语义通达的强度要弱于一语词汇语义通达的强度。在实验1的基础上,实验2运用图片命名的范式,结果发现了命名的语言效应,进一步说明早期双语儿童二语词汇与概念表征的联系要弱于一语词汇与概念表征的联系。总的实验结果表明,早期双语儿童在记忆表征中建立了二语词汇与概念表征的直接联系,其第二语言的词汇概念组织在本质上是机能性的。  相似文献   

Relationships between stage of moral judgment and antecedent social experiences are presented for a non-Western sample of young adults. Cross sectional data are presented for two groups of Kenyan students: 52 University of Nairobi students; and 40 fourth form secondary school Ss. Critical variables are (a) family modernization, (b) attending ethnically pluralistic secondary schools, and (c) living independently away from home. The correlations between moral judgment stage and these three variables are controlled for, and compared to, correlations between stage of moral judgment and age, sex, race, and academic ability (as measured by standardized achievement tests or by grades). The evidence demonstrates associations between moral stage and all three critical variables, though in different ways for the two age levels of Ss.  相似文献   

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) subscale Similarities have been classified as a test of either verbal comprehension or of inductive reasoning. The reason may be that items divide into two categories. We tested the hypothesis of heterogeneity of items in WAIS-Similarities. Consecutive patients at a memory clinic and healthy controls participated in the study. White-matter hyperintensities (WMHs) and normalized temporal lobe volumes were measured based on Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI), and tests of verbal memory and attention were used in addition to WAIS-Similarities to collect behavioural data. Factor analysis supported the hypothesis that two factors are involved in the performance of WAIS-similarities: (1) semiautomatic lexical access and (2) conceptual elaboration. These factors were highly correlated but provided discriminative diagnostic information: In logistic regression analyses, scores of the lexical access factor and of the conceptual elaboration factor discriminated patients with mild cognitive impairment from Alzheimer’s disease patients and from healthy controls, respectively. High scores of WMH, indicating periventricular white-matter lesions, predicted factor scores of direct lexical access but not those of conceptual elaboration, which were predicted only by medial and lateral temporal lobe volumes.  相似文献   

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