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The aim of this investigation was to test the hypothesis that early developing adolescent girls have a less favorable attitude towards school than late developers. The Ss were 104 grammar school girls of mean age 14 years 1 month. All Ss were given Fitt's test of attitude towards school. Twenty-two pairs of early and late developers, matched for chronological age, IQ, and social class, were compared with regard to their mean attitude score and their responses to individual items of the attitude scale. The early developers were found to have a significantly less favorable mean attitude score. There was also a tendency for more early developers to endorse unfavorable items and for more late developers to endorse favorable items.  相似文献   

Various interventions, such as standing intermittently with one leg on a footrest, have been suggested to prevent low back pain (LBP) development during prolonged standing. To assess this standing intervention twelve participants stood for 80 min while cycling through three minute periods of level-ground standing divided by one minute periods with either the right or left leg elevated onto a platform. All participants had previously participated in a prolonged level standing protocol and were classified as pain (PD) or non-pain developers (NPD). Out of the six known PDs, only one PD developed LBP by the end of the standing intervention. The intervals of elevated leg standing resulted in increased lumbar spine flexion in comparison to level standing. In addition, over time there was an increase in lumbar spine flexion during the level standing intervals. This change in lumbar spine posture in standing pain developers likely contributed to the reduced LBP development during this prolonged standing intervention  相似文献   

Most previous works on responsible conduct of research have focused on good practices in laboratory experiments. Because computation now rivals experimentation as a mode of scientific research, we sought to identify the responsibilities of researchers who develop or use computational modeling and simulation. We interviewed nineteen experts to collect examples of ethical issues from their experiences in conducting research with computational models. We gathered their recommendations for guidelines for computational research. Informed by these interviews, we describe the respective professional responsibilities of developers and users of computational models in research. In particular, we examine whether developers should disclose the full computational codes, and we explain how developers and users should minimize harms from improper uses of models.  相似文献   

Threatening communication is a widely applied method in behavior change interventions, which at the same time has been heavily criticized in the psychological literature. The current paper describes a study of the reasons for this persistent wide application of threatening communication. We conducted qualitative interviews with 33 key actors in behavior change intervention development in The Netherlands. Specifically, we interviewed intervention developers, policymakers, politicians, scientists, and advertising professionals. The interviews were transcribed and subsequently coded using NVivo. We found that participants most closely involved with the actual intervention development were generally convinced that threatening information was to be prevented, but often did not understand the exact processes involved. They were often under the impression that rather than a potent efficacy enhancing element, a behavioral suggestion would suffice to prevent threatening communication from backfiring. As participants were further removed from the actual intervention development, they generally tended to be more in favor of threatening communication. The main reasons for use of threatening information were to attract attention or prompt self‐reflection through confrontation, because target population members were assumed to like threatening information and respond rationally to increased risk perceptions by changing their behavior, or simply because no alternatives were available. In addition, intervention developers frequently had to deal with supervisors or funders who preferred threatening communication. Thus, when communicating with practitioners, it seems fruitful to provide them with a toolbox of evidence‐based behavior change methods that promote adaptive, rather than maladaptive, behavior; to promote basing interventions on the most relevant behavioral determinants as identified by determinant analyses; and to equip intervention developers with the tools to persuade other key stakeholders that fear is a bad counselor.  相似文献   

This article explores the nature of expertise of HR developers who work on training, career development, and developmental processes in an organization. The study draws on the data from a survey on HR developers in Finland (n = 164), possessing both quality and length of education and experience typical of experts in HRD. The HR developers evaluated their work performance through work roles and outputs, importance of competencies needed in performance, and related developmental interests in competencies. The results indicated that in terms of work performance there are specific areas of change agency, trainership, and management in HRD work determined mostly by contextual factors; there is also a common element which refers to dealing with the less explicit processes of change. Also, there seem to be common areas in expert knowledge, but the importance of these varies according to work role. In terms of importance and developmental interest, analytical and coaching competence seemed to be central. Seemingly both are less explicit and informal areas of expert knowledge. Additionally, both are acquired mainly through experience, and are areas which enable expertise to be communicated and mediated for the use of the organization. These findings are discussed further in relation to the nature and further development of HR developer's expertise.  相似文献   

A Critique of Positive Responsibility in Computing   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
It has been claimed that (1) computer professionals should be held responsible for an undisclosed list of "undesirable events" associated with their work and (2) most if not all computer disasters can be avoided by truly understanding responsibility. Programmers, software developers, and other computer professionals should be defended against such vague, counterproductive, and impossible ideals because these imply the mandatory satisfaction of social needs and the equation of ethics with a kind of altruism. The concept of social needs is debatable with no one possessing the authority to impose their version of them. Similarly, the notion of "positive responsibility" is difficult to apply, does not effectively change computing practice, and confuses good (i.e., efficient) computer engineering with good (i.e. moral) computer engineering.  相似文献   

News media are important reference points for public sense-making of emerging technology. In Norway, offshore wind can be considered an emerging technology. Siting renewable energy technology offshore is commonly regarded as a solution to onshore implementation problems, as development happens ‘out of sight, out of mind’ of the public. However, does moving renewable energy technology offshore really prevent controversy? How is emerging offshore wind technology made comprehensible in Norwegian news media? The dominance of supporting actors and arguments in the Norwegian news media discourse on offshore wind energy technology and the high prevalence of the argument that offshore wind should be non-controversial due to its placement ‘out of sight’ suggest that the expectation that such technology will prevent controversy has been partly met. Still, the emerging technology has been accompanied by an evolving controversy, though with a different extent and focus than the controversy over onshore wind. Both supporting and opposing actors have made offshore wind energy technology comprehensible by employing economic, environmental and moral arguments. Economics has appeared as a privileged frame of interpretation used by both supporters and opponents. Environmental arguments have shifted their focus to biodiversity and global aspects such as sustainability and climate change, and lost their dominance relative to their role in onshore controversies.  相似文献   

UK and Scottish planning policies include commitments to reflect the views of the public. However, this case study of one planning application for a wind farm in rural Scotland highlights the limited role played by lay knowledge within planning processes. The planning application process had two separate stages which structured the roles of lay and expert knowledge differently. Local objectors were able to influence the early planning application stage. However, this resulted in an appeals process (public inquiry) which was beyond the influence of lay people, and within which lay knowledge played only a marginal role. The early planning application stage enabled a wider range of knowledges to be relevant, perhaps even allowing lay knowledge to sideline expert knowledge. Within the inquiry such roles were reversed. Witnesses who could not back up their evidence with ‘reliable’ data or scientific reasoning were discredited as illegitimate and as having little to contribute to the inquiry process. Thus the inquiry constructed boundaries between expert and lay knowledge, in ways which diminished the role that lay knowledge might play. Whilst the construction of expert knowledge at the public inquiry played a central role in marginalising lay knowledge, it was central to all sides of the argument; the role of expert knowledge was reinforced by both the opposition group and the developers. Therefore, it is not only policy-makers and planning officials, but also lay people who act as though expert and lay knowledge can be clearly distinguished from one another.  相似文献   

There are warning signs for impending scarcity of certain technology metals that play a critical role in high-tech products. The scarce elements are indispensable for the design of modern technologies with superior performance. Material scarcity can restrain future innovations and presents therefore a serious risk that must be counteracted. However, the risk is often underrated in the pursuit of technological progress. Many innovators seem to be inattentive to the limitations in availability of critical resources and the possible implications thereof. The present shortages in industrial supply with technology metals may be interpreted as a wake-up call for technology developers to tackle the issue with due consideration. The article reviews the materials scarcity phenomenon from the viewpoint of sustainable development ethics. The following questions are discussed: ‘Should preventative actions be taken today in order to mitigate resource scarcity in future?’ and ‘Should technology developers feel responsible to do this?’ The discussion presents arguments for industrial designers and engineers to create a sense of responsibility for the proactive mitigation of material scarcity. Being protagonists of the innovation system, they have the opportunity to lead change towards resource-aware technology development. The paper concludes by outlining ideas on how they can pioneer sustainable management of critical materials.  相似文献   

In this study, the history of psychological testing in Japan is described using the oral history method. Seven test developers discussed the development of Japanese versions of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale, Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale, and Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children. Three conclusions were identified. First, the motivation for developing the tests shifted from one of personal aspiration to a wider responsibility of specialists' desiring to make social contributions. Second, the test developers shifted from working in small, familiar, collaborative groups to working in groups of specialists conducting well-organized projects. Third, the development of tests has variously been led by researchers, publishers, researcher-and-publisher collaborations, or institutes. In addition, this study identifies contemporary challenges for developing psychological tests, specifically due to insufficient numbers of participants and test developers.  相似文献   

Standing is commonly recommended to reduce sedentary behavior in the workplace; however, constrained prolonged standing has also been linked to musculoskeletal symptoms, such as low back pain (LBP). Light physical activity breaks, such as walking, may change lumbar spine posture enough to reduce LBP during standing. This study assessed the effectiveness of inserting 5-minute walking breaks every 25 min for reducing prolonged standing-induced LBP development. Nineteen participants completed two bouts of standing lasting 2 h – one with a 5-minute walking break every 25 min and one with no breaks. Pain measures were completed throughout the trial to categorize participants as pain developers (PDs) or non-pain developers (non-PDs). Lumbar region kinematics angle and range of motion were measured continuously. In standing, 58% (11/19) of participants were PDs, compared to just 26% when walking breaks were inserted. Seventy-three percent (8/11) were categorized as non-PDs with walking breaks. Median lumbar flexion increased during walking compared to standing. Lumbar region range of motion in the coronal and transverse planes also increased during walking. The intermittent lumbar flexion may help decrease LBP during prolonged standing. These results demonstrate that walking breaks may help promote lumbar movement and reduce prolonged standing-induced LBP.  相似文献   

Patients and health care consumers can obtain access to their “raw,” or uninterpreted, genetic data from direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies, researchers, or providers and pursue self-directed analysis via third-party interpretation tools. Yet relatively little is known about the nature of currently available interpretation tools or the motivations of tool developers. We conducted a structured content analysis of 23 third-party interpretation tool websites and supporting information, tracking features such as types of information returned, modes of generating and presenting that information, and privacy and security measures. We additionally conducted qualitative interviews with a subset of 10 tool developers. A majority of tools (16 of 23, or 70%) offer some type of health or wellness-related information, often extracted from publicly available variant annotation databases. Half of those interviewed characterized their activities as “bridging” users to the scientific literature rather than interpretation, for which they gave a variety of scientific, ethical, and regulatory justifications. The scale, heterogeneity, and complexity of information available from third-party interpretation are unprecedented. While developers aim to enlighten and empower tool users, interpretation-free “bridging” to rapidly evolving databases may instead impose burdens on genetic counselors and other health care providers asked to provide further contextualization and explanation.  相似文献   

与传统的纸笔测验(Paper And Pencil Based Test, P&P)相比计算机化自适应测验(Computerized Adaptive Testing, CAT)根据被试的作答反应自适应地选择题目, 它不仅缩短了测验长度, 还极大地提高了测验的准确性。然而, 目前绝大多数CAT不允许被试修改答案, 研究者主要担心修改答案会降低CAT的有效性。允许修改答案符合被试一贯的测验习惯, 修改之后的分数更能反映被试真实的水平, 从而能够进一步促进CAT在实际中的应用。现有的研究主要从三个方面提出了可修改答案CAT的控制方法:一是测验设计; 二是改进选题策略; 三是建构模型。未来的研究应进一步探讨这些方法之间的比较与结合, 以及对可修改答案认知诊断CAT (Cognitive Diagnostic CAT, CD-CAT)的研究。  相似文献   


Over the last few decades many social scientists have pointed to the importance of user participation in information system development (SD). In study A the opinions of 314 Dutch system developers on this issue were examined. The conclusion is that the majority rate the value of user participation highly. However, these data confront us with three important problems. First, we cannot be sure that the stated preferences of system developers are reflected in their actual behaviour. Second, system developers may give a different meaning to the concept “user participation” than social scientists. Third, “user participation” does not necessarily imply “user influence” on SD. Moreover, the empirical relationship between user participation and the effectiveness of SD remains unclear. In our opinion this can be attributed both to the multidimensional nature of the former concept and to the contingency of this relationship to the context of SD. Therefore, in study B, we developed a multidimensional contingency model to study the interaction among parties in SD instead of the study of user participation. In this explorative study no linear relationship between the effectiveness of SD and the interaction between users and system developers was found. Instead, effective SD seemed to require a fit between the context of SD and the interactions with and among users.  相似文献   

The increase in reported cases of Multiple Personality Disorder underscores a great need to differentiate clearly this from other psychiatric disorders and from simulation of Multiple Personality Disorder. Two sets of Rorschach signs have been advanced as clinical markers by their developers, namely Barach and also Wagner, Allison, and Wagner. As the Wagner signs are prevalent in much of the research on Rorschach responses in Multiple Personality Disorder, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate these signs using Wagner's administration and the resulting Rorschach protocols of 16 Multiple Personality Disorder patients and 16 psychiatric controls. Analysis indicated that this system was deficient in correctly classifying these 32 protocols. A new marker, the Splitting Response, emerged, however, which was more useful. This response, in combination with at least one Dissociative response, produced an accuracy rate of 94%. These new criteria may be useful aids in the detection of Multiple Personality Disorder from Rorschach protocols. Replication is urged.  相似文献   

This article presents an ecological perspective on homelessness that emphasizes the context in which homeless people live and the complex interactions between personal, social, economic, and service system resources that affect their well-being. The ecological perspective encourages researchers and program developers to assess the problems of homelessness at multiple levels of analysis, to view homelessness as a result of contextual factors that interact with individual and family vulnerabilities, and to assess carefully the social contexts in which researchers and program developers operate. Four ecological principles are described as a heuristic for research, intervention, and policy development. The implications of an ecological perspective for psychologists who wish to get involved in dealing with homelessness are discussed.  相似文献   

I discuss points of agreement and disagreement with Francis (2013), and argue that the main lesson from his numerous one-off publication bias critiques is that developers of new statistical tools ought to anticipate their potential misuses and develop safeguards to prevent them.  相似文献   

Many problems in software development can be traced to a narrow understanding of professional responsibility. The author examines ways in which software developers have tried to avoid accepting responsibility for their work. After cataloguing various types of responsibility avoidance, the author introduces an expanded concept of positive responsibility. It is argued that the adoption of this sense of positive responsibility will reduce many problems in software development. An earlier version of this paper was written for inclusion in S. Rogerson and T. W. Bynum, eds., Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Blackwell, (in press). Prepublished here with permission from the author and the editors.  相似文献   

Artificially intelligent interactive voice assistants (AIIVAs) are developed to understand language, but there is limited insight into their ability to understand accents. While there have been substantial advancements in understanding multiple languages by AIIVAs, having an understanding of variety of accents is an emerging concern. To address these concerns, we contextualised our study in India, one of the world's most populated and diverse countries with varying accents and dialects. Study 1 collected qualitative data through semi structured interviews with participants, data was subsequently thematically analysed, and a typology was developed with respect to the context of use and consumers' emotional and rational reactions towards AIIVAs when interacting with accents. For Study 2, we implemented the quantitative research method. This was done to reiterate the conceptual model formulated from the qualitative research findings. Findings suggest that positive emotional action has emerged as the most significant factor, followed by rational action and negative emotional action. This study contributes significantly to the theoretical understanding of future consumer behaviour and human-computer interaction trends. It provides practical implications for managers, tech developers, and other companies working and using speech-to-text automatic speech recognition to know that while they train their algorithms with languages, they should be mindful of the diverse accents of their consumers.  相似文献   

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