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知识向技能转化的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将知识向技能的转化过程分为 :陈述性编码阶段、程序性编码阶段 ,并假设存在一些因素影响陈述性编码向程序性编码的转化过程 ,控制好这些关键因素将有利于提高教学质量。为证明此假设 ,设计了四个实验。实验一、二结果表明 ,发现学习和接受学习中原有知识水平、概念地图策略等因素显著影响陈述性编码阶段 ;实验三、四结果表明 ,发现学习和接受学习中变式练习、解题策略指导等因素显著影响程序性编码阶段 ,对以上实验数据的再分析得出这两阶段存在明显的相互制约关系 ,根据以上结论和 E.D.Gagne的信息加工模型 ,构建了一个智慧技能获得的信息加工模型。  相似文献   

心理统计学教学中,不同的统计方法常常是独立教学,致使学生不易理解各种方法之间的关系。事实上,t检验、方差分析和多元线性回归等方法都可以统一到一般线性模型的框架下,而结构方程是对这个框架的最一般化的描述,且结构方程路径图是呈现这个框架的形象工具。因此,本文尝试用路径图的方式来呈现心理学研究中最常用的统计方法,并将结构方程分析结果与传统分析结果进行对照,帮助学生建立一般线性模型上位概念,将以往孤立的统计方法联系起来。  相似文献   

启动效应与技能学习相互关系的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
唐征宇 《心理科学》1998,21(6):502-505
利用字母光点和追踪旋转任务,分别对31名和32名大学生进行启动和技能学习相互关系的研究。结果发现:在两种任务内,被试的启动和技能学习存在相互独立的关系;在追踪旋转任务中,练习的频率对启动和技能学习都会产生影响。  相似文献   

现代认知心理学关于图式模型的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邢强 《心理学探新》2002,22(4):44-49
对现代认知心理学关于知识图式的研究作了系统的阐述,分析了产生式系统取向和联结主义取向的优缺点。指出:图式模型研究的整合观是近来及以后认知心理学研究的主要课题之一。  相似文献   

唐征宇 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1272-1274
关于技能学习与重复启动的基本机制问题在学术界存有很大的争议.对其进行探讨将会对从整体上考察程序性记忆的性质产生重要的影响。此文主要从函数形式、相关性和增减模式的理论分析,数字输入任务的计算模型.程序性记忆和学习的观点几个方面探讨了有关问题,说明技能学习与重复启动是程序性记忆的不同表现形式,它们有着相同的基本机制。  相似文献   

高职院校电气自动化专业学生的电工实训是一个必不可少的环节,也是非常重要的环节,然实际的电工实训效果还有许多不尽人意之处。本文根据教学实践,探讨改进电工实训教学的方法。  相似文献   

随着基础教育课程的改革和深化,师范生教学技能的发展研究已成为教师教育研究的焦点,提高师范生教学技能已成为实现高师教育与基础教育有效对接的重要途径。同时基础教育课程的改革也对高师教育提出了新的要求,分析当前师范生教学技能培训的现状及其出现问题的原因,结合基础教育改革,反思师范生教学技能提高的对策,为此应该在更新教学技能培训观念,整合教学实践资源,建立通畅的多项技能互动机制,构建科学的评价指标体系等方面加以思考,以提升师范生的教学技能。  相似文献   

任务分析与教师的教学技能成长   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文结合笔者多年从事教师培训的经验,提出在我国课堂教学设计中需要引进并逐渐推广任务分析技术。其目的是引导教师学习现代学习论和教学论,使其教学行为受现代学习与教学心理学原理的支配,加快专业技能的成长。为此本文先介绍任务分析技术的起源与发展,然后论述任务分析对促进教师的教学技能成长的作用,最后用我们的教学研究结果对上述观点提供经验的支持。  相似文献   

反思性学习是一种终身学习方法,具有培养自学与思考能力的优点,是解决当前临床技能教学内在矛盾的有效方式之一.反思性学习理念要求教师重新设计教学环节,帮助学生养成良好的记录习惯,认真对待错误,时刻检省自身学习态度,并通过不断重复培养良好的心理素质.  相似文献   

内隐学习对技能类教学的启示   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析整理了内隐学习在运动领域的各种应用研究成果,总结了运动技能的内隐学习在技能保持时间、复杂技能的掌握、应激条件下的操作以及多种技能的同时操作等方面所具有的明显优势,并据此为技能类教学提出了建议。  相似文献   

孙灯勇  胡瑜 《心理科学》2008,31(1):169-172
智力风格的三维模型是Li-fang Zhang和Robert J.Sternberg在风格这个研究领域最近提出的一个整合模型.该模型基于Sternberg心理自我管理理论,并结合以往的风格研究,提出了智力风格的概念,把风格分为三种基本类型,而且认为,大部分风格是价值负荷的;是集特质和状态为一体的,但是大部分是可调整的,所以更倾向于状态性;并且具有跨理论的重叠,但也有其独特性.文章对智力风格三维模型的产生背景、理论来源及主要观点进行了介绍,并探讨了该模型的意义.  相似文献   

胡谊  吴庆麟 《心理科学》2006,29(2):278-282
通过质性比较方法,本实验刻画了专家与新手在物理学欧姆定律上的知识差异,并发现,与新手相比,专家的知识结构有如下特点:(1)精致化,即拥有更多公式且生成了新公式,表示他们在知识之间形成了更多联系;(2)限制化,即添加更多恒定条件于知识中,从而产生更为明确的行动。此外,本实验在方法学上为细致描述和解释专长的实质提供了可能。  相似文献   

Many tasks, such as typing a password, are decomposed into a sequence of subtasks that can be accomplished in many ways. Behavior that accomplishes subtasks in ways that are influenced by the overall task is often described as “skilled” and exhibits coarticulation. Many accounts of coarticulation use search methods that are informed by representations of objectives that define skilled. While they aid in describing the strategies the nervous system may follow, they are computationally complex and may be difficult to attribute to brain structures. Here, the authors present a biologically- inspired account whereby skilled behavior is developed through 2 simple processes: (a) a corrective process that ensures that each subtask is accomplished, but does not do so skillfully and (b) a reinforcement learning process that finds better movements using trial and error search that is not informed by representations of any objectives. We implement our account as a computational model controlling a simulated two-armed kinematic “robot” that must hit a sequence of goals with its hands. Behavior displays coarticulation in terms of which hand was chosen, how the corresponding arm was used, and how the other arm was used, suggesting that the account can participate in the development of skilled behavior.  相似文献   

本文梳理了作者及其团队近30年来在情感教学心理学领域的开拓和发展中的一些思考和探索概况,主要涉及四方面的内容:一是结合研究者自己的教学经历和教学领域中对情感的忽视以及心理领域中对情感研究的薄弱之现状,谈对情感教学心理学研究的起因;二是探索情感的分类、功能和发生机制,为情感教学心理研究打下必要的基础;三是从基础性和应用性两个方面,推进情感教学心理的一系列研究;四是从社会-心理的宏观层面和生理-心理的微观层面,拓展情感教学心理研究。  相似文献   

左银舫 《心理科学》2004,27(2):353-354
本文就中小学教师对于知识和教学的基本观点以及它们之间的相互关系进行了初步探讨,结果表明:教师们普遍认识到知识是相对的、辩证的和有联系的,认为教学不是知识的简单地灌输而是帮助学生完成意义的建构。教师在知识观的“机械-辩证”和教学观的“接收-建构”两个维度之间存在显著的正相关.  相似文献   

As part of an investigation into the effects of curricular reforms in the undergraduate program in the College of Engineering, a series of Perry-style interviews were conducted over a 4-year period. The study was undertaken in an attempt to assess the impact of collaborative design-based engineering courses that were being implemented. Students who completed the collaborative design course in their first year were higher on the Perry scale than their peers who did not. However, this effect was not sustained through the rest of the curriculum, as more traditional courses dominated. No statistically significant change in Perry position was observed for students in their 1st and 3rd years; however, a growth of approximately one Perry position was observed between the 3rd and 4th years. The relationship of current curricula to this pattern of intellectual development is discussed, and arguments for altering the curriculum to support intellectual development are made.  相似文献   

Our use of language depends upon two capacities: a mental lexicon of memorized words and a mental grammar of rules that underlie the sequential and hierarchical composition of lexical forms into predictably structured larger words, phrases, and sentences. The declarative/procedural model posits that the lexicon/grammar distinction in language is tied to the distinction between two well-studied brain memory systems. On this view, the memorization and use of at least simple words (those with noncompositional, that is, arbitrary form-meaning pairings) depends upon an associative memory of distributed representations that is subserved by temporal-lobe circuits previously implicated in the learning and use of fact and event knowledge. This declarative memory system appears to be specialized for learning arbitrarily related information (i.e., for associative binding). In contrast, the acquisition and use of grammatical rules that underlie symbol manipulation is subserved by frontal/basal-ganglia circuits previously implicated in the implicit (nonconscious) learning and expression of motor and cognitive skills and habits (e.g., from simple motor acts to skilled game playing). This procedural system may be specialized for computing sequences. This novel view of lexicon and grammar offers an alternative to the two main competing theoretical frameworks. It shares the perspective of traditional dual-mechanism theories in positing that the mental lexicon and a symbol-manipulating mental grammar are subserved by distinct computational components that may be linked to distinct brain structures. However, it diverges from these theories where they assume components dedicated to each of the two language capacities (that is, domain-specific) and in their common assumption that lexical memory is a rote list of items. Conversely, while it shares with single-mechanism theories the perspective that the two capacities are subserved by domain-independent computational mechanisms, it diverges from them where they link both capacities to a single associative memory system with broad anatomic distribution. The declarative/procedural model, but neither traditional dual- nor single-mechanism models, predicts double dissociations between lexicon and grammar, with associations among associative memory properties, memorized words and facts, and temporal-lobe structures, and among symbol-manipulation properties, grammatical rule products, motor skills, and frontal/basal-ganglia structures. In order to contrast lexicon and grammar while holding other factors constant, we have focused our investigations of the declarative/procedural model on morphologically complex word forms. Morphological transformations that are (largely) unproductive (e.g., in go—went, solemn—solemnity) are hypothesized to depend upon declarative memory. These have been contrasted with morphological transformations that are fully productive (e.g., in walk—walked, happy—happiness), whose computation is posited to be solely dependent upon grammatical rules subserved by the procedural system. Here evidence is presented from studies that use a range of psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic approaches with children and adults. It is argued that converging evidence from these studies supports the declarative/procedural model of lexicon and grammar.  相似文献   

This multifaceted work on chess played without sight of the pieces is a sophisticated psychologist's examination of this topic and of chess skill in general, including a detailed and comprehensive historical account. This review builds on Hearst and Knott's assertion that chess can provide a uniquely useful model for research on several issues in the area of cognitive skill and imagery. A key issue is the relationship between viewing a stimulus and mental imagery in the light of blindfold chess masters' consistent reports that they do not use or have images. This review also proposes a methodology for measuring and quantifying an individual's skill shortfall from a theoretical maximum. This methodology, based on a 1951 proposal by Claude Shannon, is applicable to any choice situation in which all the available choices are known. The proposed “Proficiency” measure reflects the equivalent number of “yes—no” questions that would have been required to arrive at a best choice, considering also the time consumed. As the measure provides a valid and nonarbitrary way to compare different skills and the effects of different independent variables on a given skill, it may have a wide range of applications in cognitive skill research, skill training, and education.  相似文献   

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