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如何认定医疗过失一直是理论界与实务界的热点问题,由此从医学和法学的双重角度探讨如何妥当合理地认定医疗过失,指出在过失认定客观化的前提下以临床诊疗规范作为医疗过失认定的基本依据.由于医疗行业的专业性,法律推定技术在医疗过失认定中的应用具有局限性.  相似文献   

医疗侵权诉讼中的因果关系认定是个十分复杂的问题.本文首先阐明了法律上的因果关系概念,并介绍了大陆法系和英美法系对因果关系认定的不同理论,指出在医疗侵权诉讼中两大法系的做法值得我国借鉴.  相似文献   

事实婚姻司法认定标准的变动及其适用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张毅辉 《学海》2007,(6):144-147
事实婚姻关系在我国民事司法解释中是一个具有特定法律含义的概念,事实婚姻关系的认定不仅在我国民事司法实务中具有现实意义,而且在我国刑事司法实务中对重婚罪的确定也具有重要意义.2001年最高人民法院的司法解释放宽了事实婚姻关系认定的标准,在民事司法实务中扩大了事实婚姻关系的范围,但不应将此种变动引入刑事司法实务中,以防止对重婚罪认定情形的扩大.  相似文献   

晓望 《天风》2011,(9):14-15
《中国基督教教职人员认定办法》于2005年7月14日,由中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会第七届、中国基督教协会第五届四次常委会通过。按照《中国基督教教职人员认定办法》规定。省级基督教两会负责牧师、教师、长老的资格认定,各地市级基督教两会负责传道员的资格认定。这样,占教职人员数量三分之二以上的传道员认定工作。落实在各地市级基督教两会。  相似文献   

李强  高文珺 《应用心理学》2007,13(3):257-263
信任在人类社会生活各个方面都发挥着重要作用.本文以公众对高新技术服务产品--脐带血干细胞存储的消费心理为切入点,在广东、山西、东北、天津和河南五个地区对1026名大学生和一般公众进行了问卷调查.通过探索性和验证性因素分析得出消费者初始信任的五方面影响因素权威认定、声誉、企业概况、诚意表现和宣传力度.企业在这五方面的突出表现将有助于消费者对其建立起初始信任,其中企业概况和权威认定两个因素对信任形成的影响最大.  相似文献   

本刊讯截至2011年11月末,辽宁省首批佛教教职人员资格认定工作基本结束,并送达省宗教局审核后备案。辽宁省佛教教职人员认定备案工作自2011年4月全面启动。根据国家宗教局《宗教教职人员备案办法》,中国佛教协会《汉传佛教教职人员资格认定办法》、《藏传佛教教职人员资格认定》和《辽宁省汉传佛教教职人员资格认定实施细则》等有关规定,经认真研究,严格审核,8月,沈阳市佛教协会率先完成教职人员认定试点工作;11月末,全  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》以“当时的医疗水平”作为医疗过失的认定标准,然而法律上的“医疗水平”是一个相当抽象的标准,如何将此抽象标准适用于个案有相当的难度.随着循证医学的发展,通过循证性临床诊疗指南和临床路径构建的疾病标准化诊疗内容与程序能代表“当时的医疗水平”,为医疗过失认定的具体化、规范化提供新思路.  相似文献   

南宋中期政治家周必大与理学的关系是一个变动的过程:在思想上,他最初与理学亲切认同,后来随着与张栻讨论、辩论、争论的进行,他逐渐转向北宋儒学注重实务的立场,最后提出"守道不如守官"之论,明确反对理学所崇尚的道;在政治上,他最初与理学派相互合作,共同反对近幸势力,但后来他逐渐妥协于近幸,并接近、融入官僚集团。从这一意义上讲,余英时先生《朱熹的历史世界》认定周必大为理学士大夫的观点值得商榷。  相似文献   

医院的医学重点专科建设是医院发展的重要战略,如何认定某医院某专科为地方的重点专科,是一个系统工程.地方卫生行政主管部门如何把握评审认定标准,展示政府执政的公正公平,是十分敏感的问题,它蕴藏着很大的风险.在重点专科的评定过程中如何体现政府形象,规避行政风险,需要认真探讨.结合某市重点专科检查的实际情况进行分析,就此种争议及规避策略提出建议.  相似文献   

执业医师执业权利内容概论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
执业权是执业医师享有的法定权利之一,但对执业权的具体内容尚缺乏较为系统的研究与认定.首次提出并论述执业权应该包括诊断权、治疗权、处方权、证明权、疾病调查与身体检查权、死亡确认权、终止治疗权等七项权利.  相似文献   

Women experiencing infertility, pregnancy, medical gynecological problems, or annual checkups were assessed for primary appraisal of their stressor and types of coping strategies used. Diagnostic category approximated the subjective appraisal of stressor for pregnant (challenge) and checkup (no stress) groups. Most participants in the medical gynecological problems group appraised their stress as a threat, but a few participants chose other appraisal categories. Infertility was associated with two categories of appraisal—loss and challenge. Participants appraising their stressor as a loss made greater use of the coping strategies of Action, Wishful Thinking, and Fatalism than did women appraising their stressor as a challenge, a threat, or not stressful. Women appraising infertility as challenge were less distressed than women in any other group. The bimodal perception of infertility has implications for treating women who seek psychological help.  相似文献   

社会舆论、传统习惯、内心信念一直是伦理学界公认的道德评价手段或方式。但是,通过深入分析可以发现,传统习惯并不具有作为道德评价手段或方式应有的可操作性、主体性、功能性等特点,也不能动态地实现道德评价及其作用。因此,传统习惯即不可能也无必要作为一种道德评价的手段或方式。  相似文献   

医疗纠纷产生的法律根源及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前,我国的医疗纠纷案件逐年增多。卫生立法滞后、违法现象严重、执法不统一、患者法律意识增强、鉴定程序不合理是产生医疗纠纷的重要法律根源。提出的对策:(1) 加快卫生立法,创建良好的法制环境;(2) 完善处理医疗纠纷的法律;(3) 严格执法;(4) 开展法制宣传工作,提高医患双方的法制观念。  相似文献   

Cognition and motivation in emotion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The role of cognition--and to some extent motivation--in emotion, the ways meaning is generated, unconscious appraising, and the implications of this way of thinking for life-span development are addressed. It is argued that appraisal is a necessary as well as sufficient cause of emotion and that knowledge is necessary but not sufficient. This position is examined in light of what is known about emotions in infants and young children, the effects of drugs on acute emotions and moods, and recent patterns of thought about the brain in emotions. The discussion of how meaning is generated is the core of the article. Automatic processing without awareness is contrasted with deliberate and conscious processing, and the concept of resonance between an animal's needs and what is encountered in the environment is examined. The idea that there is more than one way meaning is achieved strengthens and enriches the case for the role of appraisal in emotion and allows the consideration of what is meant by unconscious and preconscious appraisal and the examination of how they might work.  相似文献   

The link between emotional intelligence (EI) and job performance was examined focusing on the interplay between self- and other-focused EI dimensions. Two diary studies were conducted among divorce lawyers and salespersons. We adopted a two-level perspective including individual differences in EI (person-level EI) and within-person fluctuations in the usage of EI (enacted EI). It was hypothesized that a focus on others’ emotions predicts job performance in social jobs. Multilevel analyses showed that others-emotion appraisal contributed more to subjective (Studies 1 and 2) and objective (Study 2) job performance than other EI dimensions. This link was more apparent in person-level EI in Study 1 and in enacted EI in Study 2. Furthermore, EI dimensions interacted with regard to job performance, such that appraising the emotions of one person was more effective than appraising the emotions of two persons (other and self), and appraising others’ emotions was more effective when one’s own emotions were also used or regulated.  相似文献   

医疗事故技术鉴定公正性初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医疗事故技术鉴定是解决医患纠纷的重要环节,鉴定公正与否直接关系到医患双方的合法权益能否得到有效的保护,关系到社会的和谐与稳定。医疗事故技术鉴定在解决医患纠纷上发挥了积极的作用,但也存在一些缺憾。对目前鉴定的公正性进行了分析,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that people's appraisals both of themselves and of other objects in the world are more efficient when the emotional dimension underlying their appraisals fits their regulatory concerns. Regulatory focus theory distinguishes 2 such fundamental concerns: promotion concerns with accomplishment that relate to cheerfulness- and dejection-related emotions, and prevention concerns with security that relate to quiescence- and agitation-related emotions. Five studies found that individuals with stronger promotion concerns were faster in appraising how cheerful or dejected the object made them feel, whereas individuals with stronger prevention concerns were faster in appraising how quiescent or agitated the object made them feel. These greater appraisal efficiencies were found for both chronic and situationally induced promotion and prevention concerns and were independent of both the valence and the extremity of the appraisals.  相似文献   

A number of problems posed by cognitive-mediational theories of emotion offer major challenges for theory and research. I address five problems that seem particularly important and vexing, and I offer some possible solutions. My purpose is to stimulate additional thought and interdisciplinary discussion. The problems include unconscious appraising; confusions about the bares of emotional variations across cultures; irrationality in our emotional life; research demands imposed by the transactional nature of emotion; and the potential for tautology when we treat appraisal as a cause of emotions. Although these problems are widely recognized, they have not been thoroughly dealt with, and they call for renewed efforts to seek solutions in the design of our research.  相似文献   

学风浮躁、急功近利、弄虚作假,困扰着临床医学研究,影响着临床医学的创新和发展。这不仅与当前的科技评价、管理制度有关,更与科研工作与领导的政绩、业绩有关。遵循科学研究的自然规律,让学术回归学术,建立同行评议制度,恢复学者的诚信,是临床医学研究创新发展的前提。同时,结合医院的分级管理,临床医学研究也应分类管理。  相似文献   

Raters (N = 135) from six organizations completed a survey regarding the sources of information used when appraising an employee's performance. Results indicated that multiple sources of information are used, and that raters are active seekers, as well as passive recipients of performance information. The perceived usefulness of volunteered versus requested second-hand performance information was found to differ across the various information sources. Also, the number of sources of performance information used by a rater was found to be related to rater characteristics (e.g., job level, number of subordinates). Implications for performance appraisal research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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