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Nursery school children were presented with a simple miniature artificial language in one of three conditions. In the first, the stimuli to which the words referred contained an inherent lawful relationship and the language syntax reflected this relationship. In the second, the stimuli contained an inherent lawful relationship but the language syntax did not reflect this relationship. In the third, no lawful relationship existed among the stimuli to which the words referred so the language syntax imposed an arbitrary relationship among stimuli. Subjects in the first group were able to produce more correct utterances than those in the other two groups when the stimuli to which the words referred were not present, suggesting that some form of semantic mediation mechanism was being used. Evidence from novel constructions indicates that for both groups using stimuli containing an inherent lawful relation there were interactions between semantic learning mechanisms and syntax learning mechanisms.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine when children first display evidence of hierarchical conceptual organization. Children aged 5 to 9 answered either semantic or sensory questions about a list of words composed of either superordinate terms, prototypical category instance, or moderately typical instances. In a later unanticipated cued recall task the children were given taxonomically related cues composed of the two remaining word types not used in the orienting phase. The 5-year-olds' performance revealed that they possessed a modest degree of hierarchically organized conceptual information, which by age 9 had developed to relatively sophisticated levels. In particular, it was found that the range of information contained in the 5-year-olds' conceptual hierarchies was considerably narrower than that of the 9-year-olds', which supports Rosch's contention that conceptual categories are first constructed around prototypical instances. The children's performance on the cued recall task was also compared to their performance on traditional class inclusion and object-sorting tasks. It was found that the object-sorting task overestimated, while the class inclusion task underestimated the extent to which conceptual information is hierarchically organized in 5-year-olds.  相似文献   

Several researchers have suggested that children have difficulty in drawing inferences to understand prose and, although inferences have been shown to be important in the reference decisions of adults there have been very few studies that have specifically investigated children's use of them in reference assignments. The results of the three sentence comprehension studies reported here suggest that some children are able to draw the relevant inferences to assign reference. But many children appear to use an order-of-mention strategy which biases them towards the first-mentioned noun phrase. This strategy seems to be adopted even when children are aware that the resulting pronoun assignment conflicts with their inferences. Children in the third study appear to be able to use local selectional information to reject a noun phrase chosen by their order-of-mention strategy but, at least at the youngest ages (4.5 years), children do not use the information provided by the whole sentence. These results are seen as yet another example of the lack of comprehension monitoring in young children.  相似文献   

Thirty-five 6- to 10-year-old children with initial low rates of donating to help a peer either simply received a fine for each failure to donate (n = 7) or also were informed of the contingency between the fine and failure to donate (n = 28). Explanation of the contingency was necessary to increase children's donation rates. Donations continued at high rates during a gradual, unannounced removal of the fine contingency, but decreased when children were informed that fines were no longer in effect, particularly for children who had failed to donate at least once during training and had actually been fined. Overall, addition of a distraction or an inequity procedure did not reduce donating below rate reductions due to the announced extinction procedure alone.  相似文献   

The effect of context-sensitive contrastive encoding of semantic item information at input on children's memory for words is examined. In two experiments, second and fifth graders and college adults were presented with word triplets varying in categorical relatedness. Each triplet contained a target item (eg., canary) that was highly related (hawk, eagle, canary), moderately related (goose, swan, canary), or unrelated (river, lake, canary) to the other triplet members. Subjects were required to either isolate and remember the odd target word (oddity encoding) or simply read and remember the word identified by the experimenter (read encoding). Both recall and recognition were tested. The results showed that recall and recognition varied as a function of decision difficulty in isolating the target members. Developmental differences in both absolute retention levels and the patterns associated with decision difficulty were maximized in the read and minimized in the oddity encoding condition. This suggests that children differ from adults in the degree to which they perform distinctive contrastive encoding of item specific information at input, and that retention varies as a result.  相似文献   

Many of the errors that occur in children' subtraction are due to the use of incorrect strategies rather than to the incorrect recall of number facts. A production system is presented for performing written subtraction which is consistent with an earlier analysis of the nature of such a cognitive skill. Most of the incorrect strategies used by schoolchildren can be accounted for in a principled way by simple changes in the production system, such as the omission of individual rules or the inclusion of rules appropriate to other arithmetical tasks. The production system model is evaluated against a corpus of over 1500 subtraction problems done by 10-year olds and is shown to account for about two-thirds of the (nonnumber fact) errors. It also provides an alternative, simpler interpretation of the subtraction errors analysed by Brown and Burton (1978). Some implications for teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported that investigate the ability of 5 year olds to determine the reference of anaphoric pronouns. The first study shows that children have problems coping with more than one pronoun in a sentence and if they have to draw an inference to define the reference of a pronoun. The second study shows that the difficulty in assigning reference is not due to children merely forgetting the premise information but is due to the difficulty of carrying out the inference. There is an indication in the second study that some of the children may be using a syntactically oriented rule (that the pronoun should be assigned to a noun phrase that has a parallel function in the previous sentence), and that they are not drawing the appropriate inferences.  相似文献   

Various methods of social skills assessment with children were reviewed. Based upon an extensive review of the literature, it was found that behavioral observations, sociometrics, and teacher ratings have been the most often used methods of assessing children's social skill deficits. Advantages and disadvantages of each assessment technique were discussed within a psychometric and social validation context. Conclusions were that school psychologists should utilized all three measures to secure a comprehensive picture of children's social behavior and to obtain some measure of social validation.  相似文献   

The “air gap” phenomenon was found to be very common in the free landscape drawings of middle and later childhood. Three experiments are reported in which the contextual cues for such drawings were systematically manipulated. When subjects were supplied with drawing sheets constructed to imply the absence of the air gap, the phenomenon was eliminated in most of their drawings. When supplied with sheets constructed to imply its presence, most subjects produced air gap drawings using contextually provided reference lines. There were no consistent transfer effects across different cuing orders. The susceptibility of the air gap phenomenon to modification by task manipulation suggests that it results from problems of production rather than from defects in the child's internal representation of the world.  相似文献   

French children between 4 and 10 years old were asked to draw representations of French negative sentences. The results indicated that in most cases only the verb is negated when the noun phrase to the right of the negation is introduced by a definite article, but when the noun phrase is introduced by an indefinite article, it is most often the noun phrase itself that is negated. This effect is clear even in 4-year-olds, and it serves to demonstrate that the interpretation of negative sentences depends on phenomena of surface structure as well as of deep structure.  相似文献   

Sixty-seven elementary school students, ages 5 through 10 years, from three ethnic groups were systematically exposed, over a 1-month period, to specially produced television commercials. One treatment group viewed prevideotaped cartoons interspersed with commercials of women in “traditional” roles, while a second group viewed the same cartoons but with commercials which portrayed women in traditionally male or “reversed” roles. Children were measured on pre-and post-tests on (1) their occupational knowledge, (2) the extent to which they stereotyped occupations, and (3) their own preferences for traditionally male and female jobs. Results indicate that children do learn about occupations from television content, that they also learn to stereotype or nonstereotype various occupations based on the sex of the TV model, and, finally, that girls will change their preferences for various occupations based on the particular roles they view women portrayed in.  相似文献   

According to previous research, young children do not understand displaced aggression. The present study examines the early phases of the understanding of the causes of moderately and extremely displaced aggression. Preschool and kindergarten children (3 to 5 years of age) viewed eight videotaped episodes of displaced aggression. Their comprehension of this aggression was assessed by means of open ended questions and forced choice picture selections. By age 5 most children had some understanding of displaced aggression, but this understanding was not complete. The early understanding revealed in the present study may be due to the use of short, simple realistic videotaped episodes appropriate for the limited processing abilities of young children. Extreme displacement was not more difficult to understand than moderate displacement.  相似文献   

It has been found in previous studies that attempts to represent the occlusion of a further object by a nearer one are infrequent in the drawings of young children (N. Ingram, The encoding of depth relations in children's drawing. Unpublished paper, Department of Psychology, University of Southampton, 1975; N. Freeman, D. Eiser, & J. Sayers, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 23, 305–314, 1977; M. Cox, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 26, 551–554, 1978). Possible explanations for this are considered. In the first part of the present study 64 children of mean age 6 years 10 months were asked to draw two opaque objects placed one behind the other. Previous findings were confirmed in that over two-thirds of the children drew the two objects separately in a horizontal or, more commonly, a vertical relationship. In the second part of the study the children were asked to draw an opaque object which they saw placed inside and/or behind a transparent glass beaker. All Inside Glass drawings showed the object within the confines of the glass, but half of the Behind Glass drawings showed the object to the side of, or above, the glass. Implications of these findings are discussed in terms of an orientation to the visual world rather than the visual field.  相似文献   

Sex prejudice in children's friendships has frequently been noted. This study examined the role of similarity of attitudes and personal construct ratings in this effect. Subjects were two classes of school children, aged 7–8 and 9–10 years. There were 29 children in each class. Subjects completed an attitude scale, construct rating scale, and sociometric questionnaire. Similarity effects were primarily in the younger children. Boys were more similar to each other in attitudes than were girls, and girls were more similar to each other in construct ratings than were boys (p < .001); there was greater similarity of attitudes and construct ratings in friendship rather than nonfriendship comparison dyads (p < .01). The sociometric data, when compared with sociometric data collected 6 months earlier, showed that these results could not be due to sex differences in the stability of friendships but rather suggested age and sex differences in the informational bases of friendships in middle childhood.  相似文献   

Kindergarten children (N = 70) learned to order 12 photographically presented objects. The objects were well known and either unrelated or categorizable into two, three, four, or six well-known categories. Free recall was assessed. Results indicated that the children used category membership both to learn and to recall the items. However, they processed the list composed of six pairs of items at least as efficiently as lists composed of fewer but larger groups of items (including a list indexed as easiest through previous adult performance).  相似文献   

Ninety-six children copied simple line drawings of perspective views of cubes and similar designs unlikely to be seen as representing objects. The views of cubes were copied much less accurately than the non-object patterns, and the errors made in copying the cubes involved replacement of properties specific to the single perspective view by properties more appropriate to the object itself. Some copies were drawn with the child continually looking at the model and unable to see his own copy, others were drawn in the normal way. Copies made in the former way were more accurate, but even under these conditions cubes were copied less accurately than the non-object patterns. The disadvantage of object pictures, as far as literal copying accuracy is concerned, was still present at 9 1/2 years of age, but was less than at 7 1/2. Two possible explanations are discussed. One is in terms of computational complexity, the other in terms of graphic motor schema. On the basis of the drawings obtained a few suggestions are made about the content and development of the data-structures for cubes.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that young children do not attempt to represent depth relationships between objects in their drawings. The present study, however, showed that when both objects are visible and the children's attention is drawn to the depth relationship between them, most 5-, 6-, and 7-year-olds do attempt to portray this relationship.  相似文献   

The effect of age-related differnces in the use of recall organization on the amount of recall and the properties of recall-acquisition patterns obtained in a multitrial part-whole transfer task was investigated among subjects in grade levels 1, 4, 7, and college (ages 6.5, 9.6, 12.6, and 19.7 years, respectively). Half of the subjects receiving relevant and irrelevant part lists sorted stimuli before recall trials; other subjects studied the items as they were presented, one at a time. Relevant part list learning was equally facilitative for all age groups regardless of presentation condition, and despite the greater amounts of recall organization found among college subjects. All age groups showed trial-to-trial improvements in whole-list recall; however, only the college subjects showed corresponding improvements in clustering, and all age groups had high rates of fluctuation in the composition of their recall from trial to trial. It was concluded that while even the limited amounts of spontaneous recall organization found among children are sufficient to enhance recall, organization is not a necessary condition for recall improvement and not the primary means by which children throughout the preformal-operations period increase their recall of unrelated stimuli over trials in a free-recall task.  相似文献   

Kindergarten and second-grade children (75 and 99 months of age, respectively) were first taught that the two stimuli within each of four pairs of multidimentional stimuli differed with respect to their values on every one of three bivalued dimensions: color, size, and form. Each of the eight stimuli was then presented twice, one at a time, and the child was asked either to find its duplicate (eight encoding trials) or to find its complementary mate (eight recoding trials) among the complete set of eight stimuli. Next, each of the eight stimulus compounds was presented twice as a display stimulus for 5 sec and, after a delay of 10 to 15 sec, the child was asked to find the display stimulus (eight trials of encoding plus memory) or its complement (eight trials of recoding plus memory) among the complete set. The stimuli for half the children in each age group were standard unitary compounds (e.g., a large red circle, a small blue square, etc.) and for the other half they were partitioned stimuli with their dimensional values spatially separated (e.g., large arrow, circle outline, and patch of color). Half of the children in each of these subgroups were given a basic pretraining, and the other half received extended pretraining, in recoding the stimulus attributes. The results indicated that unitary stimuli were easier to encode but the partitioned stimuli were easier to recode, that recoding was much more difficult than encoding, that extended training improved recoding performance, and that second graders were slightly better at encoding and much better at recoding than the kindergarten children. The patterns of performance on the tasks involving memory were similar to those just described. The results were discussed in terms of children's abilities to analyze multidimensional stimuli into their dimensional components.  相似文献   

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