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The aim of this study was to find a rule in color harmony that could reveal the mutual influences of the three basic harmonies, those of hue, lightness, and saturation. One hundred and four color pairs were judged for harmony by five subjects five times. The results were analyzed by the conjoint measurement algorithm of Krantz and Tversky (1971). It was concluded that there is an interaction between saturation harmony and hue and lightness harmony together, and an additivity between hue harmony and lightness harmony. This implies the rule: color harmony = saturation harmony * (hue harmony + lightness harmony).  相似文献   

This paper discusses two “nondecomposable” conjoint measurement representations for an asymmetric binary relation ? on a product set A × X, namely (a, x) ? (b, y) iff f1(a) + g1(a)g2(x) > f1(b) + g1(b)g2(y), and (a, x) ? (b, y) iff f1(a) + f2(x) + g1(a)g2(x) > f1(b) + f2(y) + g1(b)g2(y). Difficulties in developing axioms for ? on A × X which imply these representations in a general formulation have led to their examination from the standpoint of bisymmetric structures based on applications of a binary operation to A × X. Depending on context, the binary operation may refer to concatenation, extensive or intensive averaging, gambles based on an uncertain chance event, or to some other interpretable process. Independence axioms which are necessary and sufficient for the special representations within the context of bisymmetric structures are presented.  相似文献   

Within Anderson's (1974a, b, c, 1978b) information integration theory, the integration of motivational information was investigated by means of conjoint measurement techniques. Eighteen university students were asked to judge hypothetical co-students characterized by three features (intelligence, motivation and the extent to which they study) according to their chances to pass. Both rank order data and ratings were obtained. The orderings of most subjects could be represented very well by an additive model. A polynomial regression procedure was applied to determine the shape of the response function for the ratings. As this function was quite linear for all subjects, the ratings could be said to form an interval scale.  相似文献   

Relationships between the Rasch model and both the law of comparative judgment and additive conjoint measurement are discussed. The distance between the ability of Persona and the difficult of Itemi is, in the Rasch model, the baseline value corresponding to the probability thata will respond correctly toi, where this probability is interpreted as the area under a logistic curve (which is substantially equivalent to the normal curve) and is thus an application of the law of comparative judgment. Under certain assumptions, the Rasch model is also a special case of additive conjoint measurement and, properly reinterpreted, may be usefully applied in contexts other than individual differences.  相似文献   

The empirical study of the axioms underlying additive conjoint measurement initially focused mostly on the double cancellation axiom. That axiom was shown to exhibit redundant features that made its statistical evaluation a major challenge. The special case of double cancellation where inequalities are replaced by indifferences–the Thomsen condition–turned out in the full axiomatic context to be equivalent to the double cancellation property but without exhibiting the redundancies of double cancellation. However, it too has some undesirable features when it comes to its empirical evaluation, the chief among them being a certain statistical asymmetry in estimates used to evaluate it, namely two interlocked hypotheses and a single conclusion. Nevertheless, thinking we had no choice, we evaluated the Thomsen condition for both loudness and brightness and, in agreement with other lines of research, we found more support for conjoint additivity than not. However, we commented on the difficulties we had encountered in evaluating it. Thus we sought a more symmetric replacement, which as Gigerenzer and Strube (1983) first noted, is found in the conjoint commutativity axiom proposed by Falmagne (1976, who called it the “commutative rule”). It turns out that, in the presence of the usual structural and other necessary assumptions of additive conjoint measurement, we can show that conjoint commutativity is equivalent to the Thomsen condition, a result that seems to have been overlooked in the literature. We subjected this property to empirical evaluation for both loudness and brightness. In contrast to Gigerenzer and Strube (1983), our data show support for the conjoint commutativity in both domains and thus for conjoint additivity.  相似文献   

Five subjects were required in each trial to compare directly two sounds and to indicate which sound was louder. Each of the 64 sounds employed consisted of a combination of one of eight intensity levels of a 2-kHz tone and one of eight intensities of a 5-kHz tone. If, as Fletcher and Munson (1933) argued, loudness is additive for tone combinations in which the frequencies are widely separated, then subjects’ judgments should reflect the summed loudnesses of the 2- and 5-kHz tones in a two-tone combination. Judgments of individual subjects were shown to satisfy the conditions for an additive structure, and individual loudness scales were constructed. These loudness scales varied from subject to subject. Since this paired comparison procedure minimized response biases, the results suggest substantial individual differences in the sensory representation of sound intensity. The relations among sensory scales derived from other structured sensory judgments, such as binaural loudness, are discussed.  相似文献   

Axioms for additive conjoint measurement and qualitative probability are given. Representation theorems and uniqueness theorems are proved for structures that satisfy these axioms. Both Archimedean and nonarchimedean cases are considered. Approximations of infinite structures by sequences of finite structures are also considered.  相似文献   

Suppose that a binary relation is given on a n-fold Cartesian product. The study of the conditions guaranteeing the existence of n value functions such that the binary relation can be additively represented is known as additive conjoint measurement. In this paper we analyze a related problem: given a partition of a Cartesian product into r ordered categories, what conditions do ensure the representability of the partition in an additive model?  相似文献   

The distinction between verbatim and gist memory traces has furthered the understanding of numerous phenomena in various fields, such as false memory research, research on reasoning and decision making, and cognitive development. To measure verbatim and gist memory empirically, an experimental paradigm and multinomial measurement model has been proposed but rarely applied. In the present article, a simplified conjoint recognition paradigm and multinomial model is introduced and validated as a measurement tool for the separate assessment of verbatim and gist memory processes. A Bayesian metacognitive framework is applied to validate guessing processes. Extensions of the model toward incorporating the processes of phantom recollection and erroneous recollection rejection are discussed.  相似文献   

Various studies in the health area consistently rejected the multiplicative combination between severity and probability of threat which is predicted by expectancy-value (EV) theories. It is hypothesized here, that this negative evidence may be due to an overly demanding assumption underlying the multiplicative combination, namely, the assumption that people are able to performs trade-offs between expectancies and valences. This hypothesis is tested in two studies in which subjects judged hypothetical health threats. Results from a nonparametric analysis (conjoint measurement) of individual data (Study 1) and an experimental study of trade-off judgments (Study 2) are mostly consistent with the prediction. Unexpectedly, however, an ANOVA of the aggregate data of Study 1 yielded a small, but significant effect consistent with the multiplicative assumption. Whereas this latter result can be interpreted as evidencing an attempt to perform trade-offs, the overall results show as predicted that trade-off judgments are associated with a systematic error component due to the inherent difficulty of this type of judgment.  相似文献   

Synthetic data are used to examine how well axiomatic and numerical conjoint measurement methods, individually and comparatively, recover simple polynomial generators in three dimensions. The study illustrates extensions of numerical conjoint measurement (NCM) to identify and model distributive and dual-distributive, in addition to the usual additive, data structures. It was found that while minimum STRESS was the criterion of fit, another statistic, predictive capability, provided a better diagnosis of the known generating model. That NCM methods were able to better identify generating models conflicts with Krantz and Tversky's assertion that, in general, the direct axiom tests provide a more powerful diagnostic test between alternative composition rules than does evaluation of numerical correspondence. For all methods, dual-distributive models are most difficult to recover, while consistent with past studies, the additive model is the most robust of the fitted models.Douglas Emery is now at the Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, on leave from the University of Calgary.  相似文献   

Utility independence is a central condition in multiattribute utility theory, where attributes of outcomes are aggregated in the context of risk. The aggregation of attributes in the absence of risk is studied in conjoint measurement. In conjoint measurement, standard sequences have been widely used to empirically measure and test utility functions, and to theoretically analyze them. This paper shows that utility independence and standard sequences are closely related: utility independence is equivalent to a standard sequence invariance condition when applied to risk. This simple relation between two widely used conditions in adjacent fields of research is surprising and useful. It facilitates the testing of utility independence because standard sequences are flexible and can avoid cancelation biases that affect direct tests of utility independence. Extensions of our results to nonexpected utility models can now be provided easily. We discuss applications to the measurement of quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) in the health domain.  相似文献   

Representativeness and conjoint probability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
People commonly violate a basic rule of probability, judging a conjunction of events to be more probable than at least 1 of its component events. Many manifestations of this conjunction fallacy have been ascribed to people's reliance on the representativeness heuristic for judging probability. Some conjunction fallacies, however, have been ascribed to the incorrect rules people use to combine probabilities. In 2 experiments, representativeness was pitted against probability combination to determine the contributions of each to the fallacy. Even for exemplar representativeness problems, the fallacy stemmed primarily from the application of incorrect combination rules. Representativeness seemed to be involved only insofar as it influenced the probabilities of a conjunction's component events. Implications of these findings are discussed for the representativeness account of judgmental errors and the relation between similarity and probability.  相似文献   

The present experiments test predictions of dual process models with regards to recollection rejection using a model called phantom ROC. Participants studied pictures and then took a recognition test in which they were presented with targets (i.e., the exact picture presented), related lures (i.e., the same object but from a different angle), and unrelated lures (i.e., objects that had not been shown). For each item, participants answered both standard recognition and meaning recognition questions. In Experiment 1 participants studied pictures under either full attention or divided attention. In Experiment 2 some participants were told that no object was shown twice (i.e., mutual exclusivity instructions), while others were told that both camera angles might have been shown for some objects (no mutual exclusivity instructions). The present experiments provide three converging measures, all of which are consistent with dual process models that propose a recollection rejection mechanism.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to gain a better understanding of the nature of the relationship between substance use and sexual risk taking within a community sample of women (N = 1,004). Using confirmatory factor analysis, the authors examined the factor structure of sexual risk behaviors and substance use to determine whether they are best conceptualized as domains underlying a single, higher order, risk-taking propensity. A 2 higher order factor model (sexual risk behavior and substance use) provided the best fit to the data, suggesting that these 2 general risk domains are correlated but independent factors. Sensation seeking had large general direct effects on the 2 risk domains and large indirect effects on the 4 first-order factors and the individual indicators. Negative affect had smaller, yet still significant, effects. Impulsivity and anxiety were unrelated to sexual health risk domains.  相似文献   

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