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Reflective career conversations are a necessary instrument in the career guidance of students in vocational education. These conversations help students to learn from their (work) experiences and gain a better understanding of their motives on the labour market. Research shows that in a society in which change seems to become the only constant factor, knowing one’s own motives in work is important. However, the introduction and implementation of reflective career conversations in Dutch vocational education is problematic. In this article, we introduce the concept of ‘routines’ to better understand the nature of these problems. The concept ‘routine’ allows us to understand in much more detail what is required to induce the necessary behavioural changes that are required from teachers, students and management. Recognition of the complexity of this process and the willingness to invest are necessary prerequisites to prevent reflective career conversations from becoming the next ‘trick’ or ‘trendy innovation’.  相似文献   

Responses from 87 graduate programs identified 814 graduates (master's degree, n = 618; doctoral degree, n =196) who received degrees from 1994 to 1999 with some type of emphasis in sport psychology (SP). Doctoral (n = 107) and master's (n = 147) graduates completed a survey that identified their demographics, educational background, current positions, incomes, career goals, and SP consulting aspirations and work. Most of the doctoral graduates (73%) found positions in academia/research. Almost half the master's graduates had SP-related jobs and most of the rest had jobs related to the discipline that housed their degree. Compared to 1989 to 1994 graduates (Andersen, Williams, Aldridge, &Taylor, 1997), the present graduates perceived more fulfillment of initial career goals, greater satisfaction with SP work, less frustration over SP career progress, greater ease in finding paid SP consulting work, and more confidence in fulfilling future career goals. Doctoral graduates with athlete consulting career goals had less training than the Andersen et al. graduates. The findings provide some guidance for current and prospective students regarding graduate training and career opportunities.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether creative, expressive, and reflective writing contributes to the formation of a narrative career identity that offers students in higher education a sense of meaning and direction. The contents of writing done by students who participated in 2 two-day writing courses before and after work placements and of a control group were compared. Employers were also asked to evaluate students' performance. Writing samples were analyzed using the Linguistic Index Word Count program and an instrument based on Dialogical Self Theory. Work-placement self-reports were gathered, examined, and used as anecdotal evidence presented in the form of case studies. The results show that career writing can promote the development of career identity and holds promise as a narrative career guidance approach.  相似文献   

Because existing career patterns are changing so rapidly and radically, new approaches to vocational guidance are needed. One approach, used by a team of teachers instructing a vocational guidance course in a junior high school, was to broaden students' overall understanding and awareness of the world, rather than to focus on specific career areas. The rationale for this approach was that if students are even to begin making meaningful vocational investigations they must first become more aware of the almost infinite possibilities that are open to them—their worlds must be enlarged. Students were, therefore, introduced to four worlds: the Natural, the Technological, the Aesthetic, and the Human World. Students seemed to become not only more aware of new worlds, but also more cognizant of the problems and challenges confronting man today.  相似文献   

A communication skills training of insurance company employees was devised and evaluated. Study 1 compared trained and untrained employees on their Reflective listening (RL; Rogers, 1951) skills before and after a 16-hr training, as they conversed with a confederate who rated them, and their responses were categorized. In a follow-up Study 2, some of the employees audiotaped conversations with customers, and their responses were categorized as well. In a validation Study 3, students rated conversations by employees who used more or less RL. Results showed that training increased RL, and that the skills were subsequently transferred to an authentic setting. Results did not show that trained employees were evaluated differently than untrained. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on which aspects of the learning environment, aimed at fostering career learning, correspond with the development of career competencies among students (aged 12–19 years) enrolled in prevocational and secondary vocational education in The Netherlands. Aspects of the learning environment that are taken into account here are the following: career orientation and guidance methods used, instruments implemented, and the degree to which the curriculum is practice-based and dialogical. In the study, three career competencies are identified: career reflection (reflective behaviour), career forming (proactive behaviour), and networking (interactive behaviour). To research the relationship between the learning environment and the presence of career competencies, a study was done among 3499 students and 166 teachers in 226 classes in 34 schools. The results show that career guidance in school, in which a dialogue takes place with the student about concrete experiences and which is focused on the future, contributes most to the presence of career competencies among students. Without this dialogue, career guidance methods and instruments barely contribute to the acquisition of career competencies.  相似文献   

Career exploration is a critical process for child and adolescent development leading people toward suitable work and developing a vocational identity. The present study examined the role of motivational precursors, namely work valences and personal agency beliefs, in explaining in-breadth and in-depth career exploration. Given the dynamic nature of motivation, we teased apart the between-person differences and within-person variabilities in motivational precursors to examine how they are independently associated with career exploration. Two hundred one high school students comprised the sample and were surveyed three consecutive years. Results revealed that work valences and agency beliefs were associated with career exploration at both the between- and within-person level. Further, when individuals exhibited greater level of agency beliefs and positive valences, they were more likely to exhibit more in-depth exploration one year later. Implications for career guidance are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper is a reflective summary of my identity as a counselling psychologist. It discusses personal life, work and training experiences. The reason I would like to publish such a work is to encourage students in Greece, where the field of Counselling Psychology is less developed, to consider this kind of specialization, as well as to continuously enhance their professional identity, assimilating both practice and research opportunities, throughout their career paths. The paper focuses on three major influences in my development and training in the field: (a) graduate experiences as a doctoral student, writing a thesis on women's professional development, (b) work experiences in a career center of a large academic institution, and (c) academic and instructional experiences in a School of Psychology, where I teach and supervise research of both undergraduate and graduate students. The above influences delineate three separate, yet integrating identities: the identity of a feminist, the identity of a practitioner, and the identity of a researcher and instructor in the academia–that is, the identity of a scientist. My intention is to show how these three identities have been well integrated all these years, improving continuously my level of work in each and every dimension.  相似文献   


To prepare students for the flexible labour market of nowadays, schools are increasingly acknowledging their responsibility to guide students in their career development. The project ‘Career Orientation and Guidance in Secondary Vocational Education’ was developed to encourage Dutch schools to initiate and/or continue the creation of a strong career learning environment for their students. Central in this learning environment is a dialogue with the students, where meaning is attached to concrete experiences with work. This longitudinal study is designed to gain theoretical and practical insight into the influence of the project. Results show that, although the school’s vision on career orientation and guidance is clear to the teachers, it is not supported by all of them. It appears that the renewed vision is imposed on the teachers, and this absence of a shared and widely supported vision appears to withhold the teachers and the project managers to engage in collective action.  相似文献   

Relationships between the statewide implementation of comprehensive guidance programs and the school experiences of high school students were explored. Data from 22,964 students attending 236 Missouri high schools were analyzed by using hierarchical linear modeling. Schools with more fully implemented model guidance programs had students who were more likely to report that (a) they had earned higher grades, (b) their education was better preparing them for their future, (c) their school made more career and college information available to them, and (d) their school had a more positive climate. Positive program effects were found after removing differences due to school enrollment size, socioeconomic status, and percentage of minority students in attendance. Results highlight the important roles school counselors play in promoting the central educational goals of their schools and support a comprehensive guidance program focus for university counseling faculty who train school counselors.  相似文献   

Counselling offers many experimental opportunities from which counsellors can learn and develop their meaning-making skills. Recent developments in qualitative research, and in social constructionist approaches to counselling, point to new ways of conceptualising the conversations of counselling and guidance. In particular, a hermeneutic view of counselling attunes counsellors and guidance practitioners to the particular meanings and meaning-making potentials clients and students bring to counselling and guidance conversations. Accordingly, our questions and proposed solutions can be seen as engaging the meaning-making efforts of clients in ways we, and they, can learn from. Our conversations offer many potential experiments in meaning-making, should we think of what others do with what we say—as occurring across a gap of conversational potential. This article explores ways to adopt, and learn from, such a hermeneutic frame in our conversations with clients and students.  相似文献   

The study investigated ways to achieve sustainable career management as well as talent management for employees of a wholesale and retail industry operating in the city of Polokwane, South Africa. Employees (n = 85; females = 47%) completed a questionnaire on their perceptions and experiences of the use of training and development activities to support career management and talent development in their organisation. Data were analysed to predict the extent to which aspects of career management and talent development were explained by training and development within the work setting. Findings from the regression analysis indicate significant effects of the frequency of training needs assessment on career and talent management effectiveness. Significant effects of induction, career-focused job rotation practices, provision of mentors on career and talent development effectiveness are also shown. Career-focused training programmes and development variables appear to have a complementary effect on career management and talent management effectiveness.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence attests the impact that career image has on objective career success, yet little is known of how career practitioners conceptualise and operationalise this information. This article presents the quantitative findings of an online survey of career practitioners (n?=?399, 74% female, 89% white and 75% from the U.K.) exploring their attitudes and practices towards issues of appearance and attractiveness. Career practitioners who participated in this survey acknowledged that beauty, self-presentation and interpersonal skills influence career success, and 96% of them considered conversations about career image as part of their professional remit. The career practitioners felt relatively comfortable and well informed in their discussions in this arena, but would welcome further guidance and training to inform their practice. Ethical and practical implications for the profession are considered.  相似文献   

Three students with moderate handicaps were taught to initiate and expand on conversational topics. The teaching procedure used stimuli generated from actual conversations with nonhandicapped peers. Generalization was assessed by audiotaping conversations between the handicapped students and their peers in natural school contexts without adult supervision. Results indicated that training generalized to natural contexts. These results were socially validated by undergraduate special education students, who rated tapes of two of the students' conversations during training phases as more socially competent than during baseline. Results are discussed in terms of the evaluation of complex social behavior as multioperant behaviors.  相似文献   

Some of the findings of a study of young people who had left post-16 education prematurely or switched courses are discussed. The experiences of those who had switched or dropped out from courses once only are compared with those who changed courses several times. The main influences on the young people's decisions, the extent to which they felt prepared for their transitions, and their views of career education and guidance before the end of year 11 and at their post-16 destination, are examined. The findings provide some support for the beneficial effects of career education, but for many it seemed that career education and guidance had little impact. Parents, teachers, friends and the judgements of the young people themselves appeared to be more influential than guidance practitioners on choice of destination. It is argued that it may be unrealistic to expect guidance alone to fully prepare young people for post-compulsory education, particularly when institutional constraints often require premature closures on choices. Some respondents recognised this, and in some ways their limited expectations of career guidance were realistic. It is also argued that from young people's perspectives, at least, switching courses often has positive benefits.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of research concerning the career development and counselling issues that are relevant for high school students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ). As such, little is known to understand LGBTQ students when it comes to their career-related struggles and needs. This article attempts to examine the career development needs of LGBTQ high school students, addressing and analysing career problems from the unique circumstances of this student population. To do so, it provides an overview of the various career-related issues afflicting LGBTQ high school students. It then proposes a series of career guidance and counselling intervention considerations that are tailored to address the specific career needs and challenges of the LGBTQ high school students.  相似文献   

In this article we outline the facilitation of a marriage and family therapy (MFT) course that introduces undergraduates to MFT theory, research, and professional development. We also examine students’ reports on the influence of the course relative to their development of graduate training aspirations and desired pursuit of MFT as a potential career. Additionally, students offered reflections about what most inspired their learning and attention towards MFT as a potential profession. Results indicate that the course aided students in career path discernment, preparation for MFT graduate program entrance, and socialization to develop future professional relationships with MFTs.  相似文献   

The importance of public confidence in scientific findings and trust in scientists cannot be overstated. Thus, it becomes critical for the scientific community to focus on enhancing the strategies used to educate future scientists on ethical research behaviors. What we are lacking is knowledge on how faculty members shape and develop ethical research standards with their students. We are presenting the results of a survey with 3,500 research faculty members. We believe this is the first report on how faculty work with and educate their PhD students on basic research standards. Specifically, we wanted to determine whether individual faculty members, who are advisors or mentors, differ in how they implemented components of responsible conduct of research (RCR) with their PhD students. Mentors were more likely than advisors or supervisors to report working with all of their PhDs, who graduated in the last 5 years, on the 17 recognized critical components of RCR training and research skill development. We also found about half of the faculty members believe RCR is an institutional responsibility versus a faculty responsibility. Less than a quarter have had opportunities to participate in faculty training to be a better mentor, advisor, or research teacher, and about one third of faculty did not or could not remember whether they had guidelines related to their responsibilities to PhD students. We discuss the implications of our findings and focus on ways that PhD research mentoring can be enhanced.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors evaluated the impact of 4 career development curricular strategies and emotional/instrumental support in preparing rural adolescents to make successful post‐high school transitions. Curriculum strategies and perceived support helped 8th‐, 10th‐, and 12th‐grade students attain critical aspects of career development, enhanced student satisfaction that their education was better preparing them to achieve future educational and career goals, and increased student intentions to enter post‐high school settings that required greater levels of education and training. Girls reported earning higher grades and participating in more work‐based learning activities and intended to enter post–high school training settings that required more education than did boys.  相似文献   

本研究采用问卷调查法, 以492名高校大学生为研究对象,探索政治技能和自我效能感对大学生职业适应能力的影响及自尊的中介作用。结果表明:(1)政治技能和自我效能感对个体的职业适应能力有积极影响。(2)自尊在政治技能和职业适应能力之间,自我效能感与职业适应能力之间起着双重中介作用。  相似文献   

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