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Book reviewed in this article: Exploring Human Values: Psychological and Philosophical Considerations: Richard A. Kalish and Kenneth W. Collier You and the Senior Boom: New Challenges and Opportunities for All: Louise Minter Odell and Charles Edward Odell The Religious Education of Preschool Children: Lucie W. Barber Transactional Analysis for Police Personnel: Anne T. Romano The Facts About “Drug Abuse”: The Drug Abuse Council; New York Implementation of Independent Living Programs in Rehabilitation: Arkansas Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (William P. Clark, Study Group Chairman and B. Douglas Rice, University Sponsor) Education in the 80's: Health Education: Robert D. Russell, Ed. The College Cost Book: 1981–82: (2nd Ed.) The College Board New York: College Entrance Examination Board The Promotable Woman: Becoming a Successful Manager: Norma Carr-Ruffino Therapeutic Psychology: Fundamentals of Counseling and Psychotherapy (4th ed.): Lawrence M. Brammer and Everett L. Shostrom A Review of Behavioral Group Therapy, 1980: An Annual Review.: Dennis Upper and Steven M. Ross (Eds.) The Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practice Series: (See individual listings below): Book 1: The Skills of Diagnostic Planning: W.A. Anthony, R.M. Pierce, M.R. Cohen, and J.R. Cannon Book 1: The Skills of Diagnostic Planning W.A. Anthony, R.M. Pierce, M.R. Cohen, and J.R. Cannon Book 2: The Skills of Rehabilitation Programming: W.A. Anthony, R.M. Pierce, M.R. Cohen, and J.R. Cannon Book 3: The Skills of Professional Evaluation: M.R. Cohen, W.A. Anthony, R.M. Pierce, L.A. Spaniol, and J.R. Cannon Book 4: The Skills of Career Counseling: R.M. Pierce, M.R. Cohen, W.A. Anthony, B.F. Cohen, and T.W. Friel Book 5: The Skills of Career Placement: R.M. Pierce, M.R. Cohen, W.A. Anthony, B.F. Cohen, and T.W. Friel Book 6: The Skills of Community Service Organization: M.R. Cohen, R.L. Vitalo, W.A. Anthony, and R.M. Pierce Experiential Psychotherapies in Australia: Dick Armstrong and Phil Boas, (Eds.) Black Children/White Children: Competence, Socialization and Social Structure: Zena Smith Blau Counselling Psychology: S. Narayano Rao Maslach Burnout Inventory, Research Edition, Manual.: Christina Maslach and Susan E. Jackson Planning and Using a Total Personnel System: Richard A. Kaumeyer, Jr. Your Career: Choices, Chances, Changes: David C. Borchard, John J. Kelly, and Nancy Pat K. Weaver  相似文献   

The New Genesis: Theolou and the Genetic Revolution by R onald C ole -T urner
C ole -T urner R esponse to A lexander
Yoking Science and Religion: The Life and Thought of Ralph Wendell Burhoe by D avid R. B reed
Explaining and Interpreting Religion: Essays on the Issue by R obert A. S egal  相似文献   

Three experiments using human participants varied the distribution of point‐gain reinforcers or point‐loss punishers in two‐alternative signal‐detection procedures. Experiment 1 varied the distribution of point‐gain reinforcers for correct responses (Group A) and point‐loss punishers for errors (Group B) across conditions. Response bias varied systematically as a function of the relative reinforcer or punisher frequencies. Experiment 2 arranged two conditions — one where an unequal ratio of reinforcement (5:1 or 1:5) was presented without punishment (R‐only), and another where the same reinforcer ratio was presented with an equal distribution of point‐loss punishers (R+P). Response bias was significantly greater in the R‐only condition than the R+P condition, supporting a subtractive model of punishment. Experiment 3 varied the distribution of point‐gain reinforcers for correct responses across four unequal reinforcer ratios (5:1, 2:1, 1:2, 1:5) both without (R‐only) and with (R+P) an equal distribution of point‐loss punishers for errors. Response bias varied systematically with changes in relative reinforcer frequency for both R‐only and R+P conditions, with 5 out of 8 participants showing increases in sensitivity estimates from R‐only to R+P conditions. Overall, the results indicated that punishers have similar but opposite effects to reinforcers in detection procedures and that combined reinforcer and punisher effects might be better modeled by a subtractive punishment model than an additive punishment model, consistent with research using concurrent‐schedule choice procedures.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Meaning and Purpose in the Intact Brain: A Philosophical, Psychological, Biological Account of Conscious Processes . By R obert M iller
Liturgies and Trials: The Secularization of Religious Language . By R ichard K. F enn
The Compromised Scientist: William James in the Development of American Psychology . By D aniel W. B jork
Through a Darkening Glass: Philosophy, Literature and Cultural Change . By D. Z. P hillips
Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science: An Investigation Into the Nature of Consciousness and Form . By R ichard L. T hompson
Religion, Revelation and Reason . By E ric R ust  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
M eghnagi , D avid (ed.) Freud and Judaism
S piegelman , J. M arvin . Judaism and Jungian Psychology
M omigliano , L uciana N issim and R obutti , A ndreina . Shared Experience: The Psychoanalytical Dialogue
N emiroff , R obert A., S ugarman , A lan and R obbins , A lvin (eds). On Loving, Hating and Living Well: The Public Psychoanalytic Lectures of Ralph R. Greenson, M.D
R osenfeld , D avid . The Psychotic: Aspects of the Personality  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1977,30(3):457-511
Book Reviewed in this article:
B lake , R obert R. and M outon , J ane S rygley . Consultation.
A nastasi , A nne . Psychological Testing.
C ohen , A llan R., F ink , S tephen L., G adon , H erman and W illits , R obin D. Effective Behavior in Organizations: Learning from the Interplay of Cases, Concepts, and Student Experiences.
J ackson , T heodore A. TA is for Everyone.
S teers , R ichard M. Organizational Effectiveness: A Behavioral View.
H are , A. P aul . Handbook of Small Group Research.
S anzotta , D onald . Motivational Theories and Applications for Managers.
M aier , N orman , R. F. Appraising Performance: An Interview Skills Course (A Tape-Assisted Learning Program).
S teele , F ritz and J enks , S tephen . The Feel of the Work Place: Understanding and Improving Organizational Climate.
G etman , J ulius G., G oldberg , S tephen B. and H erman , J eanne B. Union Representation Elections: Law and Reality.
N ord , W. R. (E ditor ) Concepts and Controversy in Organizational Behavior.
C raig , R obert L. (Editor) Training and Development Handbook: A Guide to Human Resource Development.
Y oder , D ale and H eneman , H erbert G., J r . (Eds.) Planning and Auditing PAIR: Volume 4, ASPA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations.
B ennett , D udley . TA and the Manager.
B radford , L eland P. Making Meetings Work: A Guide for Leaders and Group Members.
S ibson , R obert E. Increasing Employee Productivity.
H arris , O. J eff , J r . How to Manage People at Work: A Short Course for Professionals  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
J ung , C. G. The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932
P apadopoulos , R enos K. (ed.). Carl Gustav Jung: Critical Assessments
S poto , A ngelo . Jung's Typology in Perspective
S tein M urray (ed.). The Interactive Field In Analysis: Volume One
S tevens , A nthony . The Two-Million-Year Old Self
B ollas , C hristopher & S undelson , D avid . The New Informants, The Betrayal of Confidentiality in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
S hepherd , R., J ohns , J. & R obinson H. R. (eds). D. W. Winnicott Thinking About Children
C lay , J ohn . R. D. Laing: A Divided Self
C oltart , N ina . The Baby and the Bathwater  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Evolution as Entropy: Toward a Unified Theory of Biology. By D aniel R. B rooks and E. O. W iley .
Star Wave: Mind, Consciousness, and Quantum Physics. By F red A lan W olf .
Reality and Scientific Theology. By T. F. T orrance .
Charles Hartshorne and the Existence of God. By D onald W ayne V iney .
Aldous Huxley and Eastern Wisdom. By B ansi L. C hakoo .
Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. By R obert N. B ellah , R ichard M adsen , W illiam M. S ullivan , A nn S widler , and S tephen M. T ipton .
Culture and the Evolutionary Process. By R obert Bom and P eter J. R icherson .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(3):589-646
Book reviewed in this article:
P eterson , R ichard B. and T racy , L ane . Systematic Management of Human Resources.
T homason , G eorge . A Textbook of Personnel Management. (Third Edition)
L ansbury , R ussell D. Professionals and Management: A Study of Behaviour in Organizations.
B uros , O scar K risen . (Editor) The Eighth Mental Measurements Year Book, Vols. I and II.
D unham , R andall B. and S mith , F rank J. Organizational Surveys: An Internal Assessment of Organizational Health.
L au , J ames B. Behavior in Organizations: An Experiential Approach. (Revised Edition)
R ausch , E rwin . Balancing Needs of People and Organizations: The Linking Elements Concepts.
W atson , C harles E. Management Development Through Training.
W oodcock , M ike and F rancis , D ave . Unblocking Your Organization.
H inrichs , J ohn R. Practical Management for Productivity.
G ilbert , T homas F. Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance.
C ooper , C ary L. and A lderfer , C layton . (Editors). Advances in Experiential Social Processes: Volume 1.
Saxon House, Teakfield Limited, 1978.
K illian , R ay A. Managers Must Lead. (Revised Edition)
B risolara , A shton . The Alcoholic Employee: A Handbook of Helpful Guidelines.
W alker , J ames W. and L azer , H arriet L. The End of Mandatory Retirement: Implications for Management.
A merica , R ichard F. and A nderson , B ernard E. Moving Ahead: Black Managers in A merican Business.
A nderson , H oward J. Primer of Equal Employment Opportunity.
B arrett , R ichard S. Zetetic for Testers II. Hastings-on-the-Hudson.
J ansen , R obert B.
G arvin , C harles D., S mith , A udrey D. and R eid , W illiam J. (Editors). The Work Incentive Experience.
D u B rin , A ndrew J. Winning at Office Politics.
R osenzweig , M ark R. and P orter , L yman W. (Editors) Annual Review df Psychology, 1979. (Volume 30)  相似文献   

Women and Gender: A Feminist Psychology , R hoda U nger and M ary C rawford
Ivoy Power: Sexual Harassment on Campus , M ichelle P aludi
Women, Men, and Power , H ilary M. L ips
Representations: Social Constructions of Gender , R hoda K. U nger
Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women , S usan F aludi
Teen Pregnancy and Parenting , A nnette U. R ickel
Double Stitch: Black Women Write About Mothers and Daughters , P atricia B ell -S cott , B everly G uy -S heftall , J acqueline J ones R oyster , J anet S ims -W ood , M iriam D e C osta -W illis , and L ucie F ultz  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1969,22(2):205-235
Books reviewed in this article:
E ngel , J ames F., K ollat , D avid T., and B lackwell , R oger D. Consumer Behavior.
L itwin , G eorge H., and S tringer , R obert A. J r . Motivation and Organizational Climate.
K irkpatrick , J ames J., E wen , R obert B., B arrett , R ichard S., and K atzell , R aymond A. Testing and Fair Employment: Fairness and Validity of Personnel Tests for Diferent Ethnic Groups.
G eist , H arold . The Psychological Aspects of Retirement.
H olden , P aul E., P ederson , C arlton A., and G ermane , G ayton E. Top Management.
C alvert , R obert , J r . Employing the Minority Group College Graduate (Recruiting, Evaluating Qualifications, Retaining Employees).
E dwards , A llen L. Experimental Design in Psychological Research
G laser , B arney G. (Editor) Organizational Careers: A Source-book for Theory.
Management Education and Development.
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know.
M c M urry , R obert N., and A rnold , J ames S. How to Build a Dynamic Sales Organization.
Z ytowski , D onald G. (Editor) Vocational Behavior: Readings in Theory and Research.
H erman , S tanley M. The Peopte Specialists.
Evaluation of Executive Performance.
M c F arland , D alton E. Personnel Management: Theory and Practice.
M ussen , P aul H., and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 60, 1969.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(4):823-894
H ackman , J. R ichard and O ldham , G reg R. Work Redesign.
J ensen , A rthur R. B ias in Mental Testing.
P feiffer , J. W illiam and J ones , J ohn E. (Editors) The 1980 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators.
M c C ormick , E rnest J. and I lgen , D aniel . Industrial Psychology.
T agliere , D aniel A. The Participative Prince: Techniques for Developing Your Organization and Improving Its Performance.
H enderson , R ichard . Performance Appraisal: Theory to Practice.
V iscusl , W. K ip . Employment Hazards: An Investigation of Market Performance.
C ohen A llan R., F ink , S tephen L., G adon , H erman and W illits , R obin D. Effective Behavior in Organizations: Learning from the Interplay of Cases, Concepts and Student Experiences.
L efkowitz , B ernard . Breaktime: Living without Work in a Nine-to-Five World.
S hafritz , J ay M. Dictionary of Personnel Management and Labor Relations.
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know.
G enua , R obert L. The Employer's Guide to Interviewing: Stategy and Tactics for Picking a Winner.
G ardner , J ames E. Training the New Supervisor.
H unt , J ohn . Managing People at Work.
B urack , E lmer H. and M athys , N icholas J. Human Resource Planning.
B urack , E lmer H. and M athys , N icholas J. Career Management in Organizations.
A lvarez , R odolfo , L utterman , K enneth G. and A ssociates . Discrimination in Organizations: Using Social Indicators to Manage Social Change.
L indo , D avid K. Supervision Can Be Easy.
K azmier , L eonard J. Management: A Programmed Approach with Cases and Applications.
B aldridge , J. V ictor and T ierney , M ichael L. New Approaches to Management: Creating Practical Systems of Management Information and Management by Objectives.
S cheer , W ilbert E. Personnel Administration Handbook.
P ande , N. R. W. A Study of Scores on Intelligence Test Batteries.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1962,15(3):345-371
Books reviewed in this article:
G uest , R obert H enry . Organizational Change: The Effect of Successful Leadership.
B ennis , W arren G., B enne , K enneth D., and C hin , R obert (Editors). The Planning of Change: Readings in the Applied Behavioral Sciences.
B lau , P eter M., and S cott , W. R ichard . Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach.
E tzioni , A mitai . A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations: On Power, Involvement, and Their Correlates.
A rgyris , C hris , et al. Social Science Approaches to Business Behavior.
T annenbaum , R obert , W eschler , I rving R., and M assarik , F red . Leadership and Organization: A Behavioral Science Approach.
M aier , N orman R. F., and H ayes , J ohn J. Creative Management.
B aum , B ernard H. Decentralization of Authority in a Bureaucracy.
de M ontmollin , M. Nouvelles Perspectives dam L'Etude du Travail.
P atchen , M artin . The Choice of Wage Comparisons.
S inaiko , H. W allace . (Editor) Selected Papers on Human Factors in the Design and Use of Control Systems.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
J oseph C ampbell : Creative mythology
E leanor B ertine : Jung's contribution to our time
M ichael B alint : The basic fault
H einrich R acker : Transference and counter-transference
D avid B akan : Disease, pain and sacrifice
A senath P etrie : Individuality in pain and suffering
B runo B ettelheim : The empty fortress: infantile autism and the birth of the self
P aul R oazen : Freud: political and social thought
J oel A llison , S. J. B latt and C. N. Z imet : The interpretation of psychological tests
C harles R ycroft : Anxiety and neurosis
A nthony S torr : Human aggression
M ichael C ourtenay : Sexual discord in marriage
J olande J acobi . Frauenprobleme, Eheprobleme
J. M. H eaton : The Eye; phenomenology and psychology of function and disorder  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
P laut , A lfred . Analysis Analysed: When the Map Becomes the Territory
P laut , A lfred . Analysis Analysed: When the Map Becomes the Territory
C ooper , J udy . Speak Of Me As I Am: The Life and Work of Masud Kahn
M itchell , R ie R ogers and F riedman , H arriet S. Sandplay: Past Present and Future
S mith , J.C. The Neurotic Foundations of Social Order: Psychoanalytic Roots of Patriarchy
S ymington , N eville . Narcissism: A New Theory
H opcke , R obert H. Men's Dreams, Men's Healing: A Psychotherapist Explores a New View of Masculinity through Jungian Dreamwork  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(2):373-411
Book review in this article
M aier , N orman R. F. Problem Solving and Creativity in Individuals and Groups.
D u B rin , A ndrew J. The Practice of Managerial Psychology.
C ohey , E. R aymond and S tar , S teven H. Organization Strategy: A Marketing Approach.
K oontz , H arold . Appraising Managers as Managers.
S hepard , J on M. Automation and Alienation: A Study of Office and Factory Workers.
S ibson , R obert E. Managing Professional Services Enterprises: The Neglected Business Frontier.
M aher , J ohn R. (Editor). New Perspectives in Job Enrichment.
V aid , K. N. Papers on Absenteeism.
J affee , C abot L. Effective Management Selection: An Analysis of Behavior by Simulation Techniques.
W egneh , R obert E. C. and S ayles , L eonard . Cases in Organizational and Administrative Behavior.
D uerr , C arl . Management Kinetics: Carl Duerr on Communication.
M c F arland , D. E. (Editor). Personnel Management.
D eci , E dward L., G ilmer , B. V on H aller and K arn , H arry W. Readings in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
B ursk , E dward C. and B lodgett , T imothy B. (Editors). Developing Executive Leaders.
S eashore , S tanley E. and M c N eil , R obert J. (Editors). Management of the Urban Crisis: Government and the Behavioral Sciences.
K laus , D avid J. Instructional Innovation and Individualization.
P eskin , D ean B. The Building Blocks of EEO.
M ussen , P aul H. and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Editors). Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 23, 1972.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(1):111-134
Books reviewed in this article:
F ord , R obert N. Motivation through the Work Itself.
D ale , E rnest . Management: Theory and Practice.
A llison , D avid (Editor). The R & D Game: Technical Men, Technical Managers, and Research Productivity.
K elly , J oe . Organizational Behaviour.
Q uinn , R obert P., T abor , J oyce M., and G ordon , L aurak . The Decision to Discriminate: A Study of Executive Selection.
M aurer , J ohn G. Work Role Involvement of Industrial Supervisors.
R obinson , J ohn P., A thanasiou , R obert , and H ead , K endra B. Measures of Occupational Attitudes and Occupational Characteristics. (Appendix A to Measures of Political Attitudes)
B lackwell , R oger D., E ngel , J ames F., and K ollat , D avid T. Cases in Consumer Behavior.
B elasco , J ames A., and T rice , H arrison M. The Assessment of Change in Training and Therapy.
K azmier , L eonard J. Principles of Management: A Program for Self-Instruction.
R itzer , G eorge , and T rice , H arrison M. An Occupation in Conflict: A Study of the Personnel Manager.
B auer , R aymond A., G reyser , S tephen A., et al . Advertising in America: The Consumer View.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(3):405-412
Book Reviewed in This Article:
G olembiewski , R obert T. Renewing Organizations: The Laboratory Approach to Planned Change.
P feiffer , J. W illiam and J ones , J ohn E. (Editors) The 1973 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators.
D yer , W illiam G. The Sensitive Manipulator: The Change Agent Who Builds with Others.
M arrow , A lfred J. (Editor) The Failure of Success.
V an C ott , H arold P. and K inkade , R obert G. (Editors) Human Engineering Grade to Equipment Design.
K ellogg , M arion S. Career Management.
H aney , W illiam V. Communication and Organizational Behavior: Text and Cases.
L uthans , F red . Organizational Behavior: A Modern Behavioral Approach to Management.
M aier , N orman R. F. Psychology in Industrial Organizations.
S chultz , D uane P. Psychology and Industry Today.
G orman , L iam and M olloy , E ddie . People, Jobs and Organizations.
Proceedings: Twelfth Human Relations Conference.
T orbert , W illiam R. with R ogers , M alcolm P. Being for the Most Part Puppets: Interactions Among Men's Labor, Leisure, and Politics.
T homas , J ohn M. and B ennis , W arreng . (Editors) Management of Change and Conflict. Baltimore. Penguin Books, Inc., 1972. Pp. 507. $4.50 (Paper)
M ackenzie , R. A lec . The Time Trap: Managing Your Way Out.
M iller , M artin R. Climbing the Corporate Pyramid.
M iller , E rnest C. (Editor) Conference Leadership.
K orman , A braham K. Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
H annings , R obert B., A sh , P hilip and S inick , D aniel . (Editors) Forensic Psychology in Disability Adjudication: A Decade of Experience.
B acon , J eremy . Corporate Directorship Practices: Membership and Committees of the Board.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(2):351-406
Book reviews in htis article:
R obson , M ike . Quality Circles: A Practical Guide .
C arkhuff , R obert R. Sources of Human Productivity .
L idstone , J ohn . How to Recruit and Select Successful Salesmen .
G oodstein , L eonard D., P feiffer , J. W illiam and B yrum -G aw , B everly . (Eds.) The 1983 Annual for Facilitators, Trainers, and Consultants .
L andy , F rank J. and F arr , J ames L. The Measurement of Work Performance: Methods, Theory and Applications .
G ordon , J udith R. A Diagnostic Approach to Organizational Behavior .
J ames , R oger G. and E lkins , A aron J. How to Train and Lead a Quality, Circle .
N ash , M ichael . Managing Organizational Peformance .
S tech , E rnest L. Leadership Communication .
B rown , F rederick G. Principles of Educational and Psychological Testing .
S mith , B arry J. and D elahaye , B rian L. How to Be an Effective Trainer: Skills for Managers and New Trainers .
F innigan , J ohn . The Right People in the Right Jobs .
L assey , W illiam R. and S ashkin , M arshall . (Editors) Leadership and Social Change .
B urgess , L eonard R. Wage and Salary Administration: Pay and Benefits .
S pencer , A nne . On the Edge of the Organization: The Role of the Outside Director .
L ynn , R obert J. The Pension Crisis .
How To Improve Your Listening Skills .
S weetland , R ichard C., K eyser , D aniel J. and O'C onnor , W illiam A. (Eds.) with Sam Pimazar, Contributing Consultant. Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessments in Psychology, Education and Business .  相似文献   

Critical Notice     
N oll , R ichard . The Jung Cult: Origins of a Charismatic Movement.
N oll , R ichard . The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung.  相似文献   

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