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Scholars disagree about whether adolescent conduct problems (CPs) form a single behavioral syndrome or whether such problems are better conceptualized as different dimensions. The arguments raised by both sides are addressed and tested empirically by analysing data from a large general population sample of Norwegian adolescents (n = 9,342). Confirmatory factor analyses show that a single syndrome of CPs may be subdivided into three highly correlated factors. The first dimension, destructive covert, includes theft and vandalism, whereas the second, nondestructive covert, reflects avoidance of arenas under adult control. The last dimension, overt, includes school opposition and fighting. This three-factor model fits well for both girls and boys, and individuals in their early and late teens. Results from scale analyses are modestly to moderately indicative of a developmental continuum of severity of CPs ranging from nondestructive covert to overt to destructive covert. Taken together the findings imply that both a unidimensional and a multidimensional perspective on CPs are applicable in the general youth population.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of the study was to test a hypothetical model for aggressive and delinquent conduct problems in adolescence. A total of 168 adolescents from 121 families were studied using several questionnaires and a semi‐structured interview. The following factors were considered: obstetric complications, temperament (novelty‐seeking), self‐esteem, family influences (perceived parenting, alcohol abuse/dependence of parents, antisocial personality disorder of the father) and peer‐group characteristics (peer rejection and membership in a deviant peer group). The evaluation methods applied included correlation analyses and testing of two hypothetical models using structural equation modeling. The correlation analyses revealed significant relationships between adolescent aggressive and delinquent behavioral problems and parental antisocial behavior; perceived parental rejection and low emotional warmth; adolescent novelty‐seeking, self‐esteem, peer rejection and peer deviance. The two empirical models, separately for aggressive and delinquent behavior problems, revealed direct relationships between paternal antisocial behavior, parental rejection, adolescent novelty seeking, peer deviance, peer rejection, and offspring aggression and delinquency. There were, however, two differences with respect to the relationships between peer rejection, peer deviance, aggression and delinquency. First, peer rejection was more strongly associated with aggressive behavior and only moderately linked to delinquency. Second, deviance in the peer‐group was found to be closely related with delinquency but only moderately with aggression. Our findings suggest that several pathways for aggressive and delinquent conduct problems are comparable while others were not. Regarding the findings of the empirical models, we conclude that only intervention measures that include parents, peers and individual adolescents may help decrease the incidence of aggressive and delinquent conduct problems. Aggr. Behav. 31:24–39, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

With approximately one out of six married couples experiencing infertility, having a basic knowledge of infertility is important to marriage and family therapists. This paper presents important themes that infertile couples often struggle with and stresses the importance of having a biological, psychological, and social understanding of infertility. In addition, the paper suggests possible interventions that family therapists can use in helping infertile couples.  相似文献   

Little empirical work has explored the relation between destructive sibling conflict and conduct problems in children. This study used a measure of observed sibling conflict to examine its relations with maternal and teacher report of conduct problems in a low-income sample of 180 five-year-old boys and their close-age siblings. Early report of behavior problems and rejecting parenting were added to the analyses to control for these predictors and to examine interactive effects. The interaction between destructive sibling conflict and rejecting parenting predicted aggressive behavior problems across time and informants such that a rise in aggression scores was evident for children who had high levels of both sibling conflict and rejecting parenting. Sibling conflict was also directly related longitudinally to the Child Behavior Checklist Delinquency factor. Results are discussed in terms of additive risk models and G. R. Patterson's (1984, 1986) theory of coercion.  相似文献   

The study is amongst the first of its kind to utilise developmental cascade modelling in order to examine the inter-relations between emotional self-efficacy, conduct problems, and attainment in a large, nationally representative sample of English adolescents (n = 2414, aged 11 years). Using a 3-wave, longitudinal, cross lagged-design, we tested three cascading hypotheses: adjustment erosion, adjustment fortification, and academic incompetence. A fourth hypothesis considered the role of shared risk. Results supported small effects consistent with the cascade hypotheses, and a small but significant effect was found for shared risk. Strengths and limits of the study are considered alongside a discussion of the implications for these findings.  相似文献   

The author quantitatively reviewed prevalence rates, defining features, associated features, developmental trajectory, and etiology to examine 3 taxonomic questions about comorbid hyperactive-impulsive-attention problems (HIA) and conduct problems (CP): Do HIA and CP co-occur randomly? Does comorbid HIA-CP differ from HIA-only and CP-only? Do HIA and CP combine synergistically? Results showed that HIA and CP co-occur at a greater than random rate, that comorbid HIA-CP differs from HIA-only and CP-only in multiple ways, and that there is little evidence that HIA and CP combine synergistically. However, sample type, grouping definition, age, gender, and subtype of disruptive behavior often moderated these findings. Overall, the review suggests that HIA-CP is best conceptualized as an additive combination of HIA and CP rather than as a distinct category.  相似文献   

This study investigates the early manifestation of co-occurring depression and conduct problems as a predictor of heightened risk for later suicidal ideation and behavior in a community sample of 521 adolescents. Self-reported symptoms of depression and conduct problems were evaluated in early 6th grade. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors were tracked through multiple assessments carried out over the middle school years. Compared to adolescents with depression symptoms only, conduct problem symptoms only, or low psychopathology, those with co-occurring depression and conduct problem symptoms had the highest risk for subsequent suicidal ideation, recurrent suicidal behaviors, and suicide attempts.  相似文献   

This review is an attempt to expand the understanding of the neuropsychological mechanisms that may influence the expression of violent or aggressive behavior in adolescents. Although a relative large literature of adult studies examining the relation of neuropsychological impairment and aggression exists, the research literature investigating this relationship in adolescents is much smaller. With a few exceptions, the delinquent literature suffers from methodological problems, including biased sampling methods, small numbers of subjects, failing to objectively diagnose conduct disorder, incorrect use of specific statistical procedures, and lacking of appropriate control groups. In general, a mixed pattern of neuropsychological deficits are displayed across studies, depending on the sampling method, methodological design, statistics employed, control groups, and assessment tools that were utilized. Verbal deficits have been frequently displayed across the literature, while evidence for executive dysfunction varies, depending on the specific construct being evaluated (e.g., attention, cognitive flexibility, concept formation, planning abilities) and the specific population. Relatively inconsistent findings have been observed for visuospatial, sensory, and motor deficits. This article provides a critical review of this literature and discusses the varying impact that any neurological insult will have, depending on premorbid personality and cognitive functioning, location of the lesion, age at which the injury occurred, child's pre- and postinjury environment, and ability of the brain to adapt to acquired deficits as the result of the insult. On the basis of this review and neuropsychological theory, four subgroups within this population are proposed (i.e., adolescents with subcortical injuries, dominant hemisphere temporal-parietal injuries, nondominant hemisphere temporal-parietal injuries, and injuries to the prefrontal regions), which may better explain the neuropsychological and behavioral outcomes exhibited by this heterogeneous population. Recommendations for future research are offered.  相似文献   

An in depth literature review was conducted into the relative influence of conduct problems and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in the development of child/adolescent psychopathy. Lynam (1996) wrote that children/adolescents exhibiting behaviors of both were ‘fledgling psychopaths;’ however, recent evidence suggests that if youth with comorbid conduct problems and ADHD exhibit a persistent form of antisocial and/or psychopathic behavior, the cause is primarily due to the levels of conduct problems, not the influence of ADHD. This article looks at the three perspectives regarding the development of psychopathy: (1) Conduct Problem Mediation, (2) the Independent Position, and (3) the Comorbid Subtype. The studies examining the three perspectives found that the Conduct Problem Mediation, not the Comorbid Subtype, was the most important in the development of psychopathy.  相似文献   

This review provides an evaluation of the correlates and/or risk factors associated with disordered eating and the pursuit of muscularity among adolescent boys. One of the main conclusions is that similar factors and processes are associated with both behavioral problems. Several factors found to be consistently associated with disordered eating among boys are also similar to those found with girls. These include body mass index, negative affect, self-esteem, perfectionism, drug use, perceived pressure to lose weight from parents and peers, and participation in sports that focus on leanness. However, as many of the findings have only been verified using cross-sectional designs, prospective studies are now needed.  相似文献   

Behavior problems among youths cannot be understood without explaining their age and gender differences, but age and gender differences cannot be explained until they have been accurately described. In a household survey of 1,285 youths aged 9 to 17 years, there were no gender differences in oppositional behavior, but aggression, property offenses, and status offenses were more common among boys. Levels of oppositional behavior were greater at younger ages, aggression peaked near the middle of this age range, and property and status offenses were more prevalent at older ages. These findings are generally consistent with developmental models of conduct problems but are inconsistent with a recent model of gender differences and raise questions about the external validity of current taxonomies.  相似文献   

A partial latent structural regression analysis was used to evaluate the influence of perceived stress and coping resources on depression following acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in a sample of 113 participants (25 females and 88 males with a mean age of 57.61 years (SD = 12.63). Out of them, 55 participants were Australian born and 48 were born elsewhere, with 53 of the patients scoring in the mild to high depression range on the Beck Depression Inventory and the Cardiac Depression Scale. Perceived stress and coping resources, after controlling for age and smoking explained 89% of the variance in the latent variable depression. Higher perceived stress levels and fewer coping resources predicted higher levels of depression. Higher levels of perceived stress predicted fewer coping resources and fewer coping resources predicted higher levels of depression. There was a significant direct and indirect effect of perceived stress through coping on depression. Cognitive and physical coping resources were the best predictors of the depression construct. These results have potential implications for the treatment of depression post-ACS. In particular, cognitive and physical coping mechanisms and perceived stress reduction need to be addressed when treating depression post-ACS.  相似文献   

Many putative environmental risks correlate with individuals' genotypes. The association between delinquent peer affiliation and conduct problems may occur because of shared genetic liability. Five hundred fifty three monozygotic and 558 dizygotic twin pairs, aged 11 to 18 years, were assessed for delinquent peer affiliation and conduct problems. The authors investigated whether genes contribute to both delinquent peer affiliation and the correlation between delinquent peer affiliations and conduct problems. Delinquent peer affiliation was influenced by genetic, shared environmental, and nonshared environmental factors; genetic factors also contributed to the correlation between delinquent peer affiliations and conduct problems, providing evidence for genotype-environment correlation. The magnitude of the genetic variance of conduct problems was contextually dependent on levels of delinquent peer affiliation and was greater at higher levels of delinquent peer affiliation.  相似文献   

We apply a biopsychosocial approach to introduce early-in-life experiences that explain a significant part of the male preponderance in the perpetration of violence. Early caregiver abuse and neglect, father absence, and exposure to family and neighborhood violence exacerbate boys’ greater risk for aggressive behavior and increase the probability of carrying out violent acts later in life. We examine the development of the psychological self and explore conditions that encourage physical aggression, focusing on the impact on the infant and toddler's emergent mental representation of self, others, and self–other relationships. Boys’ slower developmental timetable in the first years of life may enhance their vulnerability for disorganization in emergent neurobiological networks mediating organization of socioemotional relationships. Emergent attachment and activation relationship systems may differentially affect risk and resilience in boys and girls, particularly in single-parent families. Evidence has suggested that the dramatic increase in single-parent families is especially linked to corresponding increases in behavioral undercontrol, antisocial behavior, and the emergence of violence in boys.  相似文献   

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