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Organizations recognize the importance of creative employees and constantly explore ways to enhance their employees' creative behavior. Creativity research has directed substantial efforts to understanding how work environment fosters creativity. Yet, this research has paid little attention to the importance of specific characteristics of the work environment and organizational identification in augmenting creative behavior in employees at work. The present study examines the influence of job challenge on employees' creative behavior, arguing that organizational identification plays a mediating role in this relationship. The results show that organizational identification mediates the relationship between job challenge and employees' creative behavior.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between job characteristics and employee attitudes in the context of temporary employees who are assigned to work at the client organizations but are formally employed by a temporary agency. Based on the rationale provided by social exchange and social identity theories, we hypothesized that job characteristics would be related to job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention in regard to both the client organization and the temporary agency. Results based on data collected from a large temporary agency supported all hypothesized relationships in regard to the client organization, and most hypothesized relationships in regard to the temporary agency. We discuss implications of these findings for research and the practice of managing temporary employee attitudes.  相似文献   

Telemedicine is a complex field including various applications and target groups. Especially telehealthcare is seen by many as a means to revolutionize medicine. It gives patients the opportunity to take charge of their own health by using self-tracking devices and allows health professionals to treat patients from a distance. To some, this means an empowerment of patient autonomy as well as an improvement in the quality of care. Others state the dangers of depersonalization of medicine and the pathologization of daily life. This paper examines the ethical implications of telehealthcare, focusing on patient autonomy and quality of care by analyzing metareviews, randomized controlled trials and narrative ethical analyses on the topic. As a result, we conclude that the technically enhanced encounter between patients and health professionals may mean an empowerment of patient autonomy when it goes along with a personal relationship based on trust, assistance and support. When it comes to the quality of care, telehealthcare may lead to an improvement as long it is adopted to the patient’s individual needs.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - The purpose of this study is to propose a human resource management (HRM) plan to raise the job engagement of hotel employees. High-commitment HRM, workplace...  相似文献   

Although studies have described work processes among employed African American women, few have examined the influence of these processes on job outcomes. This study examined relationships between African American women's exposure to a range of occupational stressors, including two types of racial bias—institutional discrimination and interpersonal prejudice—and their evaluations of job quality. Findings indicated that institutional discrimination and interpersonal prejudice were more important predictors of job quality among these women than were other occupational stressors such as low task variety and decision authority, heavy workloads, and poor supervision. Racial bias in the workplace was most likely to be reported by workers in predominantly white work settings. In addition, Black women who worked in service, semiskilled, and unskilled occupations reported significantly more institutional discrimination, but not more interpersonal prejudice, than did women in professional, managerial, and technical occupations or those in sales and clerical occupations.  相似文献   

This article investigates the mediating role of job dissatisfaction in the relationship between employees’ perceptions of workplace incivility and their helping behavior, as well as the buffering role of political skill in this process. Three-wave, time-lagged data collected from employees and their supervisors revealed that employees’ exposure to workplace incivility diminished their helping behavior through their sense of job dissatisfaction. This mediating role of job dissatisfaction was less salient, however, to the extent that employees were equipped with political skill. For organizations, this study accordingly pinpoints a key mechanism—namely, unhappiness about their job situation—through which rude coworker treatment links to lower voluntary workplace behaviors among employees, and it reveals how this mechanism can be better contained in the presence of political skill.  相似文献   

The study investigates whether fit of human resources management (HRM) policies with employees' preferences in developing countries of sub‐Saharan Africa, with specific reference to Kenya, impacts on levels of job involvement. We argue that the contextual variables in developing countries are varied and complex to the extent that organisations operating in these milieux might find that 'fit' as presented in the literature from developed economies does not matter. Further, we examine the role of individual value orientations and organisation value fit to look for a link with job involvement. The study contends that the use of simple difference scores to measure fit is inadequate, and adopts Edwards' (1994) regression technique to analyse fit. Overall, the results indicate that the person–environment (HRM preference with actual policy practice) fit model can partially predict job involvement in a developing country context, but in a way that is not consistent with theory. However, job involvement is not related strongly to either the convergence of an individual's values with those of others in the organisation, or convergence of HRM policies with individual preferences. It is the values themselves—not their fit—that are most predictive of job involvement.  相似文献   

教师教学效能感和工作倦怠的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李永鑫  杨瑄  申继亮 《心理科学》2007,30(4):952-954
为探讨教师效能感与其工作倦怠之间的关系,利用教师教学效能感问卷和工作倦怠问卷对247名中学教师进行施测。结果表明(1)教龄长短和婚姻状况对教师的个人教学效能感(p〈O.01)、人格解体(p〈0.01)和成就感降低(p〈o-01)具有显著的影响;(2)教师的一般教育效能感对其工作倦怠的耗竭因素具有显著的预测作用(p〈0.01);(3)教师的个人教学效能感对其工作倦怠的人格解体(p〈0.01)和成就感降低因素(p〈O.01)具有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

There are three different routes to happiness: the pleasant life, the good or engaged life, and the meaningful life. These three orientations are positively related with life satisfaction, but the relation with job satisfaction is still not clear. This study examines the relationship between the three orientations to happiness (OTH) and job satisfaction in a 1-year longitudinal study with a representative sample (N = 752, 387 men) of working adults living in Switzerland. This study is part of a larger survey that includes several self-report measures. Regression analyses showed that engagement was positively related with job satisfaction 1 year later. Moreover, when controlling for sociodemographic variables (i.e., age and gender), work-related variables (i.e., household income, managerial responsibility, and financial responsibility), and the five factors of personality (i.e., neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) the interaction of the three OTH (i.e., pleasure × engagement × meaning), still predicted job satisfaction significantly. Individuals who endorse the three OTH presented the highest job satisfaction 1 year later. Therefore, although engagement is more important for job satisfaction than pleasure or meaning, the best predictor of job satisfaction is the interaction of the three OTH. Thus, people who are high in the three OTH simultaneously enjoy the highest job satisfaction. Future studies should examine whether this relationship is causal.  相似文献   

从资源保存理论出发,分析社会自我效能感与工作幸福感及工作绩效之间的关系,并检验职场排斥的中介作用。对188名员工及其上司进行问卷调查,结果显示员工的社会自我效能感与其感受到的职场排斥有显著负向关系;职场排斥与工作幸福感和工作绩效有显著负向关系;职场排斥在社会自我效能感与工作幸福感和工作绩效之间发挥中介作用。这表明高社会自我效能感的员工能够削弱受到的职场排斥,进而体验到更高的工作幸福感,并获得更好的工作表现。  相似文献   

基于社会交换理论和分心冲突理论,本研究探讨了社交媒体使用对员工工作绩效影响的作用机制。通过“领导者-下属”配对的问卷调查法对147名员工进行调查,采用Bootstrap检验对模型中的多重中介效应进行检验。结果发现:(1)社交相关的社交媒体使用与员工工作绩效各维度间显著正相关;(2)社交相关的社交媒体使用对工作绩效不同维度的影响存在显著差异,通过增加人际信任对工作奉献和任务绩效产生影响,通过缓解关系冲突对人际促进和任务绩效产生影响。  相似文献   

随着中国肿瘤患病率的不断上升,社会对临终关怀的需求也逐渐增大。由于我国基本国情、文化背景和价值观念与西方不同,援引自西方基督教的临终关怀理念与实践方法在中国的发展出现了许多问题。本文旨在从中国传统的儒释道文化中汲取智慧和经验,针对当前的问题,从死亡教育的开展、医护人员的培训、临终关怀机构的发展与社会支持等方面,提出相应的完善策略,促进我国临终关怀的本土化、体系化、制度化与社会化,希望为构建具有中国特色的临终关怀体系提供新的思路。  相似文献   


This study investigates the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and employee intention to leave the organization and current job using a sample of French employees. A survey was sent to 1,200 alumni of a business school in France. Participation in the study was voluntary. The participants were 355 working adults with French citizenship. This paper provides several interesting findings. While no relationship was found between altruism and intention to leave both the organization and the current job, sportsmanship, civic virtue and helping others emerged as the strongest predictors of intention to leave the organization and intention to leave the current job. Results are discussed.  相似文献   

以400名3到7岁城市儿童的父亲为被试,考察父亲参与教养的基本特点及其与性别角色的关系.结果发现,小学一年级儿童的父亲对子女的规则约束显著多于幼儿园小班和中班儿童父亲,父亲参与教养水平不存在儿童性别的显著差异.双性化的父亲对儿童的互动监督、规则约束、情感表达、间接支持、学业鼓励均显著多于其他性别角色的父亲;男性化的父亲对儿童的规则约束显著多于女性化的父亲;女性化的父亲在互动监督、情感表达、间接支持和学业鼓励方面均显著多于未分化的父亲.  相似文献   

There are few data addressing psychological variables that may explain some variation in parenting by fathers of children with intellectual disabilities. In the present study, we hypothesized that fathers who were more mindful in their parenting role (specifically, fathers who reported more present-centered attention in their relationship with their child) would use less avoidance in relation to their child with intellectual disability and that this would be reflected in increased father involvement in childcare. In a questionnaire survey 105 fathers completed a mindful parenting measure and a measure of parental involvement. Regression analyses revealed that fathers who reported being more mindful as a parent also reported more involvement in child-related parenting tasks and roles related to child socialization. These data suggest that mindfulness in the parenting role may be an important predictor of parenting in families of children with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, interventions designed to increased mindfulness should improve parent–child relationships and ultimately child outcomes.  相似文献   

Pre-employment integrity tests assume differences between honest and dishonest individuals in their perceptions of the degree of dishonesty of given behaviors. This exploratory study investigated whether individuals classified as dishonest by an overt integrity test had different perceptions of the honesty of behaviors than those classified as honest. Differences in perceptions of situational factors promoting or deterring honesty were also examined. Dishonest individuals had different perceptions of behaviors and situations than honest individuals, suggesting that the relative influence of situational interventions may vary with the general integrity of a workforce.  相似文献   

As the tendency to strive for competence in one's work, achievement orientation is considered to engender psychological involvement in job tasks (i.e., job involvement‐role). However, this study posits that the positive relationship between achievement orientation and job involvement‐role is moderated by an attitude of disaffection toward the work role in general (i.e., high work alienation) and by dissatisfaction with the content of one's present job (i.e., low intrinsic job satisfaction). The results of hierarchical moderated regression analyses support the existence of complex interactions and suggest that a positive outlook toward the work role is necessary for achievement orientation to translate into greater job involvement‐role. Practical implications and directions for future research on job involvement role are considered.  相似文献   

Evidence indicates that veterans using VA healthcare services have poor health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Little is known, however, about differences in HRQOL among those who only use VA services and those who also use non-VA services. We sought to evaluate differences in HRQOL among veterans who use: (1) only non-VA services (2) only VA services and (3) both VA and non-VA services (i.e., dual users). A cross-sectional study of 39,942 US veterans who completed the CDC’s 2004 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey was analyzed. Self-rated measures of global health status and the number of days per month that veterans were limited by physical or mental problems were extracted from BRFSS survey data as outcomes. Multivariate logistic regression demonstrated that, compared to those receiving all healthcare outside of VA, veterans receiving VA care were more likely to report poorer health outcomes, including worse global health status, greater impairments in physical functioning, and increased limitations regarding routine activities (p’s ≤ .05). Both exclusive and dual users of VA services reported poorer HRQOL than individuals not using VA services. More research is needed regarding veterans’ health status, particularly in the context of dual use.  相似文献   

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