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We investigated the ability to match finger orientation to the direction of the axis of rotation in structure-from-motion displays. Preliminary experiments verified that subjects could accurately use the index finger to report direction. The remainder of the experiments studied the perception of the axis of rotation from full rotations of a group of discrete points, the profiles of a rotating ellipsoid, and two views of a group of discrete points. Subjects’ responses were analyzed by decomposing the pointing responses into their slant and tilt components. Overall, the results indicated that subjects were sensitive to both slant and tilt. However, when the axis of rotation was near the viewing direction, subjects had difficulty reporting tilt with profiles and two views and showed a large bias in their slant judgments with two views and full rotations. These results are not entirely consistent with theoretical predictions. The results, particularly for two views, suggest that additional constraints are used by humans in the recovery of structure from motion.  相似文献   

Participants saw three versions of pictures of familiar objects: the original unaltered (axis-normal) pictures, axis-extended pictures in which the main axes of the axis-normal pictures were elongated, and axis-switched pictures in which objects that were originally horizontally elongated were depicted as vertically elongated and vice versa. Relative to axis-normal pictures, axis extension aided decisions about whether the picture of the object was wide or tall, and axis switching hindered these decisions for both upright and plane-misoriented views. Nevertheless, although these axis manipulations clearly influenced decisions about the location of the object's main axis of elongation, axis-switched pictures were no harder to name than axis-extended pictures. Changing the depicted main axis of elongation by axis switching and axis extension did not influence object recognition in itself, whether for upright or for plane-misoriented views. This suggests that specifying the main axis of elongation of an object does not play an important role in the orientation-sensitive processes involved in identifying plane-misoriented views of that object.  相似文献   

The way in which human subjects distribute their time when attempting to learn the surface appearance of objects placed on a stand free to rotate about its vertical axis was investigated. Experiments were undertaken to establish whether observers concentrate their time on particular views and, if so, to determine the image characteristics of the preferred views. For tetrahedra, subjects concentrated on views which presented a face or an edge centred on the line of sight. Both of these views were symmetric about the vertical axis. For potatoes as examples of opaque smooth objects, subjects concentrated on four views in which the object's principal (long) axis was oriented side-on or end-on to their line of sight. For such views the horizontal width (and surface area) of the object's image had maximum and minimum values. Preferred views were not systematically related to views defined as stable from the appearance of surface boundaries or 'singularities'.  相似文献   

In the first three experiments, subjects felt solid geometrical forms and matched raised-line pictures to the objects. Performance was best in experiment 1 for top views, with shorter response latencies than for side views, front views, or 3-D views with foreshortening. In a second experiment with blind participants, matching accuracy was not significantly affected by prior visual experience, but speed advantages were found for top views, with 3-D views also yielding better matching accuracy than side views. There were no performance advantages for pictures of objects with a constant cross section in the vertical axis. The early-blind participants had lower performance for side and frontal views. The objects were rotated to oblique orientations in experiment 3. Early-blind subjects performed worse than the other subjects given object rotation. Visual experience with pictures of objects at many angles could facilitate identification at oblique orientations. In experiment 5 with blindfolded sighted subjects, tangible pictures were used as targets and as choices. The results yielded superior overall performance for 3-D views (mean, M = 74% correct) and much lower matching accuracy for top views as targets (M = 58% correct). Performance was highest when the target and matching viewpoint were identical, but 3-D views (M = 96% correct) were still far better than top views. The accuracy advantage of the top views also disappeared when more complex objects were tested in experiment 6. Alternative theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Coordinate frame for symmetry detection and object recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Can subjects voluntarily set an internal coordinate frame in such a way as to facilitate the detection of symmetry about an arbitrary axis? If so, is this internal coordinate frame the same as that involved in determining perceived top and bottom in object recognition and shape perception? Subjects were required to determine whether dot patterns were symmetric. Cuing the subjects in advance about the orientation of the axis of symmetry produced a substantial speedup in performance (Experiments 1 and 3) and an increase in accuracy with brief displays (Experiment 2). The effects appeared roughly additive, with an overall advantage for vertical symmetry; thus, the vertical axis effect is not due to a tendency to prepare for the vertical axis. The cuing advantage was found to depend upon the subject's knowing in advance the spatial location as well as orientation of the frame of reference (Experiment 4). The fifth experiment provided evidence that the frame of reference responsible for these effects is the same as the one that determines shape perception: Subjects viewed displays containing a letter (at an unpredictable orientation) and a dot pattern, rapidly naming the letter and then determining whether the dots were symmetric about a prespecified axis. When the top-bottom axis of the letter was oriented the same way as the axis of symmetry for the dots, symmetry judgments were significantly more accurate. Thus, the results suggest a single frame of reference for both types of judgment. The General Discussion proposes a theory of how visual symmetry may be computed, which might account for these phenomena and also characterize their relation to "mental rotation" effects.  相似文献   

The role of vision in the control of reaching and grasping was investigated by varying the available visual information. Adults (N = 7) reached in conditions that had full visual information, visual information about the target object but not the hand or surrounding environment, and no visual information. Four different object diameters were used. The results indicated that as visual information and object size decreased, subjects used longer movement times, had slower speeds, and more asymmetrical hand-speed profiles. Subjects matched grasp aperture to object diameter, but overcompensated with larger grasp apertures when visual information was reduced. Subjects also qualitatively differed in reach kinematics when challenged with reduced visual information or smaller object size. These results emphasize the importance of vision of the target in reaching and show that subjects do not simply scale a command template with task difficulty.  相似文献   

A set of full-color images of objects is described for use in experiments investigating the effects of in-depth rotation on the identification of three-dimensional objects. The corpus contains up to 11 perspective views of 70 nameable objects. We also provide ratings of the “goodness” of each view, based on Thurstonian scaling of subjects’ preferences in a paired-comparison experiment. An exploratory cluster analysis on the scaling solutions indicates that the amount of information available in a given view generally is the major determinant of the goodness of the view. For instance, objects with an elongated front-back axis tend to cluster together, and the front and back views of these objects, which do not reveal the object’s major surfaces and features, are evaluated as the worst views.  相似文献   

In three experiments with infants and one with adults we explored the generality, limitations, and informational bases of early form perception. In the infant studies we used a habituation-of-looking-time procedure and the method of Kellman (1984), in which responses to three-dimensional (3-D) form were isolated by habituating 16-week-old subjects to a single object in two different axes of rotation in depth, and testing afterward for dishabituation to the same object and to a different object in a novel axis of rotation. In Experiment 1, continuous optical transformations given by moving 16-week-old observers around a stationary 3-D object specified 3-D form to infants. In Experiment 2 we found no evidence of 3-D form perception from multiple, stationary, binocular views of objects by 16- and 24-week-olds. Experiment 3A indicated that perspective transformations of the bounding contours of an object, apart from surface information, can specify form at 16 weeks. Experiment 3B provided a methodological check, showing that adult subjects could neither perceive 3-D forms from the static views of the objects in Experiment 3A nor match views of either object across different rotations by proximal stimulus similarities. The results identify continuous perspective transformations, given by object or observer movement, as the informational bases of early 3-D form perception. Detecting form in stationary views appears to be a later developmental acquisition.  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported on the identification of line drawings of common objects. In each experiment, performance on “unconventional” views of the objects, in which the major axis of the object was foreshortened, was compared to performance on more “conventional” views without appreciable foreshortening. In each experiment, except Experiment 2, where performance on the two views was experimentally equated, the foreshortened views were more difficult to identify than were the conventional views. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that if the foreshortened views were presented on a background with strong monocular depth cues, object identification was improved. This result suggests that part of the difficulty in identifying objects depicted from such a view stems from an improper depth interpretation of the object depictions. Experiments 3 and 4 examined visual field differences in the identification of the two types of object view. Results reported in the neuropsychological literature have shown that people with right-hemisphere damage have particular difficulty with the identification of unconventional views of objects that foreshorten major axes. Accordingly, it was expected that there would be a left visual field advantage for the foreshortened views. Neither experiment yielded any visual field effects consistent with this expectation. Possible reasons for the lack of a field effect are discussed.  相似文献   

Preferential inspection of views of 3-D model heads.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In a series of three experiments, we examined, first, the effects of viewpoint in depth on the efficiency of initial picture naming and, second, the effects of priming on subsequent naming. On initial presentation, foreshortened views were harder to name than were more typical (nonforeshortened) views. In addition, priming increased as a function of the similarity of the prime and target. Indeed, if a foreshortened view of an object had already been named, the subjects named a subsequent foreshortened view of that object as fast as or faster than they named a subsequent, more typical view. These results provide evidence against theories that predict full view-invariant object recognition and view-invariant priming of object recognition. Instead, the results support theories that suggest that object recognition is mediated by stored representations that are both view- and object-specific.  相似文献   

The proposal that identification of inverted objects is accomplished by either a relatively slow rotation in the picture plane or a faster rotation in the depth plane about the horizontal axis was tested. In Experiment 1, subjects decided whether objects at 0° or 180° corresponded to previously learned normal views of the upright objects, or were mirror images. Instructions to mentally flip an inverted object in the depth plane to the upright produced faster decision times than did instructions to mentally spin the object in the picture plane. In Experiment 2, the effects of orientation were compared across an object-naming task and a normal-mirror task for six orientations from 0° to 300°. In the normal-mirror task, objects at 180° were cued for rotation in the picture plane or in the depth plane in equal numbers. The naming function for one group of subjects did not differ from the normalmirror function where inverted objects had been mentally rotated to the upright. For both functions, response time (RT) increased linearly from 0° to 180° and the slopes did not differ. The naming function for a second group of subjects did not differ from the normal-mirror function where inverted objects had been mentally flipped to the upright. For both functions, RT increased linearly at a similar rate from 0° to 120°, but decreased from 120° to 180°. The results are discussed in terms of theories of orientation-specific identification.  相似文献   

Attentional Modulation of Size Contrast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A test circle surrounded by smaller context circles appears larger if presented in isolation, whereas a test circle surrounded by large context circles is seen as smaller than in isolation. Two experiments are reported indicating that this phenomenon, the Ebbinghaus illusion, depends on whether subjects are attending to the context circles. Subjects first saw a reference circle and then a briefly presented (150 msec) test circle. Their task was to determine whether the test circle was larger or smaller than the reference. The test circle was surrounded by smaller context circles of one colour arrayed along a horizontal axis centred on the test, and larger context circles of a different colour arrayed along a vertical axis centred on the test. Subjects judged both the size of the test and the colours of either the small or large context circles. Perceived test size changed systematically, depending on which context circles were task-relevant.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the proposition that a person's level of conformity on a visual task was related to his level of personal novelty on attitudinal dimensions and being reminded that he was an object in the world. Subjects were led to believe that either 95, 50, or 5% of a population of 10,000 held the same position as they did on 10 important attitudinal dimensions. Subjects were then asked to participate in an experiment on visual perception. In this portion of the study, subjects were led to believe that two other subjects consistently disagreed with their estimates and were either shown or not shown their live image on a television monitor. The results of the experiment indicated a positive relationship between novelty on the attitudinal dimensions and both frequency and intensity of conformity on the visual task. As novelty increased, conformity increased. In addition, subjects shown their image on a television monitor during the conformity trials conformed to the bogus others to a greater extent than subjects not shown their image on a television monitor.  相似文献   

The utilization of static and kinetic information for depth by Mala?ian children and young adults in making monocular relative size judgments was investigated. Subjects viewed pairs of objects or photographic slides of the same pairs and judged which was the larger of each pair. The sizes and positions of the objects were manipulated such that the more distant object subtended a visual angle equal to, 80% of, or 70% of the nearer object. Motor parallax information was manipulated by allowing or preventing head movement. All subjects displayed sensitivity to static information for depth when the two objects subtended equal visual angles. When the more distant object was larger but subtended a smaller visual angle than the nearer object, subjects tended to base their judgments on retinal size. Motion parallax information increased accuracy of judgments of three-dimensional displays but reduced accuracy of judgments of pictorial displays. Comparisons are made between these results and those for American subjects.  相似文献   

Language comprehenders mentally represent the shapes of objects   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We examined the prediction that people activate perceptual symbols during language comprehension. Subjects read sentences describing an animal or object in a certain location. The shape of the object or animal changed as a function of its location (e.g., eagle in the sky, eagle in a nest). However, this change was only implied by the sentences. After reading a sentence, subjects were presented with a line drawing of the object in question. They judged whether the object had been mentioned in the sentence (Experiment 1) or simply named the object (Experiment 2). In both cases, responses were faster when the pictured object's shape matched the shape implied by the sentence than when there was a mismatch. These results support the hypothesis that perceptual symbols are routinely activated in language comprehension.  相似文献   

Grace C. Bell  Kay F. Schaffer 《Sex roles》1984,11(11-12):1045-1055
Sixty female subjects and sixty male subjects, either sex-typed or androgynous, based on scores on the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI), made causal attributions for their own success or failure. Subjects also predicted future performance on a similar task. Sex differences were revealed which are only partially consistent with a cognitive-based expectancy model. It is suggested that outcome and ego involvement in the task are crucial factors in whether cognitive-based or more self-serving attributions are used in accounting for performance. Androgynous subjects predicted higher future performance. However, contrary to prediction, attributional behavior of androgynous and sex-typed subjects did not differ. Results are discussed in terms of rapidly changing views, in both the conceptualization and the measurement of psychological androgyny, since Bem's original report of behavioral correlates to scores on the BSRI.  相似文献   

Two experiments systematically compared four SPT conditions involving real/imaginary movement and real/imaginary object with one VT condition involving no enactment and no object. To test the effect of visual information on SPT memory, sighted subjects were compared with blindfolded subjects (in Experiment 1) and blind subjects (in Experiment 2). All subjects learned all SPTs and VTs. Free recall data showed no difference between the SPT conditions and between the groups of subjects; only blind subjects were found to be limited in the use of visualization strategy. All SPTs were recalled better than VTs, indicating that the enactment effect is not determined by either movement or object alone, rather both have an effective role and are equally involved for obtaining the enactment effect. The results provide no support for the motor encoding and multimodality views of SPTs, but are in line with the episodic integration view which assumes that neither movement nor object are of special importance, rather both have contribution in the enactment effect.  相似文献   

Forty female undergraduates forming four groups, high or low trait anxiety with or without a specific fear (rats), participated in a psychophysiological assessment of their response to the phobic object, a neutral object (rabbit), and to a general anxiety-induction procedure (threat of shock). Subjects also completed a number of tasks requiring sustained attention. Blood samples were drawn to determine thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) levels. Trait anxiety was found to interact with specific fear in response to the feared object. The high-trait anxious/high-fear group was most physiologically responsive to the rat. Trait- anxious subjects were more responsive to the threat of shock and showed performance deficits on reaction time, vigilance, and backward digit span tasks. These subjects also had significantly higher T3 and T4 levels. The findings are discussed with regard to the role of general anxiety in the etiology and/or maintenance of specific fears and the role of thyroid hormones in accentuating physiological response to feared stimuli.  相似文献   

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