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More and more immersive environments are developed to provide support for learning or training purposes. Ecological validity of such environments is usually based on learning performance comparisons between virtual environments and their genuine counterparts. Little is known about learning processes occurring in immersive environments. A new technique is proposed for testing perceptual learning during virtual immersion. This methodology relies upon eye-tracking technologies to analyze gaze behavior recorded in relation to virtual objects' features and tasks' requirements. It is proposed that perceptual learning mechanisms engaged could be detected through eye movements. In this study, nine subjects performed perceptual learning tasks in virtual immersion. Results obtained indicated that perceptual learning influences gaze behavior dynamics. More precisely, analysis revealed that fixation number and variability in fixation duration varied with perceptual learning level. Such findings could contribute in shedding light on learning mechanisms as well as providing additional support for validating virtual learning environments.  相似文献   

I discuss top-down modulation of perception in terms of a variable Bayesian learning rate, revealing a wide range of prior hierarchical expectations that can modulate perception. I then switch to the prediction error minimization framework and seek to conceive cognitive penetration specifically as prediction error minimization deviations from a variable Bayesian learning rate. This approach retains cognitive penetration as a category somewhat distinct from other top-down effects, and carves a reasonable route between penetrability and impenetrability. It prevents rampant, relativistic cognitive penetration of perception and yet is consistent with the continuity of cognition and perception.  相似文献   

A new effect in the domain of achromatic simultaneous contrast has been observed. A middle gray region placed at the center of an area filled by a linear achromatic gradient from black (outer part) to white (inner part) is perceived as being much darker than an identical middle gray region surrounded by a reversed gradient. By using a matching task in two experiments, it has been shown that this phenomenon is much stronger than the classical achromatic simultaneous contrast effect. The new effect is interpreted in terms of thealbedo hypothesis.  相似文献   

Masin SC 《Perception》2003,32(5):615-620
The algebraic luminance difference corresponding to a uniform achromatic surface on a uniform achromatic background determines the dark or light quality and the extent of this quality in the achromatic colour of the surface, while the absolute value of this difference determines the amount of perceived contrast between the achromatic colours of the surface and of the background. The results of an experiment designed to test whether grouping of achromatic surfaces depends on one or on both of these differences are here reported. Grouping was found to depend prevailingly on algebraic luminance difference in some subjects, prevailingly on absolute luminance differences in other subjects, and on both of these differences with similar probabilities in still other subjects.  相似文献   

Observers were asked to indicate when a target moving on a circular trajectory changed its luminance. The judged position of the luminance change was displaced from the true position in the direction of motion, indicating differences between the times-to-consciousness of motion and luminance change. Motion was processed faster than luminance change. The latency difference was more pronounced for a small (116–134 ms) than for a large luminance decrement (37 ms). The results show that first-order motion is perceived before an accurate representation of luminance is available. These findings are consistent with current accounts of the flash-lag effect. Two control experiments ruled out that the results were due to a general forward tendency. Localization of the target when an auditory signal was presented did not produce forward displacement, and the judged onset of motion was not shifted in the direction of motion.  相似文献   

The perceptual alternation of the Necker cube, in its stationary phase, is studied as a function of the stimulus luminance down to the extreme condition in which the cones are completely inactivated so that the pattern of neural excitation reaching the primary visual cortex is very different from the normal one. No evident effect of luminance was found under passive observation either on the reversal rate or on the features of data distributions. Moreover, the complementary situation in which perception is based only on the cones does not affect the phenomenon either. These results permit the assumption that the perceptual alternation in its stationary phase, is a passive and automatic process, that is affected neither by a satiation of the first levels of the visual system nor by the psychological attitude of the subject consequent on dazzling the retina.  相似文献   

The concept of perceptual independence is ubiquitous in psychology. It addresses the question of whether two (or more) dimensions are perceived independently. Several authors have proposed perceptual independence (or its lack thereof) as a viable measure of holistic face perception (Loftus, Oberg, & Dillon, Psychological Review 111:835–863, 2004; Wenger & Ingvalson, Learning, Memory, and Cognition 28:872–892, 2002). According to this notion, the processing of facial features occurs in an interactive manner. Here, I examine this idea from the perspective of two theories of perceptual independence: the multivariate uncertainty analysis (MUA; Garner & Morton, Definitions, models, and experimental paradigms. Psychological Bulletin 72:233–259, 1969), and the general recognition theory (GRT; Ashby & Townsend, Psychological Review 93:154–179, 1986). The goals of the study were to (1) introduce the MUA, (2) examine various possible relations between MUA and GRT using numerical simulations, and (3) apply the MUA to two consensual markers of holistic face perceptionrecognition of facial features (Farah, Wilson, Drain, & Tanaka, Psychological Review 105:482–498, 1998) and the composite face effect (Young, Hellawell, & Hay, Perception 16:747–759, 1987). The results suggest that facial holism is generated by violations of several types of perceptual independence. They highlight the important theoretical role played by converging operations in the study of holistic face perception.  相似文献   

Bidirectional genetic selection of quail for early color preferences, for eighteen generations, resulted in nearly perfect choices of blue over red in one and red over blue in the other selected line. It also enhanced the preference of a grated over a dotted black-and-white pattern. Color and pattern preferences in hybrids of selected and control lines fell back to about halfway between parental values. Choices between composite stimuli of colors and patterns indicated summation of the respective, genetically influenced preference values, with partial dominance of color over pattern effects. Exposure to colors modified color choices. Exposure to colored patterns likewise modified color choices, but it did not change, or only marginally changed, choices between patterns. The phenotypic expression of this selective learning, however, was influenced by the genetically manipulated preference values and preference combinations of colors and patterns in the stimuli with which postexposure performances were tested. Overall, the data highlighted the need for concepts that would discriminate between the developmental and the episodic expression of genetic influences and genotype--environment interactions in behavior.  相似文献   

In four experiments, a multidimensional signal detection analysis was used to determine the influence of length, diameter, and mass on haptically perceived heaviness with and without vision. This analysis allowed us to test for sensory and perceptual interactions between mass and size. As in previous research, sensory interactions were apparent in all four experiments. A novel result was the appearance of perceptual interactions that became more prominent when diameter varied and when vision was allowed. Discussion focuses on how vision and the modalities of touch (i.e., haptic and dynamic) might influence which interactions appear in the data.  相似文献   

Although several studies have examined infants' sensitivity to perceptual organizational cues, few have examined the functional relations among these cues. We examined how uniform connectedness (UC) functions in relation to shape and luminance similarity. UC has been characterized as the entry-level mechanism of perceptual organization and would therefore be predicted to be more salient than the other two cues. We found that UC was more salient than shape similarity organization was, to the point that 6- to 7-month-old infants failed to even organize on the basis of shape in the presence of UC. Luminance similarity, however, was more salient than UC, even though UC was detected by infants in the presence of luminance cues. We conclude that UC is not necessarily the most salient mechanism of perceptual organization in infancy. Moreover, the luminance-UC-shape salience hierarchy exhibited by 6- to 7-month-olds in the present study is consistent with the order of development of sensitivity to these organizational cues.  相似文献   

Jacobs and Michaels (2001) have argued that increased precision in judgments of the viewing distance to a perceived event should be attributed in part to perceptual learning. They found that observers used feedback to attune to the appropriate information variables gradually. McConnell, Muchisky, and Bingham (1998) had found that observers used feedback to calibrate event-specific scaling coefficients, that the calibration of one type of event generalized to other types, and that calibration occurred suddenly. We argue that Jacobs and Michaels must be partially correct and that, in our experiments, both calibration and perceptual attunement were required for accurate and precise judgments.  相似文献   

In asymmetric lightness matching tasks, observers sometimes report that they cannot achieve satisfactory matches between achromatic surfaces under different neutral illuminants. The surfaces appear different, yet no further adjustment of either surface improves the match. There are evident difficulties in interpreting data from a task that the observer cannot always do, and these difficulties likely affect the interpretation of a large number of previous studies. We investigated, as an alternative to asymmetric matching, the direct use of proximity judgments in the study of surface lightness perception. We asked observers to rate the perceived dissimilarity of pairs of achromatic surfaces that were placed in identical scenes and viewed under different neutral illuminants. We develop a parametric model that accurately predicts perceived dissimilarity in terms of physical light intensities and surface albedos. The parameters of this model are readily interpretable. In particular, the ratio of the influence of changes in illuminant intensity and changes in surface albedo is a measure of the extent to which the observer discounts the illuminant. Asymmetric lightness matching can be interpreted as an unachievable limiting case of proximity judgment.  相似文献   

Emergent features, attention, and perceptual glue in visual form perception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the grouping of line segments into unitary shapes and attempted to identify procedures to diagnose when such grouping is taking place. Previous research has indicated that attentional measures may diagnose grouping: With grouped parts, selective attention to individual parts is difficult and divided attention across parts is easy, whereas with ungrouped parts selective attention is easy and divided attention is difficult. This result suggests that grouping operates via a perceptual glue binding parts into wholes that are difficult or impossible to divide. Other studies have suggested in addition that grouped parts produce emergent features, possibly including symmetry and closure, that make possible configural superiority effects, where whole shapes are more discriminable than are their distinguishing contours shown in isolation. The 13 experiments reported here indicate that perceptual glue is not needed to explain known findings about grouping, a claim that agrees with conclusions by other investigators using other criteria. Rather, emergent features alone may suffice to explain grouping, provided that reliable and accurate diagnostic criteria can be identified. It is shown that the diagnostics now available are not fully adequate for this purpose. Surprisingly, it appears that some prime candidates for emergent features--namely, closure and line terminators--may not be of central importance to form perception.  相似文献   

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