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The multilevel model of change and the latent growth model are flexible means to describe all sorts of population heterogeneity with respect to growth and development, including the presence of sub‐populations. The growth mixture model is a natural extension of these models. It comes at hand when information about sub‐populations is missing and researchers nevertheless want to retrieve developmental trajectories from sub‐populations. We argue that researchers have to make rather strong assumptions about the sub‐populations or latent trajectory classes in order to retrieve existing population differences. A simulated example is discussed, showing that a sample of repeated measures drawn from two sub‐populations easily leads to the mistaken inference of three sub‐populations, when assumptions are not met. The merits of methodological advises on this issue are discussed. It is concluded that growth mixture models should be used with understanding, and offer no free way to growth patterns in unknown sub‐populations. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Processing tree models offer a powerful research framework by which the contributions of cognitive processes to a task can be separated and quantified. The present article reviews a number of applications of processing tree models in the domain of social psychology in order to illustrate the steps to be taken in developing and validating a given model and applying it to the measurement and comparison of processes across experimental and quasi-experimental conditions. Process dissociation models are discussed as special cases of processing tree models. Crucial assumptions of processing tree models are considered and methods to overcome violations of such assumptions are reviewed. In addition to the application of processing tree models for the analysis of social and cognitive processes, their value is also discussed for the elicitation of truthful responses to socially sensitive questions.  相似文献   

The LLRA (linear logistic model with relaxed assumptions; Fischer, 1974, 1977a, 1977b, 1983a) was developed, within the framework of generalized Rasch models, for assessing change in dichotomous item score matrices between two points in time; it allows to quantify change on latent trait dimensions and to explain change in terms of treatment effects, treatment interactions, and a trend effect. A remarkable feature of the model is that unidimensionality of the item set is not required. The present paper extends this model to designs with any number of time points and even with different sets of items presented on different occasions, provided that one unidimensional subscale is available per latent trait. Thus unidimensionality assumptions within subscales are combined with multidimensionality of the item set. Conditional maximum likelihood methods for parameter estimation and hypothesis testing are developed, and a necessary and sufficient condition for unique identification of the model, given the data, is derived. Finally, a sample application is presented.To my friend Josef Roppert who has taught me how to apply statistical reasoning to substantive problems.This research was supported in part by Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft under grant No. 01/0054. The author wishes to thank B. Wild for the numerical computation of the sample application in section 5.  相似文献   

The use of mathematical models in the experimental analysis of behavior has increased over the years, and they offer several advantages. Mathematical models require theorists to be precise and unambiguous, often allowing comparisons of competing theories that sound similar when stated in words. Sometimes different mathematical models may make equally accurate predictions for a large body of data. In such cases, it is important to find and investigate situations for which the competing models make different predictions because, unless two models are actually mathematically equivalent, they are based on different assumptions about the psychological processes that underlie an observed behavior. Mathematical models developed in basic behavioral research have been used to predict and control behavior in applied settings, and they have guided research in other areas of psychology. A good mathematical model can provide a common framework for understanding what might otherwise appear to be diverse and unrelated behavioral phenomena. Because psychologists vary in their quantitative skills and in their tolerance for mathematical equations, it is important for those who develop mathematical models of behavior to find ways (such as verbal analogies, pictorial representations, or concrete examples) to communicate the key premises of their models to nonspecialists.  相似文献   

Log-Multiplicative Association Models as Item Response Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Log-multiplicative association (LMA) models, which are special cases of log-linear models, have interpretations in terms of latent continuous variables. Two theoretical derivations of LMA models based on item response theory (IRT) arguments are presented. First, we show that Anderson and colleagues (Anderson &; Vermunt, 2000; Anderson &; Böckenholt, 2000; Anderson, 2002), who derived LMA models from statistical graphical models, made the equivalent assumptions as Holland (1990) when deriving models for the manifest probabilities of response patterns based on an IRT approach. We also present a second derivation of LMA models where item response functions are specified as functions of rest-scores. These various connections provide insights into the behavior of LMA models as item response models and point out philosophical issues with the use of LMA models as item response models. We show that even for short tests, LMA and standard IRT models yield very similar to nearly identical results when data arise from standard IRT models. Log-multiplicative association models can be used as item response models and do not require numerical integration for estimation.  相似文献   

The assumptions underlying item response theory (IRT) models may be expressed as a set of equality and inequality constraints on the parameters of a latent class model. It is well known that the same assumptions imply that the parameters of the manifest distribution have to satisfy a more complicated set of inequality constraints which, however, are necessary but not sufficient. In this paper, we describe how the theory for likelihood-based inference under equality and inequality constraints may be used to test the underlying assumptions of IRT models. It turns out that the analysis based directly on the latent structure is simpler and more flexible. In particular, we indicate how several interesting extensions of the Rasch model may be obtained by partial relaxation of the basic constraints. An application to a data set provided by Educational Testing Service is used to illustrate the approach.We thank Dr. Gorman and Dr. Rogers of the Educational Testing Service for providing the data analyzed in Section 4. We also thank three reviewers for comments and suggestions.This revised article was published online in August 2005 with the PDF paginated correctly.  相似文献   

The differences between Gobet’s views and ours call attention to some points concerning the argumentative status of computational models. If we have two fundamentally different models which reasonably accurately simulate a phenomenon, we must ask, what is the argumentative status of the models in psychological terms. Moreover, if it is possible to present different models of same phenomena, what is the general argumentative power of models in psychology? As the kind of differences between our views and the ones of Gobet’s are common in modelling, we briefly call attention to these foundational issues in our paper.  相似文献   

Scheiblechner (1995) proposes a probabilistic axiomatization of measurement called ISOP (isotonic ordinal probabilistic models) that replaces Rasch's (1980) specific objectivity assumptions with two interesting ordinal assumptions. Special cases of Scheiblechner's model include standard unidimensional factor analysis models in which the loadings are held constant, and the Rasch model for binary item responses. Closely related are the doubly-monotone item response models of Mokken (1971; see also Mokken & Lewis, 1982; Sijtsma, 1988; Molenaar, 1991; Sijtsma & Junker, 1996; and Sijtsma & Hemker, in press). More generally, strictly unidimensional latent variable models have been considered in some detail by Holland and Rosenbaum (1986), Ellis and van den Wollenberg (1993), and Junker (1990, 1993). The purpose of this note is to provide connections with current research in foundations and nonparametric latent variable and item response modeling that are missing from Scheiblechner's (1995) paper, and to point out important related work by Hemker, Sijtsma, Molenaar, & Junker (1996, 1997), Ellis and Junker (in press) and Junker and Ellis (1997). We also discuss counterexamples to three major theorems in the paper. By carrying out these three tasks, we hope to provide researchers interested in the foundations of measurement and item response modeling the opportunity to give the ISOP approach the careful attention it deserves. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation, Grant DMS-94.04438. I thank the Editor and three anonymous referees for careful readings that improved the completeness of this note.  相似文献   

A multitrait-multimethod model with minimal assumptions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Michael Eid 《Psychometrika》2000,65(2):241-261
A new model of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) data sets is presented. It is shown that this model can be defined by only three assumptions in the framework of classical psychometric test theory (CTT). All other properties of the model, particularly the uncorrelated-ness of the trait with the method factors are logical consequences of the definition of the model. In the model proposed there are as many trait factors as different traits considered, but the number of method factors is one fewer than the number of methods included in an MTMM study. The covariance structure implied by this model is derived, and it is shown that this model is identified even under conditions under which other CFA-MTMM models are not. The model is illustrated by two empirical applications. Furthermore, its advantages and limitations are discussed with respect to previously developed CFA models for MTMM data.  相似文献   

Traditionally, multinomial processing tree (MPT) models are applied to groups of homogeneous participants, where all participants within a group are assumed to have identical MPT model parameter values. This assumption is unreasonable when MPT models are used for clinical assessment, and it often may be suspect for applications to ordinary psychological experiments. One method for dealing with parameter variability is to incorporate random effects assumptions into a model. This is achieved by assuming that participants’ parameters are drawn independently from some specified multivariate hyperdistribution. In this paper we explore the assumption that the hyperdistribution consists of independent beta distributions, one for each MPT model parameter. These beta-MPT models are ‘hierarchical models’, and their statistical inference is different from the usual approaches based on data aggregated over participants. The paper provides both classical (frequentist) and hierarchical Bayesian approaches to statistical inference for beta-MPT models. In simple cases the likelihood function can be obtained analytically; however, for more complex cases, Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms are constructed to assist both approaches to inference. Examples based on clinical assessment studies are provided to demonstrate the advantages of hierarchical MPT models over aggregate analysis in the presence of individual differences.  相似文献   

Bayes modal estimation in item response models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article describes a Bayesian framework for estimation in item response models, with two-stage prior distributions on both item and examinee populations. Strategies for point and interval estimation are discussed, and a general procedure based on the EM algorithm is presented. Details are given for implementation under one-, two-, and three-parameter binary logistic IRT models. Novel features include minimally restrictive assumptions about examinee distributions and the exploitation of dependence among item parameters in a population of interest. Improved estimation in a moderately small sample is demonstrated with simulated data.This research was supported by a grant from the Spencer Foundation, Chicago, IL. Comments and suggestions on earlier drafts by Charles Lewis, Frederic Lord, Rosenbaum, James Ramsey, Hiroshi Watanabe, the editor, and two anonymous referees are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

A unifying framework for generalized multilevel structural equation modeling is introduced. The models in the framework, called generalized linear latent and mixed models (GLLAMM), combine features of generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and structural equation models (SEM) and consist of a response model and a structural model for the latent variables. The response model generalizes GLMMs to incorporate factor structures in addition to random intercepts and coefficients. As in GLMMs, the data can have an arbitrary number of levels and can be highly unbalanced with different numbers of lower-level units in the higher-level units and missing data. A wide range of response processes can be modeled including ordered and unordered categorical responses, counts, and responses of mixed types. The structural model is similar to the structural part of a SEM except that it may include latent and observed variables varying at different levels. For example, unit-level latent variables (factors or random coefficients) can be regressed on cluster-level latent variables. Special cases of this framework are explored and data from the British Social Attitudes Survey are used for illustration. Maximum likelihood estimation and empirical Bayes latent score prediction within the GLLAMM framework can be performed using adaptive quadrature in gllamm, a freely available program running in Stata.gllamm can be downloaded from http://www.gllamm.org. The paper was written while Sophia Rabe-Hesketh was employed at and Anders Skrondal was visiting the Department of Biostatistics and Computing, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London.  相似文献   

Current computer programs for analyzing linear structural models will apparently handle only two types of constraints: fixed parameters, and equality of parameters. An important constraint not handled is inequality; this is particularly crucial for preventing negative variance estimates. In this paper, a method is described for imposing several kinds of inequality constraints in models, without the necessity for having computer programs which explicitly allow such constraints. The examples discussed include the prevention of Heywood cases, extension to inequalities of parameters to be greater than a specified value, and imposing ordered inequalities. Work on this project was aided by the City University of New York—Professional Staff Congress Research Award Program Grant Number 13631.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to explain the link between the algebraic models and the Kripke-style models for certain classes of propositional non-classical logics. We consider logics that are sound and complete with respect to varieties of distributive lattices with certain classes of well-behaved operators for which a Priestley-style duality holds, and present a way of constructing topological and non-topological Kripke-style models for these types of logics. Moreover, we show that, under certain additional assumptions on the variety of the algerabic models of the given logics, soundness and completeness with respect to these classes of Kripke-style models follows by using entirely algebraical arguments from the soundness and completeness of the logic with respect to its algebraic models.  相似文献   

Ekaterina Svetlova 《Synthese》2013,190(2):321-337
Is there a unique way to de-idealize models? If not, how might the possible ways of reducing the distortion between models and reality differ from each other? Based on an empirical case study conducted in financial markets, this paper discusses how a popular valuation model (the Discounted Cash Flow model) idealizes reality and how the market participants de-idealize it in concrete market situations. In contrast to Cartwright’s view that economic models are generally over-constrained, this paper suggests that valuation models are under-constrained. This serves as the reason why the relaxation of simplifying assumptions and concretization do not work as methods of de-idealization. The paper finds that financial market participants de-idealize models using commentary that takes the form of judgment. As a conclusion, a hypothesis is formulated that proposes that the more underdetermined the model is the bigger role narrative and other pragmatic elements play in the process of model application.  相似文献   

As Bayesian methods become more popular among behavioral scientists, they will inevitably be applied in situations that violate the assumptions underpinning typical models used to guide statistical inference. With this in mind, it is important to know something about how robust Bayesian methods are to the violation of those assumptions. In this paper, we focus on the problem of contaminated data (such as data with outliers or conflicts present), with specific application to the problem of estimating a credible interval for the population mean. We evaluate five Bayesian methods for constructing a credible interval, using toy examples to illustrate the qualitative behavior of different approaches in the presence of contaminants, and an extensive simulation study to quantify the robustness of each method. We find that the “default” normal model used in most Bayesian data analyses is not robust, and that approaches based on the Bayesian bootstrap are only robust in limited circumstances. A simple parametric model based on Tukey’s “contaminated normal model” and a model based on the t-distribution were markedly more robust. However, the contaminated normal model had the added benefit of estimating which data points were discounted as outliers and which were not.  相似文献   

Two different item response theory model frameworks have been proposed for the assessment and control of response styles in rating data. According to one framework, response styles can be assessed by analysing threshold parameters in Rasch models for ordinal data and in mixture‐distribution extensions of such models. A different framework is provided by multi‐process item response tree models, which can be used to disentangle response processes that are related to the substantive traits and response tendencies elicited by the response scale. In this tutorial, the two approaches are reviewed, illustrated with an empirical data set of the two‐dimensional ‘Personal Need for Structure’ construct, and compared in terms of multiple criteria. Mplus is used as a software framework for (mixed) polytomous Rasch models and item response tree models as well as for demonstrating how parsimonious model variants can be specified to test assumptions on the structure of response styles and attitude strength. Although both frameworks are shown to account for response styles, they differ on the quantitative criteria of model selection, practical aspects of model estimation, and conceptual issues of representing response styles as continuous and multidimensional sources of individual differences in psychological assessment.  相似文献   

In a restricted class of item response theory (IRT) models for polytomous items the unweighted total score has monotone likelihood ratio (MLR) in the latent trait. MLR implies two stochastic ordering (SO) properties, denoted SOM and SOL, which are both weaker than MLR, but very useful for measurement with IRT models. Therefore, these SO properties are investigated for a broader class of IRT models for which the MLR property does not hold.In this study, first a taxonomy is given for nonparametric and parametric models for polytomous items based on the hierarchical relationship between the models. Next, it is investigated which models have the MLR property and which have the SO properties. It is shown that all models in the taxonomy possess the SOM property. However, counterexamples illustrate that many models do not, in general, possess the even more useful SOL property.Hemker's research was supported by the Netherlands Research Council, Grant 575-67-034. Junker's research was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health, Grant CA54852, and by the National Science Foundation, Grant DMS-94.04438.  相似文献   

近年来有关智力的研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽 《社会心理科学》2006,21(3):11-14,18
作为个体差异的一个重要来源,智力一直是研究者们高度关注的焦点。心理学家们从不同的角度出发,采用不同的研究范式,纷纷提出了各自不同的智力理论。这些理论推动了人们对智力本质的深入认识,在很大程度上促进了人们对个体差异的更好理解。文章从智力研究的四大主要范式入手,对近些年来有关智力的研究作一概述,以期能带给人们更多的启示。  相似文献   

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