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道教与旅游──道教旅游文化初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对道教神仙思想的产生与旅游的关系,“游”在道教中独具的宗教精神象征意义及旅游在道教宗教实践中的作用和意义做了分析,指出道教与旅游有密不可分的联系,道教旅游文化是道教文化的重要内在组成部分之一。  相似文献   

道教旅游文化与道教文化旅游辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"道教旅游文化"与"道教文化旅游"是道教文化与旅游经济研究领域里两个重要概念.  相似文献   

清代先后出现过六家以金丹之道评点小说《西游记》的评点本,论者往往以一句金丹之道概括后,就弃之不论。本文就此进行分析,以获得对少有论述的这一问题的清晰认识。六家评点本有一个清晰的发展过程。《西游记》各评点将道教内丹修炼的要旨一一指出,批驳内丹学之外的一切旁门左道,借助五行和《易经》的义理和卦象阐释金丹之道,将《悟真篇》等内丹修炼的诗歌广泛运用于评点之中。这构成了《西游记》道教评点本金丹之道评点的主要内容。《西游记》小说回目和文本中大量的宗教术语和诗词,是使评点者以宗教眼光看待和评点《西游记》的最表层化的因素;中国文人以文证道的思维模式,是其更为深入的内在原因;评点者身份的改变及其思维的进一步道教化、非文学化,是《西游记》评本道教化的内在动力;《西游记》内丹学的阐释也是清代道教总体衰微,而内丹学却特盛的体现。  相似文献   

胡锐 《中国道教》2010,(1):15-18
一、道教宫观的内涵和外延道教的宫观是道教神圣宗教理念的屋化空间,集中反映了道教的神学思维和理念;它随着道教的发展而日臻完善。可以这样说,宫观是道教的重要构成元素之一,也是道教文化的最重要载体之一。  相似文献   

巍宝山道教文化旅游资源与开发略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道教与旅游的关系源远流长,两者在交错融合过程中形成了道教旅游资源.云南大理巍宝山道教旅游资源多彩多样、历史悠久、特色鲜明,无论是秀丽的自然风光、古朴的人文景观,还是异彩纷呈的仪式活动都蕴涵着别具一格的道教意境,同时展现出道教与历史文化、少数民族文化、生态文化相结合的独特风格.本文立足在这样分析的基础上,进一步探讨如何正确开发巍宝山道教旅游资源.  相似文献   

中国的宗教文化尤其是道佛教文化作为一种优质的人文旅游资源,在旅游表述过程中商品化的现象越来越严重。在旅游表述语境下解释分析我国宗教文化的商品化特征,有助于我们今后在旅游发展中本真表述宗教文化,维护宗教文化自觉。一些传承于历史的物化宗教文化事项在市场经济条件下是可以商品化的,而一些承载异质宗教特性的文化元素,作为该宗教地旅游符号标志的文化事项则需本真展示。  相似文献   

本文从道家、道教的生命伦理学说出发论述了道家、道教文化资源对创建有中国特色的现代旅游文化的启示。提出道家、道教文化能够为现代旅游文化经济的发展提供一种理性睿智的思维方式和经营管理理论。  相似文献   

近些年 ,随着人们物质生活的极大提高 ,休闲旅游、追求精神享受成为人们生活的重要部分 ;伴随着我国国际地位的提高 ,对外开放的扩大 ,许多海外游人纷纷到中国旅游观光。他们除了欣赏享受自然风景的优美外 ,游览人文景观、感受历史文化的丰富内涵也逐渐成为旅游的热点 ,而道教名胜旅游便是其中的重要部分。道教是根植于中华文化沃土的传统宗教 ,迄今有一千八百年的历史 ;道教文化是中华传统文化的重要组成部分 ,对我国民族心理的形成有着重要影响。北京白云观是道教全真龙门祖庭 ,誉为“天下第一丛林” ,每年有成千上万的海内外游客慕名而至…  相似文献   

从不同学术进路展开的,关于道教信仰的实践与观念的研究日益成为一个独立的学术领域,不断丰富我们对道教信仰的内在特征及其与中国文化腠理之间的复杂联系的认识。由此,“道教是什么”的理论课题也逐步被“什么是道教”的具体研究凸显出来。就学理上看,处理这个一体两面的问题,需要有多面相的视角综合,即我们需要一个复数的道教才能充分阐发道教信仰基于社会生活的本土性。从另一个视角看,面对现代社会生活和知识模式的道教信仰,需要有一个内在自洽的自我叙述性义理建构,以展开其应有公共空间及当代价值,加入具有当下性的本土社会与文化生活。道教的义理建构需要内在的一贯性,而这一单数的道教可以成为道教学指向的复数的道教的映照和渊鉴,形成学术潜力和信仰活力的双向互动。  相似文献   

本文对中国东北地区五十余家公共图书馆的道教古籍收藏状况进行了调研和分析,共梳理出道家道教类书目约两千余条,重点分析了其中一些孤本、珍稀本道教文献,认为东北地区馆藏道书无论在版本还是在内容等方面,都独具特色,价值重大。  相似文献   

Abstract. The authors discuss the complexities and responsibilities of teaching about Daoism in contemporary North American colleges and universities. Expanding and revising the findings of Kirkland (1998) , they argue that enough has changed in educational and cultural contexts to warrant new strategies for teaching about Daoism. Textbooks are now available that offer more accurate and responsible presentations of Daoist history, and this enables a richer appreciation of Daoist culture and religion, and its significance within broader areas of Chinese culture such as art, politics, and science. On the other hand, students have a far greater possibility of interacting outside the classroom with North Americans of Chinese and European background who claim affiliation to the Daoist tradition especially through techniques of moving meditation such as Qigong and internal alchemy. This situation poses challenges in the classroom concerning claims of authenticity, tradition, and representation. Rather than shying away from these contemporary North American cultural forms, the authors argue that the skilled teacher can use these interactions to facilitate a deeper inquiry into questions of authenticity and tradition. Moreover, the authors discuss the use of an interactive website designed specifically to assist in reflecting on these issues in the classroom.  相似文献   

梁巧英 《宗教学研究》2007,3(1):170-174
张三丰是明清时期道教养生史上影响甚大的人物。他的丹道思想在道教内丹史上的地位不容忽视。张三丰还被尊为武当内家拳创始人,其通过内炼养生的健身思想极受后世推崇、关注和效仿。“道”与“身”的思想是张三丰思想的重要组成部分,本文从其修道理论与实践着手,认为他的道与身的思想有以下几点:一、身生于道而归于道;二、道显于身;三、修道以修身为大。  相似文献   

本文在挖掘道书文献新史料的基础上,就中国传统数学史上的天元术与道教关系进行辨析,从一个侧面分析道教对中国传统数学思想的影响.作者认为:天元术产生的直接渊源是道教"天元"思想,李冶的天元术不仅直接渊源于道教洞渊九容之说,而且从科学思想方法上分析,其"立天元一"的代数表达思想得益于道教三元并列的思维模式.  相似文献   

道教历来将“至乐”作为修道的审美愉悦来追求,虽其美学思想上祖述道家,但其哲学思想上却本先秦神仙家和巫鬼文化。道教对“至乐”的界定、对“苦乐”转化的阐发、对“乐怒”关系的分析以及追求“至乐”的方法和途径,又与道教修炼直接相关。因此,从其宗教思想中抽取其传统美学思想精神,从其审美论述中掌握宗教神学思想内核,正是笔者研究的出发点。  相似文献   

中华文化源远流长,从各个方面都可以来解释这句话。唐朝时讲儒释道"三教",那个时候儒家也算一种宗教。中国文化要从  相似文献   

The body is the center of Daoist practice.In addition to being the carrier of feelings,experiences,and actions,it also plays a major role in the construction and interpretation of religious meanings.What is important here is how it serves as the starting point and springboard for practitioners seeking either to obtain the ideal state of being or acquire transcendent powers.This article explores the formation of the body as a symbol in Daoism,and analyzes its corresponding implications.I attempt to do this through a close textual reading of Daoist texts and a critical review of previous academic work on the Daoist conception of body.Within Daoism,the body is neither some physical object,nor a spirit-flesh hybrid that is the subject of theological reflection.It is the vehicle to immortality,and is in itself a small pantheon to be discovered and promoted.As such,it is an open and rich symbol that both generates and integrates meanings on different levels.The symbol of the body not only brings together diverse meanings,but it also provides a conduit through which these meanings are expressed.After taking on religious meaning,the body comes to actualize its potentiality through Daoist practice and cultivation.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the Analects of Kongzi (better known to English-speakers as 'Confucius') to non-specialist readers, and discusses two major lines of interpretation. According to one group of interpretations, the key to understanding the Analects is passage 4.15, in which a disciple says that 'loyalty' and 'reciprocity' together make up the 'one thread' of the Master's teachings. More recently, some interpreters have emphasised passage 13.3, which discusses 'correcting names': bringing words and things into proper alignment. This paper argues that both approaches are mistaken, based on interpolated and unrepresentative passages. The paper closes with a brief suggestion that the Analects reveals a thinker who emphasises cultivating virtues that allow for the appreciation of complex individual contexts, rather than one who seeks systematic generalisations. An afterword to the paper suggests that we should avoid both 'methodological dualism' (which posits a radical incommensurability between Western and Eastern philosophies) and 'the perennial philosophy' (which ignores differences in favour of similarities).  相似文献   

In Zhongyong 中庸 (The Doctrine of the Mean), cheng 诚 (sincerity) is the “Dao of all Daos”, the “virtue of all virtues”, and thus connects the Dao of humans and that of Heaven. The Dao of humans can reveal the sincerity in the Dao of Heaven in two approaches: to contemplate on sincerity and to conduct in sincerity. Meanwhile, sincerity in the Dao of Heaven is unfolded in everything’s seeking for its own nature and destiny, thus the most fundamental approach for the Dao of humans to reveal the sincerity in the Dao of Heaven is for humans to seek for everything’s own nature and destiny.  相似文献   

道教内丹术对中医命门学说的形成具有重要的影响。自《内经》、《难经》有关命门的论述以后,道教丹经对命门进行深入的探讨,包括命门位置、形态及功能等基本概念。元气说与心肾水火相结合而产生了命门水火这一概念。本文意在对命门学说形成之前,对相关历史时期丹经著作中命门相关位置、功能的概念变迁作初步研究,从而揭示这一变迁过程中道教内丹术的实际贡献。  相似文献   

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