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Using a matching-from-sample technique the discriminative ability of a group of pre-school children was tested twice, at mean ages 3-8 and 4-9, in relation to an independent test of their comprehension of the notion “same”. A sequence of three stages is described, for both shape and orientation discrimination; in the first, characterized by a large number of errors, the child appears to respond largely in terms of proximity of a comparison figure to the standard; in the second his responses reflect gross aspects of similarity between the figures in the comparison set, in that several matches are made to one standard all of which have certain attributes in common with it. Finally correct and unique choices are made. Attributes used in differentiating figures are described, and a number of theoretical and methodological problems are discussed.  相似文献   

A recent study found that guppies (Poecilia reticulata) can be trained to discriminate 4 versus 5 objects, a numerical discrimination typically achieved only by some mammals and birds. In that study, guppies were required to discriminate between two patches of small objects on the bottom of the tank that they could remove to find a food reward. It is not clear whether this species possesses exceptional numerical accuracy compared with the other ectothermic vertebrates or whether its remarkable performance was due to a specific predisposition to discriminate between differences in the quality of patches while foraging. To disentangle these possibilities, we trained guppies to the same numerical discriminations with a more conventional two-choice discrimination task. Stimuli were sets of dots presented on a computer screen, and the subjects received a food reward upon approaching the set with the larger numerosity. Though the cognitive problem was identical in the two experiments, the change in the experimental setting led to a much poorer performance as most fish failed even the 2 versus 3 discrimination. In four additional experiments, we varied the duration of the decision time, the type of stimuli, the length of training, and whether correction was allowed in order to identify the factors responsible for the difference. None of these parameters succeeded in increasing the performance to the level of the previous study, although the group trained with three-dimensional stimuli learned the easiest numerical task. We suggest that the different results with the two experimental settings might be due to constraints on learning and that guppies might be prepared to accurately estimate patch quality during foraging but not to learn an abstract stimulus–reward association.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 eight five-year-old children received an arbitrary matching-to-sample task with sample stimuli A1 and A2 and comparison stimuli B1 and B2. This task was mixed with a simple, two-choice discrimination task with stimuli A1 and A2. In subsequent tests with B1 and B2 presented alone, the number of responses to B1 was greater when it had been paired with the correct stimulus of the simple discrimination task than when it had been paired with the incorrect stimulus. In Experiment 2 incorrect comparisons were omitted during the matching-to-sample task. Eight children were taught to point to either A1 or A2 first, and to either B1 or B2 second. Eight other children were taught to point to either B1 or B2 first, and to either A1 or A2 second. The effect of Experiment 1 was replicated with the first but not with the second group. The results of both experiments suggest that the functions of S+ and S- in a simple discrimination task can transfer to test stimuli if the training stimuli precede the test stimuli during paired presentations.  相似文献   

Most children who learned to discriminate opposing 45 degrees line tilts on a relational basis-oddity-did not learn the specific direction of the positive tilt. Most children who did not use oddity did discriminate the specific tilt.  相似文献   

The current study examined the impact of both the tendency to worry (trait worry) and the process of worry (state worry) on subsequent behavioral responding in a schedule discrimination learning task. High and low trait worriers were randomly assigned to a state worry or relaxation incubation condition and completed a test of executive functioning and a dual contingency learning task that utilized neutral discriminative cues over the course of 2 contingency phases. Although state and trait worry did not impact executive functioning, the state worry condition was associated with diminished sensitivity to learning task contingencies over the course of the first contingency learning trials in comparison to the relaxation condition. This relationship was unique to the state worry condition above and beyond shared variance with subjective anxiety level. Results suggest that state worry may lead to a decrement in selective behavioral responding to neutral discriminative cues in the environment. The findings suggest that the process of worry may lead to less adaptive responding to neutral cues and interfere with adaptive behaviors, which may thereby contribute to and maintain anxiety.  相似文献   

An experiment on a threshold discrimination task with four response categories was conducted to check the implicit assumptions of a threshold discrimination task with three response categories. Consideration of a task with three response categories, for example, “stronger,”“don't know,” and “weaker,” leads us to anticipate a relation between position parameters and that between the sizes of scale parameters of a model for a task with four response categories, such as, “stronger,”“probably stronger,”“probably weaker,” and “weaker.” That is, position parameters will be equidistant between adjacent categories and the middle scale parameter will be the largest. The results of the experiment on a four‐category task did not support these anticipated relation, and a possibility of biases in the estimation of point of subjective equality (PSE), using a three‐category task is pointed out. As an alternative to a three‐category task, a four‐category task is suggested when more than two categories are required.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of environmental enrichment on the cognitive performance of female conventional farm (growing) pigs in a spatial holeboard task. Ten pairs of littermates matched for weight were used. From each litter, one piglet was randomly assigned to a barren environment; the other was assigned to an enriched environment from 4 weeks of age. The enriched environment was double the size of the barren environment, had a floor covered with straw, a rooting area filled with peat, and one of the four different enrichment toys which were exchanged daily. Starting at 11 weeks of age, all pigs were tested in a spatial holeboard discrimination task in which 4 out of 16 holes were baited. Furthermore, basal salivary cortisol levels of all pigs were determined after the end of all testing. All pigs were able to acquire the pattern of baited holes (acquisition phase, 40 trials) and the diagonally mirrored pattern (reversal phase, 20 trials). During the acquisition phase, the reference memory performance of the enriched-housed pigs was better than that of their barren-housed littermates, i.e. they reduced visits to the unbaited set of holes. During the reversal phase, enriched-housed pigs had a better general working memory performance than the barren-housed pigs as indicated by reduced revisits to holes already visited during a trial, irrespective of whether they were of the baited or the unbaited set. The enriched-housed pigs also searched for the hidden bait faster during both phases. The environments did not affect basal salivary cortisol levels. In conclusion, environmental enrichment slightly improved the cognitive performance of pigs in a spatial learning task. We hypothesise that the long period of habituation to and testing in the holeboard acted as enrichment that partially reduced the effects of barren housing.  相似文献   

A total of 540 first, fourth, and eighth graders, equally divided by sex, were run on a two-choice discrimination task under one of three reinforcement conditions: reward (R) for correct responses, punishment (P) for incorrect responses, or reward and punishment (RP) for correct and incorrect responses. Half the Ss were tested by a male E; half, by a female E. Across all developmental levels, learning was superior in the P group. Complex interactions involving sex of S and E underline the importance of organismic variables in discrimination learning and in specifying parameters of reinforcer effectiveness.  相似文献   

An information processing signal detection methodology was employed to examine attentional allocation and its correlates in both normal comparison (NC) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) participants. In particular, the impact of neutral distractor and negative feedback cues on performance of an attention vigilance task was investigated. Individuals with GAD (N = 15) evidenced impaired performance on an attention vigilance task relative to NC participants (N = 15) when neutral distractor cues were presented. Contrary to prediction, no group differences in performance were detected under conditions in which participants were presented negative feedback cues they were told were relevant to their performance. Instead, GAD participants exhibited improvement during the experimental task such that their performance was equivalent to NC participants. Across trials, the clinically anxious group endorsed significantly higher levels of worry and negative affectivity; however, they failed to respond with concomitant physical arousal (e.g. increased muscle tension). These data are discussed within the context of Eysenck and Calvo's (1992, Cognition and Emotion, 6, 409–434) processing efficiency theory. Additionally, the results of this investigation provide support for Barlow's (1988, Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic) conceptualization of anxiety as requiring the interaction of cognitive schema and physiological arousal.  相似文献   

Distance, similarity, and other components of the physical stimulus but also gestalts are associated with the ability to discriminate between two objects. The present research bears on this confound. Identical lines were added to the opening and closing bracket of a pair of brackets to form two identical rectangles. A stimulus consisted of either one or two of these brackets, lines, or rectangles. Subjects indicated as quickly as possible whether one or two objects occurred. The discriminations between two near brackets and two near lines were more difficult than the discrimination between two near rectangles. A large distance between two objects improved the bracket and line discriminations more than the rectangle discrimination. Single brackets and lines did not result in poorer performance than did single rectangles. These results disconfirm the distance, similarity (including relational similarity), good continuation, location of geometric centers, size, closedness, symmetry, spatial frequency, redundancy, and number of lines component stimulus predictions at least twice. Both the two near brackets and the two near lines produce single gestalts, whereas each remaining 2-object stimulus results in two gestalts. Therefore, gestalts predicted performance better than did component stimuli. Another result was that the 2-object responses were faster than the 1-object responses for far objects.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys were given 2304 two-trial object discrimination problems that were presented as members of lists consisting of two, four, or eight problems. The problems within each list were presented concurrently, Trial 1 for all problems in the list being presented before initiation of Trial 2 for any problem. Each problem involved exposure of a single object on Trial 1, which was either rewarded or not rewarded, followed by presentation of the Trial 1 object along with a second object on Trial 2. Performance varied inversely with list length, and this effect became more prominent as a function of training. Performance after Trial 1 nonreward was substantially better than that after Trial 1 reward, and this effect became enhanced both with continued training and with increased list length. The findings were discussed in terms of Bessemer's short-term memory analysis of learning set.  相似文献   

Previous evidence has suggested a specific role for the dorsal striatum, especially the dorsolateral region of the dorsal striatum, in stimulus-response learning. In a previous study, we found an impairment in animals with dorsolateral striatal lesions on a simple discrimination task (CS+/CS-), thought to require the involvement of both stimulus-reward and stimulus-response learning. It is possible that the generally poor performance of dorsolateral lesioned animals on this experiment precluded adequate exposure to stimulus-reward pairings necessary for solving this task, and, thus, had little to do with stimulus-response learning. To test this hypothesis, the performance of animals with dorsolateral and dorsomedial striatal lesions was assessed on a previously acquired simple discrimination task. To independently assess the effects of each lesion on the performance of stimulus-reward learning, dorsolateral and dorsomedial lesioned animals were assessed on a previously acquired conditioned place preference task (CPP). In agreement with our earlier experiment, and the stimulus-response interpretation of dorsolateral striatal function, animals with dorsolateral striatal lesions were found to be impaired during post-lesion performance of the simple discrimination task, but not CPP learning. Additionally, dorsomedial lesioned animals were found to be impaired in performance of the simple discrimination task, but not on the CPP task. Possible explanations for the differences between the role of the dorsomedial striatum in acquisition and expression of the simple discrimination task are proposed.  相似文献   

Reaction times of pigeons on a wavelength discrimination task   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
After extensive pretraining, three pigeons were exposed in 2-second trials to a random series of 14 light wavelengths, ranging in one nanometer (nm) steps from 575 nanometers to 589 nanometers. Responses to one of the wavelengths, 582 nanometers, were intermittently reinforced. The relative frequency of response approached 1.0 at 582 nanometers, and decreased with progressively higher and lower wavelengths. Reaction times shorter than about 0.2 second occurred with a low frequency that was largely independent of wavelength. Wavelength controlled the frequency of longer reaction times, but did not affect the distribution of these reaction times. Consequently, receiver-operating characteristic curves constructed by using reaction time as a rating measure did not conform to the signal-detection model, in contrast to such conformity when response rate is used in a similar way. The data suggest that stimulus onset as such triggers early response emission with some small probability; the probability of responses with longer latency is controlled by wavelength, but their time of emission is controlled by some independent process.  相似文献   

Speech sounds are said to be perceived categorically. This notion is usually operationalized as the extent to which discrimination of stimuli is predictable from phoneme classification of the same stimuli. In this article, vowel continua were presented to listeners in a four-interval discrimination task (2IFC with flankers, or 4I2AFC) and a classification task. The results showed that there was no indication of categorical perception at all, since observed discrimination was found not to be predictable from the classification data. Variation in design, such as different step sizes or longer interstimulus intervals, did not affect this outcome, but a 2IFC experiment (without flankers, or 2I2AFC) involving the same stimuli elicited the traditional categorical results. These results indicate that the four-interval task made it difficult for listeners to use phonetic information and, hence, that categorical perception may be a function of the type of task used for discrimination.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a differential autoshaping procedure in which both components of two-stimulus sequences predicted delivery or nondelivery of food. All birds acquired the conditional discrimination. When the subjects were exposed to an extinction procedure, the stimuli maintained conditional control as long as the birds continued to peck the key. When a delay interval was imposed between the two components of a stimulus sequence using a titration procedure, the stimuli maintained conditional control up to delay values of 7 to 10 sec. These data are consistent with the view that the controlling stimuli in conditional discrimination situations are compounds of stimulus elements.  相似文献   

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