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In a binary choice situation the two alternative movements may vary in the degree in which they are equivalent in respect to controlling processes and/or structures. With a higher degree of motor equivalence a shorter RT is to be expected. A series of five experiments shows that a movement of a finger of one hand has a shorter latency if the alternative movement with the other hand is of the same form than in case of different forms. There is no evidence of corrsponding effect of using the same or different fingers with both hands. These results indicate that programming of the form of a movement is at least partly independent of the muscles involved in movement execution.  相似文献   

A theory of choice reaction time ICRT is presented which is based on a variable criterion model assuming the decision criterion to be normally distributed. The theory provides functions of time describing the growth of component processes following stimulus onset. For correct responses, these processes are sensory and associative strength. For errors, the processes are sensory strength, generalized associative strength, and associative inhibition. A model for separating the effects of these processes from that of response competition is presented. The theory describes, with great accuracy, the CRT distributions of correct responses and errors, not only for the experiment for which it was derived, but also for a second experiment in which the criterion was experimentally manipulated. It accounts for the basic facts of the speed-accuracy tradeoff, not only with respect to the two experiments with different speed requirements, but also with respect to the variation of speed over trials within each experiment. While derived from group data, the theory also describes the performance of individual subjects. The mean and variability of the criterion distribution and the ability to utilize associative inhibition are identified as the major sources of individual differences. Methodological problems involved in the scaling analysis of group data are also discussed.  相似文献   

In a choice between responding with the left or right hand, some kinds of differences between the movements increase RT (Reaction Time) while others do not. Of the first kind are differences in form, while differences in the finger used are of the latter kind. In previous experiments differences in form were confounded with differences in duration. Since there is some indication that a difference in duration is sufficient to lengthen RT, both characteristics were varied separately. It turned out that a difference in form (duration being constant) has essentially the same effects as a difference in duration (form being constant): Mean RT is longer, variability of RT and MT (movement time) is larger, and frequency of choice errors is smaller than in choice between identical movements. These effects, which seem to be associated with choice between movements of different temporal patterns, are interpreted in terms of advance specification of movement parameters. Additional results on the relationship between response duration and RT suggest that RT does not depend on duration (or velocity) per se, but on how much the duration deviates from quickest performance.  相似文献   

In a “consistent” spatial choice reaction task the same spatial relationship obtains between each stimulus and its correct response. In an “inconsistent” task this is not so. While Duncan (1977a) found both easy (spatially corresponding) and difficult (spatially opposite) responses to be slowed in inconsistent tasks, Smith (1977) found this only for the corresponding responses, the reverse holding for opposites. Reasons for this discrepancy are examined. The result of Smith (1977) depends on the use of different numbers of alternative responses in consistent and inconsistent tasks, a situation allowing no useful comparison between the two. Effects of consistency are related to others in the literature. The general conclusion is that, in these tasks, response selection is based not on a list of associations between individual stimuli and responses, but on operations or rules each of which will generate a set of stimulus-response pairs.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated that central processing uncertainty (Hc) can be derived to provide a single valued statement of the information hypothesis RT=a+b (Hc) across test stimulus sets and across several levels of test stimulus probability in an information reduction task. The derivation procedure assumes successive tests of stimulus hypotheses with Bayesian revision of stimulus probabilities after failure of an initial test. It was shown that the procedure can be generalized to data from single test stimuli in an information conservation task. Stimulus and response repetition effects were estimated for the information reduction task data.  相似文献   

Inhibition is a widely used notion proposed to account for data obtained in choice reaction time (RT) tasks. However, this concept is weakly supported by empirical facts. In this paper, we review a series of experiments using Hoffman reflex, transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography to study inhibition in choice RT tasks. We provide empirical support for the idea that inhibition does occur during choice RT, and the implications of those findings for various classes of choice RT models are discussed.  相似文献   

The immediate and short-term after effects of a bout of aerobic exercise on young adults’ information processing were investigated. Seventeen participants performed an auditory two-choice reaction time (RT) task before, during, and after 40 min of ergometer cycling. In a separate session, the same sequence of testing was completed while seated on an ergometer without pedalling. Results indicate that exercise (1) improves the speed of reactions by energizing motor outputs; (2) interacts with the arousing effect of a loud auditory signal suggesting a direct link between arousal and activation; (3) gradually reduces RT and peaks between 15 and 20 min; (4) effects on RT disappear very quickly after exercise cessation; and (5) effects on motor processes cannot be explained by increases in body temperature caused by exercise. Taken together, these results support a selective influence of acute aerobic exercise on motor adjustment stage.  相似文献   

In an extensive series of experiments Sternberg, Monsell, Knoll, and Wright (1978) reported that simple RT increased as a linear function of the number of items to be pronounced or typed. The present experiments replicate a portion of these results, but show that the effect is less general than may have been supposed. Since the effect does not occur in every case in which a response programming interpretation would predict it, this interpretation must be rejected. This conclusion is consistent with the viewpoint that response programming should be investigated in a choice- rather than simple-RT paradigm. In this view, motivated subjects can program responses in advance of the simple-RT interval because the particular response to be made has been precued. Effects of response parameters which are observed for motivated subjects in the simple-RT paradigm, such as those reported by Sternberg et al. (1978), should be attributed to processes other than programming motor responses.  相似文献   

In a two-stimulus two-response choice reaction time (RT) task in which Ss made stimulus predictions, the probability of a correct prediction was manipulated between Ss. The magnitude of the difference in RT to correctly and incorrectly predicted stimuli (i.e., the prediction outcome effect) was an increasing function of the probability of a correct prediction This finding was primarily due to a reliable decrease in RT to correctly predicted stimuli as the probability of a correct prediction increased, since RT to incorrectly predicted stimuli was not affected by prediction outcome probability. These results were interpreted as partially supporting a continuous expectancy notion which involves facilitory and inhibitory mechanisms winch are differentially influenced by the probability of a correct prediction.  相似文献   

Slow potential changes were recorded over the vertex (Cz) during a choice reaction task. The constant interstimulus interval (ISI) between the visual warning (S1) and the visual imperative signal (S2) was either 200, 400, 1000 or 2000 msec. The contingent negative variation (CNV) was not only measured between S1 and S2 (CNV2), but also before S1 (CNV1).The main results were: (1) The CNV2 amplitude showed significant variation as a function of ISI. It reached its maximum with an ISI of 1000 msec. (2) CNV1 developed only before the short ISIs (200 and 400 msec). (3) When CNV1 and CNV2 were summed the differences in CNV amplitudes and durations between different ISIs became smaller. (4) The peak-to-peak amplitude P1-N1 of the potential evoked by S1 was enhanced with short ISIs. (5) The correlations between mean CNV and median reaction time (RT) were low but significant for ISIs of 400, 1000 and 2000 msec. When, however, the effect of subjects was partialized out these correlations were drastically reduced, whereas the partialization of session and block effects had no noticeable influence on these correlations. (6) The correlations between single RT and single CNV (measured for the ISI of 1000 msec, individually for two subjects) were weak or even completely lacking.The main conclusion was that CNV coincides with preparedness to react to a stimulus in a choice RT-task, but its amplitude at the moment of onset of the imperative stimulus does not reflect, or reflects weakly, the degree of preparedness (as indicated by RTs) at that moment.  相似文献   

Metaphysicians frequently appeal to the idea that theoretical simplicity is truth conducive in metaphysics, in the sense that, all other things being equal, simpler metaphysical theories are more likely to be true. In this paper I defend the notion that theoretical simplicity is truth conducive in metaphysics, against several recent objections. I do not give any direct arguments for the thesis that simplicity is truth conducive in metaphysics, since I am aware of no such arguments. I do argue, however, that there is no special problem with the notion that simplicity is truth conducive in metaphysics. More specifically, I argue that if you accept the idea that simplicity is truth conducive in science, then it would be objectionably arbitrary to reject the idea that simplicity is truth conducive in metaphysics.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the effects of expectancy and stimulus frequency in character classification and identification tasks. Both expectancy and frequency were found to have effects on overall response latency, but the two factors had different patterns of interaction with two other experimental variables. The effect of visual quality was larger for low-frequency stimuli than for high-frequency stimuli, whereas the effect of quality was independent of expectancy. The effect of S-R compatibility was more strongly influenced by whether a stimulus was expected than by the frequency of the stimulus. The results suggest that expectancy and frequency have somewhat different effects on human information processing mechanisms. Expectancy allows temporary preparation for a specific S-R pair in response selection processes, but it has no effect on perceptual processes. Stimulus frequency, on the other hand, influences the efficiency of both perceptual and response selection processes. The overall effect of stimulus probability may be interpreted as having as components both expectancy and frequency effects.  相似文献   

One hundred and four participants performed a two-choice reaction time task requiring button-press responses to visual stimuli. Two levels of stimulus-response compatibility were factorially combined with two levels of stimulus discriminability and two levels of response repertoire. Results showed that the effects of these three variables were additive both in terms of mean reaction time as in terms of reaction time variances. The implication of this outcome is discussed in terms of the underlying information processing stage structure.  相似文献   

The primary purpose was to examine the effect of incremental exercise on a noncompatible response time task. Participants (N=9) undertook a 4-choice noncompatible response time task under 3 conditions, following rest and during exercise at 70% and 100% of their maximum power output. Reaction and movement times were the dependent variables. Maximum power output had been previously established on an incremental test to exhaustion. A repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance yielded a significant effect of exercise intensity on the task, observation of the separate univariate repeated-measures analyses of variance showed that only movement time was significantly affected. Post hoc Tukey tests indicated movement time during maximal intensity exercise was significantly faster than in the other two conditions. The secondary purpose of the study was to assess whether increases in plasma concentrations of adrenaline and nor-adrenaline during exercise and power output would act as predictor variables of reaction and movement times during exercise. Catecholamine concentrations were based on venous blood samples taken during the maximum power output test. None of the variables were significant predictors of reaction time. Only power output was a significant predictor of movement time (R2 = .24). There was little support for the notion that peripheral concentrations of catecholamines directly induce a central nervous system response.  相似文献   

The integration of information model of signal detection theory (SDT) was tested in a multiple observation tilt-discrimination task. Improvement in discriminability with additional observations was consonant with theory over two observations, but observations beyond the second yielded less improvement than predicted by the integration model. Analyses of operating characteristics lent some support to the applicability of SDT to the tilt-discrimination task.  相似文献   

Laws of visual choice reaction time   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

This note discusses the assumption researchers make when movement attributes are precued in a choice reaction time (RT) paradigm-i.e., that the precue only reduces the number of response alternatives, so that changes in RT reflect the programming time for the unprecued attributes. However, it is argued that since the precue reduces the number of stimulus alternatives, changes in RT reflect changes in both stimulus processing and response programming. Therefore, the interpretation made by Klapp (1977), using the precue paradigm, that response selection and response timing are not independent sequential stages in the programming sequence, is not necessarily correct.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test a buffer model of response selection. Subjects reacted to the onset of one of six possible visual stimuli by pressing either a left- or a right-hand key. Two stimuli were assigned to one key Itwo-item set) and four stimuli were assigned to the other key flour-item set). An irrelevant monaural tone accompanied the visual stimulus in Experiment 1 but not in Experiment 2. Results of Experiment 1 showed that reactions were faster when the location of the tone corresponded with the response than when it did not, and the difference between these corresponding and noncorresponding conditions was greater for the two-item set than for the four-item set. Results supported the notion that the response selection process involved a serial self-terminating search of response buffers and that the tone determined the buffer searched first. In both experiments, reactions were faster to stimuli from the twoitem set than to stimuli from the four-item set  相似文献   

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