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In order to specify by which combination of content and form dimensions the explicit verbal feedback comes to be most effective in enhancing communication skills, a training experiment was designed where both dimensions were factorially manipulated. Forty children (mean age, 5–10) were randomly assigned to one of four treatment conditions: Interrogative Cognitive feedback, Declarative Cognitive feedback, Interrogative Perceptual feedback, and Declarative Perceptual feedback. The Cognitive type of feedback specified the successive cognitive steps underlying the comparison activity whereas the Perceptual type of feedback stressed only the necessity of describing perceptual differences when communicating. These two contents of feedback were either provided by a set of standardized questions or of declarative statements, after each trial of a speaking training task. Subjects were given a pretest, and immediate and delayed posttests comprised of a speaking task and a listening generalization task. A 2 (Contents) × 2 (Forms) × 2 (Tasks) × 2 (Post-tests) analysis of variance showed that all subjects performed significantly better on the speaking task than on the listening generalization task and that subjects in the Interrogative Cognitive condition performed better than subjects in the three other conditions, on both post-test tasks. Results emphasize the mutual facilitating effects of the Interrogative Form and the Cognitive Content of explicit feedback and are discussed in terms of the generalization and stability of the induced learning.  相似文献   

Pigeon's observational learning of successive visual discrimination was studied using within-subject comparisons of data from three experimental conditions. Two pairs of discriminative stimuli were used; each bird was exposed to two of the three experimental conditions, with different pairs of stimuli used in a given bird's two conditions. In one condition, observers were exposed to visual discriminative stimuli only. In a second condition, subjects were exposed to a randomly alternating sequence of two stimuli where the one that would subsequently be used as S+ was paired with the operation of the grain magazine. In a third experimental condition, subjects were exposed to the performance of a conspecific in the operant discrimination procedure. After exposures to conspecific performances, there was facilitation of discriminative learning, relative to that which followed exposures to stimulus and reinforcement sequences or exposures to stimulus sequences alone. Exposure to stimulus and food-delivery sequences enhanced performance relative to exposure to stimulus sequences alone. The differential effects of these three types of exposure were not attributable to order effects or to task difficulty; rather, they clearly were due to the type of exposure.  相似文献   

Subjective judgments of 16 speech dimensions were used to rate the speech of 22 Friedreich's ataxics. The study attempted to determine what groupings of speech dimensions describe the ataxic speech and if the subjects could be grouped by their speech symptoms. The results indicated that two speech factors were present, a general dysarthric factor and a phonatory stenosis factor. Subject groupings revealed three groups, the first characterized by a general dysarthria without vocal stenosis, the second characterized by phonatory stenosis and mild general dysarthric symptoms, and the third characterized by mild symptoms on both speech factors. Evidence was presented to show that more than one pattern of dysarthria could occur in one family.  相似文献   

Past research and theory presents an inconsistent picture concerning the relative value of verbal versus visual instructional programs for individuals with mental retardation. From an empirical perspective, there is evidence that this inconsistency may be due to the differences in the type of tasks and the specific abilities of the subjects employed across studies. In this research, the effects of three instructional procedures (verbal, visual, and verbal plus visual) were evaluated with mentally retarded persons who varied in verbal and visual ability. Performance was examined on a visual task which incorporated stimuli of varying degrees of familiarity to the subjects. The results indicated that the use of the combined verbal-visual instruction procedure was more effective than the other two training programs when task stimuli were familiar to the subjects. When task stimuli were unfamiliar, instructional procedures which had a visual component were found to be superior to a procedure which employed only the use of verbal component. The subjects' visual ability was most strongly associated with performance outcome when visual instruction was employed and unfamiliar task stimuli were sorted. In contrast, subjects' verbal ability appeared to be equally important across instructional and task conditions. The implications of the results for the design of instructional programs and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Different varieties of deviant spoken language segments (phonemic, morphemic, verbal, and syntagmic paraphasias and télescopages, neologisms) and different forms of deviant spoken language behaviors (thematic production, dyssyntaxia, glossolalia, and glossomania) are defined and exemplified. Their production is shown to be rule-governed at phonetic and phonological levels; it is shown to be rule-governed or rule-deviant at morphological and/or syntactic levels. Their qualitative and quantitative attributes in normal discourse in the jargonaphasias and in schizophasia are compared. It is underlined that the latter is a behavior episodically observed in only a small proportion of subjects considered to be schizophrenics. Awareness of, and deliberateness in, deviant language production are discussed. A distinction is made between deviations testifying to diminished ability, which betray the speaker's intention, and deviations testifying to singular but rigorous use of ability, which are adapted to the speaker's intentions. The former are contended to be common in the jargonaphasias and occasional in standard discourse and schizophasia, the latter to be characteristic of schizophasia and of various forms of “literary” language, but incompatible with aphasia. In lapidary terms, this implies that ordinary speakers think and talk standard, that (most) jargonaphasic speakers think standard but talk deviant, that schizophasic speakers think quaint and talk accordingly. It is further suggested that the differential diagnosis of jargonaphasia and schizophasia, when made on the sole basis of tape recorded samples of discursive language, resorts mainly to quantitative appraisal of different types of deviant segments on one hand, and, on the other, to the listener's interpretations of the speaker's mode of ideation. Within the realm of pathological language production, nearly exclusive and important production of phonemic transformations is said to be characteristic of conduction aphasia; combined production of numerous phonemic and verbal transformations, and of neologisms, is said to be characteristic of Wernicke's aphasia proper; nearly exclusive and important production of verbal transformations is said to be possible in so-called transcortical sensory aphasia; and predominant production of morphemic transformations and of glossomaniac utterances is said to be characteristic of schizophasia. Linguistic definitions of the “disturbances” behind schizophasic utterances are reviewed. Indications are given concerning the evolution of language behavior in jargonaphasia and schizophasia.  相似文献   

Visual adaptation has been successfully used as a psychophysical tool for studying the functional organisation of visual awareness. It has been shown that orientation-selective adaptation to a grating pattern occurs in crowded conditions. In such conditions, simultaneous presentation of flanking distractors pushes the target stimulus out of conscious perception and severely impairs orientation discrimination in the periphery of the visual field. In the present study, orientation-selective adaptation to illusory lines induced by two line gratings abutting each other with a phase shift was examined in crowded and non-crowded conditions. To rule out the effects of lower level adaptations we used an animation paradigm in which the orientations of the two line gratings were altered repeatedly during adaptation phase without any change in the orientation of the resulting illusory line. Although performance of subjects in reporting the orientation of crowded illusory lines was at chance level, orientation-selective adaptation was preserved for crowded as well as non-crowded adapting targets. Two control experiments demonstrated that adaptation to endpoints of real lines at the location of abutting grating lines had minimal effect on the adaptation to illusory lines; and changes in the configuration of endpoints could not be responsible for better performance when adapting and test stimuli were different. We conclude that a crowding effect occurs after illusory lines have been processed in the visual stream. Since illusory lines seem to be represented at relatively early stages of visual processing (e.g. area V2), adaptation to crowded illusory stimuli suggests that neuronal activation in those early stages is not necessarily correlated with conscious perception.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to test the hypothesis that verbal recoding of visual stimuli in short-term memory influences long-term memory encoding and impairs subsequent mental image operations. Easy and difficult-to-name stimuli were used. When rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise, each stimulus revealed a new pattern consisting of two capital letters joined together. In both experiments, subjects first learned a short series of stimuli and were then asked to rotate mental images of the stimuli in order to detect the hidden letters. In Experiment 1, articulatory suppression was used to prevent subjects from subvocal rehearsal when learning the stimuli, whereas in Experiment 2, verbal labels were presented with each stimulus during learning to encourage a reliance on the verbal code. As predicted, performance in the imagery task was significantly improved by suppression when the stimuli were easy to name (Experiment 1) but was severely disrupted by labeling when the stimuli were difficult to name (Experiment 2). We concluded that verbal recoding of stimuli in short-term memory during learning disrupts the ability to generate veridical mental images from long-term memory.  相似文献   

Visual perseveration was investigated within mentally retarded and second, fifth, and eighth grade normal children (Ns = 12 each group). Subjects matched an auditorially presented click to the onset and offset of visually presented stimuli. Time differences between visual stimulus offset and the point at which subjects reported simultaneity of the click and visual stimulus offset was assumed to reflect visual perseveration. Results showed: (a) no differences between the normal children as a function of age; (b) no difference between groups for stimuli of 100 msec. or longer duration; and (c) retarded subjects judged stimuli of 20 and 50 msec. to be of shorter duration than did normal subjects. This highly specific distinction between retarded and normal subjects suggests a difference in an early stage of perceptual processing.  相似文献   

Children varying in age from six to 12 years were video-tape recorded while trying to seriate seven blocks according to weight with the aid of a scale. The typical behavior patterns that Piaget first described for the stages of intellectual development on this task were observed. Our protocols are analyzed in terms of stage specific base strategies coupled with a mechanism for translating them into task specific production systems. The actual simulation programs, written as production systems in a specially constructed language, BG, are evaluated in terms of how well they regenerate the protocols.  相似文献   

In human cognition there has been considerable interest in observing the conditions under which subjects learn material without explicit instructions to learn. In the present experiments, we adapted this issue to nonhumans by asking what subjects learn in the absence of explicit reinforcement for correct responses. Two experiments examined the acquisition of sequence information by cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) when such learning was not demanded by the experimental contingencies. An implicit chaining procedure was used in which visual stimuli were presented serially on a touchscreen. Subjects were required to touch one stimulus to advance to the next stimulus. Stimulus presentations followed a pattern, but learning the pattern was not necessary for reinforcement. In Experiment 1 the chain consisted of five different visual stimuli that were presented in the same order on each trial. Each stimulus could occur at any one of six touchscreen positions. In Experiment 2 the same visual element was presented serially in the same five locations on each trial, thereby allowing a behavioral pattern to be correlated with the visual pattern. In this experiment two new tests, a Wild-Card test and a Running-Start test, were used to assess what was learned in this procedure. Results from both experiments indicated that tamarins acquired more information from an implicit chain than was required by the contingencies of reinforcement. These results contribute to the developing literature on nonhuman analogs of implicit learning.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, 8 monkeys, experimentally naive with regard to visual stimuli, were trained on identity matching with a two-sample set based on two-dimensional stimuli. On a subsequent test employing two new samples, 4 of the 8 applied the matching rule to the new sample stimuli (as defined by our transfer criterion), and 3 showed substantial savings in learning to match the new samples. Two of these 3 transferred the matching rule when given a second test with two new samples, and the third showed immediate and complete transfer when tested with a third pair of new stimuli. These results indicate a much stronger representation of the matching concept in monkeys than in pigeons, even when the conditions of assessment are reasonably comparable. In Experiment 2, however, 4 monkeys from Experiment 1 failed to transfer the matching rule to steady versus flashing green samples, indicating that the matching concept did not immediately extend beyond the general class of visual stimuli with which it was developed. These and related results in the literature suggest that representation of the matching concept in animals varies along a specificity-abstractness dimension, reflecting the degree to which the concept is tied to the conditions and context of its development.  相似文献   

Striatal learning systems have been implicated in learning relationships between visual stimuli and outcomes. In the present study, the activity of the striatum during visual concept learning in humans was examined by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants performed three concept-learning tasks and a baseline task. The participants were trained to criterion before fMRI scanning on two tasks, verbal and implicit. In the verbal task, classification could be performed on the basis of a simple verbal rule, but in the implicit task, there was no simple verbal rule. The novel-implicit learning task, in which an implicit structure was used, was not encountered by the participants before scanning. Across all three concept-learning tasks, there was significant activation in the striatum, in comparison with the baseline task. The striatum was recruited similarly in classification when the participants had different levels of expertise (novel-implicit vs. verbal and implicit) and were able to verbalize their learning to different degrees (verbal vs. implicit and novel-implicit). There was left lateral occipital activation when learning was implicit (implicit and novel-implicit), but not when learning was easily verbalized (verbal).  相似文献   

Three experiments showed that phonological recording of visual stimuli in short-term memory (STM) affects coding in long-term memory (LTM) and therefore performance on tasks involving generation and manipulation of visual images of the stimuli. An image transformation task was devised. It consists of mentally subtracting a part of an image to discover in the remainder another object. In Experiment 1, Ss were required to learn a set of easily nameable visual stimuli and then perform the subtraction task on images retrieved from LTM. Performance was significantly better when initial learning was accompanied by articulatory suppression (AS). Experiment 2 confirmed that AS had no effect when the task was performed on an image of a just-presented stimulus. In Experiment 3, the nameability of the stimuli was manipulated. The results replicated the effect of AS for items that were easy to name but showed no effect of AS for stimuli that were difficult to name.  相似文献   

This paper reports three experiments that examine the role of similarity processing in McGeorge and Burton's (1990) incidental learning task. In the experiments subjects performed a distractor task involving four-digit number strings, all of which conformed to a simple hidden rule. They were then given a forced-choice memory test in which they were presented with pairs of strings and were led to believe that one string of each pair had appeared in the prior learning phase. Although this was not the case, one string of each pair did conform to the hidden rule. Experiment 1 showed that, as in the McGeorge and Burton study, subjects were significantly more likely to select test strings that conformed to the hidden rule. However, additional analyses suggested that rather than having implicitly abstracted the rule, subjects may have been selecting strings that were in some way similar to those seen during the learning phase. Experiments 2 and 3 were designed to try to separate out effects due to similarity from those due to implicit rule abstraction. It was found that the results were more consistent with a similarity-based model than implicit rule abstraction per se.  相似文献   

A repeated acquisition design was used to study the effects of instructions and differential reinforcement on the performance of complex chains by undergraduates. The chains required responding on a series of keys that corresponded to characters that appeared on a monitor. Each day, subjects performed a new chain in a learning session and later relearned the same chain in a test session. Experiment 1 replicated previous research by showing that instructional stimuli paired with the correct responses in the learning sessions, combined with differential reinforcement in both learning and test sessions, resulted in stimulus control by the characters in each link. Experiment 2 separated the effects of instructional stimuli and differential reinforcement, and showed that stimulus control by the characters could be established solely by differential reinforcement during the test sessions. Experiment 3 showed that when a rule specified the relation between learning and test sessions, some subjects performed accurately in the test sessions without exposure to any differential consequences. This rule apparently altered the stimulus control properties of the characters much as did differential reinforcement during testing. However, compared to differential reinforcement, the rule established stimulus control more quickly.  相似文献   

A comprehensive test battery was devised to study the effects of right hemisphere lesions on the speech and language of “nonaphasic” dextrals. Data were thus obtained for 62 subjects, 20 of them neurologically healthy and 42 with a focal right hemisphere lesion resulting from a cerebro-vascular accident. A preliminary global analysis of these data is reported. Anomalies were observed in 33 brain-damaged subjects. Although discreet in all cases, these anomalies were shown to have various degrees of severity. Given the population submitted to this study, the subject most likely to show such anomalies was defined, genetically, as a right-handed adult with a family history of ambidextrality or left-handedness and, socially, as one with a relatively limited education. The implications of these findings are discussed together with the problem of the anatomo-clinical correlations of language disorders resulting from right hemisphere lesions in “nonaphasic” dextrals.  相似文献   

The experiment reviewed here was an attempt to show that two differential Pavlovian conditioning designs, namely positive and negative patterning, can best be understood as rule learning. First, it is shown that positive patterning is equivalent to the logical rule of conjunction (AND) and that negative patterning is equivalent to the logical rule of exclusive disjunction (XOR). It is assumed that in order to learn both kinds of discrimination subjects learn to use the according rule. If this is the case, the observed differentiation should be independent of the number of reinforcements for each individual stimulus. Second, subjects should be able to transfer the rule to new stimuli. Forty human subjects were randomly divided into four groups (N=10 each). Two factors were manipulated independently between subjects: (1) positive vs negative patterning, and (2) 2 vs 4 pairs of trained stimuli. Second interval skin conductance responses were measured. During initial acquisition positive as well as negative patterning occurred independently of number of pairs of trained stimuli (with total amount of training kept constant). Furthermore, AND as well as XOR could be transfered to new stimuli.  相似文献   

Temporal integration is a process by which two serially presented visual stimuli are mentally integrated to form a composite representation. In the present research, we explored how spatial selective attention is used during the delay separating stimuli, in order to determine the contents of spatial working memory in this task. A two-task situation was created. On the primary task, two dot arrays were serially presented within a grid, leaving one space empty, which subjects identified. On the secondary task, instead of the second array, a discrimination probe was presented. Integration accuracy increased through delays of 1,500 msec, revealing an estimate of the time required to form an optimal memory trace for integration. Once the memory trace was formed (but not before), response time to the probe was faster if it was presented in a location previously occupied by a dot from Array 1. This indicates that during the delay separating the arrays, the subjects assigned spatial attention to the locations occupied by the first array and actively maintained the leading array in working memory. Implications for theories of visual processing and memory are discussed.  相似文献   

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