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An experiment was performed to determine the effects of negation in the major premise and/or conclusion of exclusive disjunction arguments on adults' abilities to apply two basic principles of exclusive disjunction. The component of the disjunctive premise that was referred to in the minor premise was varied systematically so that the influence of this factor could also be explored. The results indicated that arguments involving the confirmation of one of the components of the disjunctive premise followed by the denial of the other component of this premise were easier to evaluate than those in which this confirmation/denial sequence was reversed. In addition, arguments in which the disjunctive premise had two affirmative components were easier than those in which the disjunctive premise contained at least one negative component, but arguments with affirmative conclusions were more difficult than those with negative conclusions. Most importantly, an examination of subjects' errors and their response patterns revealed primitive response tendencies that paralleled those reported in previous studies of adults' propositional reasoning abilities.  相似文献   

Two independently conducted studies investigated stimulus variation effects on children's discrimination learning. The stimuli in the first study were generated by a conjunctive rule and were presented in pairs. Mean trials to criterion was significantly lower for the single-feature change treatment (17.4) than for the multiple-feature change treatment (29.9). Single-feature change-treatment transfer scores were significantly higher only for stimuli that differed in terms of one of the features. The second study not only replicated the initial finding concerning the single-feature change treatment but also found that students made more errors in reaching criterion when stimuli were generated by an exclusive disjunctive rule and were presented singly. For all tasks, the single-feature change treatment with stimuli presented in pairs was accompanied by fewer errors to criterion than the other treatments.  相似文献   

余达祥  胡竹菁 《心理科学》2001,24(6):694-697
本文探讨THOG问题的演绎结构及其非Wason-Brooks判断方法,据于Wason-Brooks判断程序和THOG问题逻辑结构的分析导致如下结论:1.Wason-BrooksTHOG判定方法并非判定THOG的唯一方法;2、被试选择那一种演绎判定模式取决于被试如何对原问题进行等效表征转换;3.判断失败可能意味着被试存在短时记忆容量障碍或者等效表征转换障碍。  相似文献   

' The connective or can be treated as an inclusive disjunction or else as an exclusive disjunction. Although researchers are aware of this distinction, few have examined the conditions under which each interpretation should be anticipated. Based on linguistic-pragmatic analyses, we assume that interpretations are initially inclusive before either (a) remaining so, or (b) becoming exclusive by way of an implicature (but not both). We point to a class of situations that ought to predispose disjunctions to inclusive interpretations and to situations that encourage exclusive interpretations. A disjunction's ultimate interpretation is based on its potential informativeness, where the interpretation of the disjunctive utterance having the smallest number of true conditions is considered most informative. Our investigation leads to five experiments employing arbitrary materials. Among the problems expected to encourage inclusive interpretations are those that present disjunctions in the antecedents of conditionals and in question forms. The best candidates to produce implicatures are those disjunctions that underdetermine an expected conjunctive conclusion, although other disjunctive utterances that are more informative as exclusive are discussed and tested.  相似文献   

This study examined the differential evaluation of male and female stimulus cues and the effect of subject's androgyny level on their evaluations. Male and female college students filled out the Bem Sex Role Inventory (1974) and responded to set of five in-basket tasks taken from the Rosen, Jerdee, and Prestwich (1975) study of male managers. Sex of subject, sex of stimulus cue in the in-basket tasks, and androgyny level were varied in a series of 2 X 2 X 3 analyses of variance. On some tasks, male and/or female subjects responded in a sex role stereotyped manner. There were no effects for androgyny level. The discussion focused on circumstances under which stereotyping occurs and implications of the study.  相似文献   

Sixteen preschool children were administered a two-choice discrimination problem consisting of three stimulus compounds: the consistently rewarded stimulus, the consistently nonrewarded stimulus, and the ambiguous stimulus which was nonrewarded when paired with the positive, but rewarded when paired with the negative. When both pair of stimuli, positive-ambiguous and negative-ambiguous, were presented together the subject was required either to choose or to avoid the ambiguous stimulus depending upon the stimulus with which it was paired. In Experiment 1, when each of three stimuli (positive, negative, ambiguous) varied along one nonspatial cue dimension (color), performance was better on negative-ambiguous trials than positive-ambiguous trials. In Experiment 2, when the positive and negative stimuli varied along three nonspatial cue dimensions (colors and form) and the ambiguous stimulus varied along one of these dimensions (color), superior positive-ambiguous over negative-ambiguous performance was obtained. These findings complement those reported for other subjects and confirm Berch's (D. B. Berch, Learning and Motivation, 1974, 5, 135–148) predictions regarding use of differential numbers of cue dimensions.  相似文献   

Using a modified reception paradigm, normal and learning-disabled children were required to solve unidimensional, disjunctive, or conditional connectives under standard attending or enforced attending instructions. The major result was that enforced attending procedures facilitated solution of disjunctive and conditional concepts for normal children, while having minimal effects on rule attainment for the disabled. Within Sternberg's (1979) model, a number of subcomponent analyses were made on attribute combinations (e.g., TT, TF...), but only in the FF instance was there a difference between instructional conditions. Disabled were deficient in TT, TF, FF instances regardless of attending instructions. Results support a “reductive coding deficiency” in that learning-disabled children were unable to effectively utilize attentional instructions to encode certain attribute combinations.  相似文献   

在认知诊断评估中,评价认知模型与作答数据的拟合非常重要。已有的层级相合性指标(HCI)仅能用于评价连接规则下模型与数据的拟合情况,有必要研究分离规则下相合性指标。HCI假设某项目上正确作答,便推断其子项目上的错误作答为失拟。由于作答反应的随机性,提出基于假设检验的项目相合性指标。该指标可用于区分连接规则和分离规则的作答数据、评价Q矩阵质量和衡量作答数据中的噪音、还可为评价认知模型和选择认知诊断模型提供参考。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the degree to which learning sets developed during formation of 20 successive concepts. Forty S s were evenly distributed among eight experimental conditions. Conditions compared were rule with attribute identification, conjunctive with disjunctive concepts, and random with ordered arrays of figures. Results showed that learning sets formed with rule identification for both conjunctive and disjunctive concepts, but not with attribute identification. Concepts were easier to learn when using systematic compared to random arrays of figures (of questionable significance), when forming conjunctive rather than disjunctive concepts (not significant), and when using rule identification instead of attribute identification. Procedural differences among studies in this area appear to be major contributors to differences among studies in the results found.  相似文献   

Zero, 1, 2, or 3 black dots are tachistoscopically presented on a white field. There are two alternative tasks: (a) to decide on the presence of each of the left, middle, and right dots (multiple detection) or (b) to decide whether any of the dots was present (disjunctive detection), The results indicate that in disjunctive detection, Ss do not add together thestrengths of the three dot positions and compare this sum to a criterion. Rather they combine theirdecisions about each dot, responding “yes” to the array, if and only if they decide “yes” to any one dot. Strength distributions appear to be invariant with respect to irrelevant stimuli. Invariance with respect to report order holds approximately. However, dots reported on first are slightly more detectable. This suggests a successive scanning process, whose rate is independent of whether a stimulus is present or absent at the position scanned.  相似文献   

Behavioral (semantic differential) and neural (Evoked Potentials, EPs) responses were related to connotative meaning. The approach was based on Osgood's semantic analyses and dimensions of Evaluation (E), Potency (P), and Activity (A). The experimental variables were (1) the semantic class of the stimulus word (E+, E-, P+, P-, A+, A-) and (2) the dimension of the semantic scale (E, P, A) which the subject used to rate the stimulus words. These variables were experimentally combined such that on each trial the subject used a designated semantic scale to judge a specified stimulus word while brain activity was recorded. Using multivariate analyses, the effects on the EPs of stimulus word class, scale dimension, and their interaction were analyzed. The EP effects of stimulus word class were similar whether the subjects were merely saying the words or rating the words on a variety of semantic scales. Different EPs were found for six word classes, three semantic scale dimensions, and the 18 groups formed by their combination. The success rates in EP identification of (1) word class and (2) scale dimension did not depend on whether these two kinds of semantic variables involved the same or different semantic dimensions. The two kinds of semantic effects in EPs were largely independent. The behavioral data supported Osgood's results and showed that our subjects were appropriately processing the semantic information. The common analyses of data from all subjects suggest the universality of the connotative EP effects across individuals. This parallels, at the neural level, the universality of the connotative dimensions found at the behavioral level by semantic differential ratings. The EP effects imply that the neural representation of meaning is similar in different individuals.  相似文献   

We examined whether retrieval from semantic memory (Experiment 1) and autobiographical memory (Experiment 2) is exclusive, or whether people can search for two things at once. In Experiment 1, participants retrieved items as quickly as possible over 4 ruin from single categories (e.g., foods, countries) and from disjunctive categories (e.g., foods or countries). In Experiment 2, participants retrieved autobiographical episodes associated with single cue words (e.g., flower, ticket) or with disjunctive cue words (e.g., flower or ticket). In both experiments, retrieval of items from the disjunctive category did not exceed predictions based on optimal sequencing of retrieval from the corresponding two single categories. That is, exclusivity was observed to occur in retrieval from among multiple nonoverlapping categories in both semantic and autobiographical memory.  相似文献   

Subjects matched the position (high or low) of a first stimulus with either the position or the meaning of a word (HI or LO) presented after an interstimulus interval (ISI). The form of the first stimulus (X or O) varied randomly within trial blocks and specified the relevant feature (meaning or position) of the second stimulus to the subject. When the relevant feature was meaning, Stroop interference from the second stimulus position was observed. This interference decreased as ISI increased. At the longest ISI, it was eliminated completely. A number of explanations for these effects are discussed and then tested in two further matching experiments. In a fourth experiment a similar decrease in interference was observed. These reductions in interference with increase in ISI appear to represent the development of attentional focusing on the relevant feature of the second stimulus. Stroop interference may occur in experiments where the relevant attribute is constant because of a difficulty associated with repeated focusing on the same attribute.  相似文献   

Magnitude estimates of haptic extent resulted in positively accelerated psychophysical power function with an exponent of 1.18. However, in two further experiments right-handed male subjects made rating-scale judgements of the combined width of two stimulus blocks. Six widths were used and five replications of the 36 factorial combinations were presented to each subject. In Experiment II both stimuli were out of view and one was held between the thumb and index finger of each hand. In Experiment III one stimulus was held out of view between thumb and finger of the right hand and the second was shown to the subject. Mean ratings in both experiments were fit by a model which assumes that responses are a weighted average of the scale values of the two stimuli (Anderson, 1974a).  相似文献   

We addressed explanations for why prisoners manifest the Better-Than-Average Effect (perceptions of superiority to the average peer), focusing on three biases: self-enhancing (social as well as temporal) comparisons, denial, and self-serving attributions. We tested the Better-Than-Average Effect in regards to prisoners’ perceptions of their worst trait, and assessed the relationship between the three biases and positive self-evaluations. Prisoners engaged in self-enhancing comparisons, differentiating themselves from other prisoners and their past selves who committed the crime, but also expected self-improvement in the future. Prisoners also demonstrated denial for intentions to commit the crime, planning of it, recidivism, and over-estimation of crime prevalence in the general population. Although prisoners made self-serving attributions by distancing their own character from their criminal behavior and reporting they had experienced more hardship relative to others, they did not attribute the cause of their crime to such hardship. More extensive self-enhancing temporal comparisons and denial predicted more positive self-evaluations of prisoners’ worst trait relative to the average community member. The strength of some of these biases varied with levels of narcissism and psychopathy.  相似文献   

Hamilton and Zanna (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1974, 29, 649–654) demonstrated that the meaning of an attribute as rated on connotatively related scales changed as a function of context desirability. This finding was viewed as supporting a meaning change interpretation of context effects in impression formation. Kaplan (Memory and Cognition, 1975, 3, 375–380, Exp. 1) found that similar changes also occurred on scales unrelated in meaning to the test attribute and argued that changes on both kinds of scales were due to halo effects produced by the contexts. Controlling for possible scaling artifacts, the first experiment reported here showed that substantially greater changes occurred on related than on unrelated scales. Kaplan (1975, Exp. 2) also found that the magnitude of context-induced differences in judgments of trait likability was not increased by creating contexts denotatively related to the test attributes. Adding measures of connotative meaning, the second experiment in this paper showed that substantially greater context-induced changes did occur on related meaning scales and, in contrast to Kaplan, on trait likability for the denotatively related contexts. The results of each experiment are consistent with a meaning change position but would not be expected on the basis of the halo effects model.  相似文献   

PDP再认型实验程序与刺激来源的可鉴别性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高湘萍 《心理学报》2000,32(4):381-386
提出应根据实验程序的不同,把加工分离模型(PDP)进一步分为启动型和再认型两类。2个实验考察了刺激来源的可 鉴别性在PDP的再认型实验程序中的作用,同时还考察了注意水平、刺激材料和加工水平等因素对词单1刺激项目再认成绩的影 响。结果发现:熟悉感和刺激来源的可鉴别性共同决定了被试在排除测验中的反应;汉字作刺激材料并不影响实验结果。  相似文献   

This study is another contribution to the development of a satisfactory child version of the linguistic task of judging grammaticality. With a nondifferentially reinforced forced-choice procedure, it was found that responses of 24 5- and 24 7-yr-old children did vary as a function of the grammatical complexity of stimulus sentences. The children judged sentence stimuli of two types (negatives and wh-word questions) each having three levels of grammatical complexity (two primitive and one well-formed). After each stimulus presentation, the subject pointed to the adult or the child in a photograph, depending on who was judged to have produced that utterance. Performance of the two age groups did not differ for the question stimuli, for which subjects pointed to the adult more frequently as the grammatical complexity of wh-word questions increased. In response to the negative sentences, the older group attributed more well-formed stimuli to the adult than primitive ones. While the younger group pointed to the adult more frequently for well-formed negatives than for the middle level negatives, they made more adult responses than expected to the least complex negatives. It was concluded that, with this procedure, 5- and 7-yr-olds demonstrate ability to distinguish grammatically well-formed from primitive sentences. Procedural improvements for future research may allow children this age and younger to demonstrate more adult-like discrimination between a variety of primitive and well-formed sentences.  相似文献   

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