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We assessed the influence of task and team shared mental models (SMMs) on team effectiveness, as mediated by collective efficacy. Using a sample of 422 air traffic controllers representing 43 Navy teams from land-based towers, task SMMs exhibited a significant linear relationship with team effectiveness, whereas team SMMs did not. Moreover, the interaction of team and task SMMs was positively related to team effectiveness. Collective efficacy was found to mediate the relationship between task SMMs (but not team SMMs or their interaction) and team effectiveness. Results are discussed in terms of the complex nature of SMMs and team outcomes.  相似文献   

Despite widespread interest in shared mental models (SMMs) within teams and groups and an extensive empirical literature examining SMM?Cperformance links, very little is known about the convergent validity of commonly used measures of SMMs. In this study, two-person teams (n = 96) engaged in a complex flight task and completed three SMM measures: concept mapping, paired ratings, and causal mapping. Task-based sharedness scores were compared across the measures. Analyses were conducted in two ways: using SMMs of actual team members (n = 96 pairs) and using the SMMs of pairs of participants who worked separately but for whom similarity indices were calculated after the study (n = 18,240). The purpose of the latter pairs, coined pseudo-partners, was to create a sample with considerable power to test the convergent validity of the SMM measures. The results call into some question the convergent validity of these task-based SMM measures.  相似文献   

Research on the effectiveness of multidisciplinary teams has been equivocal. In an attempt to understand when a team’s professional heterogeneity (PH) is positively related to innovation (INN), we proposed an integrative model in which shared mental models (SMMs) are theorized as a mechanism to leverage INN in highly multidisciplinary teams. In addition, we claim that transformational leadership (TL), which is usually regarded as a factor contributing to team effectiveness, will attenuate the effect of teams’ PH on team SMM. In a field study of 55 R&D teams in Israel, we found that SMMs mediated the relationship between PH and INN, and that TL moderated the relationship between PH and Team SMM. We discuss the theoretical and practical implication of these findings.  相似文献   

共享心智模型(SMM)指队员对于团队的共享心理表征。复杂任务下高的一致性难以获得且易造成小集体意识,SMM的作用在于相互间的调节及共享信念对低一致性的调节作用。为了验证这些假设对9名不同行业创业者进行访谈,对访谈材料进行内容分析得到心智模型关键概念,经过概化理论分析后得到了4个SMM:任务、队友、团队协作以及团队精神。使用心智模型问卷在ERP模拟实验中测量31个团队的绩效和SMM一致性。结果发现团队协作模型一致性是预测绩效的有力指标;团队构成不影响各个SMM一致性;任务模型一致性正向缓冲了团队协作模型一致性对绩效的作用;团队精神模型一致性正向缓冲了团队协作模型一致性对绩效的作用。研究提示SMM对冲突的引导及增进团队成员相互理解方面的作用。  相似文献   

团队作业与团队互动两类共享心智模型的发展特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
共享心智模型指团队成员关于团队作业、策略、团队情境、团队互动等的共同的知识结构,根据内容不同可以分为团队作业模型和团队互动模型两类。该研究通过实验室实验探讨两类共享心智模型的发展特征。132名大学生组成44个3人团队,随机分为团队绩效反馈组和无团队绩效反馈组。采用相似性评定法在团队执行作业前、中、后三次测量两类共享心智模型。结果发现:(1)共享心智模型随团队运作时间增加而发展;(2)团队互动模型形成和发展的难度高于团队作业模型;(3)团队绩效反馈对两类心智模型发展的作用不同,反馈加速了团队作业模型的发展速度,但却是团队互动模型能否得以发展的决定性因素。两类共享心智模型的不同发展特征应归因于两者特异性高低的不同  相似文献   

Public health benefits are an important motivator and justification for urban cycling promotion. The health impacts of cycling are typically evaluated using three main effect pathways: physical activity (exercise), air pollution exposure, and safety (crashes). Effects of safety on cycling behaviour have been investigated, but little is known about how energy expenditure and air quality concerns influence cycling decisions. Understanding cyclist perceptions and preferences is important for planning and designing sustainable and healthy transportation networks. As such, research providing insights into the heterogeneity of these concerns is needed to inform models of behavioural change with evolving vehicles, technology, and infrastructure. The objective of this paper is to investigate the joint consideration of energy expenditure, air quality, and safety concerns by cyclists, and their relationships with cycling frequency. A structural equation model is developed based on data from a survey of 625 intercepted real-world cyclists. Air quality and energy expenditure were considered in routing decisions by 51% and 73% of the cyclists, respectively. Model results show that traffic safety and air pollution risks are perceived differently by cyclists, which has implications for modeling urban cycling behaviour in the context of evolving motor vehicle fleets. Safety concerns were associated with less frequent cycling, but not air quality concerns. Consideration of energy expenditure varies significantly among individuals and trip types, which will emerge with different preferences related to hills, stops, speeds, and electric-assistance. Energy and air quality concerns were significantly associated, suggesting health-conscious cyclists who tended to be older, have higher educational attainment, be more physically active, and cycle more recreationally. Utilitarian and recreational cycling trips had different relationships with health-related considerations and with weekly physical activity.  相似文献   

团队既是当今组织中的重要工作方式, 又是集体竞技的组织形式, 故成为众多学科关注的焦点。共享心智模型是团队成员共享的团队相关情境关键要素的有组织理解、知识心理表征或信念。近年来, 中国足、篮、排三大球集体陷入低谷, 输球又输人的状况屡见取端, 引发举国关注。振兴“三大球”成为建设体育强国必然要迈过的坎。研究提出从网络与演化视角出发, 以“三大球”为主要研究对象, 通过对主题专家的深度访谈与“三大球”标杆球队的进球(或得分)录像分析, 寻找“三大球”共享心智模型演化的共性与殊性, 并为后续研究提供素材与参数; 接着, 采用多重个案设计与追踪研究范式, 交叉检定与复现共享心智模型的演化理论与作用机制理论; 再次, 实证检验成员社会网络类型、结构与演化对共享心智模型与团队效能的影响; 最后, 运用Repast 软件对共享心智模型的形成与演化进行模拟, 以为预测与实时干预提供参考。  相似文献   

共享心智模型研究现状   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
共享心智模型是指团队成员共同拥有的知识结构,它使得团队成员能就团队作业形成正确的解释和预期,从而协调自己的行为以适应于团队作业和其他团队成员的需求。其研究为理解和提高团队绩效提供了新的视角,从而成为了团队研究的新热点。该文首先明确其定义以及相关概念,再介绍它的几种类型,进而介绍研究中采用的测量方法,最后总结其影响因素及对团队绩效的影响。文章最后指出研究中存在的问题以及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Anger and driver aggression increase crash risk. However, how these manifest according to the purpose of the journey (work vs personal) and the unique relationships between sources of anger and aggressive expressions of that anger is under-researched. The current study examined the relationships between different types of anger and aggression, recent crashes and infringements between drivers who drive mainly for work with those who drive mainly for personal reasons.Participants (N = 630) completed an online questionnaire reporting their driving anger tendencies across situations of travel delays, danger and hostility from others, frequency of aggressive driving (using the vehicle, verbal or physical) and crash and infringements in the previous year. Drivers were classified as work or personal drivers based on the percentage of the time they drove for each reason. Relationships between anger sources and aggression types were examined using Structural Equation Modelling, comparing models between the two groups. The relationships between aggression and safety outcomes were explored using Mann-Whitney U tests.The relationships between anger and aggression were similar across work and personal drivers. However, some group differences in the situations that contributed to anger and aggression were identified. Aggression was more frequent for drivers who drove mainly for work and had received a traffic violation, compared to those who had not received a traffic violation.These findings can inform the development of targeted interventions to manage the triggers of anger and aggression. Interventions are likely to impact work and personal drivers; thus, could target employers and road transport authorities.  相似文献   

The majority of cross-cultural research on traffic safety has investigated driver behaviour, yet in most low- and middle-income countries, where the weight of the road fatality burden is felt, motorisation rates are significantly lower than in higher-income countries. As such, this approach necessarily excludes large parts of the populations in those settings. In order to investigate the link between traffic safety attitudes and road user behaviours, this study used a self-report measure of pedestrian behaviour, applying it in six countries; Bangladesh, China, Kenya, Thailand, the UK, and Vietnam. Focus was on the relationships between a respondent’s attitude towards risky or rule violating on-road behaviours (of other road users, or more generally, not specific to pedestrians), and the extent to which they reported performing three types of risky pedestrian behaviours (i.e., intentional rule violations, errors in judgement or memory, and aggressive behaviours). Data from a sample of 3,423 individuals was subjected to a series of regression models, revealing significant links between attitudes and pedestrian behaviours in all countries, in all three behavioural factors, after controlling for age, gender, and exposure to the road environment. Differences were found between countries in the strength of these relationships, with weaker connections between attitudes and behaviours in Kenya, and stronger connections in China (with other countries in-between the two). Results are discussed in terms of the need to understand the relationships between social cognitive constructs in the specific country in which a road safety intervention is intended to be implemented.  相似文献   

This study examined the dynamic and multi-level relationships among the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS), negative affect and performance. Participants performed multiple trials of a simulated air traffic control task. A single measure of BIS was taken before practice, whereas negative affect and performance were measured at repeated intervals. As expected, there was a negative relationship between negative affect and performance at both an inter- and intraindividual level of analysis. The key findings from this research relate to dynamic effects. The detrimental effect of negative affect on task performance strengthened across practice, at both levels of analysis. The negative relationship between BIS and performance was also found to change over time. These findings are discussed by drawing on resource allocation theory and reinforcement sensitivity theory. This study emphasizes the importance of examining dynamic and multilevel relationships to understand how BIS and negative affect relate to task performance.  相似文献   

Channelized right-turn lanes (CRTLs) improve traffic flow efficiency, enabling right-turning drivers to bypass traffic lights at signalised intersections (for right-hand drive countries). Many CRTLs provide crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. Previous studies examining the safety performance of CRTLs indicate that they increase overall safety levels but hint that safety issues regarding vulnerable road users exist. This study investigated these issues through site-based observations of yielding behavior and evaluated the effect of the priority rule on cyclists’ safety in two CRTL designs. Four locations in Belgium were selected for video observations: two where the priority rule favoured cyclists and two where motorists had priority.With regard to yielding, four types of crossing behavior were identified and defined. Independent of the priority rule, cyclists crossed the conflict zone first in most interactions without taking the initiative to cross first. Underlying reasons for motorists willingly giving away their right-of-way could not be determined, but possible courtesy or fear of inflicting injuries at vulnerable road users might be at hand. A safety evaluation was performed using two traffic conflict indicators (TTCmin and the TA value). High correlations between the two indicators were found (r2 > 0.83), but no conclusions about the safest priority rule for cyclists could be drawn. The results hinted, however, that locations with motorist priority and cyclists crossings from right to left (from the driver’s point of view) yields the highest proportion of safety critical events.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between motivation and performance during skill acquisition. The authors used multilevel analysis to investigate relationships at within- and between-person levels of analysis. Participants were given multiple trials of practice on an air traffic control task. Measures of effort intensity and performance were taken at repeated intervals. As expected, the relationship between effort and performance increased with practice. Furthermore, the rate at which this effect strengthened was faster for individuals with high-ability or low-performance orientation. There was also an interaction between learning and performance orientations that only emerged after practice. By the end of practice, the negative effects of performance orientation were stronger for individuals with high learning orientation. Results highlight the importance of adopting a multilevel framework to enhance understanding of the link between motivation and performance.  相似文献   

Bicyclists are a heterogeneous group, with varying abilities, traffic education and experience. While efficiency was identified as an important factor on utility bicycle trips, it might be traded for experienced safety, for example by choosing different pathways in a given situation, or by relinquishing one’s right of way. In a semi-controlled study with 41 participants, a grouping was made according to self-reported riding speed in relation to other cyclists. The participants cycled twice along a 3 km inner-city route, passing four intersections with different priority rules. The cyclists were free to choose how to negotiate the intersections. Speed and the traffic surroundings were recorded via gps and cameras on the bike of the participant and of a following experimenter. For each cyclist, the ‘base’ speed on undisturbed segments was determined as reference. Based on this, the efficiency in different types of intersections was computed per cyclist group. It turned out that infrastructural aspects, cyclist group and the presence and behaviour of interacting traffic influenced cyclist efficiency. Faster cyclists were delayed more when the infrastructure required a stop regardless of the traffic situation, like at a red traffic light or a stop sign. The members of the so-called ‘comfort cyclists’ group were delayed the most in a roundabout with mixed traffic, where many chose to get off their bike and walk. In a society working for equality of access to the transport system, it is recommended to develop solutions that consider and accommodate the behaviours of different cyclist groups when planning bicycling infrastructure.  相似文献   

The main aim of the study was to investigate whether attitudes toward traffic safety, risk perception, worry, risk tolerance, safety priority, and accident involvement are associated with cyclists’ risk-taking behaviour. Two types of cyclists’ risk-taking behaviour were studied: (1) ‘violation of traffic rules, and (2) ‘conflicts with other road users when cycling’. The study was based on a questionnaire survey carried out in 2017 among regular cyclists in Norway (n = 426). The results revealed that cyclists’ risk-taking behaviour was influenced by their attitudes, risk perception, and accident involvement. Pragmatic attitudes toward traffic rule violations and safety priority were found to be important predictors of the frequency of rule violations when cycling. Attitudes towards the enforcement of traffic rules for cyclists and dissatisfaction with the traffic rules for cyclists were found to be important predictors for the frequency of situations involving conflicts with other road users. Risk perception and accident involvement were found to be associated with conflicts with other road users, but not with rule violations when cycling. The findings show that risk perception and attitudes toward traffic safety are important for cyclists’ risk-taking behaviour in traffic. The road infrastructure and the traffic regulations are primarily planned for car drivers and pedestrians. If cyclists’ attitudes are to be changed, the cycling infrastructure and traffic rules for cyclists would need to be adjusted to cyclists as road users. When building new infrastructure and implementing new safety measures for cyclists, it is important to include attitude campaigns, as well as communications to the public about safety and the risks linked to cycling. Attitude campaigns could be used to strengthen the authorities’ communications that cyclists are prioritized as road users.  相似文献   

This research used resource allocation theory to generate predictions regarding dynamic relationships between self-efficacy and task performance from 2 levels of analysis and specificity. Participants were given multiple trials of practice on an air traffic control task. Measures of task-specific self-efficacy and performance were taken at repeated intervals. The authors used multilevel analysis to demonstrate differential and dynamic effects. As predicted, task-specific self-efficacy was negatively associated with task performance at the within-person level. On the other hand, average levels of task-specific self-efficacy were positively related to performance at the between-persons level and mediated the effect of general self-efficacy. The key findings from this research relate to dynamic effects--these results show that self-efficacy effects can change over time, but it depends on the level of analysis and specificity at which self-efficacy is conceptualized. These novel findings emphasize the importance of conceptualizing self-efficacy within a multilevel and multispecificity framework and make a significant contribution to understanding the way this construct relates to task performance.  相似文献   

The market launch of automated vehicles will take place in complex mixed traffic containing pedestrians and other non-automated drivers. Hand gestures, eye contact or similar informal communication strategies to human road users will not be available without a human car driver. Road crossing studies show that people are feeling confused and unsafe without such feedback. Additional external signaling devices have the aim to increase the perception of safety by providing auditory or visual feedback for road users. Due to the international relevance of this topic, we surveyed participants from six countries on the importance of communication. Our results reveal that intention messages are more important than the status signal. The importance of communication is independent of the time of day, traffic density and number of pedestrians. Cross-group analysis indicates a match of 72.97% between the tested nationalities on which kind of message types an automated vehicle should be able to communicate.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the predictive value of PTSD symptoms and perceived relationship safety on dyadic adjustment. Participants included 390 individuals who were in a committed romantic relationship. Data were gathered from two populations; clients of a university-based family therapy clinic (n = 132), and community respondents to an announcement on a large university's electronic bulletin board (n = 258). Structural equation modeling was used to test a model of mediation, as well as multiple group analysis to test for moderation by setting (clinical vs. community) and gender. Results indicated that perceived relationship safety fully mediated the relationship between PTSD symptoms and dyadic adjustment. Gender moderated the relationships in the model, but no differences were found between the clinical and community samples. Findings suggest the importance of addressing experiences of safety and security in relationships, as these may be of particular importance for those who have experienced trauma.  相似文献   

Building on recent work in occupational safety and climate, the authors examined 2 organizational foundation climates thought to be antecedents of specific safety climate and the relationships among these climates and occupational accidents. It is believed that both foundation climates (i.e., management-employee relations and organizational support) will predict safety climate, which will in turn mediate the relationship between occupational accidents and these 2 distal foundation climates. Using a sample of 9,429 transportation workers in 253 work groups, the authors tested the proposed relationships at the group level. Results supported all hypotheses. Overall it appears that different climates have direct and indirect effects on occupational accidents.  相似文献   

The present study has investigated relationships between cyclists’ safety equipment use, crash involvement, and other safety relevant behavior. The main focus is on relationships that indicate either behavioral adaptation (safety equipment use leads to riskier behavior) or precautionary behavior (safety equipment is used for cycling in risky situations). Three consecutive surveys were conducted in 2015, 2016, and 2017 years among 650 Norwegian cyclists. Most items were dichotomized and analyzed with logistic regression models. In contrast to the behavioral adaptation hypothesis, regular use of safety equipment (bicycle lights, high-visibility clothing, and helmets) was found to be negatively related to some types of high-risk behavior (listening to music and taking chances while cycling). Regular use of bicycle lights and high-visibility clothing is also negatively related to collision involvement. Safety equipment use was found to be positively related to regular winter cycling and cycling in mixed traffic (not on sidewalks), and it is most likely used as a precautionary measure in such situations. Some cyclists learn from crash involvement by starting to use safety equipment after a crash, but the results do not indicate that crash involvement deters from cycling. The main conclusion from the study is that recommending, promoting or even mandating safety equipment for cyclists can be expected to improve safety and that behavioral adaptation is not likely to occur, at least not to an extent that will outweigh the positive safety effects. The results do not support reservations against the use of “sporty” (well-equipped) models in campaigns for promoting cycling.  相似文献   

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