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The brain of vertebrates consists of brainstem and spinal cord conducting reflexes, compound movements, and innate behaviour, and the cerebral neocortex generating sensorimotor function and association function. These five major functions are assisted by four regulatory systems: limbic system, basal ganglia, cerebellum and sleep-wakefulness brainstem centres. Consciousness contains three different levels, i.e., wakefulness, awareness and self-consciousness. Wakefulness is a fundamental brain function regulated by the brainstem wakefulness centres. Awareness represents integration of diverse sensory signals, largely in the neocortex, for the perception of what is going on in the external world. Consciousness in humans is directed to the self so that an individual is aware of what is going on in his or her internal world, i.e., the mind, and seems to be inherent to the association cortex, in particular the frontal lobe. Freud's id emerges from the hypothalamus and limbic system, whereas the ego involves both the sensorimotor and association cortices. The super-ego is likely to be embodied in part of the association cortex. When movement and thought are conceived as a control system function, instruction for control corresponds to the will which initiates these actions and which represents a positive aspect of consciousness. Though consciousness is related to brain structures in these ways, a crucial question remains as to how we subjectively experience will, affect or self-consciousness as a consequence of neuronal activities in the brain structures.  相似文献   

人的生存和人的存在具有本质的区别,人的生命的存在包含着人的个性的体现、人的内在能力及本质力量的展现和人的价值的实现。健康是人在生理、心理和社会方面的一种存在状态,它不仅仅是一个医学概念,而在更大程度上是一个社会概念,是一个包含着价值因素的整体性概念。健康状态是人的价值实现的基本条件。保障人的健康状态,一是加强健康教育,二是改善人的存在环境。  相似文献   

Law  Andrew 《Philosophical Studies》2021,178(4):1301-1314

There is an old but powerful argument for the claim that exhaustive divine foreknowledge is incompatible with the freedom to do otherwise. A crucial ingredient in this argument is the principle of the “Fixity of the Past” (FP). A seemingly new response to this argument has emerged, the so-called “dependence response,” which involves, among other things, abandoning FP for an alternative principle, the principle of the “Fixity of the Independent” (FI). This paper presents three arguments for the claim that FI ought to be preferred to FP.


论社会主义核心价值体系基本内容的层次结构   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容是一种结构性存在,它所包含的四个方面的基本内容具有不同的性质,其中,马克思主义指导思想是导向性内容,中国特色社会主义共同理想是目标性内容,以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神是情感性和动力性内容,社会主义荣辱观是基础性内容。从层次结构上看,社会主义核心价值体系所包含的四个方面的基本内容,从最低层次到最高层次,构成一个逻辑严谨、层次分明、由高到低、由理论到实践、由思想到行为的整体性框架结构,而每一层次也有着自身的层次结构特点。  相似文献   


Faced with evidence that what a person said is false, we can nevertheless trust them and so believe what they say – choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt. This is particularly notable when the person is a friend, or someone we are close to. Towards such persons, we demonstrate a remarkable epistemic partiality. We can trust, and so believe, our friends even when the balance of the evidence suggests that what they tell us is false. And insofar as belief is possible, it is also possible to acquire testimonial knowledge on those occasions when the friends know what they tell us. This paper seeks to explain these psychological and epistemological possibilities.  相似文献   

One of the problems with a superficial reading of “Belief Itself” and “Women, the Sacred, Money” is that Irigaray is too easily understood as merely saying that woman is the hidden victim of sacrifice and that one is called to reveal this hidden victim. While this is an important aspect of Irigaray's work, a more radical interpretation is opened up when it is read alongside the work of Lacan and ?i?ek. Irigaray's work disturbs the traditional discourses on revelation, sacrifice, and woman on one level while at the same time reinforcing their most extreme ramifications.  相似文献   

This article is a reflective narrative about the death of a parent told from the perspective of her daughter. It is an experience-based account. This shared journey of mother and child links the familiar realm of the conscious and known self to a realm that is not known in the same way and is not merely the self. It is as if one end is in the midst of life's struggles and crises and the other in another realm; yet the whole works together as a single force. In this way the idea is introduced that the very challenges and trauma of life can be a wound that is a healing of wounds, in so far as it prompts recognition of the realm that is out of sight, though the wound certainly is real enough.  相似文献   

天人合一是中国哲学的根本特征之一 ,它在传统伦理思想中表现为天人合德。这一命题规定了传统道德的本体、道德价值的本原以及人的道德本性 ,是传统伦理思想最核心的理念和最根本的特征。它固然存在许多理论上的缺失 ,但又极富思辨性 ,对伦理学上的许多重大理论问题都提供了自己的解答。这对于我们今天探究这些问题 ,仍然具有启迪意义。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the experience of finding a new source of water since the fountain fed by the neighbor’s source dried up in the middle of an alpine summer of farming in the Swiss Alps. This new water source is on ancestral land owned by three cousins of different viewpoints. Central to the story is the developing friendship between the local dowser and one of the owners, a Swiss-Californian woman determined to move the management of this jeweled terrain, with structures and customs, out of patriarchal ways into stewardship. The pristine land is highlighted, as is the vanishing knowledge of the old ways.  相似文献   

This article discusses the place of mission in the Orthodox Church. The document “The Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World,” which was approved by the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church held in Crete in 2016, is still in the process of reception, as are the other documents, but it constitutes, without doubt, a new era in Orthodox missiology – as indeed the Great and Holy Council in Crete represents a new era in Orthodoxy. The interrelatedness of unity and mission is not a question of methodology or strategy. It is an ontological one: it is related to the very essence of koinonia as fellowship in the triune God, and to the specific aspect of κοινονια as participation in God's economy in and for the world. Mission is commitment to the work of the triune God incarnated in Jesus Christ. Both are God’s gift and command. It is only in unity with the Holy Trinity that the church is able to fulfil its vocation.  相似文献   

文德尔班开创的新康德主义价值哲学,是对黑格尔之后以危机形式表现出的“哲学合法性’’的探求,在这种探求中,文氏继承了洛采的价值思想,并将其置于康德先验哲学的框架中,从而建构了独具特色的先验价值哲学。  相似文献   

Hao Tang 《Synthese》2014,191(14):3173-3194
A dualism characteristic of modern philosophy is the conception of the inner and the outer as two independently intelligible domains. Wittgenstein’s attack on this dualism contains deep insights. The main insight (excavated from §304 and §293 of the Philosophical Investigations) is this: our sensory consciousness is deeply shaped by language and this shaping plays a fundamental role in the etiology of the dualism. I locate this role in the learning of a sensation-language (as described in §244), by showing that this learning is, under another aspect, the incision of language, namely the infliction of cuts upon certain natural-primitive unities between the inner and the outer. These cuts, driven by powerful forces, eventually harden into an entrenched division between the inner and the outer, thereby providing a constant soil for the dualism. That this dualism is rooted in the very learning of a language is cause for ambivalence about language.  相似文献   

Response latencies emitted with the hands crossed are slower than those emitted with the hands uncrossed. Two explanations are available for the so-called crossed-hand effect. One attributes it to the non-natural posture of the arms in the crossed position, whereas the other is in terms of a conflict between the code describing the hand and the code describing its position. Experiment 1 disproved the postural hypothesis by showing that crossing the hands has no effect on response latencies in a simple reaction time task. Experiments 2 and 3 replicated the crossed-hand effect in a choice reaction time task and showed that it depends on the relative position of the two hands. In other words, responses are slower when the hand is located in the “wrong” position with respect to the other (e.g., the right hand is located to the left of the left hand), whereas the absolute position, that is the side of the body where the responding hand is located, does not seem to effect the speed of response.  相似文献   

It is well established that emotion is a product of complex interactions among the biological subsystems of the organism. The human nervous system must play a fundamental role in organizing and controlling the manifestation of these interactions. Since emotional disturbance is one of the major phenomena underlying maladaptive behavior, a solid understanding of its nature and mechanisms is essential for enhancing therapeutic practices. Although an increasing number of scholars now advocate the notion of the dependence of emotion on antecedent cognitive processes (e.g., Lazarus, 1982, 1984), and the relevance of both central and peripheral processes of the nervous system to emotional behavior (e.g., Panksepp, 1988; Pribram, 1984), Zajonc (1984) views emotion as independent of cognitive processes. This paper provides a critical evaluation of the basis of Zajonc’s (1984) argument from a neurobiological and psychotherapeutic point of view.  相似文献   

It is well established that emotion is a product of complex interactions among the biological subsystems of the organism. The human nervous system must play a fundamental role in organizing and controlling the manifestation of these interactions. Since emotional disturbance is one of the major phenomena underlying maladaptive behavior, a solid understanding of its nature and mechanisms is essential for enhancing therapeutic practices. Although an increasing number of scholars now advocate the notion of the dependence of emotion on antecedent cognitive processes (e.g., Lazarus, 1982, 1984), and the relevance of both central and peripheral processes of the nervous system to emotional behavior (e.g., Panksepp, 1988; Pribram, 1984), Zajonc (1984) views emotion as independent of cognitive processes. This paper provides a critical evaluation of the basis of Zajonc’s (1984) argument from a neurobiological and psychotherapeutic point of view.  相似文献   

今本<周易>序卦是一件完美的数学作品.序卦的分布规律体现于一系列的数列之中,但是,假如这些排列规律彼此间缺乏关联性,显得孤立、分散,便难以真正体现序卦排列的数学规律性.经过更深入的研究,笔者发现这些排列规律并非彼此分散、互不相干的,而是互有关联,整合成一个完美的统一体.序卦排列数学规律其鲜明的特点有四:其一是连续性,其二是周期性,其三是对称性,其四是关联性.连续性、周期性体现其简易性,对称性、关联性体现其统一性.简易性、统一性体现其完美性.  相似文献   

广松版《德意志意识形态》在《资本论》形成史上的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《德意志意识形态》是马克思恩格斯阐发唯物史观的重要文本。这种历史观主要体现在共同体论、对比论、原始积累理论,这三者在逻辑上是相互联系的。然而涩谷版和陶伯特版都完全无视了的这种关联,割断了这三者之间的内在联系,因而,在编辑原则上都是不合理的。而广松版则把这三者有机统一在一起,真正呈现了马克思历史唯物主义的真实内涵,这恰恰证明了广松版的编辑原则的合理性。另一方面,在广松看来,马克思哲学的发展在本质上就是从异化理论到物象化理论的范式转化,而《德意志意识形态》恰恰就为这种物象化理论奠定了基础。从这种意义上来讲,《德意志意识形态》在马克思的《资本论》形成史上具有的决定性意义。  相似文献   

The existence of the Dao 道 (the Way), according to the Yizhuan 易传 (the Commentary), is something intangible. The connotation of the Dao is the law of change caused by the interaction between yin and yang. The main functions of the Dao are “to change” and “to generate”. The intangible refers to the law of change caused by the interaction between yin and yang, and the law is expressed by the divinatory symbolic system (卦爻符号, the trigrams or hexagrams). It is through the unique permutation of yin and yang lines of a trigram or hexagram that the law of change is explained as a universal model uniting celestial, terrestrial and human laws. The symbolic system is used to express the universal nature of continual generation of life. __________ Translated from Zhongguo Zhexue Shi 中国哲学史 (History of Chinese Philosophy), 2005(4) by Yun Yufen  相似文献   

A summary of the influence of positivistic philosophy and empiricism on the field of psychology is followed by a critique of the empirical method. The dialectic process is advocated as an alternative method of inquiry. The main advantage of the dialectic method is that it is open to any logical argument, including empirical hypotheses, but unlike empiricism, it does not automatically reject arguments that are not based on observable data. Evolutionary and moral psychology are discussed as examples of important fields of study that could benefit from types of arguments that frequently do not conform to the empirical standards of systematic observation and falsifiability of hypotheses. A dialectic method is shown to be a suitable perspective for those fields of research, because it allows for logical arguments that are not empirical and because it fosters a functionalist perspective, which is indispensable for both evolutionary and moral theories. It is suggested that all psychologists may gain from adopting a dialectic approach, rather than restricting themselves to empirical arguments alone.  相似文献   

Current debates on collective intentionality focus on the cognitive capacities, attitudes, and mental states that enable individuals to take part in joint actions. It is typically assumed that collective intentionality is a capacity which is added to other, pre-existing, capacities of an individual and is exercised in cooperative activities like carrying a table or painting a house together. We call this the additive account because it portrays collective intentionality as a capacity that an individual possesses in addition to her capacity for individual intentionality. We offer an alternative view according to which the primary entity to which collective intentionality has to be ascribed is not the human individual, but a “form of life.” As a feature of a form of life, collective intentionality is something more than the specific capacity exercised by an individual when she cooperates with others. Collective intentionality transforms all the capacities of the bearers of this specific form of life. We thus call our proposal the transformative account of collective intentionality.  相似文献   

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