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Behavior analysis is a cultural system of which the Association for Behavior Analysis is a component cultural system. As cultural systems, they are composed of interlocking behavioral contingencies that constitute their cultural practices. Critical to the survival of both cultural systems is the frequency of interaction with and the nature of the content of the behavioral contingencies composing those cultural practices. The strengths of behavior analysis as a cultural system include its disciplinary character and its worldwide community of scientists and practitioners; its ability to be integrated into a scientific worldview; its track record in providing effective solutions to problems of importance to society; and the high levels of intellect, competence, and commitment that are characteristic of its participants. Weaknesses of behavior analysis are its status as an academic orphan, its relatively small size and its underdeveloped professional identity, and a lack of sociopolitical sophistication among many of its members. Behavior analysis will need to maximize its strengths and mitigate its weaknesses if it is to take advantage of the many opportunities available for growth in the modern world.  相似文献   

The theme of this article is that knowledge acquisition can be managed as a transition from general expertise to specific expertise. FORR is a general architecture for learning and problem solving that models expertise at a set of related problem classes. This architecture postulates initial brood domain knowledge, and gradually specializes it to simulate expertise in individual problem classes. FORR is based upon a realistic portrayal of the nature of human expertise and its application. Rather than restrict learning to a single method or a single kind of knowledge, the architecture pragmatically requires multiple, disagreeing heuristic agents to collaborate on decisions. A FORR-based program learns both from its apprenticeship to an external expert model and from practice in its domain. An implementation for game playing is described that raises interesting issues about the organization and modification of conflicting expertise, and the role that experience plays in such learning. FORR's principal strengths are its smooth integration of multiple expertise, its ability to learn many ways, its tolerance for human and machine error, its graceful degradation, its transparency, and its support for a developmental paradigm.  相似文献   

孟子“以意逆志”说考论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从文学解释学的角度系统研究孟子的“以意逆志”说 :考察其诗学背景 ,论列其理论基础 ,我们就可以从另一个视角较为深入地分析其理论内涵 ,充分地论证它在中国古典解释学史上的开创意义 ,即“以意逆志”说是中国第一个具有自觉理论意识和深厚理论内涵的心理解释方法论。在当时 ,它具有可贵的创造性 ;对后世 ,它具有深远的启示性。  相似文献   

I shall forgive the white South much in its final judgment day: I shall forgive its slavery, for slavery is a world-old habit; I shall forgive its fighting for a well-lost cause, and for remembering that struggle with tender tears; I shall forgive its so-called "pride of race," the passion of its hot blood, and even its dear, old, laughable strutting and posing; but one thing I shall never forgive, neither in this world nor the world to come: its wanton and continued and persistent insulting of the black womanhood which it sought and seeks to prostitute to its lust. (W.E.B. DuBois)
The assumption that one can privilege gender, in advance, as a category, setting the terms of inclusion without fully considering those for whom gender alone fails to capture the multiplicity of experience, is itself an Orientalist move. (Dorinne Kondo)  相似文献   

《周易集解》从成书到流行,是有一个过程的,其版本的流变正好反映了这个过程。目前讨论《周易集解》版本传承的文章,或侧重于早期,或仅仅据清代以来目录学的著作抄撮一番。然而许多公私目录的记载都是有问题的;而仅仅通过书的封面题记来说明历史上《周易集解》都有哪些刻本,不免过于简单。更为重要的是,要通过对每种版本的目见和校勘,发现各版本的异同,进一步揭示版本之间的传承影响,并对版本状况作出判断,以为进一步的经典内容和思想的研究提供一个坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This review focuses upon multiple family group therapy, its origin in the intersection of family and group therapies, its use in a variety of settings, its specific techniques and group development in individual and ongoing meetings, its goals and dominant themes, its parallels in family and group work. Also discussed are evaluation of outcome of this therapy modality and those dynamics thought to contribute to family change. Areas for further investigation are outlined.  相似文献   

The field known as "culture and personality studies" in the middle decades of the 20th century was a precursor of contemporary cross-cultural research on personality. Its rejection by anthropologists and sociologists after 1950 was accompanied by stereotypes that have hardened into myth and obscured its character and relevance for contemporary investigators. This article dispels some prevalent misconceptions (concerning its chronology, its theoretical unity, its positions on individual differences and its relationship to Freudian psychoanalysis) and proposes a tentative explanation of its decline.  相似文献   

对于患者本身而言,肿瘤往往具有极大的危害性。但是正如砒霜,这昔日毒物品的代表,其提取物三氧化二砷已成功地用来治疗白血病,显示了大自然的一个规律-事物是具有两两性的。那私肿瘤,在其严重影响人类健康的同时,是否也具有可被加以利用的一面呢?初步探讨了这种可能性,并探讨了其应用前景、可能的一些应用领域及注意事项。  相似文献   

个性的比较心理学研究,实质上是指动物个性研究。文章首先探讨了个性的比较心理学研究的理论基础,在此基础上简要介绍了个性的比较心理学研究的策略和方法,并就个性的比较心理学研究对当代个性心理学发展的积极意义进行了初步的分析。  相似文献   

The major dimension of this article is to point out the importance of psychological follow-up with sporting teenagers. Emma's example illustrates the inherent transitions from this period of age in the specific context of the high level sport. For Emma, the passage of hurdle becomes the metaphor of its psychical conflict. The counter performance which appears in the passage of hurdle announces its ambivalence with regard to its personal history within realities of sport cultures. This making sense of the sporting problems within the framework of the psychological follow-up can help to exceed this difficulty of passage and to support its engagement like subject of its own desire on the way of its realization in the sporting act.  相似文献   

Learning from experience involves three distinct components—generating behavior, assigning credit, and modifying behavior. We discuss these components in the context of learning search heuristics, along with the types of learning that can occur. We then focus on SAGE, a system that improves its search strategies with practice. The program is implemented as a production system, and learns by creating and strengthening rules for proposing moves. SAGE incorporates five different heuristics for assigning credit and blame, and employs a discrimination process to direct its search through the space of rules. The system has shown its generality by learning heuristics for directing search in six different task domains. In addition to improving its search behavior on practice problems, SAGE is able to transfer its expertise to scaled-up versions of a task, and in one case, transfers its acquired search strategy to problems with different initial and goal states.  相似文献   

Critical self-evaluation is central to our professional survival and to the survival of our professional association, the American Association for Counseling and Development (AACD). Although the association and its journals certainly have their critics, unfortunately very little criticism is published for the benefit of the general membership. The purpose of this article is to elaborate on some serious and not so serious criticisms of AACD, its journals, its leaders, and its members.  相似文献   

German idealism has been pictured as an unwarranted deviation from the central epistemological orientation of modern philosophy, and its close historical association with German romanticism is adduced in support of this verdict. This paper proposes an interpretation of German idealism which seeks to grant key importance to its connection with romanticism without thereby undermining its philosophical rationality. I suggest that the fundamental motivation of German idealism is axiological, and that its augmentation of Kant's idealism is intelligible in terms of its combined aim of consolidating the transcendental turn and legitimating the kind of (objectual) relation to value articulated in German romanticism.  相似文献   

儿童自我控制研究述评   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
儿童自我控制指的是儿童对优势反应的抑制和劣势反应的唤起的能力.文章概述了近年来国外该领域研究的一些主要成果及研究动态,包括自控涵义上的争论、早期发生的认知基础及其表现、稳定性与性别差异上的表现、注意及语言与自控的关系、父母抚养方式对自控形成的影响等.最后,对该领域未来的发展趋势作了展望.  相似文献   

中医药学将走向何方   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
由于中医缺乏形态学,中医没有成熟的科学实验,中医的诊断很难标准化、客观化,理论逻辑的致命弱点,理论体系难以重构,所以中医药学在很长一段时间内将保留下来之后,随着中医药学的理论体系的缺陷无法克服,原有的中医药体系必然解体,其中有部分内容融入现代医学。中医药学的归宿就是逐渐融入现代医学。  相似文献   

This essay examines the early thought of Romano Guardini (1886‐1968). It focuses on his magisterial book The Spirit of the Liturgy and discusses its genesis, its historical, biographical, and intellectual context, and its theological and philosophical significance. In so doing, it shows how Guardini reacted to World War I and the cataclysm of his time in turning to the church and its liturgical life in order to provide a source of meaning to a disoriented generation.  相似文献   

The goal of resynthesizing that which has been disconnected in our field is what the author has designated as psychosynergy. This article seeks to advance our shared interest in the subject matter of psychotherapy. Particularly noted are efforts to reconnect the separate realms that give support to therapeutic practice, namely its undergirding scientific principles, its theoretically deduced personality and psychopathologic features, its classification format for organizing psychic pathology, its empirically grounded assessment instruments, and its integration of diverse therapeutic modalities. This overall goal stems from the author's belief that a synthesis of these components not only is possible, but will strengthen progress through mutual reinforcement and reciprocal enhancements.  相似文献   

When an oppressed majority finally gains political power, what happens to its attitudes to its erstwhile oppressor, and to its perceptions and feelings about its socioeconomic disadvantages that were established during its oppression? Longitudinal data from pre- and post-transition surveys of black South African college and high school students indicate marked reductions in perceptions of and outrage about intergroup socioeconomic inequity and deprivation relative to English-speaking and Afrikaans-speaking whites, but no change in attitudes toward these groups or toward whites in general. The findings are discussed in terms of contemporary theory and research on justice, intergroup relations, and group conflict. Some tentative implications for the prospects for a democratic political culture in South Africa are noted.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the evolution of the Transnational Enterprise by describing its problematique, incentives for and resistance to change, its mission and legitimacy, and steps in its transition process.  相似文献   

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