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Background and Objectives: Potentially traumatic events may lead to different patterns of posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth. The objective of the present study was to identify subgroups with different patterns of posttraumatic reactions, and to determine whether these subgroups differed in terms of personal and social resources and indicators of adjustment. Design: This study used survey data collected 10 months after the 2011 Oslo bombing attack to investigate patterns of reactions among ministerial employees (N = 1970). Methods: We applied latent class analyses with covariates to extract subgroups of individuals. Results: Three classes of individual reactions were extracted, and these were similar among those who were and those who were not physically proximate to the bombing attack: “High stress/high growth” (27% and 11%, respectively), “Low stress/high growth” (74% and 42%, respectively), and “Low stress/low growth” (only among the not physically proximate: 47%). The classes differed in terms of gender, neuroticism, and social support as well as life satisfaction and daily functioning. Conclusions: Heterogeneous patterns of posttraumatic reactions were found. Physical proximity is not necessary to experience posttraumatic stress or growth after political violence. Among individuals with low stress, posttraumatic growth may not encompass higher life satisfaction or functioning.  相似文献   


To focus rehabilitation activities among burnout clients more effectively, it is important to investigate who benefits from burnout interventions. This study (N=85) aimed at identifying burnout trajectories in terms of benefit, that is, subgroups of clients who share similar mean levels and changes in burnout during a one-year rehabilitation intervention (17 days in total) with a six-month follow-up. After identifying the burnout trajectories, the relations of the trajectories with factors describing the clients, antecedents, and consequences of burnout during the one-year intervention were examined. Three burnout trajectories were identified by growth mixture modeling: (a) low burnout (n=39), (b) high burnout – benefited (n=29), and (c) high burnout – not benefited (n=17). Positive changes were detected in antecedents and consequences among the clients in the low burnout and high burnout – benefited trajectories. Recovery from burnout was associated with increased job resources and decreased job demands, as well as with increased job satisfaction and decreased depression. It seems that more precise targeting of rehabilitation is needed since the trajectories revealed not only clients with mild symptoms, but also clients who probably received this treatment too late.  相似文献   


Patient education has become an important feature of any treatment program. Psychoeducational procedures dominate the treatment used by occupational therapy practitioners in psychiatric rehabilitation. Occupational therapy literature frequently describes the content of psychoeducational programs but rarely examines the teaching approach therapists use in them. It is necessary, therefore, to begin carefully questioning how we are approaching psychoeducation and justifying it as a method compatible with our basic philosophical principles and our growing understanding of occupation. Three approaches to teaching are examined and contrasted with occupational therapy values: the executive approach, the therapist approach, and the liberationist approach. Each of these approaches points to dramatically different outcomes of the therapeutic process. Ultimately, they bring into question the way in which we build a relationship with our clients. The liberationist approach is proposed as the best guide of how and why to use psychoeducation in the quest for providing authentic occupational therapy.  相似文献   

追踪研究中缺失数据十分常见。本文通过Monte Carlo模拟研究,考察基于不同前提假设的Diggle-Kenward选择模型和ML方法对增长参数估计精度的差异,并考虑样本量、缺失比例、目标变量分布形态以及不同缺失机制的影响。结果表明:(1)缺失机制对基于MAR的ML方法有较大的影响,在MNAR缺失机制下,基于MAR的ML方法对LGM模型中截距均值和斜率均值的估计不具有稳健性。(2)DiggleKenward选择模型更容易受到目标变量分布偏态程度的影响,样本量与偏态程度存在交互作用,样本量较大时,偏态程度的影响会减弱。而ML方法仅在MNAR机制下轻微受到偏态程度的影响。  相似文献   

智力差异是心理学领域智力研究和个体差异研究的一项重要内容。近年来,研究者对智力个体差异的内在机制从不同角度提出了解释,随着认知领域相应研究的发展,陆续出现了4种研究取向:因素取向、参数取向、策略取向和适应性取向。文章在简要介绍4种取向的内涵、产生的历史背景的基础上,综述了各个取向相关的研究成果,特别是最新进展。已有研究表明,四种取向在解释个体智力差异本质方面都还存在着一定问题,未来的研究需要努力构建比较全面的智力差异理论;从认知加工和神经机制研究相结合的角度恰当解释智力差异;同时加强对非认知因素的关注  相似文献   

评价中心是一种高保真度的情境模拟,它被设计用来在多种与工作相关的活动中测量多项维度.30年来的大量研究发现,评价中心具备良好的内容效度和效标关联效度,但构想效度却始终不理想,评价中心评分反映的总是由活动而非预先设想的维度带来的效应.这一评价中心“构想效度谜题”吸引了大量研究关注,并逐步形成了维度中心取向、活动中心取向及交互作用取向三种主要观点,分别主张控制各种误差因素以改善维度测量、放弃维度而转向活动或任务以及关注维度与活动的共同作用.未来研究应在传统的维度中心取向之外给予活动中心取向足够重视,并重点发展交互作用取向.  相似文献   

任亚辉  叶浩生 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1421-1423
基于不同的理论预设和方法学路线,组织咨询心理学领域形成了三种代表性的研究取向,即经验实证取向、临床治疗学取向以及实践-知识创生取向.文章在系统阐述三种取向基本观点的基础上,就组织观、研究方法、实践特征等同题对三者加以分析比较,并指出了各取向所面I临的挑战.  相似文献   

污名应对研究:发展脉络、理论取向与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨柳  刘力 《心理科学进展》2008,16(5):815-825
污名应对是指被污名者运用不同策略来反抗社会赋予他们的贬低性标签的动态过程。这一领域的研究正在从站在污名施予者的立场考察污名的影响转向到强调被污名者作为主动应对者。目前,对污名应对的研究有三种理论取向:权衡比较取向、认同威胁取向和个人与情境互动取向。污名应对研究对于改善被污名者的心理健康和改进消除污名影响的政策等有重要意义。未来应进一步加强对可隐藏性污名应对的研究,综合使用量化和质性研究范式,关注污名应对的纵向研究,加强污名应对理论的实际应用  相似文献   

王才康 《心理科学》2002,25(2):198-201
实验设计通常被当作一种种设计模式.这种方法可称之为实验设计的模式方法。但本文认为,这种常用的方法事实上存在着不少缺点。于此.本文尝试提出了一种新的实验设计方法——实验设计的变量方法。实验设计的变量方法的基本思想是.从实验研究的问题出发,根据实验中变量的性质或特点确定实验设计的具体内容。本文最后讨论了实验设计变量方法的优越性。  相似文献   

工作满意度一般被作为衡量员工工作中的幸福感的指标。幸福感的研究存在两种基本取向:享乐取向和完善取向。为验证两种取向的工作满意度结构,对485名MBA学生和864名企业员工进行了调查,探索性因素分析和进一步二阶探索性因素分析表明,工作满意度量表包含8个因素,这8个因素归于两个维度:享乐取向的满意度(包括享乐的工作结果、享乐的工作本身、享乐的人际关系、享乐的组织氛围)和完善取向的满意度(包括完善的工作结果、完善的工作本身、完善的人际关系、完善的组织氛围)。验证性因素分析支持两种取向工作满意度的结构模型。  相似文献   

This paper is Part II of an exploration of the treatment and conceptualization of Erectile Dysfunction (ED). In the past two decades, there has been a shift in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction to more medically based approaches. Part I of the paper presented the role of biomedical and organic factors involved in ED. However, although important for the couple therapist to understand, by focusing only on the bio-medical aspects of ED, the couple may face new issues in their considerably different relationship with sex now a part of their lives. The current paper, while respectful of the medical model approach, emphasizes the overall quality of the couple relationship, presenting information on the psychological and systemic therapies and issues that may be related to Erectile Dysfunction, encouraging a combined-constructionist approach.  相似文献   

Clinical reasoning is a complex process required for effective therapeutic encounters. Its development is poorly understood. The clinical reasoning process is placed in a historical context based on the occupational therapy literature. An emerging model of clinical reasoning is proposed. This model of clinical reasoning provides a unique perspective in order to compartmentalize the person, environment, and occupation constructs around the person’s life story, connect it directly to the occupational therapy practice framework, and determine treatment priorities, emphasizing a client-centered perspective. A client-centered model of clinical reasoning supports efforts to provide effective intervention.  相似文献   

This study examined students' usage of deep and surface approaches to learning as well as the relationship between students' personality attributes and their approaches to learning. Participants were 284 undergraduate education students registered with a South African regular university (females = 195, males = 89). They completed the Revised two-factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) (Biggs, Kember, & Leung (2001) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975, 1985). Data were analysed for differences in proportion endorsing learning approach type (deep, surface) and the association between learning approach and personality attributes. The students self-reported to use predominantly deep learning strategies and lower rather than high surface strategies. The personality attributes of Extraversion and Neuroticism were unrelated to self-reported primary learning strategy.  相似文献   

目前,学界探索中国人的应对大致有两种方式:客位研究与主位研究。客位研究分析中国文化在以下几个方面对国人应对行为和心理的影响,分别是应对的文化环境和自我特质、压力来源、应对方式、应对结果。研究结果得出有关应对的客观知识,揭示中国人的应对实践。但是由于客位研究注重理论的普适性,所以其研究成果与中国人应对实质并不十分契合。主位研究从传统文化中的儒家、道家、佛家哲学思想提取应对观,其成果更深入的分析了国人应对的实质。但是,主位研究下的应对观过于注重直观体验,并且当今中国人行为心理模式也发生了变化,这些因素势必导致主位研究的缺陷。两种研究方式各有利弊,未来的研究应把两种方式结合起来,取长补短。  相似文献   

对威胁敏感是人类在应对外部环境过程中不断发展的生存技能。威胁敏感性的研究主要存在两种取向:生理取向以敏感性强化理论为基础, 将行为抑制系统的敏感性界定为威胁敏感性, 量化为个体应对威胁时的生理、情绪和行为反应水平; 认知取向以信息加工的认知风格理论为基础, 将个体在对威胁信息加工过程中的敏感性偏向定义为威胁警觉, 量化为威胁刺激呈现前后的预期水平和探测水平。未来研究还需进一步整合和界定威胁敏感性的概念内涵, 验证各测量指标之间的关系, 拓展不同种类威胁敏感性的研究方法。  相似文献   

该文主要根据James R.Averill(1997)等人的观点,从整合的角度探讨了情绪问题,阐述了情绪分析的框架。此框架由6个情绪变量组成,分五个水平。在阐述了这五个水平及其关系之后,又从下向上论述了处于不同情绪组织水平上的成份反应、情绪状态、情绪症侯群和气质特征。  相似文献   

由于文化的差异,西方伦理学在发展路径上表现出明显的科学化倾向:一方面,与中国伦理学认为通达道德境界的道路只能是修身养性不同,西方伦理学却主张科学的理性有助于达到道德的理想目标;另一方面,与中国伦理学甚至认为为道与为学在根本上是对抗的相反,西方伦理学却断言美德本身就是知识。  相似文献   

The aim of the three-stage psycholexical research was to systematize individual differences in voters’ perception of politicians’ personality traits and the differentiation dimensions of politicians’ images using the example of Ukraine. On the basis of 200 interviews, politicians’ personality lexicon was compiled and categorized. A representative sample of that lexicon was used in a study concerning the perception of several dozen politicians which allowed to identify four dimensions of politicians’ perceived personality traits at the individual and aggregate levels, distinct from the classic Big Five. Another study confirmed the stability of the structure of perception based on 2-level CFA and a strong relationship of personality image with preferences for politicians based on 2-level regression analysis.  相似文献   

A number of psychometric tests are aimed at locating the performance of an individual along a continuous range that goes from normal to worrying. In a different paradigm, there are tests whose goal is to assess whether or not an individual is healthy with respect to a psychological, psychiatric or neurological pathology that is defined independently from the test itself. The former rely on a dimensional concept of psychopathologies; the latter imply a categorical concept. The former require to compare the performance of the individual to a standard sample that is representative of the general population; the latter involve a standard sample representative of the healthy population only. The former might imply the use of a cut-off score to indicate that a certain degree of rarity of the performance has been reached, while the latter must involve a cut-off score to make a decision (whether the individual belongs to the “healthy” or “pathological” category), a score that is most often set so as to control the false-positive rate in making this decision. In the former paradigm, the cut-off score defines or contributes to define the pathology. In the latter, it only helps detecting it. This article aims at making clear the difference between these two realms and highlight their practical as well as theoretical impact on psychological practice.  相似文献   


The “Wason selection task” is still one of the most studied tasks in cognitive psychology. We argue that the low performance originally obtained seems to be caused by how the information of the task is presented. By systematically manipulating the task instructions, making explicit the information that participants are required to infer in accordance with the logical interpretation of the material implication “if, then”, we found an improvement in performance. In Experiment 1, the conditional rule has been formulated within a relevant context and in accordance with the conversational rules of communication, hence transmitting the actual meaning of the material implication. In Experiment 2, a similar improvement has been obtained even without the realistic scenario, only by making explicit the unidirectionality of the material implication. We conclude that task instructions are often formulate neglecting the conversational rules of communication, and this greatly reduces the possibility to succeed in the task.  相似文献   

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