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《Personnel Psychology》1956,9(1):132-154
Books reviewed in this article:
S mith , G eorge H orsley . Motivation Research in Advertising and Marketing.
B rown , C larence W., and G hiselli , E dwin E. Scientific Method in Psychology.
K eown , W illiam H. Some Dimensions of Company-Union Downward Communication.
R osen , H jalmar , and R osen , R. A. H udson . The Union Member Speaks.
H alsey , G eorge D. Selecting and Developing First-Line Supervisors.
H are , P aul , B orgatta , E dgar F., and B ales , R obert F. Small Groups: Studies in Social Interaction.
G ordon , T homas . Group-Centered Leadership.
B ellows , R oger M. Case Problems in Personnel Management.
W illiams , E dgar G., and M ee , J ohn F. Cases and Problems in Personnel and Industrial Relations.
K nowles , W illiam H. Personnel Management: A Human Relations Approach.
G ray , J. S tanley . Psychology Applied to Human Affairs.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1952,5(3):241-248
Books reviewed in this article:
D ewet , R ichard and H umber , W. J. The Development of Human Behavior.
C hambers , E. G. Psychology and the Industrial Worker.
N ational I nstitute of I ndustrial P sychology . The Foreman.
B aumgarten , F ranziska . Psychology of Human Relations in Industry.  相似文献   

H enderson , J oseph , L. Shadow and Self: Selected Papers in Analytical Psychology .
J ung , C. G. Analytical Psychology: Notes of the Seminar given in 1925 .
H opcke , R obert H. Jung, Jungians, and Homosexuality .
J acoby , M ario . Individuation & Narcissism: The Psychology of Self in Jung & Kohut .
E dinger , E dward , F. The Living Psyche: A Jungian Analysis in Pictures .
B isagni , F rancisco (Ed.) Analysis: An International Review of Clinical Psychotherapy  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1953,6(1):111-121
Books reviewed in this article:
T hurstone , L. L. (Editor) Applications of Psychology, Essays to Honor Walter V. Bingham.
Y oder , D ale . Personnel Principles and Policies, Modern Manpower Management.
B urtt , H arold E. Applied Psychology.
F enlason , A nne F. Essentials in Interviewing.
U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment and Economic Status of Older Men and Women.
W olfle , D ael , et al. Improving Undergraduate Instruction in Psychology.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1967,20(3):343-368
Book reviews in this article:
D onnette , M arvin D. Personnel Selection and Placement.
B ass , B ernard M., and V aughn , J ames A. Training in Industry : The Management of Learning.
H aire , M ason , G hiselli , E dwin E., and P orter , L yman W. Managerial Thinking: An International Study.
A ndrews , K enneth R. The Effectiveness of University Management Development Programs.
D ickson , W illiam J., and R oethlisberger , F. J. Counseling in an Organization: A Sequel to the Hawthorne Researches.
O ppenheim , A. N. Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement.
B eer , M ichael . Leadership, Employee Needs and Motivation.
F lippo , E dwin B. Principles of Personnel Management.
B ritt , S teuart H enderson (Editor). Consumer Behavior and the Behavioral Sciences: Theories and Applications.
B lack , J ames M enzies , and L ynch , E dith M. How to Move in Management: An Executive's Guide to Changing Jobs.
B ennis , W arren G., and S chein , E dgar H. with M c G regor , C aroline (Editors). Leadership and Motivation: Essays of Douglas McGregor.
K err , W illard A., and D unbar , F lorence W. Theory and Problems of Industrial Psychology.
Briefly Mentioned
Books and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1962,15(2):231-251
Book reviewed in this article:
G ordon , W illiam J. J. Synectics: The Development of Creative Capacity.
M c G ehee , W illiam , and T hayer , P aul W. Training in Business and Industry.
T agiuri , R enato . (Editor) Research Needs in Executive Selection.
J aques , E lliott . Equitable Payment: A General Theory of Work, Differential Payment, and Individual Progress.
F leishman , E dwin A. Studies in Personnel and Industrial Psychology.
K ay , B rian R., and P almer , S tuart . The Challenge of Supervision.
B uros , O csar K risen . Tests in Print: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Tests for Use in Education, Psychology, and Industry.
H uber , J ack T. Report Writing in Psychology and Psychiatry.
J erome , W illiam T ravers , III. Executive Control: The Catalyst.
S tryker , P errin .The Character of the Executive: Eleven Stud- ies in Managerid Qualities.
B ennett , T homasr ., II. The Leader Looks at the Process of Change.
B uchanan , P aulc . The Leader Looks at Individual Motivation.
T his , L esliee . The Leader Looks at Communication.
H oltzman , W ayne , H., T horpe , J oseph S., S wartz , J on D., AND H erron , E. W ayne . Inkblot Perception and Personaity.
H oltzman , W ayneh . Holtzman Inkblot Technique: Administration and Scoring Guide.
L ifton , W alterm . Working with Groups: Grwp Process and Individual Growth.
F arnsworth , P. R., M cnemar , O., and M cnemar , Q.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1950,3(2):225-237
Books reviewed in this article:
S uper , D. E. Appraising Vocational Fitness.
B ennett , G. K., and C ruikshank , R. M. A Summary of Clerical Tests.
S tuit , D. B., D ickson , G. S., J ordan , T. F., and S chloerb , L ester . Predicting Success in Professional Schools.
B ellows , R. M. Psychology of Personnel in Business and Industry.
P iéron , H enri. La Psychologie Différentielle.
V ernon , P. E. and P arry , J. B. Personnel Selection in the British Forces.
D ooher , M. J. and M arquis , V ivienne (E ds. ) The Supervisor's Management Guide.
G iven , J r ., W. P. Bottom-Up Management.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1967,20(2):211-228
Books reviewed in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick . Work and the Nature of Man. by Saul W. Gellerman .
R onan , W illiam W., and P rien , E rich P. Toward a Criterion Theory: A Review and Analysis of Research and Opinion.
J ennings , E ugene E merson . The Executive in Crisis .
B owers , R aymond V. (Editor) Studies on Behavior in Organizations: A Research Symposium. Reviewed by William Litzinger .
M cpherson , J. H. Care, Commitment, and Involvement .
M cpherson , J. H. Change. Reviewed by Frank Friedlander .
R ood . A llan . Realizing Your Executive Potential: Job Strategy for the Management Career Man .
B lake , R obert R., A vis , W arren E., and M outon , J ane S. Corporate Darwinism .
K uriloff , A rthue H. Reality in Management .
F arnsworth , Paul. R., M cnemar , O., and mc C nemar , Q. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 18, 1967 .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(1):99-124
Book reviews in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick , M ausner , B ernard , and S nyderman , B arbara B loch . The Motivation to Work .
B ass , B ernard M., and B erg , I rwin A. (Eds.) Objective APProaches to Personality Asessment .
A nderson , H arold H. (Ed.) Creativity and Its Cultivation .
S altonstall , R obert . Human Relations in Administration: Text and Cases .
J acobson , H oward B oone , and R oucek , J oseph S. (Eds.) Automation and Society .
T horndike , R obert L., and H agen , E lizabeth . Ten Thousand Careers .
D imock , M arshall E. Administrative Vitality: The Conflict with Bureaucracy .
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know .
W eber , C. A., and K arnes , J ohn W., J r . Industrial Leadership: The American Way to Teamwork .
D avis , K eith , and S cott , W illiam G. Readings in Human Relations .
S togdill , R alph M. Individual Behavior and Group Achievement .
B each , L eslie R., and C lark , E lon L. Psychology in Business .
R oberts , D avid R. Executive Compensation .
Briefly Mentioned N iles , H enry E., N iles , M ary C ushing , and S tephens , J ames C. The Office Supervisor: His Relations to Persons and to Work .
Book and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1961,14(4):463-483
Book review in this Article
M ann , F loyd C., and N eff , F ranklin W. Managing Major Change in Organizations: An Undeveloped Area of Administration and Social Research.
Programmed Learning: Evolving Principles and Industrial Applications.
B uckingham , W alter . Automation: Its Impact on Business and People.
S imon , H erbert A. The New Science of Management Decision.
Y uzuk , R onald P aul . The Assessment of Employee Morale: A Comparison of Two Measures.
H emphill , J ohn K. Dimensions of Executive Positions: A Study of the Basic Characteristics of the Positions of Ninety-Three Business Executives.
B eaumont , R ichard A., and T ower , J ames W. Executive Retirement and Effective Management.
L angsner , A dolph , and Z ollitsch , H erbert G. Wage and Salary Administration.
G ilmer B. von H aller. Industrial Psychology.
L aird , D onald A., and L aird , E leanor. Practical Business Psychology.
F amularo , J oseph J. Supervisors in Action: Developing Your Skills in Managing People.  相似文献   

C ampbell , J oseph (Ed.). Spirit and Nature: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks .
H erzog , E dgar . Psyche and Death
H oeller , S tephan , A. The Gnostic Jung and the 'Seven Sermons to the Dead' .
H illman , J. Archetypal Psychology: a Brief Account .
M oore , T homas . The Planets Within: Marsilio Ficino's Astrological Psychology .
B erry , P. Echo's Subtle Body .
W illiams , H. A. Some Day I'll Find You .
W hite , V ictor . God and the Unconscious .  相似文献   

F ranz , M arie -L ouise von . Projection and Reflection in Jungian Psychology.
N eumann , E rich . Creative Man.
H all , N or . The Moon and the Virgin.
K rohn , A lan . Hysteria: The Elusive Neurosis.
B oss , M edard . Existential Foundations of Medicine and Psychology.
H anly , C harles . Existentialism and Psychoanalysis.
S harp , D aryl . The Secret Raven: Conflict and Transformation in the Life of Franz Kafka.
H icklin , A. (Ed.). Psychosomatische Medizin.
B ertherat , T hérèse ,; B ernstein , C arolle . The Messenger of the Body.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1956,9(3):407-430
Books reviewed in this article:
D arley , J ohn G., and H agenah , T heda . Vocational Interest Measurement: Theory and Practice.
S trong , E dward K., J r . Vocational Interests 18 Years After College.
G hiselli , E dwin E. The Measurement of Occupational Aptitude.
R ainio , K ullervo . Leadership Qualities: A Theoretical Inquiry and an Experimental Study on Foremen.
C raig , H arold F arlow . Administering a Conversion to Electronic Accounting: A Case Study.
S ampson , R obert C. The Staff Role in Management.
B lum , M ilton L. Industrial Psychology and Its Social Foundations.
S mith , H enry C lay . Psychology of Industrial Behavior.
H odnett , E dward . The Art of Problem Solving.
L anham , E. Job Evaluation.
D reyfuss , H enky . Designing for People.
P hillips , D avid C. Oral Communication in Business.
J uran , J. M., A nd B abish , N orman N. Case Studies in Industrial Management.
F arnsworth , P aul R., A nd M cnemar , Q uinn . (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 7, 1956.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1962,15(1):111-111
Book reviewed in this article:
B rown , D avid S. The Leader Looks at Authority and Hierarchy.
K nowles , M alcolm S. The Leader Looks at Self-Development.
L ippitt , G ordon L., and W hitfield , E dith . The Leader Looks at Group Effectiveness.
S chmidt , W arren H. The Leader Looks at the Leadership Dilemma.
B ellows , R oger . Psychology of Personnel in Business and Industry
W ermel , M ichael T., and B eideman , G eraldine M. Retirement Preparation Programs: A Study of Company Responsibilities.
A nastasi , A nne . Psychological Testing
G lover , J ohn D., and L awrence , P aul R. A Case Study of High Level Administration in a Large Organization.
W alton , R ichard E. The Impact of the Professional Engineering Union.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1955,8(4):507-529
Book review in this article
G hiselli , E dwin E., and B rown , C larence W. Personnel and Industrial Psychology.
L ombard , G eorge F. F. Behavior in a Selling Group.
H ersey , R exford . Zest for Work.
H enriksson , E rik . Frånvaro från Arbetet.
B ursk , E dward C. (Ed.) The Management Team.
L indgren , H enry C. Effective Leadership in Human Relations.
P lanty , E arl G., and F reeston , J. T homas . Developing Management Ability.
W olfle , D ael . America's Resources of Specialized Talent.
N ational M anpower C ouncil . A Policy for Skilled Manpower.
W hitehill , A rthur M., J r . Personnel Relations: The Human Aspects of Administration.
B urlington , R ichard S tevens , and M ay , D onald C urtis . Handbook of Probability and Statistics with Tables.
W ert , J ames E., N eidt , C harles C., and A hmann , J. S tanley . Statistical Methods in Educational and psychological Research  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(2):373-411
Book review in this article
M aier , N orman R. F. Problem Solving and Creativity in Individuals and Groups.
D u B rin , A ndrew J. The Practice of Managerial Psychology.
C ohey , E. R aymond and S tar , S teven H. Organization Strategy: A Marketing Approach.
K oontz , H arold . Appraising Managers as Managers.
S hepard , J on M. Automation and Alienation: A Study of Office and Factory Workers.
S ibson , R obert E. Managing Professional Services Enterprises: The Neglected Business Frontier.
M aher , J ohn R. (Editor). New Perspectives in Job Enrichment.
V aid , K. N. Papers on Absenteeism.
J affee , C abot L. Effective Management Selection: An Analysis of Behavior by Simulation Techniques.
W egneh , R obert E. C. and S ayles , L eonard . Cases in Organizational and Administrative Behavior.
D uerr , C arl . Management Kinetics: Carl Duerr on Communication.
M c F arland , D. E. (Editor). Personnel Management.
D eci , E dward L., G ilmer , B. V on H aller and K arn , H arry W. Readings in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
B ursk , E dward C. and B lodgett , T imothy B. (Editors). Developing Executive Leaders.
S eashore , S tanley E. and M c N eil , R obert J. (Editors). Management of the Urban Crisis: Government and the Behavioral Sciences.
K laus , D avid J. Instructional Innovation and Individualization.
P eskin , D ean B. The Building Blocks of EEO.
M ussen , P aul H. and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Editors). Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 23, 1972.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(4):457-473
Book reviewed in this article:
B ass , B ernard M. Leadership, Psychology, and Organizational Behavior .
M ann , F loyd C., and H offman , L. R ichard . Automation and the Worker: A Study of Social Change in Power Plants .
An Action Research Program for Organization Improvement (in Esso Standard Oil Company) .
D erber , M ilton , C halmers , W. E llison , S tagner , R oss , with E delman , M ilton . The Local Union-Management Relationship .
R oss , A rthur M., and H artman , P aul T. Changing Patterns of Industrial Conflict .
G ulliksen , H arold , and M essick , S amuel (Editors) Psychological Scaling: Theory and Applications .
C ronbach , L ee J. Essentials of Psychological Testing . (Second Edition)  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1963,16(2):185-209
Book review in this Article
L ikert , R ensis . New Patterns of Management.
J ones , M anley H owe . Executive Decision Making
C ollier , A bram T. Management, Men, and Values.
T aylor , J ack W. HOW to Select and. Develop Leaders.
F inley , R obert H. (Editor). The Personnel Man and His Job.
K arn , H arry W., and G ilmer , B. V on H aller . (Editors) Readings in Industrial and Business Psychology
H eckmann , I. L., and H uneryager , S. G. Management of the Personnel Function.
K ay , B rian R., and C lough , R oy L., J r . Cases in Supervision.
B alinsky , B enjamin . The Selection Interview: Essentials for Management.
I ff , W erner . La Motivation àľAvancement Professional.
F arnsworth , P. R., M c N emar , O., and M c N emar , Q. Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 14, 1963.
B erne , E ric . The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1972,25(1):135-181
Book review in this article
W olfle , D ael . The Uses of Talent. Princeton, N. J.
F reeman , R ichard B. The Market for College-Trained Manpower: A Study in the Economics of Career Choice.
C ooper , C. L. and M angham , I. L. (Eds.). T-Groups: A Survey of Research.
K obayashi , S higeru . Creative Management.
G lueck , W illiam F. and T horp , C ary D., J r . The Management of Scientific Research: An Annotated Bibliography and Synopsis.
E kval , G ökan . Creativity at the Place of Work.
B urstein , H erman . Attribute Sampling: Tables and Explanations.
B arrett , J on H. Individual Goals and Organizational Objectives: A Study of Integration Mechanisms.
B assett , G lenn A. and W eatherbee , H arvard Y. Personnel Systems and Data Management.
D ickmann , R obert A. Personnel Implications for Business Data Processing.
W eissenberg , P eter . Introduction to Organizational Behavior.
P orter , D onald E., A pplewhite , P hilip B. and M isshauk , M ichael J. Studies in Organizational Behavior and Management.
S rivastva , S uresh . (Editor) Behavioural Sciences in Management.
K olb , D avid A., R ubin , I rwin M. and M c I ntyre , J ames M. Organizational Psychology: A Book of Readings.
Z impel , L loyd . (Editor) The Disadvantaged Worker: Readings in Developing Minority Manpower.
R eddin , W. J. Effective Management by Objectives: The §-D Method pf MBO.
J ennings , E ugene E. Routes to the Executive Suite.
S troh , T homas F. Managing the New Generation in Business.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1949,2(3):383-396
H alsey , G. D. Training Employees.
M c N emar , Q uinn . Psychological Statistics .
A ndrews , T. G. (Ed.) Methods of Psychology.
G rimsley , G. and W ickert , F. R. Psychological Techniques in Personnel Research.
B oynton , P. W. Selecting the New Employee.
Books and Materials Received1  相似文献   

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