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Attending to objects in the world affects how we perceive and remember them. What are the consequences of attending to an object in mind? In particular, how does reporting the features of a recently seen object guide visual learning? In three experiments, observers were presented with abstract shapes in a particular color, orientation, and location. After viewing each object, observers were cued to report one feature from visual short-term memory (VSTM). In a subsequent test, observers were cued to report features of the same objects from visual long-term memory (VLTM). We tested whether reporting a feature from VSTM: (1) enhances VLTM for just that feature (practice-benefit hypothesis), (2) enhances VLTM for all features (object-based hypothesis), or (3) simultaneously enhances VLTM for that feature and suppresses VLTM for unreported features (feature-competition hypothesis). The results provided support for the feature-competition hypothesis, whereby the representation of an object in VLTM was biased towards features reported from VSTM and away from unreported features (Experiment 1). This bias could not be explained by the amount of sensory exposure or response learning (Experiment 2) and was amplified by the reporting of multiple features (Experiment 3). Taken together, these results suggest that selective internal attention induces competitive dynamics among features during visual learning, flexibly tuning object representations to align with prior mnemonic goals.  相似文献   

To examine the development of visual short-term memory (VSTM) for location, we presented 6- to 12-month-old infants (N = 199) with two side-by-side stimulus streams. In each stream, arrays of colored circles continually appeared, disappeared, and reappeared. In the changing stream, the location of one or more items changed in each cycle; in the non-changing streams the locations did not change. Eight- and 12.5-month-old infants showed evidence of memory for multiple locations, whereas 6.5-month-old infants showed evidence of memory only for a single location, and only when that location was easily identified by salient landmarks. In the absence of such landmarks, 6.5-month-old infants showed evidence of memory for the overall configuration or shape. This developmental trajectory for spatial VSTM is similar to that previously observed for color VSTM. These results additionally show that infants’ ability to detect changes in location is dependent on their developing sensitivity to spatial reference frames.  相似文献   


When participants search the same letter display repeatedly for different targets we might expect performance to improve on each subsequent search as they memorize characteristics of the display. However, here we find that search performance improved from a first search to a second search but not for a third search of the same display. This is predicted by a simple model that supports search with only a limited capacity short-term memory for items in the display. To support this model we show that a short-term memory recency effect is present in both the second and the third search. The magnitude of these effects is the same in both searches and as a result there is no additional benefit from the second to the third search.  相似文献   

Hemispheric asymmetries were investigated by changing the horizontal position of stimuli that had to be remembered in a visuo-spatial short-term memory task. Observers looked at matrices containing a variable number of filled squares on the left or right side of the screen center. At stimulus offset, participants reproduced the positions of the filled squares in an empty response matrix. Stimulus and response matrices were presented in the same quadrant. We observed that memory performance was better when the matrices were shown on the left side of the screen. We distinguished between recall strategies that relied on visual or non-visual (verbal) cues and found that the effect of gaze position occurred more reliably in participants using visual recall strategies. Overall, the results show that there is a solid enhancement of visuo-spatial short-term memory when observers look to the left. In contrast, vertical position had no influence on performance. We suggest that unilateral gaze to the left activates centers in the right hemisphere contributing to visuo-spatial memory.  相似文献   


Whether visual short-term memory can be lost over an unfilled delay, in line with time-dependent forgetting, is controversial and prior work has yielded mixed results. The present study explored time-dependent forgetting in visual short-term memory in relation to other factors. In three experiments, participants compared single target and probe objects over a 2 s or 10 s retention interval. The objects across trials were either similar or dissimilar (Experiment 1) and had to be remembered in the presence of an additional distractor (Experiment 2) or under conditions where the amount of time separating trials varied (Experiment 3). In all experiments, the retention interval manipulation made the biggest contribution to performance, with accuracy decreasing as the retention interval was lengthened from 2 s to 10 s. These results pose problems for interference and temporal distinctiveness models of memory but are compatible with temporal forgetting mechanisms such as decay.  相似文献   

We show that perceived size of visual stimuli can be altered by matches between the contents of visual short-term memory and stimuli in the scene. Observers were presented with a colour cue (to hold in working memory or to merely identify) and subsequently had to indicate which of the two different-coloured objects presented simultaneously on the screen appeared bigger (or smaller). One of the two objects for size judgements had the same colour as the cue (matching stimulus) and the other did not (mismatching stimulus). Perceived object size was decreased by the reappearance of the recently seen cue, as there were more size judgement errors on trials where the matching stimulus was physically bigger (relative to the mismatching stimulus) than on trials where the matching stimulus was physically smaller. The effect occurred regardless of whether the visual cue was actively maintained in working memory or was merely identified. The effect was unlikely generated by the allocation of attention, because shifting attention to a visual stimulus actually increased its perceived size. The findings suggest that visual short-term memory, whether explicit or implicit, can decrease the perceived size of subsequent visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Visual perception of shape is affected by coding of local convexities and concavities. For instance, a recent study reported that deviations from symmetry carried by convexities were easier to detect than deviations carried by concavities. We removed some confounds and extended this work from a detection of reflection of a contour (i.e., bilateral symmetry), to a detection of repetition of a contour (i.e., translational symmetry). We tested whether any convexity advantage is specific to bilateral symmetry in a two-interval (Experiment 1) and a single-interval (Experiment 2) detection task. In both, we found a convexity advantage only for repetition. When we removed the need to choose which region of the contour to monitor (Experiment 3) the effect disappeared. In a second series of studies, we again used shapes with multiple convex or concave features. Participants performed a change detection task in which only one of the features could change. We did not find any evidence that convexities are special in visual short-term memory, when the to-be-remembered features only changed shape (Experiment 4), when they changed shape and changed from concave to convex and vice versa (Experiment 5), or when these conditions were mixed (Experiment 6). We did find a small advantage for coding convexity as well as concavity over an isolated (and thus ambiguous) contour. The latter is consistent with the known effect of closure on processing of shape. We conclude that convexity plays a role in many perceptual tasks but that it does not have a basic encoding advantage over concavity.  相似文献   

Are the effects of memory and attention on perception synergistic, antagonistic, or independent? Tested separately, memory and attention have been shown to affect the accuracy of orientation judgements. When multiple stimuli are presented sequentially versus simultaneously, error variance is reduced. When a target is validly cued, precision is increased. What if they are manipulated together? We combined memory and attention manipulations in an orientation judgement task to answer this question. Two circular gratings were presented sequentially or simultaneously. On some trials a brief luminance cue preceded the stimuli. Participants were cued to report the orientation of one of the two gratings by rotating a response grating. We replicated the finding that error variance is reduced on sequential trials. Critically, we found interacting effects of memory and attention. Valid cueing reduced the median, absolute error only when two stimuli appeared together and improved it to the level of performance on uncued sequential trials, whereas invalid cueing always increased error. This effect was not mediated by cue predictiveness; however, predictive cues reduced the standard deviation of the error distribution, whereas nonpredictive cues reduced “guessing”. Our results suggest that, when the demand on memory is greater than a single stimulus, attention is a bottom-up process that prioritizes stimuli for consolidation. Thus attention and memory are synergistic.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to investigate the effect of action on the preservation of stored feature bindings. Prior research suggests that stimuli presented after a memory array can disrupt the feature bindings of memory array items. Here, we conducted three experiments to examine whether response to targets disrupts feature bindings. Two of four letters (A, B, C, D) were presented in a memory array, and were followed by a second array containing a single target letter. After either identifying or localizing the target letter, participants were required to report the identity or location of the memory array items. There was a deficit in memory performance involving spatial repetition when participants were required to localize targets, and involving identity repetition when participants were required to identify targets. We conclude that response codes are fundamentally linked to stimulus representations, and can affect retrieval from visual working memory.  相似文献   

Wood JN 《Cognition》2008,108(2):357-532
Humans spend a considerable amount of time remembering other individuals' actions. Nevertheless, it is unclear how the visual system stores information about the identities of agents and their actions. To address this, I used a change detection method where observers were asked to remember agents and the actions they performed. Results show that observers can maintain information about both 2-3 agents and 2-3 actions simultaneously. However, they are highly impaired for remembering which agent performed which action, indicating that agent and action information are retained separately in visual working memory. Further experiments show that agent and action information can be bound together when the visual input contains the appropriate cues. However, this binding process significantly reduces the total amount of information that can be retained. Together, these results show that (1) an additional, resource-demanding process is needed to integrate agent and action information stored in separate working memory stores, and (2) the extent to which these two types of information are bound into integrated units depends largely on the presence of specific cues in the visual input.  相似文献   

Justin N. Wood 《Visual cognition》2013,21(10):1464-1485
What frame of reference do we use to remember observed movements? One possibility is that visual working memory (VWM) retains movement information using a retinotopic frame of reference: A coordinate system with respect to the retina that retains view-dependent information. Alternatively, VWM might retain movement information using an allocentric frame of reference: A coordinate system with respect to the scene that retains view-invariant information. To address this question, I examined whether VWM retains view-dependent or view-invariant movement information. Results show that (1) observers have considerable difficulty remembering from which viewpoints they observed movements after a few seconds' delay, and (2) the same number of movements can be retained in VWM whether the movements are encoded and tested from the same viewpoint or from different viewpoints. Thus, movement representations contain little to no view-dependent information, which suggests that VWM uses an allocentric reference frame to retain movement information.  相似文献   

How does the affective nature of task stimuli modulate working memory (WM)? This study investigates whether WM maintains emotional information in a biased manner to meet the motivational principle of approaching positivity and avoiding negativity by retaining more approach-related positive content over avoidance-related negative content. This bias may exist regardless of individual differences in WM functionality, as indexed by WM capacity (overall bias hypothesis). Alternatively, this bias may be contingent on WM capacity (capacity-based hypothesis), in which a better WM system may be more likely to reveal an adaptive bias. In two experiments, participants performed change localisation tasks with emotional and non-emotional stimuli to estimate the number of items that they could retain for each of those stimuli. Although participants did not seem to remember one type of emotional content (e.g. happy faces) better than the other type of emotional content (e.g. sad faces), there was a significant correlation between WM capacity and affective bias. Specifically, participants with higher WM capacity for non-emotional stimuli (colours or line-drawing symbols) tended to maintain more happy faces over sad faces. These findings demonstrated the presence of a “built-in” affective bias in WM as a function of its systematic limitations, favouring the capacity-based hypothesis.  相似文献   

The role of extrafoveal information in visual short-term memory has been investigated relatively little, and, in most existing studies, using verbalisable stimuli susceptible to the recruitment of long-term memory (LTM). In addition, little is known about the impact of extrafoveal information available pre- and posttarget foveation, as it is typical to provide extrafoveal information prior to the foveation of memory targets. In this study, two object-position recognition experiments were conducted (each with two conditions) to establish the impact of extrafoveal information provided before and after the foveation of memory targets. Stimuli comprised 1/f noise discs that minimised the recruitment of LTM by eliminating verbal and semantic cues. Overall, a greater hit rate was found where extrafoveal information was available; however, performance analyses in which extrafoveal information was considered relative to the temporal lag at which target stimuli were foveated reveals both costs and benefits. A beneficial effect arose only where extrafoveal information was provided after the target had been foveated, but not prior to target foveation. Findings are discussed in terms of recency and extrafoveal perception effects, incorporating a postfoveation object-file refresh mechanism.  相似文献   

We investigated the nature of the bandwidth limit in the consolidation of visual information into visual short-term memory. In the first two experiments, we examined whether previous results showing differential consolidation bandwidth for colour and orientation resulted from methodological differences by testing the consolidation of colour information with methods used in prior orientation experiments. We briefly presented two colour patches with masks, either sequentially or simultaneously, followed by a location cue indicating the target. Participants identified the target colour via buttonpress (Experiment 1) or by clicking a location on a colour wheel (Experiment 2). Although these methods have previously demonstrated that two orientations are consolidated in a strictly serial fashion, here we found equivalent performance in the sequential and simultaneous conditions, suggesting that two colours can be consolidated in parallel. To investigate whether this difference resulted from different consolidation mechanisms or a common mechanism with different features consuming different amounts of bandwidth, Experiment 3 presented a colour patch and an oriented grating either sequentially or simultaneously. We found a lower performance in the simultaneous than the sequential condition, with orientation showing a larger impairment than colour. These results suggest that consolidation of both features share common mechanisms. However, it seems that colour requires less information to be encoded than orientation. As a result, two colours can be consolidated in parallel without exceeding the bandwidth limit, whereas two orientations or an orientation and a colour exceed the bandwidth and appear to be consolidated serially.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have established that visual working memory has a limited capacity that increases during childhood. However, debate continues over the source of capacity limits and its developmental increase. Simmering (2008) adapted a computational model of spatial cognitive development, the Dynamic Field Theory, to explain not only the source of capacity limitations but also the developmental mechanism. Capacity is limited by the balance between excitation and inhibition that maintains multiple neural representations simultaneously in the model. Development occurs according to the Spatial Precision Hypothesis, which proposes that excitatory and inhibitory connections strengthen throughout early childhood. These changes in connectivity result in increasing precision and stability of neural representations over development. Here we test this developmental mechanism by probing children's memory in a single-item change detection task. Results confirmed the model's predictions, providing further support for this account of visual working memory capacity development.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that visual attention can be automatically captured by sensory inputs that match the contents of visual working memory. However, Woodman and Luck (2007) showed that information in working memory can be used flexibly as a template for either selection or rejection according to task demands. We report two experiments that extend their work. Participants performed a visual search task while maintaining items in visual working memory. Memory items were presented for either a short or long exposure duration immediately prior to the search task. Memory was tested by a change-detection task immediately afterwards. On a random half of trials items in memory matched either one distractor in the search task (Experiment 1) or three (Experiment 2). The main result was that matching distractors speeded or slowed target detection depending on whether memory items were presented for a long or short duration. These effects were more in evidence with three matching distractors than one. We conclude that the influence of visual working memory on visual search is indeed flexible but is not solely a function of task demands. Our results suggest that attentional capture by perceptual inputs matching information in visual working memory involves a fast automatic process that can be overridden by a slower top-down process of attentional avoidance.  相似文献   

Is visual representation of an object affected by whether surrounding objects are identical to it, different from it, or absent? To address this question, we tested perceptual priming, visual short-term, and long-term memory for objects presented in isolation or with other objects. Experiment 1 used a priming procedure, where the prime display contained a single face, four identical faces, or four different faces. Subjects identified the gender of a subsequent probe face that either matched or mismatched with one of the prime faces. Priming was stronger when the prime was four identical faces than when it was a single face or four different faces. Experiments 2 and 3 asked subjects to encode four different objects presented on four displays. Holding memory load constant, visual memory was better when each of the four displays contained four duplicates of a single object, than when each display contained a single object. These results suggest that an object's perceptual and memory representations are enhanced when presented with identical objects, revealing redundancy effects in visual processing.  相似文献   

We examined dysfunctional memory processing of facial expressions in relation to alexithymia. Individuals with high and low alexithymia, as measured by the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), participated in a visual search task (Experiment 1A) and a change-detection task (Experiments 1B and 2), to assess differences in their visual short-term memory (VSTM). In the visual search task, the participants were asked to judge whether all facial expressions (angry and happy faces) in the search display were the same or different. In the change-detection task, they had to decide whether all facial expressions changed between successive two displays. We found individual differences only in the change-detection task. Individuals with high alexithymia showed lower sensitivity for the happy faces compared to the angry faces, while individuals with low alexithymia showed sufficient recognition for both facial expressions. Experiment 2 examined whether individual differences were observed during early storage or later retrieval stage of the VSTM process using a single-probe paradigm. We found no effect of single-probe, indicating that individual differences occurred at the storage stage. The present results provide new evidence that individuals with high alexithymia show specific impairment in VSTM processes (especially the storage stage) related to happy but not to angry faces.  相似文献   

通过操纵Flanker任务相对于视觉工作记忆任务的呈现位置, 探讨在视觉工作记忆编码和保持阶段, 精度负载和容量负载对注意选择的影响。行为结果发现, Flanker任务呈现位置和视觉工作记忆负载类型影响注意选择; ERP结果发现, 在保持阶段, 当搜索目标和干扰项不一致时, 负载类型影响N2成分。研究表明, 在编码阶段, 视觉工作记忆负载主要通过占用更多知觉资源降低干扰效应, 支持知觉负载理论; 而在保持阶段, 当Flanker任务位于记忆项内部时, 两类负载在工作记忆表征过程中不同的神经活动导致投入到注意选择的认知控制资源不同, 可能是两类负载影响保持阶段注意选择的机制。  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that working memory capacity (WMC) is related to visual attention when selection of critical information must be made in the face of distraction. The present study examines whether WMC-related differences in flanker task performance might be decreased by displays that are designed to support bottom-up guidance of attention. Participants were required to respond to a centrally located target while ignoring a peripheral flanker. In one condition, bottom-up support was provided by embedding the target in a row of zeros. In another condition, the zeros were removed, thus emphasizing the role of top-down attention in selecting spatially defined information. It was found that the inclusion of zeros led to the elimination of WMC-related flanker effects. We conclude that bottom-up attentional guidance can attenuate the role of WMC in selective attention.  相似文献   

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