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"形"、"神"视角下的中西医学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中西医学的比较研究中 ,一个源头性的差异常常不被人们所重视 ,这就是中西医学对人的机体 (形 )与机能 (神 )研究、认识、把握上的重大差异。中医学以“神”为中心的认识活动与西医学以“形”为中心的认识活动是两种医学存在的所有差异的根源。1 形神视角下的中西医学起源1.1 巫医一体时期的“形”与“神”在人类早期的医学相关活动中 ,人无法认识自身的精神与机体活动。就如恩格斯所说 ,“在远古时代 ,人们还完全不知道自己的身体的构造 ,并且受梦中景象的影响 ,于是就产生了一种观念 :他们的思维和感觉不是他们身体的活动 ,而是一种独…  相似文献   

范爱侍 《天风》2004,(2):10-11
神子耶稣降世,宣告神是爱。神的爱显明在他将独生爱子赐给他们,让他道成肉身,住在他们中间;更显明在他以爱子为赎罪羔羊,以其尊贵圣洁的生命,在十架上为人赎罪,承担了他们律法上应受的刑罚与咒诅。  相似文献   

道教的"神符"和书法艺术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
道教的“神符”是一种特殊的书法艺术符咒是重要道术。许慎《说文》:“符,信也。汉制以竹,长六寸,分而相合。”《汉书·文帝纪》:“初与郡守为铜虎符、竹使符。”应邵注曰:“国家当发兵遣使者,至郡合符,符合乃听受之。”张晏曰:“符以代古之圭璋。”镌刻篆书于竹简上,半留京师,半予郡守,使达帝王旨意,符合是取信的凭证。道士书符以召役鬼神或即沿用其意而来。以为天神垂符图,示以云采图像,即所谓“云篆”,录之而神符。又以为天神降授神符,焚之取信天神,可役使、召劾不同司职的鬼神,或镇邪祛疾,或倒转日月,或称位五岳。《山海经》记有一则神…  相似文献   

<黄帝内经>认为神是先天之精(生殖细胞精)与后天之精(营养物质)相互作用的产物,是精这种物质的动态形式,是人体机能活动状态,包括魂、魄、意、志以及思、虑、智等.  相似文献   

对于恶的难题,传统神义论由于忽略了“上帝”与人类语言中“上帝的概念”之间的差别,从而造成了上帝似乎需要在人的理性面前称义的局面。普兰丁格为此提出了一种“辩护”的替代方案,试图说明上帝允许苦难与恶的可能原因。普兰丁格还以旧约人物约伯的故事为例说明,人不能以自己的理性假设来要求上帝。  相似文献   

论羌族的自然崇拜和多神信仰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“羌”原本是牧民之称号,“戎”是农耕民之称号。“羌”是牛羊崇拜和信仰的组合体,代表了羌人对牛羊神灵的自然崇拜。羌族宗教建立在万物有灵的基础上,是多神崇拜。羌绣以自然界中的万事万物及本民族的图腾纹样为常用的题材,是自然崇拜与多神信仰在手工艺术上的反映,表达了羌族人对大自然的爱护崇敬心情。 赵晓培,四川大学历史文化学院博士研究生。  相似文献   

泰山是五岳独尊的东岳,其神以“大帝”称之,地位显赫。历代帝王或巡狩、或封禅、或神祭、或褒封,奠定了泰山神———东岳大帝在道教诸神中的崇高地位,“被供奉为神灵界的王者”①。正史中有许多关于东岳大帝的记载,东岳庙也遍及全国大多数地方。本文将从泰山神———东岳大帝信仰的起源、东岳大帝的身世和职司、对泰山神的祭祀和褒封以及东岳大帝信仰的影响等问题入手,从东岳大帝信仰具体而微地反观道教神仙信仰所蕴含的敬畏自然、师法自然的人文精神、以及这种信仰对于人类社会进步所产生的积极意义。一、泰山神信仰源于对泰山的自然崇拜泰…  相似文献   

前贤未充分注意和深入研究《通书》之“神”及朱注、牟宗三的评论。周敦颐的《通书》明确以“神”为与“物”相对的形上存在,同时又有遍在性、微妙性、活动性。以“理”来诠释《通书》之“神”,是朱子注的重要特点。牟宗三认为,朱熹的“理”是存有不活动的“但理”,以这样的“理”论“神”,失落了《通书》之“神”本有的灵妙性。牟宗三对朱子之理的认识有其片面性,但他对《通书》之“神”内涵的揭示有其思想的深刻性,不失为一种富有新意的创造性阐释。牟宗三把诚体、神体、理体、心体贯通为一,认为这是一个整体的生生不息的天命流行之体,这些阐释对我们重新理解北宋理学有重要的思想意义。  相似文献   

翟奎凤 《现代哲学》2016,(5):115-120
《春秋繁露》中的神,主要可以概括为三个方面:作为祭祀对象的神(鬼神)、作为变化之道的神(化神)和作为生命主体的神(心神)。在董仲舒天人同构的观念下,天是最大的神,天子祭天有着绝对的神圣性,在任何时候都不可以懈怠荒废。通过祭祀,可以见到平常见不到的神。作为君主还要尊神、贵神,这里所说的神是讲最高统治者的修养,是化道之神,无形无象无声,是形而上的整体的一,它能主宰形下世界的变化。《春秋繁露》还讨论心神之义,认为只有平意、静神才能养气长生,这种虚静体神聚精的思想受到道家的一定影响。在董子看来,养生与治国是一个道理,身为国,心为君,这种身体政治观是中国传统文化的一个特色。董子认为,人的喜怒哀乐与天之春夏秋冬相应,是天道自然,只可顺调无滞,不可制止。  相似文献   

盖光 《管子学刊》2012,(2):44-49
“穷神知化”包蕴自然天地的“化”与“变”,亦呈现生命活动及“生生”运演的“化”与“变”.其中的“神”既有自然天地之德性内蕴的“神”性,也有人悟解生命实在与精神、德性品质及审美体验所蕴积的“神”性,并通过人的活动(社会、道德及艺术审美)的现实化、对象化而转化不断放射、放大.“穷神”亦呈现由理性的体认去穷究感性、现实事物及生命存在的本根,深测“大化”运行及内外转换的生态轨迹;“知化”也表征着人们通过感悟生命而润化生命,进而品味、悟解审美与艺术生态之妙的机理.中国古代艺术与审美中的“神”也经由自然生态之“神”、生命之“神”向人转化,通向人的精神之“神”,以凝化、结晶而成就艺术之“神性”.  相似文献   

东坡解易,本儒家“刚健有为、厚德载物”之精神,又博取道家“超然旷达”之思想,在北宋诸思想家中独树一帜。其核心主旨是:“学以致道”,“有心于学、无心于得”而得之;无心应物似水之元形而随物赋形,故苏轼崇尚水之外柔而内刚,从而旷达与执着成为苏东坡的人格追求;既注重德行又关注功业,崇德在于立业,通过德性修养从而有所作为于社会,实现由内圣向外王的转化。  相似文献   

“伦理精神”是本人伦理学研究中最基本、最有个性特点的核心概念,对它的涵义的理解应在世界道德哲学的语境中,结合“伦理”和“精神”各自的本质及其统一关系来进存。“价值生态”是“自然生态”概念的哲学提升和意义抽象,“伦理精神”和“价值生态”的结合是道德哲学的生态价值观和生态方法论。消解价值霸权,在“生态觉悟”中追求和达到“伦理学方法的超越”是“伦理精神的价值生态”命题和理论所试图探讨和解决的两个现实和学术课题。  相似文献   

张建波 《管子学刊》2009,(1):105-108
“乘物以游心”的庄子在乱世以自由逍遥的精神追求探究人生意义,执着的行魂史铁生处盛世思接远古,以个体的自由精神彰显生命本色。前者的自由精神是在时代之匣里对必然人生命运的结果性追求,后者的自由精神是于个体的偶然命运之殇里传递过程的美好。二者穿越时空对自由精神的多向度诉求使得人类的普世价值历久弥新。  相似文献   

This paper explores Nietzsche's account of the free spirit's genesis, as primarily given in the 1886 prefaces written for the works of his ‘free spirit trilogy’. In particular, it will focus on how what will be argued is the free spirit's distinguishing capacity for radical questioning is created out of the process described there. That is, it will examine how what Nietzsche calls, ‘the experience of sickness’, in enabling the free spirit's liberation, helps forge a mode of philosophical awareness which is not otherwise attainable. However, the second half of this paper goes on to explore how the success of this process is endangered by a certain psychological tendency to which free spirits are susceptible. In other words, the free spirit's chance of enduring those painful depths of sickness necessary for liberation is threatened by the appeal of ‘romantic pessimism’; a perspective which offers consolation by idealizing the sufferer's state. As such, then, in our final section, we will examine Nietzsche's efforts to combat this phenomenon. In particular, we will look at his advocacy of a specific kind of asceticism for this purpose, and with it his attempt to show how a true liberation of the spirit can be achieved.  相似文献   

苏轼站在义理易的立场,从卦爻结构的角度直接阐明了其解易宗旨.他在解卦中多以"卦合而言之"、"爻别而观之"以启文端.这就是<苏氏易传>在解卦实践中提出的"卦合爻别"说.我们可以从苏轼易学的立场、苏轼对易学史上卦爻结构观的考察以及对"卦合爻别"方法的实际运用,来理解苏轼在卦爻结构观上的"卦合爻别"说.  相似文献   

One of the key concepts of the German philosopher Max Scheler (1874–1928) is his concept of spirit. He understands spirit as one of several naturally functioning human mental agencies, such as consciousness, will, memory, etc. That is, he treats the mental agency of spirit in a scientific way and avoids any esoteric or religious connotations that this peculiar term may involve. The nature of human spirit, according to Scheler, is the ability to withstand and deliberately redirect biological imperatives and instinctive drives, up to the point of purposefully throwing away one’s own life. The presence of spirit constitutes the essence of the human being that differentiates him qualitatively from all animals. In this article, I argue that it is human spirit that plays the determinative role in causing heroic and self-sacrificial behavior. I also argue that the individual human spirit experiences its inherent development, thus having several rather dissimilar stages and manifestations. I discuss the meaning that the term ‘spirit’ has in the English and the American philosophical and psychological traditions and the meaning of the corresponding term ‘der Geist’ in the German traditions. The specific English-language understanding of the term ‘spirit’, compared to its German counterpart ‘der Geist’, namely, less scientific and more religious and esoteric and metaphorical for the former, makes it alien and almost unusable in the English and American traditions. The linguistic difference leads to the misunderstanding of some very important ideas brought by the concept of spirit as introduced by Scheler. My purpose is to overcome this discrepancy and omission and to introduce the notion and the concept of spirit, in their scientific understanding, into the arsenal of modern English-language cognitive science, psychology, and philosophy in order to provide for the full explanatory force of the hitherto neglected concept of spirit.  相似文献   

In his Logic, Hegel argues that evaluative judgments are comparisons between the reality of an individual object and the standard for that reality found in the object's own concept. Understood in this way, an object is bad (ugly, etc.) insofar as it fails to be what it is according to its concept. In his recent Life and Action, Michael Thompson has suggested that we can understand various kinds of natural defect (i.e., defects in living things) in a similar way, and that if we do, we can helpfully see intellectual and moral badness—irrationality and vice—as themselves varieties of natural defect. In this paper, I argue that Hegel's position on animal individuality denies the claim that irrationality and vice are forms of natural defect. Hegel's account of the individuality proper to the animal organism in the Philosophy of Nature clearly disallows evaluative judgments about animals and thereby establishes a well‐defined conceptual distinction between natural defect and intellectual or ethical—i.e., broadly spiritual or geistliche—defect. Hegel thus provides a way of maintaining the difference between nature and spirit within his broader commitment to a post‐Kantian conception of substantial form.  相似文献   

刍议恽代英精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
恽代英精神有着丰富的内涵,它集中体现在以下几个方面:爱国主义精神、为人民服务的精神、为崇高理想而奋斗的精神和追求真理、发展真理的精神。这种精神是对中华传统民族精神的升华,是毛泽东精神的组成部分,是21世纪中国人民继续奋发图强实现民族伟大复兴的精神动力。  相似文献   

Stimulated by Hugh Upton's recent article in this journal, in which he argues that there can be a moral duty to cheat in games, I attempt to examine his claims. Much of what he writes revolves around examples from two sports, cricket and rugby, and with differing connections to those games' rules. While the example from cricket is said to involve a breach of the spirit of that game, it is contravention of the written rules of rugby on which the latter part of Upton's case focuses. Given limited space I concentrate on the cricketing example, but several of the points I make about that apply also to when rule-breaking itself is involved. My conclusions express doubts about whether a case for a moral duty to cheat in games has been established.  相似文献   

While acknowledging a certain affinity between his own thought and the Vedanta concept of a world-soul or universal spirit, Josiah Royce nevertheless locates this concept primarily in what he terms the Second Conception of Being—Mysticism. In his early magnum opus, The World and the Individual (1990. New York, NY: Macmillan), Royce utilizes aspects of the Upanishads in order to flesh out his picture of the mystical understanding of and relationship to being. My primary concern in the present investigation is to introduce some nuance into Royce’s conception of Indian thought, which may then serve to suggest similar possibilities for nuance for Royce’s conception of the Absolute. I will attempt to do in two primary ways: first, I will consider Royce’s use of Indian thought via the Upanishads in explicating his second historical conception of Being. I will then turn briefly to Emerson’s poem ‘Brahma’ and the Bhagavad Gita to see if a certain reversal that occurs in both places problematizes Royce’s depiction of the universal spirit in Indian thought as well as opens up new possibilities for Royce’s own Absolute.  相似文献   

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