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Interaction among auditory dimensions: timbre, pitch, and loudness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In two experiments, we examined whether or not pairs of auditory dimensions--timbre-loudness (Experiment 1) and timbre-pitch (Experiment 2)--interact in speeded classification. Subjects classified values from one dimension while the other dimension was (1) held constant (baseline), (2) varied orthogonally (filtering), or (3) correlated linearly. The subjects showed substantial Garner interference when classifying all dimensions--that is, poor performance at filtering relative to baseline. Timbre and loudness displayed redundancy gain (i.e., performance faster than baseline) when correlated positively, but redundancy loss (i.e., interference) when correlated negatively. Timbre and pitch displayed redundancy gain however dimensions were correlated. Both pairs of dimensions showed substantial effects of congruity: Attributes from one dimension were classified faster when paired with "congruent" attributes from the other dimension. The results are interpreted in terms of an interactive multichannel model of auditory processing.  相似文献   

A series of “auditory Stroop” experiments is described. These demonstrate an effect of stimulus words presented on speed of judgments of speaker gender and, conversely, an influence of speaker gender on judgments of words presented. In an experiment in which responses to speaker gender were semantically related to, but not identical with, stimulus words, the auditory Stroop effect was attenuated but remained in evidence. Potential parallels between this auditory paradigm and the visual Stroop color/word effect are explored, and it is suggested that the Stroop effects in the two modalities operate along broadly similar lines. The search for a common causal mechanism would therefore be justified.  相似文献   

P Walker  S Smith 《Perception》1985,14(6):729-736
In a preliminary experiment subjects were asked to explore three wooden knobs of different sizes and to rate each one on a series of 7-point scales. The results confirmed that an object may possess a number of multimodal qualities that are contingent on its haptic size. The pattern of intercorrelations between the qualities was consistent with the pattern that is observed when subjects respond to pure auditory tones varying in pitch. For example, small (high-pitched) sounds, like small objects, are judged to be sharp, thin, light, weak, fast, tense, and bright. The main experiments used a paradigm based on the Stroop interference effect. Subjects were required to press one of two keys as quickly as possible depending on which of four possible words appeared in the centre of the screen. A 50 Hz or a 5500 Hz tone accompanied each test word, and subjects responded on two keys that differed in size. Subjects were found to respond more slowly when either the pitch of the incidental sound or the size of the key on which they responded was incongruent with the multimodal features represented by the test word. The results confirm that people are automatically and immediately sensitive to the multimodal features of a stimulus when direct sensory evidence for the features is absent.  相似文献   

P Walker  S Smith 《Perception》1986,15(4):491-496
A pure auditory tone has a range of multimodal qualities that are determined by its pitch. A reaction-time task was used to demonstrate that subjects respond immediately and automatically to these qualities. Subjects were required to press one of two keys depending on which word, from a limited set, appeared on a microcomputer screen. The words were antonyms that represented multimodal stimulus qualities, and they were assigned to alternative responses so that the two words that shared the same response were correlated in the same way with pitch. As an incidental stimulus, either a 50 Hz tone or a 5500 Hz tone accompanied the presentation of each word. Subjects were found to respond more slowly when the multimodal qualities of the tone were incongruent with the qualities represented by the test word. When the stimulus-response mapping rules were changed, however, the Stroop effect did not occur; suggesting that a polarised semantic code of the incidental tone, that embraces its multimodal features, accesses the same semantic register as the equivalent code for the test word itself.  相似文献   

We examined the pitch and temporal acuity of auditory expectations/images formed under attentional-cuing and imagery task conditions, in order to address whether auditory expectations and auditory images are functionally equivalent. Across three experiments, we observed that pitch acuity was comparable between the two task conditions, whereas temporal acuity deteriorated in the imagery task. A fourth experiment indicated that the observed pitch acuity could not be attributed to implicit influences of the primed context alone. Across the experiments, image acuity in both pitch and time was better in listeners with more musical training. The results support a view that auditory images are multifaceted and that their acuity along any given dimension depends partially on the context in which they are formed.  相似文献   

A pediatric auditory version of the Stroop procedure was developed and administered to 48 normal children from 3 to 6 years of age. Our purpose was to define the developmental course characterizing interaction between auditory and semantic speech dimensions in young children. The procedure was a reaction time (RT) task that required children to respond as quickly and as accurately as possible to words spoken by a male or a female voice. Children were instructed to ignore what was said and to push the "Mommy" button if Mommy was talking or the "Daddy" button if Daddy was talking. Performance was obtained for words with neutral, congruent, and conflicting semantic content. Preschool children manifested processing dependencies that were similar to those observed in adults on the visual Stroop procedure. Conflict between semantic and auditory dimensions significantly increased RT and congruence between the two dimensions significantly decreased RT relative to the neutral condition. The pattern of results indicated that the meaning of words was processed automatically in the normal children. The magnitude of the Stroop effect reflected developmental change with increasing age.  相似文献   

The effect of a stimulus suffix on immediate serial recall of lists of tones was assessed with 50- and 350-msec complex tones. Although recency effects were not found under the control conditions, the addition of a stimulus suffix significantly degraded recall at the final serial position for both stimulus durations. The implications of these results for models of auditory memory and speech perception are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated how auditory processing is modulated by expectations for time and pitch by analyzing reaction times and event-related potentials (ERPs). In two experiments, tone sequences were presented to the participants, who had to discriminate whether the last tone of the sequence contained a short gap or was continuous (Experiment 1: go/nogo, Experiment 2: choice reaction). Expectations were induced by varying the temporal and pitch regularity of the sequence. Results were consistent across both experiments. Expectations for both time and pitch were associated with faster responding. Both temporal and pitch expectations led to an attenuation of the auditory N1, thus indicating a modulation of early, perceptual processing by temporal and pitch expectations. Effects of temporal expectations were also evident in a P300-like deflection, suggesting that temporal expectations also affect decision- or response-related processing stages.  相似文献   

Examined how pitch and loudness correspond to brightness. In the Experiment 1, 16 Ss identified which of 2 lights more resembled each of 16 tones; in Experiment 2, 8 of the same 16 Ss rated the similarity of lights to lights, tones to tones, and lights to tones. (1) Pitch and loudness both contributed to cross-modal similarity, but for most Ss pitch contributed more. (2) Individuals differed as to whether pitch or loudness contributed more; these differences were consistent across matching and similarity scaling. (3) Cross-modal similarity depended largely on relative stimulus values. (4) Multidimensional scaling revealed 2 perceptual dimensions, loudness and pitch, with brightness common to both. A simple quantitative model can describe the cross-modal comparisons, compatible with the view that perceptual similarity may be characterized through a malleable spatial representation that is multimodal as well as multidimensional.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, nonmetric analyses of estimates of similarity and difference were used to generate a scale of loudness for 1,200-Hz tones varying in intensity. For both similarity and difference estimates, loudness was found to grow approximately as the 0.26 power of sound pressure. In Experiment 2, nomnetric analyses of estimates of similarity and difference were used to generate a scale of pitch for 83.3-dB pure tones varying in frequency. For both similarity and difference estimates, pitch was found to vary with frequency in accordance with the mel scale.  相似文献   

Interval scales of sensory magnitude were derived from magnitude and category estimates of loudness differences, loudness similarities, pitch differences, and pitch similarities. In each of the four loudness experiments, a loudness scale was constructed from a nonmetric analysis of the rank order of the judgments. The four loudness scales so constructed were found to be equivalent to one another and indicated that loudness was a power function of sound pressure with an exponent of .29. A similar analysis for the four pitch experiments found the pitch scales derived in each case to be equivalent to one another and linear with the mel scale of pitch. Thus the same sensory and similarities for two distinct perceptual continua. For both pitch and loudness, these sensory scales were used to generate scales of sensory differences. A comparison of the category and magnitude estimates of sensory differences with the scale of sensory differences derived from the nonmetric analyses indicated the presence of significant response biases in both category and magnitude estimation procedures.  相似文献   

The author investigated the conditions under which a congruent or incongruent orientation word affects processing of the orientation of visual objects. Participants named the orientation of a rectangle that partially occluded another rectangle. Congruent or incongruent orientation words appeared in the relevant object, in the irrelevant object, or in the background. There were two main results. First, congruent orientation words produced faster orientation-naming responses than incongruent orientation words. This finding constituted a new Stroop effect for spatial orientation. Second, only words in the relevant (i.e., attended) object produced Stroop effects, whereas words outside the relevant object had no significant effects. This object-dependent modulation of Stroop effects resembled previous findings with color-naming tasks, and hence indicated that these modulations are not restricted to a particular type of task. In summary, results suggested that object-based attention plays an important role in processing of irrelevant words.  相似文献   

This article extends an imputed pitch velocity model of the auditory kappa effect proposed by Henry and McAuley (2009a) to the auditory tau effect. Two experiments were conducted using an AXB design in which listeners judged the relative pitch of a middle target tone (X) in ascending and descending three-tone sequences. In Experiment 1, sequences were isochronous, establishing constant fast, medium, and slow velocity conditions. No systematic distortions in perceived target pitch were observed, and thresholds were similar across velocity conditions. Experiment 2 introduced to-be-ignored variations in target timing. Variations in target timing that deviated from constant velocity conditions introduced systematic distortions in perceived target pitch, indicative of a robust auditory tau effect. Consistent with an auditory motion hypothesis, the magnitude of the tau effect was larger at faster velocities. In addition, the tau effect was generally stronger for descending sequences than for ascending sequences. Combined with previous work on the auditory kappa effect, the imputed velocity model and associated auditory motion hypothesis provide a unified quantitative account of both auditory tau and kappa effects. In broader terms, these findings add support to the view that pitch and time relations in auditory patterns are fundamentally interdependent.  相似文献   

An auditory cue-depreciation effect.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An experiment is reported in which subjects first heard a list of words and then tried to identify these same words from degraded utterances. Paralleling previous findings in the visual modality, the probability of identifying a given utterance was reduced when the utterance was immediately preceded by other, more degraded, utterances of the same word. A second experiment replicated this "cue-depreciation effect" and in addition found the effect to be weakened, if not eliminated, when the target word was not included in the initial list or when the test was delayed by two days.  相似文献   

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