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本文将对一个哲学家极少谈及但不失为哲学敏感话题的概念进行一番梳理,以此促进吾侪对其之理解.我试图证明的是,理解这一概念可以借助比较研究的方法.  相似文献   

徐笑含  谢新秀  邵志芳 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1338-1342
知觉学习是指知觉能力随着知觉训练或经验逐渐改变的现象。它具有特异性-迁移性,可以根据时程划分为快速学习和慢速学习。知觉学习意味着与知觉直接对应的脑区神经元激活方式的变化,并且与注意有着一定的联系。目前周边视觉的知觉学习研究已有一些成果:对于非语词刺激,随着练习,判断目标刺激(例如刺激朝向、游标视敏度)的能力,有很大的提升;对于语词刺激,周边视觉的知觉学习可以帮助提高阅读速度。可以通过提高视觉广度来提高周边视觉的阅读速度。周边视觉的知觉学习还有着重大应用价值,可以帮助中央凹视觉缺损的人们提高周边视觉能力,帮助恢复阅读能力。  相似文献   

The starting point of this article is the undeniable experience of conscious willing despite its rejection by scientific research. The article starts a phenomenology of willing at the level of the (epi)phenomenon of willing itself, without assuming its embeddedness in a faculty of the soul, consciousness and so forth. After the introduction, a brief history of the philosophy of willing is provided, from which the paradoxical conclusion is drawn that, according to phenomenologists like Heidegger and his followers, the dominance of the will is the main characteristic of the current age, whereas scientists deny the existence of a conscious will at all. Then, four structural moments of the phenomenon of willing are explored in contrast to traditional characterizations in order to rehabilitate and appreciate the phenomenon of willing in contemporary philosophy: the interconnectedness of the one who wills and that which is willed, the transcendence and demand character of that which is willed, the self-involvement of the one who wills and the ampliative nature of the act of willing. To this end, not only sources from the phenomenological tradition but also the affordance theory of the ecological psychologist James Gibson are critically discussed.  相似文献   

The contributions of private self-consciousness and absorption in explaining boredom proneness were investigated. University students enrolled at a public university in the southeastern United States completed a packet containing the Boredom Proneness Scale (BPS; R. Farmer & N. D. Sundberg, 1986), the Self-Consciousness Scale (SCS; A. Fenigstein, M. F. Scheier, & A. H. Buss, 1975), the Tellegen Absorption Scale (TAS; A. Tellegen & G. Atkinson, 1974), the Need for Cognition Scale (NCS; J. T. Cacioppo, R. E. Petty, & C. F. Kao, 1984), and a demographic questionnaire. Scores on the Boredom Proneness subscale, Internal Stimulation, which indicates the difficulty in keeping oneself interested and entertained, were significantly lower for individuals high in absorption (a measure of attention). Individuals high in positive self-awareness, representing awareness of one's internal states, reported lower overall boredom. Individuals high in negative self-awareness, which focuses on evaluation and judgment, reported increased total boredom proneness scores. Implications of these findings for the treatment of boredom proneness and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生无聊倾向问卷的初步编制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在文献分析基础上,结合国外常用的无聊倾向量表,通过开放式问卷、访谈等方法,编制适用于我国大学生的无聊倾向问卷。并对972名大学生进行测查,采用探索性因素分析对无聊倾向性的结构进行剖析。结果表明:(1)问卷分为两个维度:外部刺激和内部刺激;(2)这两个维度由6个因子组成:单调性、约束性、孤独感、紧张感、自控力和创造力;(3)问卷具有较好的信效度,是测量大学生无聊指数的有效工具。  相似文献   

This research presents a review of the psychometric measures on boredom that have been developed over the past 25 years. Specifically, the author examined the Boredom Proneness Scale (BPS; R. Farmer & N. D. Sundberg, 1986), the job boredom scales by E. A. Grubb (1975) and T. W. Lee (1986), a boredom coping measure (J. A. Hamilton, R. J. Haier, & M. S. Buchsbaum, 1984). 2 scales that assess leisure and free-time boredom (S. E. Iso-Ahola & E. Weissinger, 1990; M. G. Ragheb & S. P. Merydith, 2001), the Sexual Boredom Scale (SBS; J. D. Watt & J. E. Ewing, 1996), and the Boredom Susceptibility (BS) subscale of the Sensation Seeking Scale (M. Zuckerman, 1979a). Particular attention is devoted to discussing the literature regarding the psychometric properties of the BPS because it is the only full-scale measure on the construct of boredom.  相似文献   

Fostering oral communication competences constitutes a primary goal of higher education. However, research on the acquisition process is sparse, especially when the role of learning-related emotions is considered. Based on control-value theory, this study therefore investigated the interplay between learning-related boredom and enjoyment and the build-up of moderation competence throughout an university course to foster oral competences. A longitudinal quasi-experimental study with two teaching conditions was conducted. About 160 students were assigned either to a control group (CG: autonomy supportive teaching enriched with basic levels of competence support and relatedness support) or an experimental group (EG: autonomy supportive teaching enriched with high levels of competence support and relatedness support). Perceived moderation competence and emotions were assessed three times (T) by self-report: after completion of the course introduction (T1), half way (T2), and at the end of the course (T3). The students’ behavioral performance during a practical moderation exam was graded at T3. Path analyses revealed differential effects of enjoyment and boredom on students’ perceived moderation competence and their grades over time: an activating, learning-enhancing effect of enjoyment on moderation competence was demonstrated, especially if teachers supported students’ experience of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Boredom, in contrast, had a detrimental effect on the behavioral performance in the practical moderation exam.  相似文献   

五、易佛补儒 如前所述,"三教融合"与"中西会通"是中国哲学思想发展的总趋势,其焦点是两次中国本土自生学术系统与印、欧外来异质思想文化的冲突与融会;但仔细考察晚明的"三教归一"思潮,它并不同于唐宋之际的"三教融合".  相似文献   

Marion Bowman   《Religion》2009,39(2):161-168
In this article some of the experiences and insights gained from roughly fifteen years of conducting a long term study of Glastonbury are examined. Glastonbury, a small town in the south west of England, has become a multivalent pilgrimage site for a variety of spiritual seekers, and an icon of integrative spirituality (my preferred term for ‘alternative’ or ‘New Age’ spirituality).The concept of vernacular religion is explained, and its appropriateness in relation to both place-centred study and research into integrative spirituality is demonstrated. The rationale and some of the methodological complexities underlying this type of study are explored, and some of the trends and phenomena that the long term observation of one location has revealed are considered. The contextual detail and depth of knowledge gained from such long term study feed into an appreciation of both the internal dynamics of Christianity in Glastonbury, for example, and the growing institutionalisation of the Glastonbury Goddess movement and the spread of its influence through a variety of conduits. The role of the internet in framing expectations and presentations of Glastonbury is examined, and research relating to its unique spiritual service industry is briefly summarised.While Glastonbury is by no means ‘typical’, it is indicative of a number of trends in relation to ‘integrative’ spirituality and therefore lessons learned from there can have wider implications for the study of phenomena increasingly common in the contemporary milieu.  相似文献   

本文从考辨"西学"原型、追寻晚明士大夫与传教士"会通中西"之哲学深意上立说,运用概念辨析与历史重构相结合的哲学史方法,分析论证了晚明新起的学术思潮,及"预流"于其中的"少数创造者"士大夫与传教士群体之学术旨趣及其"近代"意义.认为:晚明以利玛窦为代表的欧洲传教士输入的"西学"原型,是以"天学"为核心的亦宗教亦哲学、亦政治、亦科技的复合体;以李贽、焦竑为代表的"三教归一"论和以徐光启、王徵为代表的"中西会通"论,这两股学术思潮共同导致了晚明王朝的理论危机;利玛窦立足于"天学"的宗教立场,徐光启立足于"理学"之哲学立场,共同确立了"易佛补儒"的"中国式"传教总策略,利本想依此进入中国士大夫上层社会以传播福音,徐本想依此恢复"朱学正脉",以挽救王学末流丧失儒家经学支柱之危机,结果却因意想不到的宗教角色向学术角色的转换,造成了千载难逢的"中西会通"之历史机遇,出现了"会通中西"之大量科技成果.<畏天爱人极论>是泾阳王徵的哲学创作,它是以"理学"会通"天学"的神哲学范例,其价值不在科技著作之下.  相似文献   

A detailed review of the psychometric measures of boredom was published approximately 12 years ago (Vodanovich, 2003). Since that time, numerous studies have been conducted on existing scales, and new measures of boredom have been developed. Given these assessment advancements, an updated review of self-report boredom scales is warranted. The primary focus of the current review is research published since 2003, and it includes a total of 16 boredom scales. The measures reviewed consist of two trait assessments (Boredom Proneness Scale, Boredom Susceptibility subscale of the Sensation Seeking Scale), five context-specific trait boredom scales (Boredom Coping Scale, Leisure Boredom Scale, Free Time Boredom Scale, Sexual Boredom Scale, Relational Boredom Scale), three assessments of state boredom (Multidimensional State Boredom Scale, State Boredom Measure, Boredom Experience Scale), and six context-specific state boredom measures–Lee's Job Boredom Scale, Dutch Boredom Scale, Boredom Coping Scale (Academic), the Boredom subscale of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire, Academic Boredom Scale, Precursors to Boredom Scale. In addition to providing a review of these measures, a brief critique of each scale is included, as well as suggestions for needed research focus.  相似文献   

This study discusses a model of group counseling, the narrative mediation path (NMP), which is a unique narrative, multimodal approach that combines four narrative modes (metaphoric, iconographic, writing, and bodily) and the narrative group. The purpose of the NMP is to foster reflexive processes with underachieving university students and to improve their academic performance. The study analyzes a single case of group counseling for seven underachieving economics students at an Italian university and the process of meaning construction among NMP narrative modes and the follow-up session. It applies the innovative moments coding system, a reliable method for studying change by tracking narrative innovations in sessions. More specifically, we focus on how innovative moments (IMs: action, reflection, protest, and reconceptualization) evolve during the four different narrative modes and the follow-up session. The findings suggest that the NMP fosters narrative innovations, mainly of a reflexive nature (reflection and reconceptualization). Moreover, during counseling and the follow-up session, the pattern of change is primarily characterized by reconceptualization IMs, the most complex form of narrative innovation.  相似文献   

This investigation found that children use three implicit and incorrect rules when comparing decimal numbers and that these rules are intermediate levels of response in the process of learning decimal numbers. The rules are intermediate in that: (a) the frequency of their use by children decreases from the fourth grade to the seventh grade; and (b) when a child is able to give a correct answer to the comparison of two decimal numbers, it is possible to induce use of the rules by giving the child more than two numbers to compare. These findings are interpreted as evidence that intermediate cognitive tools, which respond successfully to most of the tasks encountered early in learning, continue to coexist with more advanced tools.  相似文献   

Previous evidence suggests that amnesics can categorize stimuli as well as normal individuals but are significantly worse at recognizing those stimuli. In an extreme case, a profoundly amnesic individual, E.P., was found to have near-normal categorization, yet, unlike most amnesics, was unable to recognize better than chance. This evidence has been used to argue against the possibility that a common memory system underlies these cognitive processes. However, we provide evidence that the experimental procedures typically used to test amnesic individuals may be flawed in that initial exposure to category members may be unnecessary to observe accurate categorization of test stimuli. We experimentally "induced" profound amnesia in normal individuals by telling them they had viewed subliminally presented stimuli, which were never actually presented. Using the same experimental paradigm used to test amnesics, we observed that participants' recognition performance was completely at chance, as should be expected, yet categorization performance was quite good.  相似文献   

This study investigated how varying the lexical encodings of technical terms in multiple texts influences learners' dyadic processing of scientific-related information. Fifty-seven pairs of college students read journalistic texts on depression. Each partner in a dyad received one text; for half of the dyads the partner's text contained different lexical encodings of the same concepts; for the other half the lexical encodings and texts were identical. They then read a case report on first signs of depression. Communicating via a chat room, each dyad had to write a causal diagnosis and suggest a treatment. Results showed that dyads in the different-encoding condition explicitly elaborated the meaning of technical terms more often, produced more differentiated answers, and acquired more knowledge. It is concluded that deliberately switching different words for the same underlying content, and engaging students in discussion of that content, influences learners' discourse and promotes scientific/conceptual understanding.  相似文献   

科学发展观视野中的环境正义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
科学发展观认为 ,环境正义是历史的、社会的、具体的。它追求的是“合理的发展”,关注的是发展的意义 ,即“为了什么发展”和“什么样的发展才是好的发展”,这一发展的核心问题。科学发展观强调 ,要实现环境保护与可持续发展的目标 ,就要同时处理和调节多重层面的正义问题 ,那种笼统的环境主张只能带来美好而不切实际的想象 ,恰当的环境理念才是人们保护环境的现实动力和精神支柱。  相似文献   

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