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Running in Circles about Begging the Question   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In a published exchange, Richard Robinson and Roy A. Sorenson debate the matter of whether begging the question is a fallacy; Robinson thinks it is not, but Sorenson argues that it is. Norman Ten attempts to resolve this debate by making a distinction between begging the question and fallaciously begging the question. While Teng is right to note that Robinson and Sorenson are talking past each other, he incorrectly diagnoses the source of this miscommunication. In this paper, then, I offer what I take to be a more illuminating distinction 3; viz. that between logical and rhetorical fallacies 3; and employ that distinction to resolve the debate.  相似文献   

Simultaneous factor analysis of dichotomous variables in several groups   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new method is proposed for a simultaneous factor analysis of dichotomous responses from several groups of individuals. The method makes it possible to compare factor loading pattern, factor variances and covariances, and factor means over groups. The method uses information from first and second order proportions and estimates the model by generalized least-squares. Hypotheses regarding different degrees of invariance over groups may be evaluated by a large-sample chi-square test.The research of the first author was supported partly by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation under project Structural Equation Models in the Social Sciences, project director Karl G. Jöreskog, and partly by the Swedish Research Council in the Humanistic and Social Sciences under project Analysis of Contingency Tables, project director Bengt Muthén.  相似文献   

Models are constructed for a variety of systems of quantified relevance logic with identity. Models are given for systems with different principles governing the transitivity of identity and substitution, and the relative merits of these principles are discussed. The models in this paper are all extensions of the semantics of Fine's Semantics for Quantified Relevance Logic (Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (1988)).I am indebted to J. M. Dunn for reading earlier versions of this paper. I am also grateful to Nuel D. Belnap, Jr., Robert K. Meyer, Timothy Day, and Adriano Palma for discussing the topic with me and to Kit Fine for helpful correspondence. Moreover, I am grateful to an anonymous referee for many useful suggestions. A slightly different version presented in a seminar in the philosophy department of the Research School for Social Sciences at The Australian National University. While working on this paper I was funded by postdoctoral fellowship 456-89-0128 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

This paper is about the most important technical problem faced by Structured Meanings Semantics: the reiteration of hyperintensional functors (i.e., functors of -categorial languages of the sort defined by Max Cresswell in [6]). A way to solve this problem in a general and natural way by using Scott's Domains is both suggested and shown. The result is a semantics which unrestrictedly allows reiterations of hyperintensional functors. The semantics is also extended to accommodate -categorial languages with variables.I would like to thank Johan van Benthem, Harold Shellinx, Willem Groenelveld and Bruce Toombs for their useful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. This work was supported in part by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (doctoral fellowship 452-88-2518).  相似文献   

This article is a methodological note on a potential problem with a forced-choice response scale in the study of facial expressions of emotion. For example, a majority of subjects categorized Matsumoto and Ekman's (1988) reported facial expression of anger as contempt when using one forced-choice format, as disgust, with another format, and as frustration, with a third. When shown the anger expression and given a choice amonganger, frustration, and other labels, few subjects (12.5% on average) selectedanger. Ifcontempt, digust, andfrustration are considered wrong answers, then forced choice can yield consensus on the wrong answer; ifanger is the right answer, then forced choice can fail to yield consensus on the right answer.This study was funded by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.I thank Dee-Ann Matsugu, Lara Weick, and Lisa Wong for their work on this study.  相似文献   

Dag Sörbom 《Psychometrika》1989,54(3):371-384
An analysis of empirical data often leads to a rejection of a hypothesized model, even if the researcher has spent considerable efforts in including all available information in the formulation of the model. Thus, the researcher must reformulate the model in some way, but in most instances there is, at least theoretically, an overwhelming number of possible actions that could be taken. In this paper a modification index will be discussed which should serve as a guide in the search for a better model. In statistical terms, the index measures how much we will be able to reduce the discrepancy between model and data, as defined by a general fit function, when one parameter is added or freed or when one equality constraint is relaxed. The modification index discussed in this paper is an improvement of the one incorporated in the LISREL V computer program in that it takes into account changes in all the parameters of the model when one particular parameter is freed.The research reported in this paper has been supported by The Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences under Research Program Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Project Director Karl G Jöreskog.  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact of verbal and nonverbal information on pragmatic response, 16 children aged 15 to 24 were asked questions that could take either informational or action responses. Conventionalization of linguistic form, gestural accompaniments, and preceding discourse were systematically varied. Children responded in pragmatically appropriate manner to conventionalized forms. The pragmatic function of the discourse preceding nonconventionalized questions had no effect on children's responses, but gestures affected all categories of response except simple action responses. Older children gave more simultaneous integrative responses than did younger children. Results indicate an increasing ability to coordinate linguistic and nonlinguistic sources of information, but little tendency to integrate across successively presented information.This research was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and is based on the author's doctoral dissertation.  相似文献   

Male biases are known to exist in the usage, evaluation, and interpretation of masculine generics. This study explored, by means of a tachistoscope, sex-specific biases in visual images evoked by masculine (All men are created equal, At university a student can study whatever he wants) and feminine (The feminists protested outside the town hall, At university a student can study whatever she wants) generics. Photographs of male and female faces were presented in a deliberately ambiguous (subthreshold) viewing field while maintaining the masculine or feminine generic sentence on constant view. It was predicted and found in a sample of 48 university students that if generics invoked sex-specific images, the images would affect the direction in which the viewer would resolve the ambiguous faces, resulting in more reported male faces in the masculine than in the feminine generic condition.Preparation of this article was supported by a New Zealand Social Sciences Research Fund Committee grant (8632/21/24/8604) to S. H. Ng.  相似文献   

In this paper the relative frequencies of the possible resolutions of ambiguities involving noun phrase attachment sites are compared to the results of off-line psycholinguistic measurements of syntactic complexity. A lack of correlation between the two is observed. It is therefore argued that the comprehension system is distinct from what is driving the frequencies in the corpora. A production heuristic separate from the comprehension system is proposed to account for the observed frequencies.We would like to thank Susanne Tunstall for providing linguistic judgments in the corpus analyses reported in Sec. 3.3. We also wish to thank the following people for helpful, comments and discussions on earlier presentations of this paper: the audience at the Eighth Human Sentence Processing Conference, in Tucson Arizona, Maria Babyonyshev, Tom Bever, Martin Corley, Danny Fox, Don Mitchell, Edson Miyamoto, Janet Nicol, Colin Phillips, Gregg Solomon, Michael Spivey-Knowlton, James Thomas, and Tom Wasow. All remaining errors are our own. The second author was supported by the Research Training Grant Language: Acquisition and Computation awarded by the National Science Foundation (U.S.) to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (DIR 9113607), and by a fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

In this paper the author tries to disentangle some of the problems tied up in John Searle's famous Chinese-room-argument. In a first step to answer the question what it would be for a system to have not only syntax, but also semantics the author gives a brief account of the functioning of the language understanding systems (LUS) so far developed in the framework of AI research thereby making clear that systems like Winograd's SHRDLU are indeed doing little more than mere number crunching. But things would be entirely different, the author argues, if the database of a LUS were built up by the system itself via some perceptual component-at least, if this perceptual component had the capacity to distinguish objects having a certain property F from objects which do not. For in this case the system could store an internal representation of the fact that the object has the property F in its database if and only if the object in fact has that property. And this would be a good basis for calling such a system a genuine LUS. But Searle has objected to a very similar account of J. Fodor that nothing could be further from true language understanding. The reason for this complaint seems to be that Searle holds the view that a true LUS must e.g., know that the word hamburgers refers to hamburgers and that he moreover claims that this knowledge must be explicit or that the system must be aware of the reference of hamburgers to hamburgers. The author argues that this is asking too much. For it seems plausible to say that a system is able to understand e.g., the word hamburger even if it has only implicit knowledge of the fact that hamburger refers to hamburgers in the sense that it has the capacity to tell hamburgers from non hamburgers and the capacity to bring the word hamburger together just with objects of the former kind.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to distinguish between, and examine, three issues surrounding Humphreys's paradox and interpretation of conditional propensities. The first issue involves the controversy over the interpretation of inverse conditional propensities — conditional propensities in which the conditioned event occurs before the conditioning event. The second issue is the consistency of the dispositional nature of the propensity interpretation and the inversion theorems of the probability calculus, where an inversion theorem is any theorem of probability that makes explicit (or implicit) appeal to a conditional probability and its corresponding inverse conditional probability. The third issue concerns the relationship between the notion of stochastic independence which is supported by the propensity interpretation, and various notions of causal independence. In examining each of these issues, it is argued that the dispositional character of the propensity interpretation provides a consistent and useful interpretation of the probability calculus.I would like to thank William L. Harper, Paul Humphreys, John Nicholas and Kathleen Okruhlik for helpful comments and advice on earlier drafts of this paper. Research for this paper was supported by a fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (award number 452-90-2513).  相似文献   

Many of the classical multivariate data analysis and multidimensional scaling techniques call for approximations by lower dimensional configurations. A model is proposed, in which different sets of linear constraints are imposed on different dimensions in component analysis and classical multidimensional scaling frameworks. A simple, efficient, and monotonically convergent algorithm is presented for fitting the model to the data by least squares. The basic algorithm is extended to cover across-dimension constraints imposed in addition to the dimensionwise constraints, and to the case of a symmetric data matrix. Examples are given to demonstrate the use of the method.The work reported in this paper has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, grant number A6394, and by the McGill-IBM Cooperative Grant, both granted to the first author. The research of H. A. L. Kiers has been made possible by a fellowship of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. We thank Michael Hunter for his helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

Patterns of direct and indirect influence were investigated in interactions among 44 families with disruptive boys. Positive and negative behaviors were assessed for spouses and parent-child dyads, in different laboratory situations. For direct or reciprocal influence, positive behaviors in the father-child dyads were positively correlated; mothers' positive behaviors were positively correlated with boys' negative behaviors, suggesting an unexpected pattern of inverse reciprocity. For indirect influences, the following associations were found: Fathers' negative behaviors toward their children predicted the children's negative behaviors toward their mothers, and mothers' negative behaviors toward their children predicted the children's negative behaviors toward their fathers, suggesting a form of setting event or displaced behavior pattern. The children's negative behaviors toward their mothers correlated with the fathers' behaviors toward the mothers, suggesting a modeling pattern. These indirect paths underline the relevance of taking into account family interlocked relationships when studying child disruptiveness.This study was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Québec Social Research Council (CQRS), and the Québec FCAR programs for research centers and research teams. We are also indebted to Jacinthe Sirois and Danielle Boisvcrt for documentation assistance, to Lyse Desmarais-Gervais for her help in data processing, and to Patricia L. Dobkin for revision.  相似文献   

Ego identity status was assessed using two interviews, one based on Outer Space issues and the other based on Inner Space issues, as described by Erikson. Sixty-nine college women were classified in one of four identity statuses for each interview. Additional data were obtained on age, level of ego development, and cognitive style. As predicted, subjects in the high identity statuses (Moratorium and Achievement) showed higher levels of ego development and a more mature cognitive style than subjects in the low statuses (Diffusion and Foreclosure). Outer Space statuses showed a positive relationship to age, but Inner Space statuses did not. Factor analysis showed that the interviews measure separate aspects of identity. Consideration of these results led to the suggestion that Outer Space as well as Inner Space issues are central to female identity status.This article is based on a dissertation submitted to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Temple University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.  相似文献   

The father of personal prehistory serves as the earliest and most enduring representation of God. This sexually undifferentiated father is identified by Freud as both parents and the flow of feeling between them. Kristeva elaborates to say that the first father creates the foundation for the infant's sexual differentiation, that is, a primary narcissistic screen. When parental flow of feeling provides inadequate compensation for the loss of oneness with Mother, the infant intrapsychically constructs its own foundation, an Other that has both parents' ideal qualities, a God who is a psychologically necessary He. Consequently, females have different experiences than males as they form and relate to their self- and God-representations.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of phronesis (practical wisdom) in four aging protagonists in Ernest Hemingway's works ranging from the short story A Clean Well-Lighted Place to the novella The Old Man and the Sea. Phronesis represents an understanding of the ways of the world, an acute sensitivity to a critical logic of human existence that can be attained only through extensive experience and suffering. The four aging protagonists are examples of Hemingway's definition of aging productively and profitably by purchasing an inner peace that consists of an intuitive system of continuous adjustment to the exigencies of daily living.  相似文献   

Parental reactions to experimental separation were analyzed for two groups of asthmatic children, those for whom behavioral factors were judged highly relevant to asthma and those for whom such factors appeared unimportant. The former group of 13 (predicted positives) had shown a highly significant improvement in asthma during separation from their families; the latter group of 12 (predicted negatives) had not. Coding of standardized interviews conducted around the time of separation disclosed that parents (mothers, especially) of predicted positives scored significantly higher than parents of predicted negatives on such scales as fussing over the child at the time of leave taking, missing child, experiencing pain and discomfort during the separation, being anxious over child's welfare, etc. Psychological test data did not discriminate between the parents' or childrens' groups as clearly as the more focused separation interviews but the test results were consistent with interview differences. The separation elicited very strong emotional reactions from several mothers.This study was supported by United States Public Health Service Grant No. HD01060 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Kirk Brady, John Means, loan Muser, and Claire Purcell contributed to data collection and/or data analysis.  相似文献   

Jim Mackenzie 《Synthese》1989,79(1):99-117
Gilbert Harman, in Logic and Reasoning (Synthese 60 (1984), 107–127) describes an unsuccessful attempt ... to develop a theory which would give logic a special role in reasoning. Here reasoning is psychological, a procedure for revising one's beliefs. In the present paper, I construe reasoning sociologically, as a process of linguistic interaction; and show how both reasoning in the psychologistic sense and logic are related to that process.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimation of the polychoric correlation coefficient   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Ulf Olsson 《Psychometrika》1979,44(4):443-460
The polychoric correlation is discussed as a generalization of the tetrachoric correlation coefficient to more than two classes. Two estimation methods are discussed: Maximum likelihood estimation, and what may be called two-step maximum likelihood estimation. For the latter method, the thresholds are estimated in the first step. For both methods, asymptotic covariance matrices for estimates are derived, and the methods are illustrated and compared with artificial and real data.This paper was read at the 1978 European Meeting on Psychometrics and Mathematical Psychology in Uppsala, Sweden, June 1978.Research reported in this paper has been supported by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation under project Structural Equation Models in the Social Sciences, project director Karl G. Jöreskog.  相似文献   

We compared the criterion validity of a new relative performance appraisal format (percentile-based ranking) to that of an absolute format (BOS) in a sample of 88 unit managers. Overall, our results suggest that the relative format has higher criterion-related validity than does the absolute format. These findings contradict conventional wisdom that format-related differences in measures of performance are minimal and that relative approaches to performance appraisal are inferior.This research was supported by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) to Richard D. Goffin, Douglas N. Jackson, John P. Meyer, Sampo V. Paunonen, and Mitchell G. Rothstein. Additional funding provided by a research grant from Imperial Oil Ltd. to Douglas N. Jackson.A version of these results was presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Montreal, Canada, May, 1992. Limited portions of these data, addressing distinctly different research issues, were published in Gellatly, Paunonen, Meyer, Jackson, & Goffin (1991) and Meyer, Paunonen, Gellatly, Goffin, & Jackson (1989).  相似文献   

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