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This study was aimed at investigating the role of stimulus distinctiveness on the retrieval of semantic and episodic information from familiar faces and voices. Distinctiveness of famous faces and voices was manipulated in order to assess its role as a potential underlying factor of face superiority. In line with previous findings, more semantic and episodic information was retrieved from faces than from voices. Semantic information was better retrieved from distinctive than from typical stimuli. Nevertheless, distinctiveness seemed to impact less than stimulus domain on the recall of semantic details. Indeed, more semantic information was retrieved from typical faces than from distinctive voices. The consistency of these results with current models of person recognition is discussed.  相似文献   

A nationally representative panel study of British households was used to examine the extent to which Big Five personality traits interact with the experience of major life events (marriage, childbirth, unemployment, and widowhood) to predict increases and decreases in life satisfaction following the event. Results show that major life events are associated with changes in life satisfaction, and some of these changes are very long lasting. Personality traits did not have consistent moderating effects on the association between stressful life events and life satisfaction over time.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine resilience, as the ability to bounce back from stress, in predicting health-related measures when controlling for other positive characteristics and resources. We assessed resilience, optimism, social support, mood clarity, spirituality, purpose in life, and health-related measures in two large undergraduate samples. In Study 1, resilience was related to both health-related measures (less negative affect and more positive affect) when controlling for demographics and other positive characteristics. In Study 2, resilience was related to all four health-related measures (less negative affect, more positive affect, less physical symptoms, and less perceived stress) when controlling for the other variables. None of the other positive characteristics were related to more than three of the six possible health-related measures when controlling for the other variables. Resilience, as the ability to bounce back, may be an important personal resource to examine in future studies and target in interventions.  相似文献   

Hutchison JJ  Loomis JM 《The Spanish journal of psychology》2006,9(2):332-9; discussion 340-8
In a series of recent studies, Proffitt and his colleagues have reported that the perceived distance to a target is influenced by the energy expenditure associated with any action, such as walking or throwing, for spanning the distance to the target. In particular, Proffitt, Stefanucci, Banton, and Epstein (2003) reported that wearing a heavy backpack caused verbal reports of distance to increase. We conducted a study to determine whether three responses dependent on perceived distance (verbal report of distance, blind walking, and estimates of object size) are influenced by the backpack manipulation. In two experiments, one involving a between-participants design and the other involving a within-participants design, we found that none of the three responses were influenced by the wearing of a heavy backpack.  相似文献   

Does higher level of individualization increase treatment efficacy? Fifty patients with bulimia nervosa were randomized into either manual-based (focused) or more individualized (broader) cognitive behavioral therapy guided by logical functional analysis. Eating disorders Examination and a series of self-report questionnaires were used for assessment at pre-, and post-treatment as well as at follow-up. Both conditions improved significantly at post-treatment, and the results were maintained at the 6 months follow-up. There were no statistically and clinically significant differences between the two conditions at post-treatment with the exception of abstinence from objective bulimic episodes, eating concerns, and body shape dissatisfaction, all favoring the individualized, broader condition. Both groups improved concerning self-esteem, perceived social support from friends, and depression. The improvements were maintained at follow-up. Ten patients (20%) did not respond to the treatment. Notably, a majority of non-responders (80%) were in the manual-based condition. Non-responders showed extreme dominance of rule-governed behavior, and lack of contact with actual contingencies compared to responders. The study provided preliminary support for the superiority of higher level of individualization (i.e. broader CBT) in terms of the response to treatment, and relapses. However, the magnitude of effects was moderate, and independent replications, with blind assessment procedures, and a larger sample sized are needed before more clear cut conclusions can be drawn.  相似文献   

This study intended to analyze the indicators of adjustment to aging (AtA) and to investigate the latent constructs that can work as major determinants in spirituality for a cross‐national older community‐dwelling population. Questionnaires were completed to assess the participants' background information. Interviews were performed, addressing one core area: indicators of AtA. Complete data were available for 154 older adults from two nationalities (German and Portuguese), aged between 75 and 103 years (M = 86.6; SD = 6.98). The data were subjected to content analysis. Representations of the associations and latent constructs were analyzed using a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). The most prevalent response of the interviewed participants for indicators of AtA was spirituality (43.2%). Spiritual activities was the most reported response regarding spirituality (20.0%). A significant moderate association was found between spiritual activities and nationality (V = .365; p < .001). Spirituality for older adults was explained by a three‐dimensional overall model: spiritual and existential meaning, limit‐related awareness and community embeddedness. The findings presented in this paper emphasized the need to explore the potential of spirituality for AtA and the need for improving the spiritual dimension of health care for the older cross‐national population.  相似文献   

Swailes and Senior’s (1999) examination of the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) raised a number of questions regarding the instrument’s construct validity and the relationship between learning style and learning process. Swailes and Senior argued that there may be three learning styles as opposed to the four posited by Honey and Mumford (1986), however, they did not include a three‐factor model in their confirmatory factor analysis and hence it is unclear if a three‐factor solution represents an improvement on a four‐factor solution. Furthermore, the present study draws a distinction between style and process and an argument is presented which contends that the three‐factor and four‐factor solutions represent process models, as opposed to the style models embodied in Kolb’s theory. This reply attempts to examine two‐ three‐ and four‐factor solutions for the LSQ. The evidence appears to favour the conventional four‐factor model, which may indicate that the LSQ measures individuals’ preferences for each of four stages of an experiential learning process and raises the question of its relationship with style per se.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether immediate gains in reading fluency achieved during repeated reading of text can predict long‐term reading development over and above traditional predictors of reading development. Eighty‐one Grade 3 children read texts three times consecutively and were instructed either to read as quickly as possible (speed‐focused repeated reading), or to retell the text afterwards (meaning‐focused repeated reading). Measures of text reading fluency, sentence reading fluency, and text comprehension were administered to the children in Grades 3 and 4 to assess their reading development over time. The results indicate that children's immediate response to repeated reading can contribute to the prediction of their development of reading fluency over time. Even after controlling for individual differences in general cognitive ability, word reading fluency, rapid automatized naming, and vocabulary, the experimental measure with meaning‐focused repeated reading remained a significant predictor.  相似文献   

The assumption that mindfulness facilitates the access to intuitive processes has been theoretically formulated but not investigated yet. Therefore, the present study explored whether the intuitive performance in a judgment of semantic coherence task of N = 94 participants was related to trait mindfulness. In contrast to our hypothesis, self-reported mindfulness and the mindfulness facet, acting without judgment in specific, were negatively associated with intuitive performance. In an exploratory part of the study, we induced mindfulness, rumination, and distraction. We expected that participants in the mindfulness condition would outperform participants in the other two conditions in the intuition task. Even though we used a well-established paradigm to induce mindfulness, there were no differences between groups in intuition. We propose that future studies investigating the impact of mindfulness on processes such as intuition, should use more intensive manipulations of mindfulness. Possible explanations for the current findings and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

Robinson's ([Robinson, D.L. (1999). The ‘IQ’ factor: implications for intelligence theory and measurement. Personality and Individual Differences, 27, 715–735]) arguments that crystallized intelligence represents the “one valid intelligence factor” are disputed. It is argued that Robinson seriously underestimated the relevance of fluid abilities to “intelligence”, by using an inappropriate criterion for assessing the intelligence-saturation of cognitive ability variables. The relevance of fluid and crystallized abilities to popular, psychometric, and biological conceptions of intelligence is discussed, and the issue of age-related changes in fluid and crystallized intelligence is also addressed.  相似文献   

In a recent article, Jamieson and Mewhort (2009) proposed a novel account of artificial grammar learning (AGL), which is based on a multitrace model of episodic memory, the Minerva 2 model. According to this account, test performance in AGL is based on an assessment of global similarity of the test strings to the memory traces of the training strings. In this article, simulation studies are presented, showing for three different AGL experiments that the predictions of the Minerva 2 model strikingly deviate from participants' performance. It is argued that participants' test performance is not generally based on general similarity.  相似文献   

Rhabdophis tigrinus, which typically forages on toads, has unusual nuchal glands on its dorsal neck region containing secretions chemically comparable to cardiac steroids found in toads. R. tigrinus also has several peculiar antipredator displays involving the neck region. If the nuchal gland secretions of R. tigrinus are derived from toads obtained as prey, populations of R. tigrinus that have not eaten toads over an evolutionary time scale would be expected to lose antipredator displays related to the nuchal glands. We found that laboratory-hatched R. tigrinus from a small toad-free island exhibited displays related to nuchal glands less frequently and flight responses more frequently than hatchling snakes from areas sympatric with toads. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of the dietary origin of the nuchal gland secretions and also support the genetic origin of the behavioral differences between the populations.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to (a) isolate the ideal length (i.e., 4 or 8 weeks) of the Summer Treatment Program for Kindergarteners (STP-PreK) for improving school readiness and kindergarten success outcomes of preschool children with externalizing behavior problems (EBPs) during the transition to kindergarten; and (b) compare the STP-PreK model to a more standard approach in school settings (i.e., behavioral school consultation). Forty-five preschool children (82% boys; Mage = 5.16 years; 93% Hispanic/Latino background) were randomized to one of three intervention conditions: 1) 8-week STP-PreK (8W); 2) 4-week STP-PreK (4W); or 3) school year behavioral consultation (SC). Both STP-PreK groups included an 8-week parent training component. Baseline, post-intervention, and 6-month follow-up data were collected on children's school readiness and kindergarten success outcomes including parent, teacher, and objective assessment measures. Analyses using linear mixed models indicated that children's behavioral, academic, social-emotional, and self-regulation functioning significantly improved across groups. Few significant differences were found between children receiving the 4W and 8W programs, suggesting that both programs have the potential to prepare preschool children with EBP for the transition to school. Both 4W and 8W groups experienced greater initial growth across time in most domains compared to children in the SC group. However, by the end of the kindergarten year, children in the SC group caught up to children in both 4W and 8W groups on most domains. Overall, these findings suggest that all three intervention doses are effective in improving kindergarten year functioning, with some important considerations for intervention timing in preparation for the transition to elementary school. Clinical implications for school personnel are discussed.  相似文献   

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