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In studies of the behavioral and physiological effects of cigarette smoking, it is of critical importance to keep the dose of nicotine as constant as possible. This is difficult with smoking, because when the nicotine delivery of a cigarette is increased or reduced, smokers tend to compensate by modifying their smoke intake. In a laboratory study, it is relatively easy to control the number of cigarettes and the number of puffs taken, but it is more difficult to control the volume of each puff. Various procedures have been developed to control puff volume, but they have a disadvantage of disrupting the normal topography of smoking. We have developed an apparatus for delivering fixed volumes of smoke that has given consistent tar and nicotine values needed in studies of the behavioral and physiological effects of cigarette smoking. This method has the distinct advantage of allowing the subject to inhale the smoke in a normal fashion, with a draw resistance comparable to that of a cigarette. The device is inexpensive and easy to make.  相似文献   

The Telemetric Topography Device (TTD) introduces new technology to the measurement of cigarette smoking topography that has advantages over existing instruments. It consists of a 90.8-g miniature vacuum transducer coupled to an FM transmitter contained within a 11/4-in.-diameter × 41/4-in. free-standing plastic cylinder. As a subject smokes through a modified commercial cigarette holder, the TTD transmits a tone proportional to the vacuum pressure change in the cylinder. Received tones are converted to voltage data and then digitized by an A/D board in a personal computer. This information can either be displayed and stored on line or recorded on audio tape and digitized during playback. The TTD has no visible electronic parts, thereby minimizing subjects’ awareness of monitoring.  相似文献   

Smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) abnormalities are some of the most consistently observed neurophysiological deficits associated with genetic risk for schizophrenia. SPEM has been traditionally assessed by infrared or video oculography using laboratory-based fixed-display systems. With growing interest in using SPEM measures to define phenotypes in large-scale genetic studies, there is a need for measurement instruments that can be used in the field. Here we test the reliability of a portable, head-mounted display (HMD) eye movement recording system and compare it with a fixed-display system. We observed comparable, modest calibration changes across trials between the two systems. The between-methods reliability for the most often used measure of pursuit performance, maintenance pursuit gain, was high (ICC = 0.96). This result suggests that the portable device is comparable with a lab-based system, which makes possible the collection of eye movement data in community-based and multicenter familial studies of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Various methods of assessing color vision are discussed. The anomaloscope is concluded to be the best of these, but it is not widely used because of complexity and cost considerations. The design of a portable, solid-state anomaloscope that uses tristate light-emitting diodes is described. This device has many of the desirable features of the standard Nagel-type anomaloscope and can be constructed at a fraction of the price.  相似文献   

Recording and analyzing real-time interactions in clinical settings is important for basic and applied research in psychology and other disciplines. Investigators frequently have used simple audiotaping procedures to record these encounters (e.g., Roter, Geller, Bernhardt, Larson, & Doksum, 1999), but videorecording is increasingly viewed as more reliable and valid, because it captures the full range of complex and interdependent verbal and nonverbal behaviors that occur in an interaction. This article describes a system designed to videotape clinical interactions in a manner that can be moved in and out of different clinical rooms to preserve flexibility in its use. Data are presented to demonstrate that the system is unobtrusive during the interaction, yet fully compatible with institutional review board guidelines to protect human participants’ privacy and freedom to control the recording process.  相似文献   

A portable two-response-key conditioning panel for pigeons is described. It can be attached to the subjects’ home cages and allows around-the-clock experimentation. Visual stimuli are presented with light-diode display matrices. Food rewards are dispensed directly onto the stimulus/response keys with separate solenoid dispensers. Several platforms can be simultaneously controlled by a single personal computer with programs written in a simple language adapted for on-line operation. Two experiments exploring the effects of prolonged conditioning sessions upon responding and learning demonstrated the effectiveness of the system. The apparatus is an efficient and inexpensive alternative to a conventional conditioning chamber.  相似文献   

Stress-related physiological factors have been proposed to mediate the Type A behavior pattern (TABP) and coronary heart disease (CHD). However, collateral behavioral factors, such as the exaggerated consummatory response patterns of Type As, may also be involved. Study 1 examined this hypothesis by comparing exposure to cigarette smoke in 42 graduate and undergraduate student smokers assessed for the TABP. After controlling for smoking rate and Federal Trade Commission cigarette carbon monoxide yield, Type As' alveolar carbon monoxide (COa) levels were higher than Type Bs', and Jenkins Activity Survey scores were correlated with COa. To determine the source of this difference, we measured smoking topography in 10 Type As and 10 Type Bs in Study 2. Type As and Type Bs did not differ in number of puffs taken or puff volume, but Type As' inhalation duration was 70% longer than Type Bs'. These results suggest that consummatory behaviors of Type As may help account for the Type A-CHD relationship for smokers. Due to increased smoke exposure, Type A smokers may also be at greater risk for cancer and lung disease than Type B smokers.  相似文献   

This paper describes a microprocessor-controlled 64-channel event recorder that supports up to eight remote keyboards utilizing a serial data transmission method. The keyboards can be connected via long twin stereo cable to the encoder unit, which stores the buffered data onto audio cassette tape. This system enables multiple observers to encode multiple events in a field or laboratory setting. The keyboard design is presented in detail.  相似文献   

Described here is a compact and battery-operated unit that produces a short audible signal at uniform intervals, variable from 2 sec to 2 min.  相似文献   

Portable heart rate monitors are potentially useful for regulating exercise intensity. This paper describes procedures to evaluate these devices while subjects are resting, cycling, or running. Of the five monitors tested, all performed reasonably well while subjects were at rest; however, with one exception, performance deteriorated when the monitors were used during exercise. Even so, depending on the level of accuracy required, some of the monitors remained useful during cycling, but only one monitor was consistently accurate while subjects were running. This evidence indicates that, before selecting a particular monitor, potential users of such equipment should carefully consider many things, including the circumstances under which the equipment will be employed. The procedures reported in this paper should be generally useful in evaluating the performance of a variety of devices for monitoring heart rate.  相似文献   

The design of a versatile and programmable transducer amplifier device with analogue display for self-monitoring of autonomic responses is described. The design features low cost, portability, and flexibility across direct-current transducer options (e.g., photoplethysmograph or thermistor). The device can be used for the visual or auditory display of continuous blood volume pulse or temperature measures where the relative amplitude or pulse rate is of concern. Auditory or visual biofeedback may be provided via the choice of a stacked bar-graph display or piezoelectric buzzer. A common circuit design to allow programming options for the estimation of heart rate, inter-beat interval, or pulse duration is provided.  相似文献   

A token-actuated timer that detects the insertion of a flat washer (“token”) is described. The unit provides a timed line-voltage output and counts the number of times the line-voltage device has been operated. Using behavioral token economies, this device has been used to control the television watching of children by monitoring television watching time, and by controlling the amount of time the television is on.  相似文献   

An inexpensive, field-portable event recorder for monitoring insect or other animal behavior is described. The recorder consists of a 16-key event code keyboard and a 99.99-min timer interfaced to a low-cost printing calculator. The event code number and the elapsed time (.01-min resolution) from the start of an observation period are printed whenever an event key is pressed. The recorder is operable over a temperature range of 0°C to 50°C, with a timing error of less than ±.05% of the 99.99-min full-scale timing range. Periods longer than 99.99 min can be monitored, provided the return to zero of the timer is noted and taken into consideration.  相似文献   

There is a need for a portable means of signalling appropriate classroom behavior that the teacher can carry with her as she moves about the room. An inexpensive wireless switch, adapted for classroom use, was used to turn on a clock when all children were attending to their work. When a movie was made contingent on accumulating a specific number of minutes on the clock, class-attending increased. Throughout these conditions, the records of class attending made by an independent observer with a stopwatch correlated highly with the remote controlled clock.  相似文献   

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