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Two experiments tested recognition memory for rapidly presented stimuli. In Experiment I 16 words were presented at exposure times ranging from 25 to 500 msec followed by a yes-no recognition test. The results showed a strong dependence of memory performance on both exposure time and serial position. In Experiment II 16 random forms were presented at exposure times ranging from 125 to 2000 msec followed by a yes-no recognition test. Results for random forms showed that memory performance was strongly dependent on exposure time but not on serial position. Taken together, the results of Experiments I and II suggest qualitative encoding differences between verbal vs nonverbal stimuli.  相似文献   

High and low visual imagers, defined as such primarily on the basis of spatial manipulation test performance, were required to identify tachistoscopically-presented pictures, concrete words, and abstract words varying in familiarity. Two recognition paradigms were employed, recognition threshold and recognition latency. High imagers were faster in picture recognition under both paradigms when a nonverbal set or strategy was primed and when pictures were relatively unfamiliar in the threshold paradigm. No relationship was found between imagery ability and word recognition in the visual modality, nor was visual imagery ability related to the auditory recognition of verbal and nonverbal stimuli, such as words and environmental sounds. Commonalities between these findings and others in the imagery ability literature were noted.  相似文献   

Properties of auditory and visual sensory memory were compared by examining subjects' recognition performance of randomly generated binary auditory sequential frequency patterns and binary visual sequential color patterns within a forced-choice paradigm. Experiment 1 demonstrated serial-position effects in auditory and visual modalities consisting of both primacy and recency effects. Experiment 2 found that retention of auditory and visual information was remarkably similar when assessed across a 10 s interval. Experiments 3 and 4, taken together, showed that the recency effect in sensory memory is affected more by the type of response required (recognition vs. reproduction) than by the sensory modality employed. These studies suggest that auditory and visual sensory memory stores for nonverbal stimuli share similar properties with respect to serial-position effects and persistence over time.  相似文献   

Contrasting linguistic and nonlinguistic processing has been of interest to many researchers with different scientific, theoretical, or clinical questions. However, previous work on this type of comparative analysis and experimentation has been limited. In particular, little is known about the differences and similarities between the perceptual, cognitive, and neural processing of nonverbal environmental sounds and that of speech sounds. With the aim of contrasting verbal and nonverbal processing in the auditory modality, we developed a new on-line measure that can be administered to subjects from different clinical, neurological, or sociocultural groups. This is an on-line task of sound to picture matching, in which the sounds are either environmental sounds or their linguistic equivalents and which is controlled for potential task and item confounds across the two sound types. Here, we describe the design and development of our measure and report norming data for healthy subjects from two different adult age groups: younger adults (18–24 years of age) and older adults (54–78 years of age). We also outline other populations to which the test has been or is being administered. In addition to the results reported here, the test can be useful to other researchers who are interested in systematically contrasting verbal and nonverbal auditory processing in other populations.  相似文献   

Current views of the relationship between audition and cerebral function suggest that increases in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) would occur in the superior, mid, and posterior portions of the temporal lobes, and that these changes would be more lateralized to the left hemisphere for a verbal than a nonverbal auditory task. We measured rCBF using the xenon inhalation technique in a group of healthy subjects during three conditions: (1) resting baseline, (2) auditory verbal activation (listening for word meaning), and (3) auditory nonverbal activation (listening for reduction of intensity in a series of noise bursts). Both verbal and nonverbal conditions produced highly significant increases in rCBF over the left posterior Sylvian region with a trend for verbal activation to evoke a wider area of flow increase than the nonverbal task.  相似文献   

The alpha hemispheric asymmetries of males and females were examined with electroencephalographic (EEG) techniques during exposure to connected speech and nonlinguistic stimuli. The subject selection controlled for familial handedness and each subject was administered the Block Design and Vocabulary Subtests of the WAIS as a general measure of “visual-spatial” and “verbal” ability. The results showed that there was less alpha in the right hemisphere for nonverbal tasks and less alpha in the left hemisphere for verbal tasks. The females showed significantly more “lateralization” during the tasks as compared to the males. The results are discussed in terms of processing differences and the possible effects of subject variables, stimulus mode, stimulus presentation, and task requirements on neurolinguistic research results.  相似文献   

Memory for verbal and nonverbal stimuli was evaluated using selective reminding procedures in normal achieving children and four groups of disabled learners: (1) reading-spelling disabled (R-S); (2) reading-spelling-arithmetic disabled (R-S-A); (3) spelling-arithmetic disabled (S-A); and (4) arithmetic disabled (A). Each child received two analogous free-list memory tasks, one for verbal material (animal names) and the other for nonverbal material (random dot patterns). These tasks were administered using selective reminding procedures that permit separation of storage and retrieval aspects of memory by reminding children only of those words not recalled on previous trials. Results revealed that relative to controls, the A and S-A children had significantly lower storage and retrieval scores on the nonverbal task, but did not differ on the verbal task; the R-S children differed only on retrieval scores from the verbal task; and the R-S-A children on retrieval scores on the verbal task and storage and retrieval scores on the nonverbal task. Thus, results indicate that the memory performance of disabled learners varies according to (1) the type of learning problem (arithmetic vs reading), (2) the nature of the stimuli (verbal vs nonverbal), and (3) the aspect of memory being assessed (storage vs retrieval). This study provides external validation for the classification of disabled learners according to patterns of academic achievement, demonstrating a useful procedure for dealing with the intrasubject variability characteristic of disabled learners.  相似文献   

A listener presented with two speech signals must at times sacrifice the processing of one signal in order to understand the other. This study was designed to distinguish costs related to interference from a second signal (selective attention) from costs related to performing two tasks simultaneously (divided attention). Listeners presented with two processed speech-in-noise stimuli, one to each ear, either (1) identified keywords in both or (2) identified keywords in one and detected the presence of speech in the other. Listeners either knew which ear to report in advance (single task) or were cued afterward (partial-report dual task). When the dual task required two identification judgments, performance suffered relative to the single-task condition (as measured by percent correct judgments). Two different tasks (identification for one stimulus and detection for the other) resulted in much smaller reductions in performance when the cue came afterward. We concluded that the degree to which listeners can simultaneously process dichotic speech stimuli seems to depend not only on the amount of interference between the two stimuli, but also on whether there is competition for limited processing resources. We suggest several specific hypotheses as to the structural mechanisms that could constitute these limited resources.  相似文献   

Left- and right-handed male college students made verbal estimations of temporal durations during performance of recognition memory for words and faces, and with no concurrent task. Time judgments were shorter with both concurrent memory tasks than in the control condition, but did not differ between the two memory tasks. Also, these results were additive across groups. Considering the differential involvement of the two cerebral hemispheres in processing verbal and physiognomic stimuli, and the lack of an interaction between group (left- vs right- handers) and memory task, it was concluded that the results do not support a lateralization of function hypothesis with respect to judgments of temporal duration.  相似文献   

This investigation compared the performance of Japanese- and English-speaking subjects on T. Tsunoda's DAF key-tapping task, which he purports assesses cerebral dominance for language (1975, Brain and Language, 2, 152–170). Twenty-three native speakers of Japanese and 23 English-speaking subjects were employed in this study. Each subject was administered the DAF key-tapping task utilizing the vowel /a/ and a 1000-Hz pure tone. The results revealed an effect of intensity, whereby an increase in DAF/SAF ratios resulted in an increase in performance disruption. No differences were observed between the two language groups, ears, or between the 1000-Hz pure tone and the vowel /a/. Only 15.5% of the subjects showed the hypothesized right ear advantage for the tone when subjected to an analysis similar to Tsunoda's. All other subjects revealed variable degrees of advantage to either ear, to the same ear, or to to neither ear. It was concluded that no significant functional auditory asymmetry was observed for either group, suggesting that the DAF key-tapping task may not be a sensitive procedure to determine cerebral dominance for language among normals.  相似文献   

Two “same-different” reaction time experiments, analogous in task demands made on the S, were designed to test laterality differences in. perception. Ten normal right-handed Ss performed a verbal task in which they decided whether or not two three-letter words belonged to the same conceptual class. Ten different Ss performed a spatial task in which they decided whether two 16-cell matrices with 3 blackened cells were identical. Reaction times were found to be sensitive to laterality differences in perception. Verbal stimuli were processed faster when presented in the right visual field, and thus projected directly to the left cerebral hemisphere; spatial stimuli were processed faster when presented in the left visual field, and thus projected directly to the right cerebral hemisphere. These results were analyzed in terms of implications regarding hemispheric asymmetries for processing of verbal and spatial material and the nature of interhemispheric transfer of information.  相似文献   

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