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The current study investigated the relationships between several dimensions of self-esteem and the “Big Five” personality dimensions. Using a sample of 107 newlywed couples, we investigated whether the relationships identified in previous research replicated in this novel sample and whether the relationships between different dimensions of self-esteem (general, physical, social, and intellectual) and standings on the Big Five personality dimensions might be sex-differentiated. The results replicate many of the relationships between different dimensions of self-esteem and standings on the Big Five personality dimensions for both men and women. Previous work indicates that differences in personality between men and women may shape interactions with the environment differently and these different interactions may then shape self-esteem. None of these relationships was reliably sex-differentiated in the current research. Discussion addresses several limitations of this research and highlights directions for future research on the personality-self-esteem interface.  相似文献   

Developmental perspectives on relationships address Processes of dyadic adaptation to normative changes in individuals. Relationships with parents and peers during adolescence are a microcosm of these continuous adaptations. Three key themes from research on relationships during adolescence are examined: changes in relative distance from, and connectedness to, different categories of relationship partners; the coexistence of continuity and change in relationships; and increasing differentiation and interrelation of relationships. Findings from studies of adolescent relationships (1) illustrate the potential value of normative perspectives on relationship properties and conditions and (2) underscore the need for further research on processes of relationship change. Particularly needed are testable formulations regarding the processes of relationship change and attention to interrelations among significant close relationships.  相似文献   

Community psychology as a discipline has not focused its attention on the lives of lesbians, gay men, and bisexual (LGB) people, despite the field's potential to collaborate with this population in dealing with the many psychosocial challenges they face. Professional and personal barriers that community psychologists must confront conducting research and developing interventions with the LGB community are described. Community psychology work with LGB communities is often a coming out experience for LGB community psychologists, and a questioning of sexual orientation fot heterosexual community psychologists. Conceptual analyses and empirical reports are presented that exemplify how community psychologist can contribute to decreasing the pervasive stigma LGB people face. The use of an ecological model, a focus on the development and evaluation of preventive interventions, and a recognition of the diversity within the LGB population are core perspectives that can direct future work by community psychologists. Issues ranging from testing ways to empower young LGB people to analyses of the impact of the sociopolitical climate on LGB lives demonstrate the rich range of contributions community psychologists can make.  相似文献   

Using a couple-centered approach, the authors examined assortative mating on a broad range of variables in a large (N = 291) sample of newlyweds. Couples showed substantial similarity on attitude-related domains but little on personality-related domains. Similarity was not due to social homogamy or convergence. The authors examined linear and curvilinear effects of spouse similarity on self and observer indicators of marital quality. Results show (a) positive associations between similarity and marital quality for personality-related domains but not for attitude-related domains, (b) that similarity on attachment characteristics were most strongly predictive of satisfaction, (c) robust curvilinear effects for husbands but not for wives, (d) that profile similarity remained a significant predictor of marital quality even when spouses' self-ratings were controlled, and (e) that profile-based similarity indices were better predictors of marital quality than absolute difference scores.  相似文献   

Is the inability to regulate negative emotions a risk factor for intimate partner violence (IPV)? To address this question, the authors asked 72 newlywed couples to report their levels of negative affect every day for 7 days and examined whether variability in those reports was associated with the IPV self-reported to have been perpetrated over the previous year. Although main effects of variability in both husbands' and wives' negative affect did not reach statistical significance, variability in husbands' negative affect significantly interacted with wives' reports of IPV to account for husbands' IPV, even after overall levels of husbands' negative affect, marital satisfaction, and chronic stress were controlled. Specifically, whereas variability in negative affect was unrelated to IPV among husbands with wives who reported no IPV, such variability was positively associated with the IPV perpetrated by husbands with wives who also reported having perpetrated IPV during the previous year. Although preliminary, these results support theories suggesting that the ability to regulate negative emotions may help intimates avoid perpetrating IPV, particularly when faced with a partner's IPV perpetration.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to explore the development of the interpersonal system mapped by the interpersonal circumplex in early adulthood (ages 18–22). This study uses the Longitudinal Study of Personality Disorders sample (N = 250; 53% female). Participants completed the Revised Interpersonal Adjective Scales (Wiggins, Trapnell, & Phillips, 1988) in their freshman, sophomore, and senior years of college. Estimates of structural, rank‐order, mean, individual, and ipsative stability were calculated for the broad interpersonal dimensions of Dominance and Affiliation and also the lower order octant scales. Additionally, the interpersonal profile parameters of differentiation and prototypicality were calculated at each wave and explored longitudinally and also used as predictors of interpersonal stability. We found excellent structural and high rank‐order and ipsative stability in the interpersonal scales over this time period. Mean increases on the Affiliation axis, but not on the Dominace axis, were found to mask differential rates of change among the octant scales, along with significant individual variation in the rates of change. Interpersonal differentiation and prototypicality were related to higher stability in overall interpersonal style. Results point to evidence of both stability and nuanced change, illuminating some of the features of the structural variables that can be derived from interpersonal circumplex profiles.  相似文献   

Examined problem-solving strategies, their correlation with multiple-informant ratings of behavior problems and social competence, and developmental change over a 2-year period. Shure's (1999) model targets children's production of alternative solutions to interpersonal problems. Others have found that solution quality correlates more highly with adjustment. Children (N = 208, M age = 60 months) completed the Preschool Interpersonal Problem Solving (PIPS) task in Head Start and again 2 years later. Many children achieved substantial gains in problem-solving skill as measured by PIPS. The prosocial or forceful quality of children's responses correlated with observational, caregiver, and teacher ratings of behavior problems and social competence. Quality of response appeared more important than solution quantity in predicting ecologically valid behaviors, implying that interventions should concentrate on response content more than quantity.  相似文献   

The ideal standards model suggests that greater consistency between ideal standards and actual perceptions of one's relationship predicts positive relationship evaluations; however, no research has evaluated whether this differs across types of ideals. A self‐determination theory perspective was derived to test whether satisfaction of intrinsic ideals buffers the importance of extrinsic ideals. Participants (N = 195) in committed relationships directly and indirectly reported the extent to which their partner met their ideal on two dimensions: intrinsic (e.g., warm, intimate) and extrinsic (e.g., attractive, successful). Relationship need fulfillment and relationship quality were also assessed. Hypotheses were largely supported, such that satisfaction of intrinsic ideals more strongly predicted relationship functioning, and satisfaction of intrinsic ideals buffered the relevance of extrinsic ideals for outcomes.  相似文献   

The extent to which attitudes toward organizational changes may be affected by contextual (other changes going on) and personal (self-efficacy) factors was investigated with a multilevel design involving 25 different changes. Even after aspects of the change itself were controlled, the interaction between the context and the individual difference explained significant variance in attitudes toward those specific changes. The positive relationship between self-efficacy and commitment to the change was stronger as the amount of simultaneous and overlapping change in the surroundings increased. The implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Interpersonal attraction has been found to be highly correlated with the affective states of subjects. It was hypothesized that attraction is also highly related to affective changes induced in subjects by interpersonal stimuli associated with a stranger. Byrne and Rhamey's (1965) experiment was replicated with one change: subjects' affective states were assessed at the beginning of the session and immediately prior to the subjects' evaluation of a stranger. Four levels of attitude similarity (1.00, .67, .33, and .00) and three types of evaluation conditions (positive, negative,and control) were employed in a 4 × 3 factorial design, with 19 subjects per cell. As hypothesized, attraction was found to be highly related to subjects' affective states and affective changes induced by attraction stimuli (p < .001).  相似文献   

We investigated how focusing on the details (experience focus) versus self-narrative significance (coherence focus) of valenced transitions informs appraisals and emotions at recall. Participants (N = 302) selected a negative or positive transition and rated their emotion. Two weeks later, they described their event using an experience or coherence focus, then rated emotion, event impact, self-relevance, and memory characteristics. A coherence (vs. experience) focus produced lower negative affect and greater psychological impact, particularly for negative transitions. The negative-coherence group showed the largest decrease in negation emotion over time. A coherence (vs. experience) focus resulted in less perceptual detail, reactivity, and re-experiencing. Positive (vs. negative) events were deemed more central to identity and connected to other events. Mental focus informed psychological impact and negative affect, while event valence influenced self-relevance. These findings remained when event type (interpersonal) was matched across groups. Motives for framing autobiographical memories and implications for adaptive self-reflection are discussed.  相似文献   

Sixty-five undergraduates were assigned to guide a blindfolded confederate through a floor maze. The frequency of touching the confederate's skin and the length of time required to complete the trip through the maze were recorded. Each subject was also given a self-administered Rorschach test; an independent count was made of the number of oral responses given. Orality was positively related to touching behavior (r=.39, p=.001) and with speed of guiding the confederate through the maze (r=.31, p=.01).  相似文献   

Names are rich sources of information. They can signal gender, ethnicity, or class; they may connote personality characteristics ranging from warmth and cheerfulness to morality. But names also differ in a much more fundamental way: some are simply easier to pronounce than others. Five studies provide evidence for the name-pronunciation effect: easy-to-pronounce names (and their bearers) are judged more positively than difficult-to-pronounce names. Studies 1–3 demonstrate that people form more positive impressions of easy-to-pronounce names than of difficult-to-pronounce names. Study 4 finds this effect generalizable to ingroup targets. Study 5 highlights an important real-world implication of the name-pronunciation effect: people with easier-to-pronounce surnames occupy higher status positions in law firms. These effects obtain independent of name length, unusualness, typicality, foreignness, and orthographic regularity. This work demonstrates the potency of processing fluency in the information rich context of impression formation.  相似文献   

This research examines whether acceptance messages from close others about one's weight predict changes in stressful weight concern and body mass index (BMI) over time. Participants reported weight concern and BMI in three waves of data collection spanning approximately 9 months, and reported the messages they received from parents, friends, and romantic partners concerning their weight in the second wave of data collection. Participants normatively gained weight during the study period. But for vulnerable women, those initially high in weight concern, receiving fewer acceptance messages about weight was associated with weight gain, whereas receiving more acceptance messages was associated with decreases in stressful weight concern and weight maintenance, or even loss, over time. Alternative predictors, mechanisms, and models were also tested.  相似文献   

We examined perfectionism, interpersonal sensitivity and dysfunctional cognitions in patients with Social Phobia (SP). The sample consisted of a clinical group with a diagnosis of SP (n?=?30) and a non clinical group (n?=?30), matched for age and gender. Both groups were assessed on Frost??s Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS), Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure (IPSM), and Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS). The clinical sample was also assessed on Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), Beck??s Depression Inventory-II, Eysenck??s Personality Inventory-Neuroticism sub-scale (EPI- N). The two groups were compared on FMPS, IPSM and DAS using t-test. Associations between FMPS, IPSM, DAS and predictors of social anxiety and depression were examined. The clinical group scored higher on perfectionism, interpersonal sensitivity and dysfunctional cognitions. There was no significant association between total scores on FMPS and IPSM. However subscales of IPSM and FMPS were correlated. Doubt about Actions was associated with Separation Anxiety (r?=?0.520) and Timidity (r?=?0.407). Organization was related to Interpersonal Awareness (r?=?0.371) and Separation Anxiety (r?=?0.407). Parental criticism was negatively associated with fragile inner self. DAS was positively correlated with FMPS and IPSM. Interpersonal sensitivity emerged as a significant predictor of social anxiety. Discriminant Functional Analysis indicated that concern over mistakes, organization, fragile inner self, separation anxiety discriminated between the clinical and non-clinical groups.  相似文献   

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