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Book Information Necessary Goods: Our Responsibilities to Meet Others' Needs. Edited by Gillian Brock. Rowman and Littlefield. Lanham, MD. 1998. Pp. ix + 238. Hardback, US$63.00. Paperback, US$23.95.  相似文献   

What is needed in the face of the changes and challenges offered women today is a multidimensional three-career approach to career planning: an approach that takes into account individual, relationship, and lifework needs and satisfactions. Responsible college counseling should intervene at this point and provide, rather than simple job placement or even career development, a method of creative life planning sensitive to the acknowledged stages of adult development. Through individual counseling, use of role models, seminars and workshops, group discussions and resource centers, the hard, meaningful questions of life planning can be asked and answered.  相似文献   


Research into possible mechanisms preventing disaster (e.g., Hytten, Jensen, & Skauli, 1990; Vaughan, 1996; Weick, 1987, 1993) deserves great attention and praise. Unfortunately, however, organizational disasters cannot be prevented completely, so we must also understand, and prepare for, the social-psychological aftermath of organizational disasters. Despite the common occurrence of manmade and natural disasters, an increasing number of technological disasters (Weisaeth, 1994), and increasing mortality rates in many types of disaster (Ursano, Fullerton, & McCaughey, 1994), individuals, organizations, and institutions are typically ill prepared for the onslaught of massive loss of life because they tend to avoid and deny unpleasant occurrences. Organizational actors must take the aforementioned quotation from the Book of Job seriously or even go a step further and  相似文献   

To address the affective needs of gifted and talented adolescents, a 3-day group dynamics workshop became part of a 3-week summer institute. The workshop contained activities designed to increase self-esteem, group cohesion, and problem-solving skills to prepare the adolescents for completing communication projects with retirees.  相似文献   

The article describes a counseling process to assist people who are caught in career changes. The process acknowledges the effect of changing labor market opportunities on the career decision making process.  相似文献   

As the older adult population continues to grow, the prevalence of chronic diseases is also increasing, leading to the need for novel ways of managing this large population of patients. One solution is to focus on informal caregivers. These informal caregivers already make a substantial contribution to our nation’s healthcare finances and patient health outcomes. Caregivers also derive benefits from caring for their family member or friend; however, it is not uncommon for these individuals to experience negative health consequences, or what is often called “burden of care.” Those called to care are not without their own burdens, and they must frequently make significant lifestyle adjustments that impact their own health. Therefore, for caregivers to be effective, caring for the caregivers must be a focus of medicine in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

朱旭  江光荣 《心理学报》2011,43(4):420-431
为了解中国当事人如何看待咨询中的工作同盟, 对工作同盟做初步的本土概念化, 采用协商一致的质的研究方法对来自1所大学心理咨询中心的20名当事人的访谈结果进行了分析。结果发现, 与工作同盟相关的域有6个, 分别是情感联结、任务、投入、合作模式、发展变化、影响因素。前三个域可以看作是工作同盟的构成要素, 而后三个域则是对其外部特征的描述。对每个域的含义及其与现有理论和研究的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A model Child Evaluation Center was established in a regular public school to demonstrate alternative methods for providing psychoeducational services. In addition to its service/demonstration function, the center functioned as a psychoeducational field training clinic for the training of school psychologists. The center was successful in encouraging teachers to utilize consultative services, and, in the process, reducing the number of referrals for formal psychological evaluation.  相似文献   

The pervasiveness and the prevalence of the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are now much more recognized than in years past. The treatment needs of higher functioning people with ASD unfortunately often go unmet, and there is tremendous potential for psychologists to help meet these needs. The four articles in this special series provide current, best practice reviews and recommendations for practicing psychologists who work in this area. They highlight commonalities that cut across ASD and other clinical populations, and offer considerations that are unique to working with clients who have ASD. This commentary emphasizes the need for clinicians and applied psychological scientists to consider some of these issues in their own work.  相似文献   

The principles and processes for engaging youth-adult partnerships (Y-AP) in organizational and community decision making have often been articulated from developmental and social justice perspectives. A broad empirical foundation for Y-AP has been established. Y-AP remains an innovative idea in the United States, however. The belief that youth and adults can, and should, collaborate on issues of importance runs counter to prevailing policies, institutional structures, and community norms. 4-H Youth Development is one public system that is actively seeking to disseminate and implement Y-AP. 4-H Youth Development seeks to integrate Y-AP into its own governance structures as well as those of local government and community coalitions. Through qualitative analysis of the efforts in one Midwestern state, this study examines the contextual challenges faced by county staff-the providers of program support within 4-H Youth Development-and the ways in which county staff respond to these obstacles. This project identifies the goals, leverage points, and strategies through which county staff seek to integrate Y-AP into established forums of decision making. Implications for the dissemination and implementation of principle and process-based innovation are offered, with special attention to the role of the program support system.  相似文献   

Several researchers have identified codes of ethics (CoEs) as tools that stimulate positive ethical behavior by shaping the organisational decision-making process, but few have considered the information needed for code implementation. Beyond being a legal and moral responsibility, ethical behavior needs to become an organisational priority, which requires an alignment process that integrates employee behavior with the organisation’s ethical standards. This paper discusses processes for the responsible implementation of CoEs based on an extensive review of the literature. The internationally recognized European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model (EFQM model) is proposed as a suitable framework for assessing an organisation’s ethical performance, including CoE embeddedness. The findings presented herein have both practical and research implications. They will encourage construction practitioners to shift their attention from ethical policies to possible enablers of CoE implementation and serve as a foundation for further research on ethical performance evaluation using the EFQM model. This is the first paper to discuss the model’s use in the context of ethics in construction practice.  相似文献   

A method to facilitate exploratory or discovery-oriented psychotherapy process research is presented. The personal and professional contexts out of which the need for this new approach to psychotherapy process research arose are described. Several changes in scientific values and beliefs that have occurred as a consequence of the development and use of this methodology are noted.  相似文献   

The extant literature documents the importance of school counselors’ roles in school–family–community partnerships, yet no model exists to guide school counselors through the process of building partnerships. The authors propose a model to help school counselors navigate the process and principles of partnerships. They define partnerships; discuss the principles of democratic collaboration, empowerment, social justice, and strengths focus that should infuse partnerships; enumerate a partnership process model; and discuss implications for practice and research.  相似文献   

This study examines the process of fluency development of three fourth-grade readers of varying reading abilities. Participants were selected based on the number of words they read correctly per minute (WCPM) on the Qualitative Reading Inventory and their score on the Multidimensional Fluency Scale (MFS). Students participated in an 8-week intervention using readers' theater for fluency instruction and practice. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Students were observed during the literacy block of the school day, interviewed three times each, and provided weekly student self-reports. WCPM and MFS scores were recorded weekly. Findings showed inconsistent accuracy scores but documented the progress of students' development in two of the four MFS categories: pace and expression/volume. Motivation and confidence also increased through use of readers' theater.  相似文献   

This short-term longitudinal study expands on previous theoretical approaches, as we examined how women’s assertiveness and the strategies they use to elicit more household labor from husbands help to explain the division of labor and how it changes. Participants included 81 married women with 3- and 4-year-old children who completed two telephone interviews, approximately 2 months apart. Results based on quantitative and qualitative analyses show that (a) relative resource, structural, and gender ideology variables predicted the division of housework, but not childcare; (b) assertive women were closer to their ideal division of childcare than nonassertive women; (c) women who made a larger proportion of family income were less assertive about household labor than other women, but when they were assertive, they had a more equal division of childcare; (d) women who earned the majority of their household’s income showed the least change; and (e) the nature of women’s attempts to elicit change may be critical to their success.  相似文献   

This paper presents an in‐depth case study of the dynamic processes of mutual adjustment that occurred between two professional teams participating in a multicomponent community‐based intervention (CBI). Drawing on the concept of social regularities, we focus on patterns of social interaction within and across the two microsystems involved in delivering the intervention. Two research strategies, narrative analysis and structural network analysis, were used to reveal the social regularities linking the two microsystems. Results document strategies and actions undertaken by the professionals responsible for the intervention to modify intersetting social regularities to deal with a problem situation that arose during the course of one intervention cycle. The results illustrate how key social regularities were modified in order to resolve the problem situation and allow the intervention to continue to function smoothly. We propose that these changes represent a transition to a new state of the ecological intervention system. This transformation appeared to be the result of certain key intervening mechanisms: changing key role relationships, boundary spanning, and synergy. The transformation also appeared to be linked to positive setting‐level and individual‐level outcomes: confidence of key team members, joint planning, decision‐making and intervention activities, and the achievement of desired intervention objectives.  相似文献   

刘燕  赵曙明  蒋丽 《心理科学》2014,37(2):460-467
组织中的揭发行为是员工对工作场所中的违法、破坏规则和不道德行为的检举揭露,是及时纠正组织中错误行为的有效机制。文章回顾了组织中揭发行为的研究起源、概念及测量方法;从不同理论视角探讨了揭发行为的决策过程;从多个层面系统梳理了揭发意愿或行为的影响因素和产生机制;归纳了揭发行为实践的影响结果。提出未来研究应关注跨学科视角的个体前因、区分特定情境变量的影响、探索行为产生机制和开展本土化揭发行为研究等问题。  相似文献   

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