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Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment - This paper presents the development and validation of the Possessions as Others and Self Inventory (POSI). The POSI is a 23-item self-report...  相似文献   


Festinger's (1957) cognitive dissonance theory maintains that individuals enhance their opinions of decisions after they have made them. The present experiment demonstrated this postdecision dissonance enhancement effect by using a no-decision control group to test whether predecision moderation (i.e., impression management) or postdecision enhancement (i.e., dissonance reduction) occurred. Male and female subjects (N = 62) were approached in a shopping mall and asked to estimate their chances of winning a “gumball guess” lottery-type game. In clear support of cognitive dissonance theory, those giving their responses immediately after they had taken part in the gumball guess gave significantly higher estimates of winning than those asked just before they guessed or those in the control group.  相似文献   

自我与他者:教师的伦理责任与价值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
师生关系首先是伦理的为他关系,学生的他性外在于教师,具有无限性和神秘性,既依赖于教师这个自我又是对其的否定与超越.教师要获得存在的意义和价值,就得尊重学生这个他者,担负起对他者的伦理责任,回应他者的诉求,具备倾听能力,与他者对话以实现"和而不同"的课堂教育.  相似文献   

《大学》指出:“自天子以至于庶人,皆以修身为本。其本乱而末治者否矣。”现在的人们,实实在在早已忘记“正心修身”这个做人的根本。当今世界,我们看到的是:问题的青年,问题的学生,校园的暴力,青少年的犯罪以及由此衍生的家庭问题、社会问题层出不穷,已经到了触目惊心的程度。究其根源:我们丢弃了文化教育“承前启后,继往开来”的基本精神,我们已将国家民族的根本文化忘掉,已将古圣先贤的伦理道德抛弃,由此而导致的种种恶果,自然也就成为事所必至、理有固然的程度!慎终追远,民德归厚。要亡羊补牢,我们必须重新去认识我们的文化,去根植文化…  相似文献   

In latter-day discussions on corporate morality, duties of commission are fiercely debated. Moral institutionalists argue that duties of commission—such as a duty of assistance—overstep the boundaries of moral duty owed by economic agents. “Moral institutionalism” is a newly coined term for a familiar position on market morality. It maintains that market morality ought to be restricted, excluding all duties of commission. Neo-Classical thinkers such as Baumol and Homann defend it most eloquently. They underpin their position with concerns that go to the core of liberalism—the dominant western political theory that sustains the ideals of both the free market and the free, rational person. Those authors claim that liberalism calls for a fully differentiated market because it resents the politicization of the market. Fully differentiated markets exclude duties of commission. They also claim that full differentiation of the market closes the troublesome gap between moral motivation and moral virtue. Full differentiation redeems the promise of “easy virtue”. In this paper moral institutionalism will be rejected from a Kantian point of view, mostly inspired by Herman’s thesis on the invisibility of morality. Liberalism may perhaps ban the politicization of the market; it does not forbid its moralization. The idea of a fully differentiated market must also be rejected because it is either morally over-demanding (to the morally autonomous person) or morally hazardous (to the person with failing moral motivation). Contrary to what the moral institutionalists claim, right action, morally, is actually quite difficult in fully differentiated markets.  相似文献   


The early use of person perception terms was examined via an analysis of the spontaneous speech of four young children in conversation with their parents at home. All four children were producing such terms early in their third year. Like their parents, children used the terms in two distinguishable ways: to attribute a trait to a person or to characterize a person’s ongoing action. Most of these terms were evaluative, whether positive or negative. Parents often made direct comments to their children about both their traits and ongoing actions; children made similar comments about themselves. Parents also used person perception terms to make comments about others who were not party to the conversation; children did likewise. A considerable proportion of the trait terms that children produced served as interpretive comments on someone’s actions or preferences. Our findings suggest that from an early age, children are trait theorists. Not only do they describe ongoing actions using trait vocabulary, they interpret those ongoing actions by attributing traits.  相似文献   

Contemporary philosophers generally ignore the topic of duties to the self. I contend that they are mistaken to do so. The question of whether there are such duties, I argue, is of genuine significance when constructing theories of practical reasoning and moral psychology. In this essay, I show that much of the potential importance of duties to the self stems from what has been called the “second‐personal” character of moral duties—the fact that the performance of a duty is “owed to” someone. But this is problematic, as there is reason to doubt whether a person can genuinely owe to herself the performance of an action. Responding to this worry, I show that temporal divisions within an agent's life enable her to relate to herself second‐personally, in the way required by morality. The upshots, I argue, are that we need an intra‐personal theory of justice that specifies the extent of a person's authority over herself, and that we need to rethink our theories of moral emotions in order to specify how an individual ought to respond to attacks on her interests and autonomy that she herself perpetrates.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between Australian children's acceptance of self and their stage of friendship expectations. Subjects, 116 boys and 92 girls (8 to 13 years old), completed the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale and a Picture Sequence Task. The results showed that children who were at the evaluation, admiration, and common activities stages of friendship expectations reported comparatively lower self-acceptance feelings for the global self and for a number of minor self-concept areas than did those who were at higher developmental levels.  相似文献   

We examined relations between the Five-factor model (FFM) domains and facets of Agreeableness and Conscientiousness, hypothesized behavioral manifestations of these traits (e.g., social information processing and delay discounting), and externalizing behaviors in an undergraduate sample. Agreeableness and Conscientiousness were differentially related to the externalizing behaviors and the laboratory tasks, which in turn evinced significant relations with externalizing behaviors. The personality facets displayed evidence of modest incremental validity over the broader domains and were related to the externalizing behaviors even when controlling for the social information processing and behavioral discounting variables. In general, the results support the validity of the FFM domains and facets, particularly Agreeableness, in the prediction of a variety of externalizing behaviors.  相似文献   

元认知监控包括自我监控和监控他人。本研究用两个实验分别探讨了小学低年级学生自我监控和监控他人之间的关系及其发展趋势。实验一采用100以内加减法的计算任务,来探讨小学低年级学生的自我监测和监测他人。实验二采用难度不同、分值不同的计算任务,来探讨学生的自我控制和控制他人。研究发现:第一,小学低年级学生的自我监测和监测他人都会以前期任务表现为依据,支持MPT假说。而且,自我监测和监测他人都在二年级表现出了明显的转化和提高。第二,小学低年级学生在监测他人时,逐渐由以自我信息为依据调整到以他人认知状态为依据。第三,元认知控制能力的发展落后于监测能力。二年级和三年级学生仍旧不能很合理地进行自我执行和计划他人。  相似文献   

将246名中学生分为三个年龄组,运用情境故事考察其在犯过和亲社会道德情境下的自我与他人情绪判断。进行卡方检验发现,在犯过情境中,12岁组的自我和他人情绪判断均以消极情绪为主,14和16岁组的自我和他人情绪判断之间存在差异,表现为他们对犯过情境中损人者的情绪判断多为积极情绪,而对自己的情绪判断则多为消极情绪;在亲社会情境中,三个年龄组的自我和他人情绪判断之间不存在差异,多以积极情绪判断为主。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this article we compare the accuracy of personality judgments by the self and by knowledgeable others. Self- and acquaintance judgments of general personality attributes were used to predict general, videotaped behavioral criteria. Results slightly favored the predictive validity of personality judgments made by single acquaintances over self-judgments, and significantly favored the aggregated personality judgments of two acquaintances over self-judgments. These findings imply that the most valid source for personality judgments that are relevant to patterns of overt behavior may not be self-reports but the consensus of the judgment of the community of one's peers.  相似文献   

Michela Massimi 《Synthese》2011,182(1):101-116
This paper investigates some metaphysical and epistemological assumptions behind Bogen and Woodward’s data-to-phenomena inferences. I raise a series of points and suggest an alternative possible Kantian stance about data-to-phenomena inferences. I clarify the nature of the suggested Kantian stance by contrasting it with McAllister’s view about phenomena as patterns in data sets.  相似文献   

By applying results from in-depth interviews with older Iranian Sufis residing in Sweden, this article describes the benefits of the value system of Sufism prizing mystical union above self-realization. As persons conceive of themselves as all forming parts of other-than-self rather than as separate selves, the result is tolerance towards other people's opinions and the vanishing of hostile feelings and competition. Compassion and identification with the whole of creation allows Sufis to avoid the sense of loneliness and exclusion felt by so many immigrants.  相似文献   

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