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Female meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) are territorial during warm months but demonstrate social tolerance under low temperatures. In spring, females nest together and some pairs participate in communal nursing and rearing of young. Because communal nursing involves significant cooperation, selective pair-bonds may develop between 2 nestmates. Using a choice apparatus, the authors determined that (a) captive females demonstrated partner preferences for a nestmate; (b) partner preferences were enduring and persisted after dyadic separation; and (c) following the loss of a nestmate, females did not develop preferences for a new nestmate, even after extended cohabitation. Data support the hypothesis that captive meadow voles develop selective and enduring same-sex social bonds that may, under free-living conditions, facilitate communal nesting and cooperative rearing of young.  相似文献   

Open-field behavior of free-living meadow voles was measured in males held overnight in the laboratory. Movement variables were positively correlated, and had negative associations with grooming and freezing. Parameters including activity, freezing, urinating, and grooming showed annual fluctuations related to the reproductive season. Together with the results of a previous study showing castration of wild voles results in altered open-field behavior, these results emphasize the role of testicular hormones in influencing this behavior. Factor analysis identified an activity component accounting for 39% of the variation, but other parameters were little simplified by this procedure. Most factors cycled annually, and significant variation was found in all eight factors during the 4-year sample. Open-field behavior varied between different reproductive and age segments of the population, and may be related to population processes such as dispersal.  相似文献   

Males of many mammalian species exhibit contest competition and scramble competition for mates, but the relationship between these 2 forms of competition remains poorly understood. The authors measured dominance rank and spatial ability as traits likely to be selected by contest and scramble competition, respectively, among male meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). The spatial ability of males was assessed using water maze tests, and dominance rank was determined using paired trials in a neutral arena. Dominant males had better spatial-learning ability and tended to have quicker learning speed but did not have better spatial memory than less aggressive subordinates. Therefore, the authors found no evidence that contest and scramble competition have favored alternative reproductive phenotypes among male meadow voles.  相似文献   

During summer, female meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) maintain territories and males do not engage in paternal care. As day length shortens, territories dissolve and males nest with females and young. Because paternal behavior has never been studied in free-living meadow voles during colder months or in the laboratory under short photoperiods, the authors examined whether males housed in short day (SD) lengths exhibited more frequent or better quality paternal behavior than males housed in long day (LD) lengths. Sexually and parentally inexperienced (naive) SD males exhibited proportionally more and qualitatively better paternal care than naive LD males. SD males were more responsive than LD males to classic social cues associated with prepartum aggression inhibition and paternal onset. SD sires also displayed qualitatively better paternal behavior than LD sires. These data suggest that meadow vole paternal state is regulated by specific social and environmental cues that may contain reliable information about ecological conditions that favor paternal care.  相似文献   

Many nonhuman animals are capable of discriminating a group or entity containing more objects from one containing less of the same objects. The capacity for making judgments of numerousness may also allow individuals to discriminate between potential mates. Female meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) may use judgments of relative numerousness to distinguish between potential suitors by selecting males that signal their interest by depositing more scent marks relative to other males. We used a familiarization–discrimination paradigm in the absence of training to test the hypothesis that female voles will discriminate between the different numerosities of scent marks of two male conspecifics that are similar in features of their phenotype and quality. During the exposure phase, we presented female voles with different ratios of feces scent marks from two males. During the test phase, we presented females with a single, fresh fecal scent mark from each of the two male donors, whose marks they had previously encountered during the exposure phase. In both phases, females spent more time investigating the scent mark(s) of the male that deposited more scent marks than that of the male that deposited fewer scent marks provided the difference in the ratio of scent marks provided by the male donors in the exposure phase was ≥2. Our results are consistent with studies on a variety of taxa, suggesting that numerosity discriminations are evolutionarily ancient and spontaneously available to nonhuman animals and humans.  相似文献   

The social transmission of food preferences is affected by factors including the length of time a preference is maintained. The authors investigated the social transmission of food preferences in pine voles (Microtus pinetorum) and whether food items had to be present for memory to persist. A demonstrator vole was fed cocoa-flavored food, a nonpreferred food. After interacting with a demonstrator vole, observer voles preferred cocoa-flavored food as compared with either naive voles that had not interacted with demonstrators or voles that had been exposed to odors. Observers retained this preference for 72 hr after interacting with an observer whether or not flavored foods were present. The ability to learn which food items are palatable and safe may benefit a generalist herbivore that has faced selection to avoid toxic baits.  相似文献   

Male-induced estrus was examined in montane (Microtus montanus), meadow (M. pennsylvanicus), prairie (M. ochrogaster), and pine (M. pinetorum) voles. Duration of male contact needed for receptivity, effects of parity, and vaginal cytology were assessed. Among nulliparous females, montane voles attained receptivity with less male contact than prairie voles. Meadow and pine voles showed very low receptivity rates. Among parous females, montane and meadow voles did not differ in duration of male contact needed for receptivity and required less than prairie voles. Overall, parous females had higher receptivity rates than nulliparous females. When isolated from males, prairie and pine voles had more leukocytes and fewer cornified cells in vaginal smears than montane or meadow voles. Species differences in estrus induction are discussed in relation to species differences in social organization.  相似文献   

We permitted male prairie and montane voles (Microtus ochrogaster and M. montanus) five thrusts, without ejaculation, with a female at variable times after a 1st male ejaculated. In both prairie and montane voles, there were fewer sperm, in relation to control conditions, in the female's tract 1 hr after ejaculation if the female received thrusts immediately or 15 min after the ejaculate. There was no such effect after a 50-min delay. There was no significant decrease in litter production in prairie voles caused by thrusts delivered either immediately or after a 15-min delay. Sperm transport in these species is susceptible to disruption for a longer period than in deer mice or rats. The proposal that the postejaculatory interval protects a male from disrupting its own sperm transport (the PEI matching law) appears not to hold for these species.  相似文献   

Prairie vole pups (Microtus ochrogaster) in laboratory cages prefer hind nipples. In this research, the author observed 8 litters of prairie voles in a seminatural environment to confirm the preference for hind nipples and to determine if young on hind nipples were groomed more frequently or dislodged less frequently than were young on other nipples. Prairie vole pups in seminatural environments preferred hind nipples; this preference was illustrated by the progressive use of more anterior nipples only as litter size increased and by the reluctance of pups to voluntarily release their hold on hind nipples. Maternal grooming of young did not vary with suckling location. Prairie vole young on hind nipples, however, were dislodged less frequently than were young on other nipples. Less frequent dislodgment from hind nipples during maternal movements may play a role in the preference for hind nipples in prairie voles.  相似文献   

This study was designed to delineate the course of sexual satiation in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Fourteen male-female pairs were allowed to copulate freely for 24 hr under continuous observation. Copulations occurred predominantly during the first few hours and decreased in frequency thereafter. The mean number of ejaculations per pair was 5.6 (range, 2-9). Two thirds of the ejaculations occurred during the first 3 hr, and over 90% took place within the first 7 hr after the first intromission. No ejaculations were observed during the last 8 hr. These results suggest that male capacity to deliver ejaculations to a female is limited and that direct observations reveal a more limited capacity than observations made with time-lapse videotape.  相似文献   

Pair-bonded prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) are biparental after the birth of pups. However, whereas most adult virgin males are parental, most virgin females are not. In 6 experiments, influences on the parental behavior of virgin female prairie voles were examined. It was found that (a) young virgin females were more maternal than older females, (b) the postweaning sex ratio of cage-mates did not affect females' responses to pups, (c) females raised to adulthood with their parents and younger siblings present were highly parental, (d) 48-hr exposure to pups beginning at weaning increased some aspects of later maternal responding, (e) rearing to adulthood with the parents even in the absence of younger siblings also increased females' maternal responding, and (f) the increase was seen only if both parents were present. Continued parental presence promotes alloparental behavior, possibly important if daughters do not disperse from the natal nest.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that sex differences in maze learning result from sex differences in activity was tested with wild-caught prairie (Microtus ochrogaster) and meadow (M. pennsylvanicus) voles. For 38 voles error production and activity were simultaneously measured in a series of 7 symmetrical mazes. Repeated-measures analyses of variance (ANOVAS) examined species, sex, maze, and interaction effects for 3 dependent variables: errors, activity, and errors/activity. The pattern of significant effects was very different for the errors and activity ANOVAS, which suggests that differential activity cannot explain differential error rates. In contrast, the pattern of effects was very similar for errors and errors/activity ANOVAS, which suggests that controls for activity do not remove differences in error production. These results fail to support the activity hypothesis.  相似文献   

社会偏好中的框架效应是指, 个体在决策中受到选择方案框架形式的影响而表现出合作、互惠及利他行为及倾向改变的现象, 是框架效应在社会偏好领域的运用。预期理论、错误知觉说、心理动力模型、情绪维护理论以及解释水平理论分别从价值函数、知觉偏差、内部心理动力、情绪及认知表征角度解释了社会偏好中的框架效应, 心理距离、价值取向、人格特质和文化等因素对社会偏好中的框架效应具有重要影响。未来的研究需要从社会偏好中的框架效应的心理机制与神经机制、研究范式及外部效度改进等方面作进一步探讨。  相似文献   

Socioemotional selectivity theory holds that the reliable decline in social contact in later life is due, in part, to older people's preferences for emotionally meaningful social partners and that such preferences are due not to age, per se, but to perceived limitations on time. Confirming the theory, in both the United States and Hong Kong, older people showed a preference for familiar social partners, whereas younger people did not show this preference. However, when asked to imagine an expansive future, older people's bias for familiar social partners disappeared. Conversely, in the face of a hypothesized constraint on time, both younger and older people preferred familiar social partners. Moreover, social preferences in Hong Kong differed before and after the 1997 handover of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China, which was construed as a sociopolitical time constraint. One year prior to the handover, only older people displayed preferences for familiar partners. Two months before the handover, both age groups showed such preferences. One year after the handover, once again, only older Hong Kong people preferred familiar social partners.  相似文献   

Infanticidal behavior of male common voles (Microtus arvalis) was investigated in relation to the age of unfamiliar pups. Sires from 18 pairs were removed after parturition of their offspring and replaced by unfamiliar males at different ages of the neonates. In group 1, containing six females with their offspring, the new male was introduced into the females' cages on day 1 after the parturition. In group 2 the new male was introduced on day 5 after parturition and in group 3 on day 9 after parturition. The male was removed after 3 days and the neonates recounted. Male common voles killed up to 100% of the neonates in litters containing neonates younger than 9 days by rapid bites to the head of the neonates (groups 1 and 2, mortality rates of 0.86 and 0.38). However, with older pups, a mortality rate of 0.06 was observed while 33% of the intruder males showed signs of injuries (group 3). These findings show that infanticidal behavior of male common voles represents one factor of pup mortality. The results are discussed in relation to changes in the degree of maternal aggression and in the context of the social system of the common vole for solving the conflict between postpartum estrous mating and infanticidal behavior of male common voles. Aggr. Behav. 23:293–298, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lewis KM  Lambert MC 《Assessment》2006,13(4):406-416
Studies addressing Black adolescents' social change strategies are nonexistent and might be associated with the absence of social change measures for Black adolescents. In an effort to begin addressing this concern, the 30-item Measure of Social Change for Adolescents (MOSC-A) was designed to measure Black adolescents' first- (i.e., within the system) and second- (outside of the system) order social change strategies. Factor analysis of responses that 226 Black adolescents gave to the MOSC-A revealed first- and second-order social change factors. Item response theory analyses revealed that 65% of the items on the former factor adequately discriminate across different trait levels, but those of the latter were less promising. Scaffolded on this study, future research might refine the MOSC-A's psychometric properties and improve its utility.  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex is an operational measure of sensorimotor gating, a process critical to normal cognitive function. Researchers (D. Feifel & K. Priebe, 2001) have identified PPI deficits in the Brattleboro rat, a genetically vasopressin-deficient strain that is derived from the Long Evans rat. The absence of vasopressin, a neuropeptide involved in affiliative behaviors, may adversely affect the rearing of offspring by Brattleboro dams, perhaps accounting for their attenuated PPI. Cross-fostering of Long Evans and Brattleboro pups did not alter the PPI deficits in Brattleboro rats. However, the magnitude and habituation of the startle response, which normally differs between Brattleboro and Long Evans rats, was not different in cross-fostered rats. The authors' results indicated that abnormal rearing by Brattleboro dams may contribute to the startle magnitude and habituation abnormalities in Brattleboro Rats but not to their PPI deficits, suggesting that their sensorimotor gating deficits result from their genetic deviation from Long Evans rats.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - In rodents, defensive behaviors increase the chances of survival during a predator encounter. Observable rodent defensive behaviors have been shown to be influenced by the...  相似文献   

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