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These experiments show that the perceptual organization of a multielement display affects both the speed and accuracy with which a target letter in it is detected. The first two experiments show that a target is detected more poorly if it is arranged in good form (a perceptual Gestalt) with noise elements than if it is not. This effect is not confounded with target-noise proximity or display size, and it holds for stimuli terminated by the subject’s response as well as for stimuli of very brief duration. Increasing the number of noise elements can actually improve performance if the added noise elements increase the degree to which the noise elements form perceptual groups separately from the target. A third experiment tries out a new method for scaling the perceptual structure of an array, and it shows that the main features of the first two experiments can be predicted from the scaled perceptual structure of the arrays they used.  相似文献   

Eight, ten and twelve year old children were tested on a novel procedure involving the successive presentation of the standard and comparison stimuli. Two hypotheses were evaluated, one dealing with memory effects, and the other with children's pre-testing of choice responses in spatial information processing. It was found, in general, for both spatial perception and coordination of perspectives tasks, that there was no short memory decay for spatial information, but that opportunities to pre-test choice responses improved performance. It was inferred from these data that the performance superiority under simultaneous than successive conditions is attributable to opportunities to pre-test responses and not to memory effects, as opposed to successive conditions is attributable to opportunities to pre-test responses and not to memory effects.  相似文献   

The depth of visual information processing is identified with the longest randomly-generated binary-encoded spatial pattern whose partial repetitions can be detected. In contrast with the auditory detection of sequentially-presented constraints, the depth of perceptible visual encoding of spatially-presented constraints is sharply limited. Depths of about 35 were achieved for one-dimensional constraints; depths of perhaps 3 or 4 were achieved for two-dimensional constraints imposed in only one direction and depths of perhaps 2 for two-dimensional constraints imposed in two directions. With one-dimensional constraints, it is shown that the inferred depth of processing is partially determined by the number of pattern representations and by the spatial distance between successive representation for visual displays of fixed size.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - Previous research had indicated that when subjects are instructed to report one of a number of visually displayed items, both the number and spacing of...  相似文献   

Age and the selectivity of visual information processing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two experiments were conducted to assess age differences in the selectivity of visual information processing. Selectivity was measured by the amount of interference caused by nontarget letters when subjects detected a target letter in a visual display. In both experiments, young and elderly groups participated in search and nonsearch conditions; in the search condition targets appeared anywhere in the display, whereas in the nonsearch condition targets were confined to the center position of the display. In the first experiment, subjects were assigned to either condition for two sessions of testing, and in the second experiment each subject participated in both conditions. In both experiments nontargets produced larger interference effects for old compared to young adults in the search condition but not in the nonsearch condition. The obtained pattern of age effects could not be explained by age-related reductions in parafoveal acuity. The findings indicate that the magnitude of divided-attention deficit increases with age, whereas focused-attention deficits are unaffected by aging.  相似文献   

When unrelated letter strings are presented tachistoscopically, the end letters are reported more often than their neighbors; and when spaces are inserted into strings, performance on certain adjacent letters is superior to performance on those letters when no spaces were present. An experiment was conducted to determine the nature of those spacing effects. Letter strings were presented at a variety of retinal locations, and spaces were inserted into different positions in the instructed left-right processing order. The space effect was unrelated to processing order, but it was dependent on retinal location. To account for the various asymmetries, it was necessary to postulate that letters tend to interact with adjacent lettersand that the interaction was not spatially symmetric. Furthermore, it was found that spaces had greater effects on “right-hand” letters than on symmetric letters. It was therefore concluded that letters interact at the feature level.  相似文献   

While effects of contextual change or constancy on memory are widely found when tested by free and cued recall, there is greater inconsistency in context effects on recognition. This study employed a paradigm maximizing target-context interactivity and specificity to reveal three levels of context effects on successful retrieval, as well as context effects on the generation of false alarms, thereby revealing separable contributions of target-context binding, additive familiarity, and configural constancy. The separability of these factors enables the use of memory context effects as tools for investigating associative memory.  相似文献   

While effects of contextual change or constancy on memory are widely found when tested by free and cued recall, there is greater inconsistency in context effects on recognition. This study employed a paradigm maximizing target–context interactivity and specificity to reveal three levels of context effects on successful retrieval, as well as context effects on the generation of false alarms, thereby revealing separable contributions of target–context binding, additive familiarity, and configural constancy. The separability of these factors enables the use of memory context effects as tools for investigating associative memory.  相似文献   

Visual information provided by a talker’s mouth movements can influence the perception of certain speech features. Thus, the “McGurk effect” shows that when the syllable /bi/ is presented audibly, in synchrony with the syllable /gi/, as it is presented visually, a person perceives the talker as saying /di/. Moreover, studies have shown that interactions occur between place and voicing features in phonetic perception, when information is presented audibly. In our first experiment, we asked whether feature interactions occur when place information is specified by a combination of auditory and visual information. Members of an auditory continuum ranging from /ibi/ to /ipi/ were paired with a video display of a talker saying /igi/. The auditory tokens were heard as ranging from /ibi/ to /ipi/, but the auditory-visual tokens were perceived as ranging from /idi/ to /iti/. The results demonstrated that the voicing boundary for the auditory-visual tokens was located at a significantly longer VOT value than the voicing boundary for the auditory continuum presented without the visual information. These results demonstrate that place-voice interactions are not limited to situations in which place information is specified audibly. In three follow-up experiments, we show that (1) the voicing boundary is not shifted in the absence of a change in the global percept, even when discrepant auditory-visual information is presented; (2) the number of response alternatives provided for the subjects does not affect the categorization or the VOT boundary of the auditory-visual stimuli; and (3) the original effect of a VOT boundary shift is not replicated when subjects are forced by instruction to \ldrelabel\rd the /b-p/auditory stimuli as/d/or/t/. The subjects successfully relabeled the stimuli, but no shift in the VOT boundary was observed.  相似文献   

Research has focused little on the ambient and focal visual channels within which driving and side-task information can be processed. In the current experiment, for the purpose of demonstrating differentiation of focal and ambient visual processing attentional demands on driving performance and physiological response, subjects participated in a dual-task driving simulation that contained focal and ambient components. We hypothesized that ambient demands would not have any effects on driving performance or physiological response, whereas the focal-side-task would cause a deterioration in driving performance and specific changes in physiological response. Support for these hypotheses would provide evidence that focal visual processing is attention demanding, whereas the processing of ambient visual information is not.Some results suggest that ambient visual information was processed pre-attentively, whereas focal visual information requires attentional resources to be processed. Driving performance deteriorated and changes in physiological response occurred when the focal side-task was added to driving, but not when the ambient side-task was added. However, we failed to see predicted changes in driving performance and physiological response as the demands of the focal and ambient components of the driving simulation varied. The results of the current study suggest that a differentiation in attention demands between focal and ambient vision does exist, but that further research is needed to better understand the nature and practical consequences of the differentiation.  相似文献   

The notion that visual laterality patterns may be attributable to attentional allocation rather than hemispheric specialisation was examined in three experiments. In Experiment I, high verbal ability subjects were found to be less lateralised on a letter name match task than low verbals. In Experiment II, stimulus probability was shown to affect laterality patterns for name but not for physical matches. Again, low verbals were affected more than highs. Experiment III produced results identical to those of Experiment II although, in the latter experiment, visual fields were defined vertically rather than horizontally from the midline. Together, these results support the following generalisations: (1) visual asymmetries have their locus in a post-perceptual information processing stage; (2) visual asymmetries may be altered by manipulating stimulus probability; (3) verbal ability differences in laterality may not reflect neuroanatomical differences but merely cognitive capacity and (4) it may be unnecessary to invoke differential hemispheric specialisation in order to account for visual lateral asymmetries.  相似文献   

A series of experiments on intersensory facilitation demonstrates that non-informative sound of low to moderate intensity (30/80 dB) facilitates the reaction to a visual stimulus. By manipulating the preprocessing and perceptual stages of the visual signals, it appears that auditory intensity reduces choice reaction time independently from the positive influence of the intensity and duration of the visual imperative signal, but interacts with the effect of stimulus degradation. Degraded stimuli take more profit of the sound than intact stimuli. Besides a short-term activation effect, originated by accessories of the auditory modality, on the motor adjustment stage (cf. Sanders 1983), the results suggest that the accessory influences the stage of feature extraction.  相似文献   

Iconic memory, which was initially regarded as a unitary phenomenon, has since been subdivided into several components. In the present work we examined the joint effects of two such components (visible persistence and the visual analog representation) on performance in a partial report task. The display consisted of 15 alphabetic characters arranged around the perimeter of an imaginary circle on the face of an oscilloscope. The observer named the character singled out by a bar-probe. Two factors were varied: exposure duration of the array (10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400 or 500 ms) and duration of blank period (interstimulus interval, ISI) between the termination of the array and the onset of the probe (0, 50, 100, 150, or 200 ms). Performance was progressively impaired as both exposure duration and ISI were increased. The results were explained in terms of a probabilistic combinatorial model in which the timecourses of visible persistence and of the visual analog representation are regarded as time-locked to the onset and to the end of stimulation, respectively. The impairing effect of exposure duration was attributed to the relatively high spatial demands of the task that could be met optimally by information in visible persistence (which declines as a function of exposure duration), but less adequately by information in the visual analog representation. A second experiment, employing a task with lesser spatial demands, confirmed this interpretation.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in rate of visual information processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Each of four groups of 12 subjects performed four psychophysical tasks. The age ranges of the four groups were 19-31, 45-57, 58-70, and 71-83 years, respectively. All four tasks required some form of visual information processing: Two were backward-masking tasks; two were temporal-integration tasks. In all four tasks increasing temporal functions over age were obtained, suggesting slower processing rates as age increased. The results support an active processing model of visual perception that interprets duration of visible persistence and duration of interval in which backward masking is effective as indices of the time course of early stages in the processing of stimulus features. The evidences also suggests that backward masking and visible persistence may be mediated by distinct mechanisms that are affected differently by aging processes. A model that conceptualizes the visual system as a multichannel processor is proposed as an explanation for some of the findings.  相似文献   

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