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陈明 《中国哲学史》2013,(3):111-119
《尚书·洪范》之作,相传为周武王克商后访问箕子并请教治国临民之道,箕子演说“九畴”大法以为治道之要。后代儒者对《洪范》极为重视,常借诠释《洪范》以论述治道之主张。朱子即曾言《洪范》“此是个大纲目,天下之事,其大者大概备于此矣”。(《朱子语类》卷七十九)明清之际的学者王船山,由天人关系问题着眼,对于《洪范》所蕴含的政治思想进行深入发掘,特别是他经由详细分析与诠释“五行”与“皇极”两畴之内涵,从而对王政之要、为政之德与成德之学等问题做出了深刻的阐发。  相似文献   

The Structure of Emotion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— One common point of debate in the study of emotion is whether the basic, irreducible elements of emotional life are discrete emotion categories, such as anger , fear , sadness , and so on, or dimensions such as approach and avoidance . Resolving this debate will identify the basic building blocks of emotional life that are the most appropriate targets of scientific inquiry. In this paper, we briefly review meta-analytic work on the neuroimaging of emotion and examine its potential for identifying "natural kinds" of emotion in the brain. We outline criteria for identifying such natural kinds, summarize the evidence to date on category and dimensional approaches, and suggest ways in which neuroimaging studies could more directly address fundamental questions about the nature of emotion.  相似文献   

The Angry Cognitions Scale (ACS; Martin and Dahlen in J Ration Emot Cogn Behav Therapy 25:155–173, 2007) was designed to measure six cognitive processes related to anger: misattributing causation, overgeneralizing, catastrophizing, demandingness, inflammatory labeling, and adaptive processes. Preliminary evidence on the reliability of the ACS has been positive, demonstrating that the ACS is correlated with the experience and expression of anger, anger consequences, hostile thoughts, and responses to provocation (Martin and Dahlen in J Ration Emot Cogn Behav Therapy 25:155–173, 2007; J Ration Emot Cogn Behav Therapy, 29:65–76, 2011). This previous research, however, has suffered from limitations associated with demand characteristics and the reliance on retrospective data. The current study sought to address these limitations by using daily emotion logs. Results showed that the ACS predicted the daily experience of anger and anger related consequences, contributing to the literature on the ACS as a valuable measure of anger-related cognitions.  相似文献   

情绪调节的实质   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
黄敏儿  郭德俊 《心理科学》2000,23(1):109-110
作为一个特别的研究课题,情绪调节最早出现于发展心理学。经过近二十年来的发展,情绪调节研究已广泛涉及儿童、成人、临床、健康、教育等领域。是当前情绪领域的前沿课题和热点。情绪调节是情绪本质研究的发展和延续,也是使情绪研究更具有应用价值的课题。本文将着力探讨和总结该领域对情绪调节本质的认识。1情绪调节的定义 一般认为,情绪调节是个体管理和改变自己或他人情绪的过程。在这个过程中,通过一定的策略和机制,情绪在生理活动、主观体验、表情行为等方面发生一定的变化。情绪调节过程有以下特点。 首先,情绪调节包括所有正…  相似文献   

情绪的神经心理学理论概述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马庆霞  郭德俊 《心理科学》2004,27(1):150-152
本文主要论述了情绪神经心理学的有关理论。过去,人们认为情绪和认知分别由皮层下和皮层结构所控制,认知系统控制着情绪系统。现在,人们认为认知和情绪两个机能系统是相互联系的。情绪系统能快速、自动地加工有限数量的信息,认知系统则能有意识和有控制地分析信息。情绪是一个非同质的、多成分的、有等级组织的适应系统。大脑左、右半球在情绪表征和控制中具有不对称性,右半球主要控制自动的、自发的情绪,而左半球在概念水平上调节控制情绪。  相似文献   

情绪具身性有着广泛的理论假说与研究证据, 从情绪外周理论到面部反馈假说、躯体标记假说再到现在的情绪具身观, 都一致认为情绪是具身的。情绪具身观认为情绪是包括大脑在内的身体的情绪, 身体的解剖学结构、身体的活动方式、身体的感觉和运动体验决定了我们怎样加工情绪。相关的行为和脑机制研究均支持了情绪加工的具身性。目前关于具身情绪的理论解释主要有镜像神经元系统假说、具身模仿论和知觉符号系统理论等。作为一种新兴的理论观点, 情绪具身观为情绪研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

具身的情绪:情绪研究的新范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在计算机隐喻的影响下,认知加工情绪理论成为现代情绪理论的主要支柱。计算机隐喻陷入困境后,具身认知的观点逐渐被人们接纳,具身认知在情绪研究中的应用——具身的情绪可以解除情绪研究的传统局限,摆脱情绪非心即身的两难选择,从而开启了情绪研究的新范式。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Despite their interest in why people do what they do, psychologists typically overlook interest itself as a facet of human motivation and emotion. In recent years, however, researchers from diverse areas of psychology have turned their attention to the role of interest in learning, motivation, and development. This article reviews the emerging body of work on the psychology of interest, with an emphasis on what contemporary emotion research has learned about the subject. After considering four central questions—Is interest like other emotions? What functions does interest serve? What makes something interesting? Is interest merely another label for happiness?—the article considers unanswered questions and fruitful applications. Given interest's central role in cultivating knowledge and expertise, psychologists should apply research on interest to practical problems of learning, education, and motivation.  相似文献   

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