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精神分析学由奥地利医生弗洛伊德始创,这场人类文明史上的革命对各个学科均产生了深远影响。任何理论都不会凭空而生,都有其产生的背景和理论来源,弗洛伊德的精神分析学并非建立在实验科学的基础之上,而是作为一种思想通过思辨产生的。把弗洛伊德的精神分析学作为历史长河的一部分加以审视,从哲学理论中探寻其"无意识理论"、"本能论"和"人格论"的源头和流变,从而加深对弗洛伊德建立的早期精神分析学的认识并进一步理解哲学之于心理学思想的紧密联系。  相似文献   

精神分析学由奥地利医生弗洛伊德始创,这场人类文明史上的革命对各个学科均产生了深远影响。任何理论都不会凭空而生,都有其产生的背景和理论来源,弗洛伊德的精神分析学并非建立在实验科学的基础之上,而是作为一种思想通过思辨产生的。把弗洛伊德的精神分析学作为历史长河的一部分加以审视,从哲学理论中探寻其"无意识理论"、"本能论"和"人格论"的源头和流变,从而加深对弗洛伊德建立的早期精神分析学的认识并进一步理解哲学之于心理学思想的紧密联系。  相似文献   

游戏治疗起源于精神分析,对儿童潜意识的探索一直伴随着游戏治疗的发展.儿童精神分析是对经典精神分析的现代发展,其中游戏治疗的主要代表人物有:克莱因、安娜·弗洛伊德和温尼科特,他们各自创立并系统整理了游戏治疗的理论与技术.他们独特的游戏治疗理念与应用对我国游戏治疗的发展具有重要价值.  相似文献   

游戏治疗起源于精神分析,对儿童潜意识的探索一直伴随着游戏治疗的发展。儿童精神分析是对经典精神分析的现代发展,其中游戏治疗的主要代表人物有:克莱因、安娜.弗洛伊德和温尼科特,他们各自创立并系统整理了游戏治疗的理论与技术。他们独特的游戏治疗理念与应用对我国游戏治疗的发展具有重要价值。  相似文献   

卡伦·霍妮(Karen Hornev,1885—1952)反对弗洛伊德的人格生物本能决定论,主张社会文化决定论,并由此而提出了一整套关于神经症人格的起因,表现形式,治疗方法的完整理论,该理论突破了仅仅将神经症人格当作个人的生理-心理现象,从广阔的社会文化背景,人与人之间的关系入手揭示了人类精神及其变异的本质特征,故有强烈的思想性。霍妮因此而成为20世纪的著名思想家,是当之无愧的。霍妮1885年生于德国汉堡,1913年获柏林大学医学博士学位,后随弗洛伊德的得意门生亚伯拉罕学习精神分析。为逃避纳粹迫害,1932年赴美担任芝加哥的精神分析研究所副所长,两年后到纽约私人开业,并任教于社会研究新学院,直至逝世。霍妮一生著作甚丰,主  相似文献   

在精神分析经由古典精神分析到自我心理学再到客体关系理论的发展历程中,分别以弗洛伊德、雅可布森和温尼科特为代表的精神分析学家,对于抑郁症的病理与治疗提出了各自独到的理论。弗洛伊德提出的抑郁者"愤怒转向自身"导致的自毁倾向,雅可布森提出的抑郁症治疗的四阶段论,温尼科特提出的虚假自体障碍与抑郁症的关联等理论,对于深入理解抑郁症的发病机制与治疗过程具有重要的临床价值。  相似文献   

薛蓉 《现代哲学》2007,(3):61-68
弗罗姆的社会心理学是对马克思的思想和弗洛伊德的精神分析理论综合的结果,他以历史唯物主义为基础,修正和发展了弗洛伊德的精神分析学,将弗洛伊德的个体心理学发展为“社会心理学”,并将他在心理学上的发现和成果——社会性格学和社会无意识——用于对资本主义的批判。  相似文献   

<正>随着心理咨询行业在我国的兴起,越来越多的人开始关注精神分析取向的心理咨询与治疗,你对国内精神分析的发展现状了解多少呢?欧美发达国家的精神分析理论与技术又有什么样的最新发展呢?国内精神分析取向的心理咨询和治疗发展现状谈到精神分析,很多人最先联想到的是弗洛伊德、催眠和梦的解析。随着国内心理咨询与治疗行业近一二十年来的快速发展,越来越多的人对于"精神分析取向的心理咨询和治疗"与"精神分析"感到好奇,但除了少数正在学习和应用的  相似文献   

弗洛伊德主义伦理学是现代西方伦理学中的一种心理伦理学派别。弗洛伊德主义又称精神分析或心理分析,因其创始人,奥地利的著名精神病学家西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(1865—1939),而得名。它产生于十九世纪末。精神分析开始只是一种探讨精神病因和治疗神经病的理论和方法,到廿世纪20年代之后,这种理论才成为现代西方心理学中的一个重要派别,并扩展到社会科学各领域,其中包括道德理论方面,从而形成了弗洛伊德主义伦理学理论。  相似文献   

近年来,心理咨询和心理治疗偏重于强调精神分析技术的应用.对来访者是否合适采用精神分析治疗却相对忽略.依照弗洛伊德的有关理论出发,总结了判别来访者是否合适进行精神分析治疗的标准,包括个案访谈、时间的维度、移情能力和合适的病理主题以及力求改变的愿望等.  相似文献   


The history of psychoanalysis can be characterized by conflicts that besides their personal content meant a closure and an opening in the development of the theorecial and practical (self )understanding of the discipline. The 1923-24 conflict that resulted in the separation of Rank from the movement and showed the first signs of uneasiness against the mainstream of psychoanalysis in Ferenczi's approach is relatively less known. However, its theoretical, or more general: discoursive impact on psychoanalysis was enormous.The debate took place among the top leaders of the movement, Rank and Ferenczi on one side, Jones, Abraham, Sachs on the other. In the center of the discussion there were two books, The Trauma of Birth by Rank and the The Development of Psychoanalysis by Ferenczi and Rank. With the help of documents I try to show that Freud first supported his Vienna-Budapest friends, later changed over to the other camp. As a general effect, I suggest that this debate resulted in the withdrawal from the earlier more hermeneutic-dialogical, therapy centered psychoanalysis toward a medical, objective, systematic and metapsychology oriented discipline. Besides the general theoretical change the power centers of psychoanalysis shifted toward West, Vienna and Budapest was substituted first by Berlin, later by London and New York.  相似文献   

The simultaneous celebration of the donation by Dr. Judith Dupont of the Ferenczi Archive to the London Freud Museum and of the launch of two new books on Ferenczi in the Karnac History of Psychoanalysis Series provides an occasion for reflection on the trauma inflicted on the psychoanalytic world by the Freud–Ferenczi rift and on the hope for renewal symbolized by Dr. Dupont’s gift. Tribute is paid to Judith Dupont and to André Haynal for their contributions to preserving Ferenczi’s legacy. It is argued that Freud bears responsibility for pathologizing those with whom he had intellectual disagreements, but that Ferenczi’s concept of elasticity points the way to a reconciliation of Freud and Ferenczi that renders it no longer necessary to “rescue psychoanalysis from Freud.”  相似文献   


With the aid of passages of Ferenczi's paper on elasticity, and of the correspondence between Freud and Ferenczi, the author points out the conceptual difference between Freud and Ferenczi, evokes the historical roots of this difference, and highlights its continuing importance in present-day psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

Sigmund Freud introduced Sandor Ferenczi to Georg Groddeck in 1917. The warm personal friendship that these two men shared for the rest of their lives was a breeding ground for many of their respective theoretical and clinical contributions. 1923 was a schismatic year in the history of psychoanalysis. Freud's appropriation of Groddeck's Das Es and its adaptation to Heinroth's tri-partite model (Freud, 1923; Poster, 1997) marked the beginning of Ego psychology. Almost simultaneously there appeared Groddeck's Book of the It (Groddeck, 1923), together with Rank and Ferenczi's The Development of Psychoanalysis (Rank and Ferenczi, 1924), and Ferenczi's Thalassa (Ferenczi, 1924). These three seminal publications set the stage for a paradigm shift (Hoffer, 2008; Rudnytsky, 2002). They were the forerunner of later developments in object relations, self-psychology, interpersonal and relational psychoanalysis. Taken together, the contributions of Groddeck and Ferenczi and Rank reinvigorated psychoanalysis, Freud's baby, with “the constructive aspect” that Groddeck told Freud had been lost in Freud's re-definition of Das Es (Groddeck, 1977, p. 13). Each of these pioneers stimulated the thinking of the others. Always an independent thinker, Groddeck was welcomed into the psychoanalytic circle by both Freud and Ferenczi. Suffering under the “crushing paternal(ism)” of Freud, Ferenczi was supported by Groddeck to carry out his own clinical experiments. Preoccupied with his own legacy and intolerant of dissent, Freud was able to maintain cordial contact with these two creative spirits and allow them to modify his own ideas.  相似文献   

By the foundation of the International Psychoanalytical Association by Freud, Jung and Ferenczi the “psychoanalytic movement” joined into regulated tracks. Thus, the project “Psychoanalysis”, a project in the spirit of the “Aufklärung”, which had prescribed itself to individualistic autonomy, got into breach. In this contribution the reasons are reflected in regard to the establishment as non-university science and the threat of marginalization. They objected Freud’s pretension of influence and belonging. It is unclear why it was explicitly Sándor Ferenczi who was designated to be the precursor of that foundation. He was initially a critical opponent of Freud’s thoughts. His biography illustrates that the institutionalization of psychoanalysis happened too early and that this brought scientific isolation and personal distress over his life when, at the end of his life, he strived for emanzipation in his relationship to Freud.  相似文献   

Since I have ranged over a rather large territory in this presentation I will summarize my main points. I claim that the very way Freud created psychoanalysis made it impossible for it to continue to grow and develop as a unified movement after his death. Unlike other sciences, psychoanalysis had no way of differentiating its basic findings from what is yet to be discovered. I then reintroduced my differentiation between heretics, modifiers, and extenders, claiming that after Freud’s death there was less opportunity for heretics and more space for modifiers. I assigned a crucial role to the fact that Anna Freud did not succeed in expelling the Kleinians. In the second part of the paper I presented the view of those who made use of Freud’s death instinct theory and those who opposed it. Many analysts preferred to ignore dealing with it rather than state their opposition. My presentation was biased in favor of those who chose to work with the death instinct as a clinical reality,highlighting Ferenczi’s construction. I made the claim, so far as I know never made before, that Freud’s death instinct theory had a traumatic impact on the psychoanalytic movement because it greatly limited the belief in the curative power of our therapeutic work. After his announcement of the dual-instinct theory Freud withdrew his interest in psychoanalysis as a method of cure. By doing so he inflicted a narcissistic wound on psychoanalysis. I believe that the creativity of psychoanalysis will improve if we face this difficult chapter in our history.  相似文献   

The author states that it is Ferenczi ’s writings of 1931 and 1932 that exhibit the most conspicuous departures from Freud ’s ideas and at the same time contain Ferenczi ’s most original contributions. The texts concerned – Confusion of tongues between adults and the child ( Ferenczi, 1932a ), the Clinical Diary ( Dupont, 1985 ), and some of the Notes and fragments ( Ferenczi, 1930–32 ), all of which were published posthumously – present valuable and original theories on trauma which are significant not only in historical terms but also because the ideas concerned are relevant to our conception of clinical psychoanalysis today. The aim of this paper is to give an account of Ferenczi ’s trauma theory as it emerges from his writings of 1931–32 and to specify the points on which he differs from Freud.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Escritos clnicos sobre perversiones y adicciones [Clinical essays on perversions and addictions] Edited by Rodolfo Moguillansky
The present moment in psychotherapy and everyday life by Daniel N. Stern
Sndor Ferenczi: El mejor discpulo de Freud [Sndor Ferenczi: Freud s best disciple] by Antoni Talarn
Blind trust: Large groups and their leaders in times of crisis and terror by Vamik Volkan
Sigmund Freud Max Eitingon, Briefwechsel 1906-1939 [Freud Eitingon correspondence,1906 1939], Vols 1 and 2 Edited by Michael Schrter
The texture of treatment: On the matter of psychoanalytic technique By Herbert J. Schlesinger
Family romance, family secrets: Case notes from an American psychoanalysis,1912 By Elizabeth Lunbeck and Bennett Simon
Hate and love in psychoanalytic institutions. The dilemma of a profession By Jurgen Reeder  相似文献   

The author hypothesizes that the papers Freud wrote in the period 1934‐9 constitute a fi nal turning point in his work resulting from an attempt to work through, by means of self‐analysis, early traumatic elements reactivated by the conditions of his life in the 1930s. The author emphasizes that the ups and downs of Freud's relationship with Sándor Ferenczi and the mourning which followed his death in 1933 played an important role in this traumatic situation. He suggests that through these last works, Freud pursued a posthumous dialogue with Ferenczi. This working through led Freud, in Moses and monotheism, to an ultimate revision of his theory of trauma, a revision which the author examines in full, in the light of the works of the Egyptologist, Jan Assmann. A new analytical paradigm emerges: that of constructions in analysis developed in the article of the same name. The activity of construction appears as an alternative to the mutual analysis proposed by Ferenczi and is closely bound up with the notion of historical truth. In psychoanalysis, it would mean constructing a historical truth whose anchoring in the material truth of the past is essential, though it should not be confused with it.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Le famiglie di Edipo [The families of Oedipus] By Gilda De Simone
Visiones de Espana. Re. exiones de un psicoanalista [Visions of Spain. Reflections of a psychoanalyst] By Cecilio Paniagua
Tra il sapere e la cura. Un itinerario freudiano [Between knowledge and treatment.A Freudian journey] by Francesco Conrotto
Secrets of the soul: A social and cultural history of psychoanalysis By Eli Zaretsky
Lire Freud.Découverte chronologique de l oeuvre de Freud [Reading Freud.A chronological exploration of Freud s writings] by Jean-Michel Quinodoz
The blind man sees: Freud s awakening and other essays By Neville Symington
Curare con la psicoanalisi. Percorsi e strategie [Curing with psychoanalysis. Routes and strategies] by Giuseppe Di Chiara
Ferenczi oggi [Ferenczi today] Edited by Franco Borgogno  相似文献   

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