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Controversy and confusion surround the question of the appropriateness of tests for minority groups. The amount of emotion aroused by this question tends to cloud issues and impede rational thinking. It is believed that the matter should be approached rationally and that examining it relative to empirical, construct, and content validity will be helpful. Conclusions are drawn regarding the fairness of tests for minority groups as a result of examining research evidence and authoritative opinion.  相似文献   

Our previous research using both Japanese Children's Trait and State Worry and Emotionality Scales indicated that there were several issues that needed resolution in a high-stakes testing environment. High-stakes testing environments are those in which there are serious consequences to the individual of how well he or she scores on a particular test. In this study, the high-stakes environment was characterized by higher state worry and emotionality but not higher trait worry and emotionality scores than in the previous study. A clear two-factor solution was found for the state measures but not for the trait measures. Males performed better on the achievement tests than females. The relationship of state anxiety to performance was non-linear. State worry was more highly predictive of poor performance than state emotionality.  相似文献   

Testing animals individually in problem-solving tasks limits distractions of the subjects during the test, so that they can fully concentrate on the problem. However, such individual performance may not indicate the problem-solving capacity that is commonly employed in the wild when individuals are faced with a novel problem in their social groups, where the presence of a conspecific influences an individual’s behaviour. To assess the validity of data gathered from parrots when tested individually, we compared the performance on patterned-string tasks among parrots tested singly and parrots tested in social context. We tested two captive groups of orange-winged amazons (Amazona amazonica) with several patterned-string tasks. Despite the differences in the testing environment (singly vs. social context), parrots from both groups performed similarly. However, we found that the willingness to participate in the tasks was significantly higher for the individuals tested in social context. The study provides further evidence for the crucial influence of social context on individual’s response to a challenging situation such as a problem-solving test.  相似文献   

Binary choice delay discounting tasks require participants to indicate preference between smaller, immediate, and larger, delayed rewards. Previous research indicates that when the delayed reward is shared with others, the delayed outcome is preferred compared with when the outcomes are for the self only, resulting in lower rates of delay discounting. The present series of studies sought to replicate and extend this finding. Study 1 compared delay discounting on a standard task in which both immediate and delayed outcomes are for the self and a group context task where the delayed outcome was shared with one other person. Replicating previous results, group context resulted in lower rates of delay discounting, and this effect was independent of how the shared outcome was presented. Study 2 compared delay discounting on a standard task and a group context task where the immediate outcome was shared. In contrast to Study 1, group context resulted in higher rates of delay discounting, suggesting that preference in intertemporal choice tracks the shared outcome. Moreover, this effect was not independent of how the shared outcome was presented. This is the first study to reveal that group context, when applied to the immediate outcome, can result in higher rates of delay discounting.  相似文献   

Three groups of 12 pigeons each were trained to discriminate between lights of 550 mμ (SD), correlated with 1-min variable-interval reinforcement and 570 mμ (SΔ), correlated with extinction. Group A was tested for wavelength generalization in extinction 1 min after meeting the discrimination criterion; Group B was tested 24 hr later; Group C was tested 24 hr later after a 3-min (reinforced) warm-up with the SD. The post-discrimination gradient of Group B was significantly flatter and showed significantly greater area shift than that of Groups A and C. The gradient of Group C was similar to that of Group A, indicating that the warm-up eliminated the effect of the delay period.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the influence of a stimulus inserted between an action (pressing the space bar of a computer) and an associated delayed outcome (a triangle lighting up on the screen) on ratings of the causal effectiveness of that action. In Experiment 1, subjects rated an action that produced an outcome immediately as more causally effective than an action that produced a delayed outcome. The rating of the causal effectiveness of an action that produced a delayed outcome in which the delay was filled by a stimulus was higher than the rating of actions that produced the outcome after an unsignalled delay. In Experiment 2, the effect of a stimulus presented uncorrelated with the action or the outcome was examined and found not to enhance the rating of causal effectiveness of an action that produced a delayed outcome. In Experiment 3, the degree of correlation between the stimulus and the consequence was examined. Ratings of the causal effectiveness of the action were greater the higher percentage of delay intervals that were signalled.  相似文献   

Testing rodents in their home cages has become increasingly popular. Since human intervention, handling, and transport are minimized, behavior can be recorded undisturbed and continuously. Currently existing home cage systems are too complex if only relatively simple operant-learning tests are to be carried out in rats. For that purpose, a new low-cost computer-controlled operant panel was designed, which can be placed inside the home cage. A pilot study was carried out, using an intolerance-to-delay protocol, classically developed for testing behavioral impulsivity. Male adult rats were tested in their home cages, containing the operant panel provided with nosepoking holes. Nose poking in one hole resulted in the immediate delivery of one food pellet (small-soon, SS), whereas nose poking in the other hole delivered five food pellets after a delay (large-late), which was increased progressively each day (0–150 sec). The two daily sessions, spaced 8 h apart, lasted 1 h each, and the time-out after food delivery was 90 sec. A clear-cut shift toward preference for SS, which is considered a classical index of cognitive impulsivity, was shown at the longest delay. It is noteworthy that rats shifted when the delay interval was longer than the mean intertrial interval—that is, when they experienced more than one delay-equivalent odds against discounting (see Adriani & Laviola, 2006). The shortened training (2 days) and testing (5 days) phases, as allowed by prolonged and multiple daily sessions, can be advantageous in testing rodents during selected short phases of development. Current research is focusing on further validation of this and similar protocols.  相似文献   

Group membership generally entails that individuals are both defined, and define themselves, as members of that group. This study investigated the effect of incompatibility between these definitions on intergroup behaviour. Subjects were allocated to one of two groups of differential status such that the allocation was compatible or incompatible with their self-categorization. The results indicated that the effect of incompatibility depended on the status of the group imposed on the subjects.  相似文献   

A state-of-the-art data analysis procedure is presented to conduct hierarchical Bayesian inference and hypothesis testing on delay discounting data. The delay discounting task is a key experimental paradigm used across a wide range of disciplines from economics, cognitive science, and neuroscience, all of which seek to understand how humans or animals trade off the immediacy verses the magnitude of a reward. Bayesian estimation allows rich inferences to be drawn, along with measures of confidence, based upon limited and noisy behavioural data. Hierarchical modelling allows more precise inferences to be made, thus using sometimes expensive or difficult to obtain data in the most efficient way. The proposed probabilistic generative model describes how participants compare the present subjective value of reward choices on a trial-to-trial basis, estimates participant- and group-level parameters. We infer discount rate as a function of reward size, allowing the magnitude effect to be measured. Demonstrations are provided to show how this analysis approach can aid hypothesis testing. The analysis is demonstrated on data from the popular 27-item monetary choice questionnaire (Kirby, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16(3), 457–462 2009), but will accept data from a range of protocols, including adaptive procedures. The software is made freely available to researchers.  相似文献   

Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to investigate the distinctiveness of hardiness (using the Short Hardiness Scale; Bartone, 1995) from the broader personality traits of negative emotionality and positive emotionality (NEM and PEM; assessed with items from the MMPI-2 PSY-5 scales); in a sample of 981 Army National Guard soldiers. Exploratory factor analyses demonstrated that hardiness items loaded on a separate factor from PEM and NEM items, and confirmatory factor analysis suggested that hardiness is not simply a sub-facet of either PEM or NEM. However, subsequent regression analyses found that hardiness did not predict symptoms of PTSD or depression beyond the effects of PEM and NEM among combat exposed soldiers.  相似文献   

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